205 research outputs found

    A novel concept for the manufacture of individual sapphire-metallic hip joint endoprostheses.

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    At the present time, artificial joints made with metallic, ceramic, metal-polymeric or ceramicpolymeric friction pairs substituting for the natural biomechanic articulations "head of the hip joint-acetabulum" are widely used for endoprosthetic operations on hip joints. Experience gained in the course of more than 2000 operations has shown that along with the advantageous properties of modern endoprosthetic constructions made of metal, ceramics and polymers, they have certain drawbacks. Among them are insufficient biological inertness and susceptibility to excessive wear of the friction pair components. In addition, as a result of wear of the hinge friction pair, toxic and oncologically dangerous products of degradation accumulate in the different organs and tissues. This in turn results in severe complications and demands correspondingly complicated corrective intervention, often leading to worse disability than that which the original operation was designed to cure. The aim of the study reported here was the development and clinical validation of a highly effective and long-lived hip joint endoprosthesis with a sapphire head whose wear capacity is superior to all others. The endoprosthesis consists of a metallic pedicle, a dismountable articulation (metallic necklayer of supramolecular polyethylene-sapphire head) and an acetabular cup. The endoprostheses with the sapphire head proved themselves positively in clinical trials and are considered to be highly promising for future applications


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    The authors have fixed organogenesis and ontogenesis features of 29 Berberis species at culture (Chernivtsi region). Genus Berberis L. of Berberidaceae Juss. family conyains nearly 175 species and has various vital forms such as trees, shrubs and perennial grasses. They are common in Europe, North Africa, North and South America, Middle Asia and Caucasus. The center of its genus area is China-Tibet plant-climate region. There is only one species in Ukraine, Berberis vulgaris L., which grows in Crimean Mountains, the Dnepr and the Dnister valleys. We have discovered the differences in special age periods of development and common ontogenesis durability of this species. We have also distinguished three periods in barbarizes ontogenesis: virgin (from sprout till definitive stage), generative (sexual) and old. Virgin period of B. vulgaris lasts from two to three years of most introduced species. Generative period begins with the first flowering of these plants (B. vulgaris – on the third, introduced species – on the fourth year). Flowering and fruiting intensity depends on the year weather within the limits of 25–30 %. We have analyzed winter resistance and reproductive capabilities of this species. First signs of old could be fixed at 10–12 year of axial shoots; they finished flowering and after 2–4 year died off fully. But in general barbarizes ontogenesis continues for 60–80 years in general. We have distinguished some specific peculiarities of seasonal development depending on geographical origin. The authors have also determined potential possibilities at flowering and fruiting phases of barbarizes in culture, analyzed those nectars and fruiting productions, which would be at household use (beekeeping, foodstuff, treatment). As a result of forged investigations we have defined 3 groups of species, which will be perspective for cultivation in Bukovina climatic conditions. Our recommendations for barbarizes in culture are as follows: these plants are the best for hedges, borders and decorative groups among flowerbeds or lawns, for planting near lakes or glades. They can be used for honeyed, medical and food-producing plantation as well.Визначено особливості органогенезу та онтогенезу 29 видів роду Berberis L. у культурі (Чернівецька обл.), виявлено відмінності у проходженні окремих вікових періодів розвитку та загальну тривалість онтогенезу. На основі фенологічних спостережень виділено специфічні особливості їхнього сезонного розвитку залежно від географічного походження. Вегетаційний період триває з квітня до середини жовтня (190–200 днів), квітування – впродовж травня, достигання плодів – з липня до кінця серпня. Встановлено потенційні можливості культивованих барбарисів у фазах квітування (нектаропродуктивність – до 60–80 кг/га на добу) та плодоношення (з 40–50 до 350–420 плодів/пог.м пагона). Доведено, що високі показники та якість нектару і плодів можна успішно використати в господарських цілях (бджільництво, харчування, лікування тощо): нектаропродуктивність таких культур забезпечить урожай 2,1–2,5 т/га меду з унікальними смаковими та цілющими властивостями, а також до 3,5–4,2 т/га сировини лікарського та харчового призначення. Проаналізовано зимостійкість барбарисів, яка не опускається нижче І-ІІ балів (у B. dasystachhya i B. arthobotrys пагони можуть підмерзати вище від снігового покриву). Вивчено репродуктивну здатність цих видів, які легко розмножуються насінням (краще його висівати восени). За результатами виконаних досліджень виділено 3 групи видів, перспективних для культивування у кліматичних умовах Буковини, та розроблено рекомендації щодо впровадження барбарисів у декоративні посадки


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    Under climate change it is necessary to review existing approaches to irrigation planning based on the criterion of humidity in the active soil layer in the optimal range and to take into account the regularities of energy-mass exchange processes both in soil and in crops for controlling the microclimate. In order to achieve this goal, special integrated research was conducted. Two study polygons with a total area of 1012.5 hectares were arranged in the farm in the Kakhovka district of the Kherson region. Polygon №1 - traditional irrigation planning with soil moisture regulation in the range of 75-80-75% FC and 13 waterings with the rate 200-400 m3/ha. Polygon №2 - intensive irrigation with 36 waterings at a rate of 100-200 m3/ha with soil moisture keeping at the level of 80-90% FC. As a result of research, the following indicators were assessed: weather conditions; microclimatic effect of irrigation; the effect of irrigation on the components of the thermal balance (radiation of the earth's surface, radiation balance of the earth's surface); the dynamics of total evaporation; the dynamics of soil moisture, the state of development of agricultural crops; efficiency of irrigation water use. The following results were obtained: - in conditions of prolonged drought at maximum daily air temperatures of 28-36 ° C, the use of an intensive irrigation management scenario provides a more  favorable microclimatic effect on crops; - under intensive irrigation, the humidity  of the active soil layer decreases and fluctuates in the range of 82-100% FC. The plant roots absorb moisture mainly to a depth up to 50-centimeter soil; - regardless of the irrigation management scenario an increase is observed  in the absorption of solar energy by the earth's surface and vegetation. It can be explained by the decrease of the soil albedo and the increase in the heat capacity of the soil after watering; - as a result of irrigation, additional heat flux reaches the earth's surface in the form of effective atmosphere radiation  - at the first study polygon up to 13%, at the second – up  to 14% of incoming radiation; - frequent irrigation with small watering rates under intensive irrigation management scenarios contributes to increase the productivity of irrigation water, which is due to the creation of optimal conditions for water use and heat resources.У статті наведено результати експериментальних досліджень зміни мікроклімату, розрахунків теплового та радіаційного балансу на зрошуваних полях при  вирощуванні сої пізньостиглої. Для проведення досліджень було облаштовано два експериментальні полігони загальною площею 1012,5 га, на яких встановлено автоматизовані метеостанції та виконували спостереження за станом та розвитком сільськогосподарських культур  на фоні двох сценаріїв планування зрошення – традиційного з регулюванням  вологості ґрунту у діапазоні 75-80-75%НВ та інтенсивного з підтриманням вологості  активного шару ґрунту в діапазоні 80-90%НВ. Встановлено, що інтенсивне зрошення (часті поливи невеликими нормами) сприяє покращенню мікроклімату у посівах  за рахунок більш ефективного поглинання теплової енергії та забезпечує більш високу продуктивність використання зрошувальної води

    Association of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the IL-18 Gene with Production of IL-18 Protein by Mononuclear Cells from Healthy Donors

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    IL-18 has proinflammatory effects and participates in both innate and adaptive cellular and humoral immunity. A number of SNPs that influence IL-18 production are found in the gene promoter region. We investigated the association of SNPs in the IL-18 promoter at −607 and −137 with the level of IL-18 protein production by PBMC from healthy donors from Southwestern Siberia. The genetic distribution of these SNPs in the promoter site was established by PCR. IL-18 protein production was determined by ELISA. Our results showed that PBMC from donors carrying allele 137C have lower levels of both spontaneous and LPS-stimulated IL-18 production. In contrast, PBMC from donors carrying allele 607A showed significant increases in spontaneous and stimulated IL-18 production compared to wild type. Our study suggests that the SNPs −607 and −137 in the promoter region of the IL-18 gene influence the level of IL-18 protein production by PBMC from healthy donors in Southwestern Siberia

    Performing total knee replacement in cases with various degrees of bone loss

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    The paper analyses main factors that effect treatment results of total knee arthroplasties in cases of bone defects, such as a size and types of bone defects, their connection with previous surgeries, existing classification with their benefits and weak points. Authors show various possibilities of surgical treatment of bone defects that can provide better stability for prosthetic devices. The importance of bone grafts is highlighted as their remodeling provides the base for implant stability in late period of outcome

    Polymorphisms in DNA repair genes and breast cancer risk in Russian population: a case–control study

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    © 2014, Springer-Verlag Italia. Genetic variation in DNA repair genes can alter an individual’s capacity to repair damaged DNA and influence the risk of cancer. We tested seven polymorphisms in DNA repair genes XRCC1, ERCC2, XRCC3, XRCC2, EXOI and TP53 for a possible association with breast cancer risk in a sample of 672 case and 672 control Russian women. An association was observed for allele A of the polymorphism XRCC1 (R399Q) rs25487 (co-dominant model AA vs. GG: OR 1.76, P = 0.003; additive model OR 1.28, P = 0.005; dominant model: OR 1.29, P = 0.03; recessive model OR 1.63, P = 0.008). Allele T of the polymorphism ERCC2 (D312N) rs1799793 was also associated with breast cancer risk (co-dominant model TT vs. CC: OR 1.43, P = 0.04; additive model OR 1.21, P = 0.02; dominant model: OR 1.30, P = 0.02), but the association became insignificant after applying Bonferroni correction. No association with breast cancer was found for the remaining SNPs. In summary, our study provides evidence that polymorphisms in DNA repair genes may play a role in susceptibility to breast cancer in the population of ethnical Russians

    TERT polymorphisms rs2853669 and rs7726159 influence on prostate cancer risk in Russian population

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    © 2014, International Society of Oncology and BioMarkers (ISOBM). Telomere length and telomerase activity have been hypothesized to play a role in cancer development. The aim of our study was to investigate the association of allelic variants of three functional polymorphisms rs2853669, rs2736100, and rs7726159 in the telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) gene with the risk of the breast cancer and prostate cancer in Russian population. Six hundred sixty women with breast cancer, 372 men with prostate cancer, and corresponding control groups of 523 women and 363 men were included in the present case–control study. We observed an association of allele rs2853669 C with increased risk of prostate cancer (co-dominant model TC vs. TT OR = 1.65, P = 0.002; additive model OR = 1.42, P = 0.005; dominant model: OR = 1.64, P = 0.001) and allele rs7726159 A with reduced risk of this malignancy (сo-dominant model: AA vs. CC OR = 0.42, P = 0.002; additive model: OR = 0.69, P = 0.002; dominant model: OR = 0.67, P = 0.01; recessive model: OR = 0.48, P = 0.005). None of the studied polymorphisms showed an association with the risk of breast cancer. Our results provide evidence that the TERT gene variability modulate prostate cancer predisposition in ethnical Russians

    Genotoxic agents promote the nuclear accumulation of annexin A2: role of annexin A2 in mitigating DNA damage

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    Annexin A2 is an abundant cellular protein that is mainly localized in the cytoplasm and plasma membrane, however a small population has been found in the nucleus, suggesting a nuclear function for the protein. Annexin A2 possesses a nuclear export sequence (NES) and inhibition of the NES is sufficient to cause nuclear accumulation. Here we show that annexin A2 accumulates in the nucleus in response to genotoxic agents including gamma-radiation, UV radiation, etoposide and chromium VI and that this event is mediated by the nuclear export sequence of annexin A2. Nuclear accumulation of annexin A2 is blocked by the antioxidant agent N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) and stimulated by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), suggesting that this is a reactive oxygen species dependent event. In response to genotoxic agents, cells depleted of annexin A2 show enhanced phospho-histone H2AX and p53 levels, increased numbers of p53-binding protein 1 nuclear foci and increased levels of nuclear 8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanine, suggesting that annexin A2 plays a role in protecting DNA from damage. This is the first report showing the nuclear translocation of annexin A2 in response to genotoxic agents and its role in mitigating DNA damage.Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC); European Union [PCOFUND-GA-2009-246542]; Foundation for Science and Technology of Portugal; Beatrice Hunter Cancer Research Institute; Terry Fox Foundationinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Optimisation of induction conditions for a bacterial strain producing proinsulin aspart

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    Diabetes poses a serious threat to the health of people around the world. Therefore, in 2021, the World Health Organisation launched the Global Diabetes Compact, an initiative aimed at improving the management and prevention of diabetes. The rapid growth in the number of diabetic patients has increased the need for insulin. Rapid-acting human insulin analogues, including insulin aspart, improve the efficacy of insulin therapy. Methods for insulin aspart production include its biosynthesis in the proinsulin form in Escherichia coli. However, the yield of the recombinant protein largely depends on the optimisation of the production process.The aim of the study was to optimise the induction conditions for an E. coli strain expressing recombinant proinsulin aspart through applying the Design of Experiment (DoE) approach to enhance bacterial cell productivity.Materials and methods. The study focused on a strain of E. coli producing proinsulin aspart. The authors planned the experiment using MODDE software and the reduced face-centred central composite design (CCF) enabling the assessment of factor interactions and the creation of design spaces. The authors carried out fermentations of the producing strain in a 5 L Biostat® B bioreactor and measured proinsulin aspart concentrations by capillary gel electrophoresis. The results were analysed using GraphPad Prism 6.Results. Using the DoE approach, the authors optimised the conditions for the growth of the producer strain and the biosynthesis of proinsulin aspart. Based on data from response surface plots for wet biomass concentration, specific productivity, and volumetric productivity, as well as plotted models, the authors established design spaces for the induction of proinsulin aspart expression in E. coli. The plotted models demonstrated high predictive power and high reproducibility of the results. The authors successfully validated the induction process for the synthesis of proinsulin aspart in a bioreactor under optimised conditions. The volumetric productivity of the strain producing proinsulin aspart increased from 3.06±0.16 g/L (conventional conditions) to 4.93±0.80 g/L (optimised conditions).Conclusions. The authors achieved a 60% increase in the volumetric yield of proinsulin aspart. The study results may be used to intensify the industrial production of insulin aspart


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     Relevance of the topic. In recent years, irrigation management practices have faced new challenges related to climate change and the increase in the frequency and intensity of droughts in the southern regions. In addition, the latest technical and technological capabilities have emerged in irrigated agriculture to more effectively manage technological processes. All these processes occurring in real production and in the market of scientific and technical products, have determined the possibility and necessity of studying the influence of natural and agricultural conditions on the processes of energymass transfer in the "soil-plant-atmosphere" environment to improve management methods in modern irrigation conditions. Purpose of research is to investigate the features of formation of crop thermal regime in the conditions of air and soil drought manifestation under irrigation during 2018-2019. Research object. The research was carried out at the production fields of the farm  “Freedom Farm International” in the Kakhovsky district of Kherson region during 2018-2019. Two experimental sites were equipped to carry out experimental studies on the crop rotation of "Gornostayevske -2". Methodology and Research methods. The methodology for the conduct of thermal water balance and phenological observations on the growth and development of crops at the experimental sites was applied. Standard field research techniques were used. Analytical, field, simulation modeling, mathematical statistics, geoinformation technologies (GIS), remote sensing of the Earth (RS) methods were used. Research results. As a result of the research in 2018-2019 a database of farm fields (crops, sowing dates, soil conditions, initial moisture reserves, irrigation machines and their characteristics) was created; phenological observations of plant growth and development were performed, heat and water balance calculations were made. It was established that to ensure optimal conditions for the use of thermal energy in different drought conditions, it is necessary to improve models and algorithms for operational planning of crop irrigation. Thus, to mitigate the influence of atmospheric drought, it is recommended to conduct refreshing irrigation, the timing of which can be determined on the basis of monitoring the temperature of the vegetation surface, using the data from the space images or ground-based observations. In addition, under drought conditions, in the case of applying water-balance methods used in irrigation management, it is necessary to adjust the biological coefficients of water consumption by crops, based on modeling the production process using the WOFOST model and identifying its parameters with the help of space images. The obtained new knowledge is aimed at improving irrigation management methods in modern conditions.Представлено результати експериментальних досліджень, проведених протягом 2018-2019 років на дослідних полях господарства Каховського району Херсонської області з визначення особливостей формування теплового режиму посівів в умовах прояву атмосферної та ґрунтової посух при зрошенні. Обґрунтовано параметри моделей волого-теплопереносу в приземному шарі повітря та в ґрунті, визначено параметри моделі продукційного процесу з метою уточнення розрахунків водоспоживання сільськогосподарських культур та відповідно удосконалення управління поливами для забезпечення більшої продуктивності сільськогосподарських культур. Розрахунки та аналіз енергетичного балансу дослідних полів показав суттєвий вплив посухи на продуктивність використання сонячної енергії. Результатами проведених досліджень у 2018-2019 рр. підтверджено найсильніше цей вплив проявляється при сумісній дії атмосферної та ґрунтової посух. Встановлено, що за таких умов основними факторами, що впливають на процеси  в середовищі «ґрунт-рослина–атмосфера» та уповільнюють продукційний процес рослин є: дефіцит активних вологозапасів у ґрунті при відхиленні термінів поливів більше ніж на три дні від рекомендованих; тривалі періоди з високими денними температурами повітря (більше 30 °С), що збільшують температуру підстилаючої поверхні та відповідно збільшують відношення між непродуктивною частиною теплової енергії, що йде на турбулентний обмін повітря у посівах, та продуктивною її складовою, що йде на випаровування та продукційний процес (число Боуена). Кількісна  характеристика даних впливів залежить від інтенсивності та тривалості атмосферної посухи та якості оперативного управління поливами. Тому для планування поливів в умовах атмосферної посухи важливо зменшити тривалість періодів перевищення максимально допустимих температур підстилаючої поверхні ґрунту, при яких число Боуена коливається в межах 1,2–1,5, за рахунок проведення освіжаючих поливів. Якщо внаслідок різних причин при управлінні поливами все ж таки не вдається повністю уникнути прояву посухи, необхідним є коригування біокліматичних коефіцієнтів сумарного випаровування для врахування редукції випаровування в цих умовах