15 research outputs found

    Relationship of C-reactive protein and copper concentration as a laboratory markers of inflammation to the clinical and prognostic indicators in patients with chronic heart failure of ischemic etiology

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    In patients with chronic heart failure of ischemic etiology and systolic left ventricular dysfunction was evaluated significance of determination of concentrations of acute phase proteins and serum concentrations of copper. Showed statistically significant correlation between the concentration of C-reactive protein and parameters of cardiac function. Our work found a significant inverse relationship between CRP concentration and left ventricular ejection fraction and a significant positive correlation of CRP concentration on the degree of diastolic left ventricular dysfunction. It was also found statistically significant correlation between the concentration of acute phase proteins C-reactive protein, fibrinogen and serum concentrations of copper. It was also further demonstrated the relationship of serum concentrations of copper to the degree of cardiac insufficiency and significant correlation between serum copper concentration to the resting heart rate

    Relationship of C-reactive protein and copper concentration as a laboratory markers of inflammation to the clinical and prognostic indicators in patients with chronic heart failure of ischemic etiology

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    In patients with chronic heart failure of ischemic etiology and systolic left ventricular dysfunction was evaluated significance of determination of concentrations of acute phase proteins and serum concentrations of copper. Showed statistically significant correlation between the concentration of C-reactive protein and parameters of cardiac function. Our work found a significant inverse relationship between CRP concentration and left ventricular ejection fraction and a significant positive correlation of CRP concentration on the degree of diastolic left ventricular dysfunction. It was also found statistically significant correlation between the concentration of acute phase proteins C-reactive protein, fibrinogen and serum concentrations of copper. It was also further demonstrated the relationship of serum concentrations of copper to the degree of cardiac insufficiency and significant correlation between serum copper concentration to the resting heart rate

    Economics of Beauty in Sport - How "David Beckham's Effect" Influences Labor Market of Professional Players

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    Cílem práce je analyzovat vliv vizuální krásy sportovců na jejich hodnotu na přestupových trzích. Data-set je rozdělen na fotbalové a hokejové hráče, přičemž předpokládám, že vliv krásy se silněji projeví ve fotbale než v hokeji. Jako endogenní proměnnou používám přestupové poplatky pocházející z nejvyšší anglické fotbalové ligy (EPL) a americké národní hokejové ligy (NHL) z období 2013 - 2014. Mezi kontrolní proměnné jsou zahrnuty individuální statistiky hráčů (např. počet vstřelených branek, asistencí, odehrané zápasy za minulý ročník soutěže) a proměnné charakterizující nakupující klub. Data zaznamenávající fyzickou atraktivitu sportovce, byla získána vlastním šetřením. Výsledky potvrzují hypotézu, že krása u hráčů fotbalu zvyšuje jejich hodnotu více, než je tomu u hráčů ledního hokeje. Fyzická atraktivita je z těchto dvou případů produktivní pouze u fotbalistů a má za následek zvýšení mezního výnosu z výrobního faktoru, který na trhu práce determinuje jejich hodnotu. V ledním hokeji výsledné hodnoty regrese nenaznačují, že krása implikuje navýšení produktivnosti a hodnoty hráčů. Ukazuje se, že "efekt Davida Beckhama" (efekt superhvězd) je částečně vysvětlen fyzickou atraktivitou hráče, ale jen v těch sportech, kde je krása považována za produktivní (např. zkoumaný fotbal.This paper analyzes the effect of beauty on transfer prices of professional sportsmen. My main hypothesis assumes that the strength of the impact of beauty will be greater in football than in ice hockey. Results are obtained by regression analysis using the ordinary least squares method, which was applied to two econometric models. The first model is designed for football and the second for ice hockey. As endogenous variables are used transfer information about transfer prices in English football league (EPL) and American National Hockey League (NHL) in period 2013 -- 2014. Among the control variables are included individual player statistics (eg. number of goals scored, assists, played matches in last year's competition) and a variables characterizing the buying club. Data recording the physical attractiveness of the athletes are obtained by my own investigation. The results confirm the hypothesis that the football player's beauty increases their value more than ice hockey player's does theirs. Physical attractiveness is from these two cases productive only in football and has resulted in an increase in the marginal yield of a factor of production. In ice hockey final regression values do not indicate that the beauty implies an increase productiveness and value players. It turns out that "David Beckham effect" (the effect of superstars) is partly explained by the physical attractiveness of the players, but only in those sports where beauty is considered productive

    Permanent Income Hypothesis: Case of the Czech Republic

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    Práce testuje hypotézu permanentního důchodu za použití zobecněného modelu, ve kterém se objevují dvě skupiny spotřebitelských jednotek. První skupina je reprezentována spotřebiteli, kteří odvozují své spotřební výdaje od současného disponibilního důchodu. Podíl této skupiny v celé populaci je označen jako λ. Druhou skupinou jsou spotřebitelé chovající se v souladu s hypotézou permanentního důchodu. Jejich zastoupení v populaci je vyjádřeno jako reziduum (1 – λ). Testování hypotézy bylo provedeno skrze odhadnutí koeficientu λ a jeho následné ekonometrické vyhodnocení. K odhadům byl použit přístup instrumentálních proměnných aplikovaný spolu s dvoustupňovou metodou nejmenších čtverců. Data-set tvoří čtvrtletní časové řady pro Českou republiku pro období 1996 – 2017. Spotřebu reprezentují data o výdajích na zboží krátkodobé spotřeby a HDP byla použita jako proxy proměnná disponibilního důchodu. Při použití dat o výdajích na zboží krátkodobé spotřeby jako endogenní proměnné nebyla hypotéza permanentního důchodu zamítnuta. Striktní verze hypotézy byla zamítnuta v případě použití dat o výdajích na zboží krátkodobé spotřeby spolu s výdaji na služby.This thesis tests the permanent income hypothesis using a generalized model. In this model, consumer units are divided into two groups. The first group is representative of consumers whose consumption expenditure is determined by their current disposable income. A fraction of this group from the entire population is designated as λ. The second group is made up of consumers who behave in accordance with the permanent income hypothesis. A fraction of the second group is represented as the remainder of population (1 – λ). Testing of the hypothesis was done by estimation of the coefficient λ and its econometric evaluation. An instrumental variable approach together with a two-stage least-squares regression analysis was used as an estimation method. The data set consists of quarterly time series from The Czech Republic covering the years 1996 – 2017. Consumption is measured as expenditures on goods for short-term consumption and GDP was used as a proxy variable of disposable income. Using the data about expenditures on goods for short-term consumption as an endogenous variable, the permanent income hypothesis was not rejected. Strict version of the hypothesis was rejected when data on expenditures on short-term consumption goods and services were used

    Vield curve construction using government bonds in the Czech republic

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    The paper deals with yield curve construction methods using coupon bonds in Czech bond market. Generally, there are more possibilities how to approach this problem: bootstraping, splines, parametric functions. Due to the lack of tradable public bonds and due to the fact that existing bonds do not pay coupons at the same date of the year, traditional bootstraping method could not be applied under Czech market conditions. It seemed appropriate to use parametrical solutions to the yield curve issue and minimise the sum of squares of differences between market and theoretical prices. There were presented three function types which arrived to similar results in the paper. The authors also used Svensson parametric function to demonstrate the possible use of parametric yield curve construction. It was shown that, after duration adjustment, it can indicate shift in market expectations regarding future short term interest rate moves, and thus regarding future monetary policy, pretty well.term structure of interest rates, Czech Republic, yield curve, government bonds, estimation of parametric functions, market expectations

    Bimodal Microstructure in an AlZrTi Alloy Prepared by Mechanical Milling and Spark Plasma Sintering

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    The aim of this study was to prepare a low porosity bulk sample with a fine-grained structure from an AlZrTi alloy. Nanostructured powder particles were prepared by mechanical milling of gas atomized powder. The mechanically milled powder was consolidated using spark plasma sintering technology at 475 °C for 6 min using a pressure of 100 MPa. Sintering led to a low porosity sintered sample with a bimodal microstructure. The sintered sample was revealed to be composed of non-recrystallized grains with an approximate size of about 100 nm encompassed by distinct clusters of coarser, micrometer-sized grains. Whereas the larger grains were found to be lean on second phase particles, a high density of second phase particles was found in the areas of fine grains. The microhardness of the milled powder particles was established to be 163 ± 15 HV0.01, which decreased to a slightly lower value of 137 ± 25 HV0.01 after sintering

    The Influence of Milling and Spark Plasma Sintering on the Microstructure and Properties of the Al7075 Alloy

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    The compact samples of an Al7075 alloy were prepared by a combination of gas atomization, high energy milling, and spark plasma sintering. The predominantly cellular morphology observed in gas atomized powder particles was completely changed by mechanical milling. The continuous-like intermetallic phases present along intercellular boundaries were destroyed; nevertheless, a small amount of Mg(Zn,Cu,Al)2 phase was observed also in the milled powder. Milling resulted in a severe plastic deformation of the material and led to a reduction of grain size from several µm into the nanocrystalline region. The combination of these microstructural characteristics resulted in abnormally high microhardness values exceeding 300 HV. Consolidation through spark plasma sintering (SPS) resulted in bulk samples with negligible porosity. The heat exposition during SPS led to precipitation of intermetallic phases from the non-equilibrium microstructure of both gas atomized and milled powders. SPS of the milled powder resulted in a recrystallization of the severely deformed structure. An ultra-fine grained structure (grain size close to 500 nm) with grains divided primarily by high-angle boundaries was formed. A simultaneous release of stored deformation energy and an increase in the grain size caused a drop of microhardness to values close to 150 HV. This value was retained even after annealing at 425 °C

    Nanocrystalline Al7075 + 1 wt % Zr Alloy Prepared Using Mechanical Milling and Spark Plasma Sintering

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    The microstructure, phase composition, and microhardness of both gas-atomized and mechanically milled powders of the Al7075 + 1 wt % Zr alloy were investigated. The gas-atomized powder exhibited a cellular microstructure (grain size of a few µm) with layers of intermetallic phases along the cell boundaries. Mechanical milling (400 revolutions per minute (RPM)/8 h) resulted in a grain size reduction to the nanocrystalline range (20 to 100 nm) along with the dissolution of the intermetallic phases. Milling led to an increase in the powder’s microhardness from 97 to 343 HV. Compacts prepared by spark plasma sintering (SPS) exhibited negligible porosity. The grain size of the originally gas-atomized material was retained, but the continuous layers of intermetallic phases were replaced by individual particles. Recrystallization led to a grain size increase to 365 nm in the SPS compact prepared from the originally milled powder. Small precipitates of the Al3Zr phase were observed in the SPS compacts, and they are believed to be responsible for the retainment of the sub-microcrystalline microstructure during SPS. A more intensive precipitation in this SPS compact can be attributed to a faster diffusion due to a high density of dislocations and grain boundaries in the milled powder