28 research outputs found

    Functional and dysfunctional impulsivity mediates the relationships between ‘Dark Triad’ traits and cyberbullying perpetration

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    Background: Cyberbullying perpetration and victimisation have been associated with psychological distress, including depression and suicidal ideation. Prior studies have shown that the ‘Dark Triad’ personality traits (narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy) are associated with greater likelihood of perpetration, yet there is a research gap regarding potential mediators of this relationship. Aims: To test whether functional and dysfunctional impulsivity act as mediators between Dark Triad traits and cyberbullying perpetration. Methods: A cross-sectional online study was conducted, in which a sample of 141 university students (63% male) from Malaysia were recruited by online and local poster advertising inviting them to complete a questionnaire containing a series of psychometric scales, including measures of ‘Dark Triad’ personality traits, impulsivity and cyberbullying perpetration. Results: A relationship between cyberbullying perpetration and higher psychopathy scale scores was mediated by dysfunctional, but not functional, impulsivity. The relationship between cyberbullying and narcissism scores was not mediated by impulsivity. Higher Machiavellianism scores were similarly associated with cyberbullying, but there was no correlation at all between Machiavellianism and impulsivity scores. Conclusion: Our findings add to the literature by showing that not only Dark Triad scale scores are associated with cyberbullying, but that difficulty in refraining from or controlling impulsive behaviours (dysfunctional impulsivity) may be a key component in this relationship. Given that our sample was of generally well-functioning people, our findings may not extend to those with serious cyberbullying problems. Yet, they provide avenues for identifying people at risk of such behaviours before problems become well-established and call for more nuanced approaches towards understanding and intervening with problematic cyberbullying

    The experimental analysis of problematic video gaming and cognitive skills: a systematic review

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    There is now a growing literature demonstrating the excessive gaming can have negative detrimental effects on a small minority of gamers. This has led to much debate in the psychological literature on both the positive and negative effects of gaming. One specific area that has been investigated is the effect of gaming on different types of cognitive skills. The present study carried a systematic review examining the studies that have examined the impact of problematic gaming on cognitive skills. Following a number of inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of 18 studies were identified that had investigated three specific cognitive skills: (i) multi-second time perception (4 studies), inhibition (7 studies), and decision-making (7 studies). Based on the studies reviewed, the findings demonstrate that the pathological and/or excessive use of videogames leads to more negative consequences on cognitive processes. Contexte et objectifs: Jouer aux jeux vidĂ©o est devenu l’une des activitĂ©s mondiales majeures avec des millions de personnes y jouant tous les jours. Suivant ce succĂšs, les jeux vidĂ©o ont grandement Ă©voluĂ©, multipliant les genres (p.ex., MMORPG, MOBA, FPS); certains de ces jeux demandant un grand investissement de la part des joueurs. Cet investissement peut devenir excessif, voire pathologique, et de nombreuses Ă©tudes ont explorĂ© ce risque, menant Ă  l’inclusion de l’« Usage pathologique des jeux sur Internet » dans l’appendice du DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Cependant, malgrĂ© les risques sous-jacents d’une addiction (p.e.x., pertes de relations, difficultĂ©s scolaires), il a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ© que le jeu vidĂ©o pouvait significativement amĂ©liorer les performances des joueurs (p.ex., performances sur un simulateur de chirurgie, Fanning, Fenton, Johnson, Johnson, & Rehman, 2011; meilleure recherche visuelle, Sims & Mayer, 2002). De plus, il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ© que le fait de jouer Ă  ces jeux pouvait impacter les capacitĂ©s cognitives des joueurs (p.ex., Durlach, Kring, & Bowens, 2009). Une revue systĂ©matique sur l’impact d’une utilisation pathologique/excessive sur ces capacitĂ©s a donc Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e. MĂ©thode: La recherche d’articles a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e sur quatre bases de donnĂ©es (p.ex., Google Scholar, PubMed, Science Direct, PsychINFO). Afin d’ĂȘtre inclus dans cette revue, les articles revus par les pairs devaient: (i) dater d’au moins 2000 (les jeux vidĂ©o ayant grandement Ă©voluĂ© depuis), (ii) inclure au moins une Ă©tude expĂ©rimentale sur les processus cognitifs des joueurs, (iii) inclure des joueurs excessifs/pathologiques, (iv) ĂȘtre publiĂ©s en anglais, et (v) Ne pas avoir Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s dans une revue de littĂ©rature auparavant (p.ex., Ă©tudes en fMRI). AprĂšs sĂ©lection des articles et tri des doublons, la recherche a menĂ© Ă  18 rĂ©sultats dans 3 sections diffĂ©rentes (c.-Ă -d., Perception du temps supĂ©rieur Ă  la seconde, Inhibition, et Prise de dĂ©cision). RĂ©sultats: Les expĂ©riences sur la perception du temps montrent des rĂ©sultats hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes, certaines Ă©tudes ne montrant aucun rĂ©sultat (p.ex.., Rivero, Covre, Reyes, & Bueno, 2012), d’autres des rĂ©sultats partiels (Rau, Peng, & Yang, 2006), voire des rĂ©sultats significatifs (Tobin & Grondin, 2009). Cependant, les Ă©tudes dĂ©montrant des rĂ©sultats (potentiellement) significatifs incluaient des utilisateurs pathologiques, contrairement aux Ă©tudes sans rĂ©sultats significatifs. Cette diffĂ©rence de population pouvant potentiellement expliquer cette diffĂ©rence. Les Ă©tudes sur l’inhibition montrent le mĂȘme type de rĂ©sultats hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes, cependant, une fois ces Ă©tudes classĂ©es par type d’inhibition, il apparaĂźtrait que les joueurs montrent une inhibition de la rĂ©ponse prĂ©potente rĂ©duite (p.ex., au travers de tĂąches Go/Nogo, Littel et al., 2012), celle-ci Ă©tant aggravĂ©e lorsque des stimuli liĂ©s aux jeux Ă©taient inclus dans la tĂąche (p.ex., Liu et al., 2014). Cependant, la seule Ă©tude ayant explorĂ© l’annulation d’une rĂ©ponse prĂ©potente n’a pas dĂ©montrĂ© d’inhibition rĂ©duite, les joueurs de jeux-vidĂ©os d’action prĂ©sentant des temps de rĂ©actions rĂ©duits (Colzato, van den Wildenberg, Zmigrod, & Hommel, 2013). Finalement, Les Ă©tudes sur la prise de dĂ©cision montrent des rĂ©sultats similaires au travers des Ă©tudes, c’est-Ă -dire des lacunes Ă  prendre des dĂ©cisions dans des contextes de risque (p.ex., Pawlikowski & Brand, 2011), une prise de dĂ©cision intacte dans les tĂąches Ă  contextes ambigus (p.ex., Nuyens et al., 2016), et une tendance Ă  prĂ©fĂ©rer une rĂ©compense moindre immĂ©diate Ă  une rĂ©compense plus importante aprĂšs un dĂ©lai variable (Weinstein, Abu, Timor, & Mama, 2016). Discussion: MalgrĂ© les divers rĂ©sultats contraires, et le peu d’étude sur certains processus, il est clair qu’une utilisation pathologique des jeux vidĂ©o peut mener Ă  des difficultĂ©s cognitives. Cependant, sachant que les Ă©tudes sur les performances susmentionnĂ©es ne recrutaient que des participants sains, il est supposable qu’une utilisation normale mĂšnerait Ă  des performances amĂ©liorĂ©es, sans aucune contrepartie nĂ©gative. Plus d’études seraient donc nĂ©cessaires afin de dĂ©terminer l’impact diffĂ©rent des jeux vidĂ©o sur les processus cognitifs en fonction du degrĂ© et type d’utilisation de ceux-ci (c.-Ă -d., utilisation occasionnelle, frĂ©quente, ou pathologique)

    The empirical analysis of non-problematic video gaming and cognitive skills: a systematic review

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    Videogames have become one of the most popular leisure activities worldwide, including multiple game genres with different characteristics and levels of involvement required. Although a small minority of excessive players suffer detrimental consequences including impairment of several cognitive skills (e.g., inhibition, decision-making), it has also been demonstrated that playing videogames can improve different cognitive skills. Therefore, the current paper systematically reviewed the empirical studies experimentally investigating the positive impact of videogames on cognitive skills. Following a number of inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of 32 papers were identified as empirically investigating three specific skills: taskswitching (eight studies), attentional control (22 studies), and sub-second time perception (two studies). Results demonstrated that compared to control groups, non-problematic use of videogames can lead to improved task-switching, more effective top-down attentional control and processing speed and increased sub-second time perception. Two studies highlighted the impact of gaming on cognitive skills differs depends upon game genre. The studies reviewed suggest that videogame play can have a positive impact on cognitive processes for players

    Marizomib for patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma: a randomized phase 3 trial

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    Background: Standard treatment for patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma includes surgery, radiotherapy (RT) and temozolomide (TMZ) chemotherapy (TMZ/RT→TMZ). The proteasome has long been considered a promising therapeutic target because of its role as a central biological hub in tumor cells. Marizomib is a novel pan-proteasome inhibitor that crosses the blood brain barrier. Methods: EORTC 1709/CCTG CE.8 was a multicenter, randomized, controlled, open label phase 3 superiority trial. Key eligibility criteria included newly diagnosed glioblastoma, age > 18 years and Karnofsky performance status > 70. Patients were randomized in a 1:1 ratio. The primary objective was to compare overall survival (OS) in patients receiving marizomib in addition to TMZ/RT→TMZ with patients receiving only standard treatment in the whole population, and in the subgroup of patients with MGMT promoter-unmethylated tumors. Results: The trial was opened at 82 institutions in Europe, Canada and the US. A total of 749 patients (99.9% of planned 750) were randomized. OS was not different between the standard and the marizomib arm (median 17 vs 16.5 months; HR=1.04; p=0.64). PFS was not statistically different either (median 6.0 vs. 6.3 months; HR=0.97; p=0.67). In patients with MGMT promoter-unmethylated tumors, OS was also not different between standard therapy and marizomib (median 14.5 vs 15.1 months, HR=1.13; p=0.27). More CTCAE grade 3/4 treatment-emergent adverse events were observed in the marizomib arm than in the standard arm. Conclusions: Adding marizomib to standard temozolomide-based radiochemotherapy resulted in more toxicity, but did not improve OS or PFS in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma

    INTELLANCE 2/EORTC 1410 randomized phase II study of Depatux-M alone and with temozolomide vs temozolomide or lomustine in recurrent EGFR amplified glioblastoma

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    BACKGROUND: Depatuxizumab mafodotin (Depatux-M) is a tumor-specific antibody-drug conjugate consisting of an antibody (ABT-806) directed against activated epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and the toxin monomethylauristatin-F. We investigated Depatux-M in combination with temozolomide or as a single agent in a randomized controlled phase II trial in recurrent EGFR amplified glioblastoma. METHODS: Eligible were patients with centrally confirmed EGFR amplified glioblastoma at first recurrence after chemo-irradiation with temozolomide. Patients were randomized to either Depatux-M 1.25 mg/kg every 2 weeks intravenously, or this treatment combined with temozolomide 150-200 mg/m2 day 1-5 every 4 weeks, or either lomustine or temozolomide. The primary endpoint of the study was overall survival. RESULTS: Two hundred sixty patients were randomized. In the primary efficacy analysis with 199 events (median follow-up 15.0 mo), the hazard ratio (HR) for the combination arm compared with the control arm was 0.71 (95% CI = 0.50, 1.02; P = 0.062). The efficacy of Depatux-M monotherapy was comparable to that of the control arm (HR = 1.04, 95% CI = 0.73, 1.48; P = 0.83). The most frequent toxicity in Depatux-M treated patients was a reversible corneal epitheliopathy, occurring as grades 3-4 adverse events in 25-30% of patients. In the long-term follow-up analysis with median follow-up of 28.7 months, the HR for the comparison of the combination arm versus the control arm was 0.66 (95% CI = 0.48, 0.93). CONCLUSION: This trial suggests a possible role for the use of Depatux-M in combination with temozolomide in EGFR amplified recurrent glioblastoma, especially in patients relapsing well after the end of first-line adjuvant temozolomide treatment. (NCT02343406)

    The potential interaction between time perception and gaming: a narrative review

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    Compromised time control is a variable of interest among disordered gamers because time spent on videogames can directly affect individuals’ lives. Although time perception appears to be closely associated with this phenomenon, previous studies have not systematically found a relationship between time perception and gaming. Therefore, the purpose of this narrative review is to explore how gaming disorder may be associated with time perception. It has been found that gamers exhibit a stronger attentional focus as well as an improved working memory compared with non-gamers. However, gamers (and especially disordered gamers) exhibit a stronger reaction to gaming cues which—coupled with an altered emotion regulation observed among disordered gamers—could directly affect their time perception. Finally, “'flow states”' direct most of the attentional resources to the ongoing activity, leading to a lack of resources allocated to the time perception. Therefore, entering a flow state will result in an altered time perception, most likely an underestimation of duration. The paper concludes that the time loss effect observed among disordered gamers can be explained via enhanced emotional reactivity (facilitated by impaired emotion regulation)

    Capacité à différer une récompense et prise de décision dans le jeu en ligne problématique: le cas des joueurs de MOBA

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    Le monde de la recherche en psychologie montre un intĂ©rĂȘt grandissant envers les jeux vidĂ©o et Internet depuis les annĂ©es 1990, s’intĂ©ressant principalement Ă  l’utilisation problĂ©matique de ceux-ci. Ces Ă©tudes avaient trois buts principaux : montrer les effets dĂ©lĂ©tĂšres des jeux vidĂ©o, Ă©tablir des taux de prĂ©valence, et Ă©tudier les prĂ©dicteurs de l’utilisation problĂ©matique. Ces Ă©tudes ont mis en avant que l’utilisation problĂ©matique Ă©tait en lien avec l’impulsivitĂ© et ses mĂ©canismes sous-jacents : la prise de dĂ©cision et l’inhibition. Ce mĂ©moire prĂ©sentait un double objectif, valider une tĂąche de prise de dĂ©cision impulsive (SKIP) et rĂ©pliquer certains rĂ©sultats obtenus dans la littĂ©rature. L’impulsivitĂ©, la prise de dĂ©cision, et les motivations ayant Ă©tĂ© mise en lien avec l’utilisation problĂ©matique des MMORPG, ce mĂ©moire avait pour but de retrouver des liens semblables auprĂšs de joueurs de MOBA.Master [120] en sciences psychologiques, UniversitĂ© catholique de Louvain, 201

    Filip Nuyens' Quick Files

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    The Quick Files feature was discontinued and it’s files were migrated into this Project on March 11, 2022. The file URL’s will still resolve properly, and the Quick Files logs are available in the Project’s Recent Activity

    Exploration de facteurs cognitifs et thymiques en lien avec les symptĂŽmes psychotiques : Analyses en clusters.

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    Introduction Il est maintenant reconnu qu’il existe diffĂ©rentes trajectoires possibles au dĂ©veloppement et au maintien des symptĂŽmes psychotiques tels que les hallucinations et les idĂ©es dĂ©lirantes. Ces phĂ©nomĂšnes sont Ă©galement en lien avec diffĂ©rents mĂ©canismes cognitifs (e.g. style d’encodage, impulsivitĂ©) et facteurs thymiques (e.g. anxiĂ©tĂ©, dĂ©pression). Cependant, le poids de ces facteurs peut certainement varier en fonction des diffĂ©rentes trajectoires. Objectifs L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est d’explorer l’impact de diffĂ©rents facteurs cognitifs et thymiques sur les symptĂŽmes psychotiques dans un large Ă©chantillon issu de la population normale afin d’essayer d’en faire ressortir des profils diffĂ©rents avec l’aide d’analyses en clusters. Les mesures suivantes ont Ă©tĂ© incluses : Launay-Slade Hallucinations Scale, Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire-Brief, Peters et al. Delusions Inventory, UPPS Impulsive Behavior Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (trait)