285 research outputs found

    SCARA Self Posture Recognition Using a Monocular Camera

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    Robotic manipulators rely on feedback obtained from rotary encoders for control purposes. This article introduces a vision-based feedback system that can be used in an agricultural context, where the shapes and sizes of fruits are uncertain. We aim to mimic a human, using vision and touch as manipulator control feedback. This work explores the use of a fish-eye lens camera to track a SCARA manipulator with coloured markers on its joints for the position estimation with the goal to reduce costs and increase reliability. The Kalman Filter and the Particle Filter are compared and evaluated in terms of accuracy and tracking abilities of the marker’s positions. The estimated image coordinates of the markers are converted to world coordinates using planar homography, as the SCARA manipulator has co-planar joints and the coloured markers share the same plane. Three laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate the system’s performance in joint angle estimation of a manipulator. The obtained results are promising, for future cost effective agricultural robotic arms developments. Besides, this work presents solutions and future directions to increase the joint position estimation accuracy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Radial Distribution Network Topology Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms Considering Uncertain Load and Distributed Generation

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    This paper aims to study distribution network topology optimization considering uncertain load and distributed generation. Gradual increase of distributed generation in distribution network leads the network operator companies to concern more about having the best network topology, so their costs can be the lowest. MATLABTM genetic algorithms function is used to model this mathematical problem in its basic definition. A stochastic multi-objective programming algorithm is implemented and a decision maker applied to choose the best solution of non-dominated solutions set found.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    GILT: Translation and Software Localization

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    A localização tem vindo a evoluir ao longo dos tempos de modo a acompanhar um mundo cada vez mais digital e, dessa maneira, este campo tem vindo a consolidar-se de forma silenciosa através do surgimento de novas empresas e de novos postos de trabalho. Enquanto isso, a tradução, por si só, encontra-se mais estabilizada. De qualquer forma estas duas vertentes estão diretamente ligadas já que a localização se baseia na tradução de websites ou de software para diferentes locales. De uma forma geral são áreas distintas, mas ligadas entre si. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar, de forma concreta, e com base em pesquisa bibliográfica e de outras fontes na web, aliada à minha experiência na cadeira de Localização de Software, as diferenças e relações entre a tradução e a localização de software. Para isso, são apresentados alguns dos aspetos mais importantes no âmbito da tradução e da localização, assim como as principais tarefas dos profissionais que as desempenham. Neste artigo são mencionados aspetos que separam estas duas áreas e outros comuns, que fazem com que por vezes se confundam. Por conseguinte, o presente artigo pretende esclarecer o modelo GILT recorrendo à metodologia de síntese da literatura.Software localization has been evolving through the years to keep up with an increasingly digital world and, in this way, this field has been established with the emergence of new companies and jobs. Meanwhile, the translation, by itself, is more established. Still, we can say that these two aspects are directly connected since the software localization is based on the translation of websites or software for new locales. In general, they are different, however, connected areas. The aim of this article is to present, in a concrete way, and based on a bibliographical and other web sources research, coupled with my experience in the Software Localization discipline, the differences between the software localization and translation. For this, some of the most important points of the translation and the localization scope and the main tasks that their professionals undertake are exposed. In this text, the line that separates these two areas, that are, sometimes, confused, is mentioned. Therefore, the present article intends to clarify the GILT model using the literature synthesis methodology.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Which technology to which challenge in democratic governance? An approach using design science research

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    Anastasiadou, M., Santos, V., & Montargil, F. (2021). Which technology to which challenge in democratic governance? An approach using design science research. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 15(4), 512-531. https://doi.org/10.1108/TG-03-2020-0045Purpose: Information systems (IS) play an important role in contemporary society, but critical questions remain on their potential use and impact on democracy. This study aims to contribute to the discussion on which technology can be adequate to which major challenge of democratic governance, through the identification and pairing of challenges of democratic governance with specific information technologies with the potential to be used in applications related to this challenge. This perspective can be considered positioned in the confluence between IS, political science and public administration. Design/methodology/approach: Design science research, a research approach in IS, was used. The suggestion of a conceptual framework with pairs of challenges in democratic governance and information technologies was initially developed. In a subsequent phase, this framework was discussed and assessed through interviews with a panel of selected experts in e-government and IS, reaching a revised conceptual framework. Findings: Results suggest that the conceptual pairing of challenges in democratic governance with IS’s solutions such as artificial intelligence, systems integration or blockchain technologies, for instance, if used in a critical, transparent and accountable way, can play a role in capacitating the delivery of better public services and contribute to encouraging citizen trust and political participation. These results may contribute to open a methodological agenda dedicated to the selection of adequate IS resources to address specific challenges of democratic governance, as well as to help in the development of public policies in the area. Originality/value: Previous studies on digital government offer important insights on the impact of information and communication technologies-enabled public governance tools for government openness, public service efficiency and user-friendliness, and for citizen political participation and societal mobilization. But the literature still lacks a systematic conceptual framework mapping and assessing the role of distinctive IS instruments in democratic challenge-solving and specifying functional relationships between specific technology and democratic outcomes. This paper aims to contribute to filling this analytical gap.authorsversionpublishe

    Tradução assistida por computador: um estudo de caso

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    O acrónico GILT, enquanto modelo integrador de um processo evolutivo constante, vem acompanhando os tempos, neste que é um mundo cada vez mais digital, numa tentativa de facilitar com sucesso o trabalho dos profissionais que conseguem fazer a ponte entre culturas: os tradutores. Numa perspetiva global, a tradução está de mãos dadas com a localização, uma vez que esta última se baseia na tradução de suportes digitais (websites, software, etc) ou outros suportes analógicos (livros e documentos em papel) para diferentes locales, para que, dessa forma, fique assegurada a plena adaptação linguística e cultural do idioma de chegada. São, portanto, áreas distintas, mas ligadas entre si. O objetivo desta investigação foi apresentar a relação entre o modelo GILT e a produtividade e eficácia no complexo processo tradutivo. Metodologicamente, este trabalho baseou-se na pesquisa bibliográfica efetuada de acordo com as fontes e publicações relevantes da área da tradução e localização de software e páginas web e consubstanciou-se no correspondente estudo de caso no âmbito da utilização do software TRADOS e PASSOLO por parte dos alunos do 2º ano do Mestrado de Tradução do IPB, no ano letivo 2016/2017. Os resultados mostraram que estas tecnologias localização são deveras cruciais para o atual trabalho do tradutor e localizador ou de uma equipa de tradução. Podemos assim afirmar que esta investigação cumpre a sua premissa de expor as vantagens da aplicação deste modelo, aliado às ferramentas referidas, para que seja assegurada toda a eficácia da tradução e localização de suportes informacionais diversos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cinemática tri-dimensional do tronco durante uma tarefa de lifting: estudo da fiabilidade teste-reteste e diferença mínima detetável em indivíduos saudáveis

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    Relatório do Projeto de Investigação apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Fisioterapia, área de especialização em Fisioterapia em Condições Músculo-EsqueléticasINTRODUÇÃO: A dor lombar (DL) é uma das condições músculo-esqueléticas que provoca um maior índice de incapacidade entre os indivíduos. Devido à relação estabelecida entre o movimento, dor e incapacidade, avaliação do movimento lumbo-pélvico é extremamente importante durante o exame de um paciente com DL. Assim, o estudo de padrões de movimentos de indivíduos saudáveis é importante para criar uma base empírica para a diferenciação entre o movimento normal e patológico. Embora exista conhecimento sobre os padrões lumbo-pélvicos em indivíduos saudáveis durante diferentes atividades diárias, falta informação sobre as propriedades psicométricas dos instrumentos de medição usados na sua avaliação. Assim, este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a fiabilidade teste-reteste, o erro padrão de medida (EPM) e a diferença mínima detetável (DMD) da análise cinemática 3D do tronco e membro inferior durante uma tarefa de lifting, em indivíduos assintomáticos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a fiabilidade teste-reteste, o EPM e a DMD da análise cinemática 3D do tronco e membro inferior durante uma tarefa de lifting, em indivíduos assintomáticos. METODOLOGIA: O presente estudo utilizou uma amostra de 14 indivíduos assintomáticos, em que cada um participou em dois momentos de avaliação, separados por uma média de 7 dias. Esta avaliação consistiu na recolha e análise da cinemática 3D do tronco e membro inferior durante uma tarefa de lifting. Para aferir acerca da fiabilidade e da concordância, foram calculados os valores de coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI), assim como os valores de EPM, DMD e os limites de concordância (LDC). RESULTADOS: Foram obtidos valores elevados de fiabilidade teste-reteste (CCI >0.80) assim como valores de EPM baixos (0.80) as well as low SEM values (<4°) were obtained for the most of the peak joint angles. Regarding the SEM%, the values ranged from 1.7 to 619% for the maximum and minimum joint angles, and from 6.9 to 37.8% for range of motion (ROM) on different movement planes. Finally, absolute MDC for maximum and minimum joint angles ranged from 2.2 to 23°, and MDC% ranged from 4.7 to 1715.7%. The absolute MDC for range of motion on different planes ranged from 1.5 to 19.7°, and the MDC% ranged from 419 e 104.7%. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The results of this study show high test-retest reliability and low measurement error for trunk and the lower limb joint angles, particularly regarding ROM parameters. High values for SEM% and MDC% were also found, especially in the horizontal plane parameters. Despite this, the obtained results seem to support the use of 3D analysis of the trunk and lower limb during lifting task, particularly in research contexts

    The mediation role of perceived benefits and barriers in the relationship between support provided by significant others and physical activity of adolescents

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    We investigated whether the relationship between significant others’ social support and adolescents’ physical activity (PA) is mediated by perceived barriers and benefits of PA. In this cross-sectional study, we analyzed data from 497 adolescents (girls = 272, boys = 225) aged between 12-18 years (M= 15.87, SD = 1.43) from six different middle and secondary schools. We collected data regarding social cognitive variables and PA with self-report measures and calculated the metabolic equivalent of total amount PA. We performed structural equation modeling and mediation analyses and found our proposed models fit the data. In girls, perceived PA benefits mediated the association between support provided by friends (β = .13; IC 95% = .02 .29), a best friend (β = .14; IC 95% = .03, .33), and parents (β = .07; IC 95% = .01, .18), and PA. Similarly in boys, perceived PA benefits partially mediated the association between support provided by parents (β = .09; IC 95% = .04, .37), friends (β = .11; IC 95% = .05, .40), and a best friend (β = .10; IC 95% = .05, .40) and PA. Perceived barriers to PA did not display any significant mediation role for either sex. Interventions to foster others’ support for PA, especially from a best friend, are important for promoting PA among adolescentsThe author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work was supported by the National Funding through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under the project UID/04045/2020 and under the project UID/04748/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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