130 research outputs found

    O myśleniu życzeniowym w badaniach historycznych… Replika na recenzję Pytania, które nie zostały zadane…

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    This text is a reply to a review of the source volume “Dialog należy kontynuować…” Rozmowy operacyjne Służby Bezpieczeństwa z ks. Henrykiem Gulbinowiczem z lat 1969–1985. Studium przypadku, selected, prefaced and edited by Rafał Łatka and Filip Musiał (Warsaw–Cracow, 2020), which is actually introduction to the volume by Wojciech Polak and Włodzimierz Suleja. The authors of this text contest the theses of the reviews which challenge Father Gulbinowicz’s 16-year-long operational dialog with the Security Service (Służba Bezpieczenstwa, SB). They reinforce the contested Polak’s and Suleja’s claims from “Dialog należy kontynuować…”, on previously unused source materials, indicating that the image of the relentless hierarch that had functioned for years in the public sphere needs to be corrected.Tekst stanowi odpowiedź na recenzję tomu źródłowego „Dialog należy kontynuować…” Rozmowy operacyjne Służby Bezpieczeństwa z ks. Henrykiem Gulbinowiczem z lat 1969–1985. Studium przypadku, wybór, wstęp, oprac. Rafał Łatka, Filip Musiał, Warszawa– Kraków 2020, a właściwie wprowadzenia do niego, przygotowaną przez Wojciecha Polaka i Włodzimierza Suleję. Autorzy tekstu podważają tezy recenzji, bagatelizujące trwający 16 lat dialog operacyjny ks. Gulbinowicza z SB. Wzmacniają kwestionowane przez Polaka i Suleję tezy z książki „Dialog należy kontynuować…”, w oparciu o niewykorzystane wcześniej materiały źródłowe, wskazując, że obraz niezłomnego hierarchy, który funkcjonował przez lata w sferze publicznej, wymaga skorygowania

    Knowledge on neoplastic diseases among young rural inhabitants

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    Objective The objective of the study was to analyze the level of knowledge on tumours and their prevention among rural inhabitants. Material and Methods The research involved 500 residents of villages in Podkarpackie Province in south-east Poland. The age of the researched ranges from 18–30 years; mean age – 26.96±0.84 (range [18, 30], median 25.95%CI [18, 9, 29, 01]). The researched group was represented in 47.59% by women in 52.41% by men. In order to obtain the research material, a standardized questionnaire was applied which included questions focused mainly on assessment of the level of knowledge on tumours (causes, symptoms, ways of treatment, prevention), as well as questions with both spontaneous and prompted answers. Results 34.72% of respondents confirmed the occurrence of tumours in their family; the most frequently occurring was a lung tumour (9.4%). While assessing the degree of relationship it was proved that among parents’ of the respondents, neoplastic disease had occurred in 3.22% of cases, and in 22.36% of cases it affected grandparents. In self-assessment, a low level of knowledge was indicated by 35.35% of respondents: average by 30.45%, hard to determine by 32%, while 2.18% stated that their level of knowledge was high. The most frequently enumerated risk factors were: smoking (36.61%), improper diet (15.03%), and improper lifestyle (9.83%). UV radiation was a risk factor for 16.18%; however, a solarium only for 1.93% of respondents. For 37.94%, a medical examination was a diagnostic method in neoplastic disease. Conclusions According to self-assessment, every third respondent stated having a low or average level of knowledge. The most frequently used source of knowledge was the Internet, and much more rarely a doctor or a nurse. Very few of the respondents could enumerate the tests applied in the early detection of neoplastic diseases

    Dietary supplementation with phytohemagglutinin in combination with alpha-ketoglutarate limits the excretion of nitrogen via urinary tract

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of both phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) alone, and in combination with alpha-ketoglutaric acid (AKG), on nitrogen elimination via the urinary tract as opposed to the gastrointestinal tract of rats. In experiment I, rats were assigned to one of two experimental groups, (1) Control and (2) PHA, whilst in experiment 2, rats were assigned to one of three experimental groups, (1) Control, (2) AKG, and (3) AKG+PHA. AKG was administered via drinking water, while PHA was administered via a stomach tube. The stock solution of crude PHA in 0.9% NaCl, was (20% w/v) in water: 50 mg PHA/ml, 20 ml/kg body wt. Rats were 7 weeks old at the start of the experiments. Significantly lower daily weight gains in the AKG+PHA and PHA groups (p<0.05) were observed compared to the Control and AKG groups. Increased duodenal crypt depth (138%; p<0.05) was noticeable in the AKG+PHA group of Controls; however, there was no significant difference in the thickness of the tunica mucosa. In the AKG+PHA group, the expression of neuropeptide Y (NPY) in the granula of neuronal cells of the submucosal parasympathetic ganglia was noticeable, although no expression was found in goblet cells. Finally, significant reduction in N excretion in urine was observed in the AKG+PHA, compared with the Control groups (p<0.05). It is concluded that a combined PHA and AKG treatment stimulated the small bowel growth via enhanced epithelial turnover, reduced the N excreted in urine and increased the N in faeces

    Wpływ spalania biomasy i narażeń zawodowych na czynność płuc w losowej próbie populacyjnej mieszkańców Małopolski

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    Introduction: Risk factors other than tobacco smoking contribute to about 20% of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease cases. Exposure to these risk factors and their influence on lung function has not been adequately studied in the population of Malopolska. Material and methods: In random population sample of adults at least forty years old, residents of 2 districts of Malopolska, data on exposure to known and probable respiratory risk factors were collected using questionnaire. All subjects without contraindications performed pre- and post-bronchodilatator spirometry. Results: We analyzed data from 618 subjects; 94.8% subjects lived for longer than 6 months in a dwelling where stove using coal or wood has been used for cooking and/or heating. At the time of study as many as 32.5% subjects were still using coal or wood for cooking or heating. Coal or wood were used as fuel on average for more than 30 years; 67% of subjects have ever worked in professions carrying a risk of exposure to potential respiratory risk factors. We have identified an independent relationship of farming with lower FEV1/FVC values as well as increased chronic obstructive pulmonary disease risk. Conclusions: Significant proportion of Malopolska inhabitants has been exposed to risks associated with cooking or heating with coal or wood. In the studied population farming was related to increased risk of chronic obstructive respiratory disease

    Effects of biomass combustion and occupational exposures on lung function in random population sample of Malopolska inhabitants

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    Introduction: Risk factors other than tobacco smoking contribute to about 20% of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease cases. Exposure to these risk factors and their influence on lung function has not been adequately studied in the population of Malopolska. Material and methods: In random population sample of adults at least forty years old, residents of 2 districts of Malopolska, data on exposure to known and probable respiratory risk factors were collected using questionnaire. All subjects without contraindications performed pre- and post-bronchodilatator spirometry. Results: We analyzed data from 618 subjects; 94,8% subjects lived for longer than 6 months in a dwelling where stove using coal or wood has been used for cooking and/or heating. At the time of study as many as 32.5% subjects were still using coal or wood for cooking or heating. Coal or wood were used as fuel on average for more than 30 years; 67% of subjects have ever worked in professions carrying a risk of exposure to potential respiratory risk factors. We have identified an independent relationship of farming with lower FEV1/FVC values as well as increased chronic obstructive pulmonary disease risk. Conclusions: Significant proportion of Malopolska inhabitants has been exposed to risks associated with cooking or heating with coal or wood. In the studied population farming was related to increased risk of chronic obstructive respiratory disease.Wstęp: W około 20% przypadków przewlekłej obturacyjnej choroby płuc w patogenezie choroby biorą udział czynniki ryzyka inne niż palenie tytoniu. Narażenie na te czynniki i ich wpływ na czynność płuc w populacji Małopolski nie zostało dokładnie zbadane. Materiał i metody: W losowo dobranej próbie populacyjnej z 2 powiatów Małopolski, w wieku co najmniej 40 lat, zebrano za pomocą kwestionariusza szczegółowe dane dotyczące narażeń na znane i przypuszczalne czynniki ryzyka chorób układu oddechowego oraz wykonano spirometrię przed i po podaniu leku rozkurczającego oskrzela. Wyniki: Analizą objęto dane od 618 badanych; 94,8% badanych dłużej niż 6 miesięcy w życiu mieszkało w domu, w którym używano węgla do gotowania lub ogrzewania. W czasie badania aż 32,5% badanych wciąż stosowało węgiel lub drewno do gotowania i/lub ogrzewania. Średni czas używania węgla i drewna jako źródła opału przekraczał 30 lat; 67% badanych wykonywało w życiu zawód wiążący się z narażeniem na czynniki potencjalnie wpływające szkodliwie na układ oddechowy. Stwierdzono niezależny od innych czynników ryzyka wpływ pracy na roli na mniejszą wartość FEV1/FVC oraz większe ryzyko przewlekłej obturacyjnej choroby płuc. Wnioski: Znaczący odsetek mieszkańców Małopolski był narażony na spalanie węgla i drewna oraz narażenia zawodowe. W badanej populacji praca na roli wiązała się z większym ryzykiem przewlekłej obturacyjnej choroby płuc

    Topography of the oblique vein of the left atrium (vein of Marshall)

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    Background: The oblique vein of the left atrium is of interest for electrophysiologists working in the field of both basic science and clinical practice. Aims: We aimed to examine the topographic anatomy of the oblique vein and to assess the vein’s location and relationships with surrounding cardiac structures. Methods: A total of 200 autopsied adult human hearts were examined. Results: The oblique vein was observed in 71% of the hearts. Its mean (SD) total length was 30.8 (13.6) mm. In hearts with the oblique vein, a larger distance was observed between the left inferior pulmonary vein (LIPV) and great cardiac vein (mean [SD], 18.6 [5.1] mm vs 16.3 [4.8] mm; P = 0.004), between the left atrial appendage (LAA) and LIPV (mean [SD], 17.8 [6.8] mm vs 15.1 [5.2] mm; P = 0.007), and between the LAA and left superior pulmonary vein (LSPV; mean [SD], 28.5 [7.2] mm vs 21.3 [6.4] mm; P  &lt; 0.001). Hearts with a classic pattern of left‑sided pulmonary veins were categorized into 4 types based on the length of oblique vein extension. In type I, the vein extended below the level of the LIPV (21.9%); in type II, to the level of the LIPV (47.7%); in type III, to the level of the interpulmonary area (17.2%); and in type IV, to the level of the LSPV (13.3%). In each type, the distance between the oblique vein and LIPV was shorter than that between the oblique vein and LAA Conclusions: The oblique vein had a variable course and differing lengths of extension. The presence of the oblique vein was connected with a greater distance between the left‑sided pulmonary veins and LAA

    Speech therapy — a non-pharmacological method to manage difficult-to-treat chronic cough

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      Cough is the most common symptom of respiratory diseases. The results of management of chronic cough in adults are still unsatisfactory. Unexplained and difficult-to-treat chronic cough causes significant impairment in patients‘ quality of life. The results of recent studies suggest that speech therapy (speech language intervention) is one of the few methods which are usefull in management of persistent chronic cough. We present a case of a patient with chronic cough due to chronic nonallergic rhinitis and gastroesophageal reflux disease, who had been unsuccessfully treated for 18 years. In the patient speech therapy resulted in a significant decrease of cough severity and improvement of quality of life.