745 research outputs found

    Avancée de Diabrotica virgifera virgifera [Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae] dans les champs de maïs au Québec et collecte dans le soja à Ottawa, Ontario

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    La chrysomèle des racines du maïs de l’Ouest, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, a été trouvée au Québec en septembre 2000 dans la région de la Montérégie. Ceci constitue une extension vers le nord de son aire de répartition. De plus, à Ottawa, quelques individus se sont développés à partir du soja. Ceci constitue la première mention de développement de cet insecte sur du soja au Canada.The western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, was found in the Monteregie region in the province of Quebec in September 2000. This finding constitutes a northern extension of the species distribution. Moreover, at Ottawa, some specimens were found developing from soybean plants. This constitutes the first mention of development of this insect on soybean in Canada

    Can Monkeys (Macaca mulatta) Represent Invisible Displacement?

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    Four experiments were conducted to assess whether or not rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) could represent the unperceived movements of a stimulus. Subjects were tested on 2 computerized tasks, HOLE (monkeys) and LASER (humans and monkeys), in which subjects needed to chase or shoot at, respectively, a moving target that either remained visible or became invisible for a portion of its path of movement. Response patterns were analyzed and compared between target-visible and target-invisible conditions. Results of Experiments 1, 2, and 3 demonstrated that the monkeys are capable of extrapolating movement. That this extrapolation involved internal representation of the target's invisible movement was suggested but not confirmed. Experiment 4, however, demonstrated that the monkeys are capable of representing the invisible displacements of a stimulus

    International experience of public infrastructure delivery in support of housing growth

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    This paper compares planning and funding arrangements for public infrastructure delivery in support of new housing development in the UK, Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, Canada, the US, and Hong Kong/Mainland China. It examines the roles and responsibilities of different levels of government, the extraction of financial contributions from the development process (mainly funded through increases in land value), and the level of involvement of private and public actors in infrastructure delivery and land value capture (LVC). Three linked questions provide a basis for comparison of the cases: first, what arrangements are in place, in terms of planning hierarchy and responsibility, for coordinating infrastructure delivery (and how do these relate to funding arrangements); second, how are local contributions extracted from the development process or through the acquisition and sale of land; and lastly, what inferences can be drawn regarding the relative power of public and private actors in this process and to what extent is public interest prioritized/served through prevailing approaches to value extraction. The paper contributes international experience to debates on optimizing planning approaches for infrastructure delivery while maximizing public benefit from land value

    FlyBase 101 – the basics of navigating FlyBase

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    FlyBase (http://flybase.org) is the leading database and web portal for genetic and genomic information on the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster and related fly species. Whether you use the fruit fly as an experimental system or want to apply Drosophila biological knowledge to another field of study, FlyBase can help you successfully navigate the wealth of available Drosophila data. Here, we review the FlyBase web site with novice and less-experienced users of FlyBase in mind and point out recent developments stemming from the availability of genome-wide data from the modENCODE project. The first section of this paper explains the organization of the web site and describes the report pages available on FlyBase, focusing on the most popular, the Gene Report. The next section introduces some of the search tools available on FlyBase, in particular, our heavily used and recently redesigned search tool QuickSearch, found on the FlyBase homepage. The final section concerns genomic data, including recent modENCODE (http://www.modencode.org) data, available through our Genome Browser, GBrowse

    Topical antibiotics prophylaxis for infections of indwelling pleural/peritoneal catheters (TAP-IPC): A pilot study

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    Background and Objective: Indwelling pleural catheter (IPC) and indwelling peritoneal catheter (IPeC) have established roles in the management of malignant pleural and peritoneal effusions but catheter-related infections remain a major concern. Topical mupirocin prophylaxis has been shown to reduce peritoneal dialysis catheter infections. This study aimed to assess the (i) compatibility of IPC with mupirocin and (ii) feasibility, tolerability and compliance of topical mupirocin prophylaxis in patients with an IPC or IPeC. Methods: (i) Three preparations of mupirocin were applied onto segments of IPC thrice weekly and examined with scanning electron microscope (SEM) at different time intervals. (ii) Consecutive patients fitted with IPC or IPeC were given topical mupirocin prophylaxis to apply to the catheter exit-site following every drainage/dressing change (at least twice weekly) and followed up for 6 months. Results: (i) No detectable structural catheter damage was found with mupirocin applied for up to 6 months. (ii) Fifty indwelling catheters were inserted in 48 patients for malignant pleural (n = 41) and peritoneal (n = 9) effusions. Median follow-up was 121 [median, IQR 19–181] days. All patients tolerated mupirocin well; one patient reported short-term local tenderness. Compliance was excellent with 95.8% of the 989 scheduled doses delivered. Six patients developed catheter-related pleural (n = 3), concurrent peritoneal/local (n = 1) and skin/tract (n = 2) infections from Streptococcus mitis (with Bacillus species or anaerobes), Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Conclusion: This first study of long-term prevention of IPC- or IPeC-related infections found topical mupirocin prophylaxis feasible and well tolerated. Its efficacy warrants future randomized studies

    Orbital and spin physics in LiNiO2 and NaNiO2

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    We derive a spin-orbital Hamiltonian for a triangular lattice of e_g orbital degenerate (Ni^{3+}) transition metal ions interacting via 90 degree superexchange involving (O^{2-}) anions, taking into account the on-site Coulomb interactions on both the anions and the transition metal ions. The derived interactions in the spin-orbital model are strongly frustrated, with the strongest orbital interactions selecting different orbitals for pairs of Ni ions along the three different lattice directions. In the orbital ordered phase, favoured in mean field theory, the spin-orbital interaction can play an important role by breaking the U(1) symmetry generated by the much stronger orbital interaction and restoring the threefold symmetry of the lattice. As a result the effective magnetic exchange is non-uniform and includes both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic spin interactions. Since ferromagnetic interactions still dominate, this offers yet insufficient explanation for the absence of magnetic order and the low-temperature behaviour of the magnetic susceptibility of stoichiometric LiNiO_2. The scenario proposed to explain the observed difference in the physical properties of LiNiO_2 and NaNiO_2 includes small covalency of Ni-O-Li-O-Ni bonds inducing weaker interplane superexchange in LiNiO_2, insufficient to stabilize orbital long-range order in the presence of stronger intraplane competition between superexchange and Jahn-Teller coupling.Comment: 33 pages, 12 postscript figures, uses iopams.sty . This article features in New Journal of Physics as part of a Focus Issue on Orbital Physics - all contributions may be freely accessed at (http://stacks.iop.org/1367-2630/6/i=1/a=E05). The published version of this article may be found at http://stacks.iop.org/1367-2630/7/12

    Roadmap on machine learning glassy liquids

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    Unraveling the connections between microscopic structure, emergent physical properties, and slow dynamics has long been a challenge in the field of the glass transition. The absence of clear visible structural order in amorphous configurations complicates the identification of the key features related to structural relaxation and transport properties. The difficulty in sampling equilibrated configurations at low temperatures hampers thorough numerical and theoretical investigations. This roadmap article explores the potential of machine learning (ML) techniques to face these challenges, building on the algorithms that have revolutionized computer vision and image recognition. We present successful ML applications, as well as many open problems for the future, such as transferability and interpretability of ML approaches. We highlight new ideas and directions in which ML could provide breakthroughs to better understand glassy liquids. To foster a collaborative community effort, the article introduces the "GlassBench" dataset, providing simulation data and benchmarks for both two-dimensional and three-dimensional glass-formers. Emphasizing the importance of benchmarks, we identify critical metrics for comparing the performance of emerging ML methodologies, in line with benchmarking practices in image and text recognition. The goal of this roadmap is to provide guidelines for the development of ML techniques in systems displaying slow dynamics, while inspiring new directions to improve our understanding of glassy liquids

    A Camera Phone Localised Surface Plasmon Biosensing Platform Towards Low-Cost Label-Free Diagnostic Testing

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    Developmental work towards a camera phone diagnostic platform applying localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) labelfree sensing is presented. The application of spherical gold nanoparticles and nanorods are considered and assessed against ease of application, sensitivity, and practicality for a sensor for the detection of CCL2 (chemokine ligand 2). The sensitivity of the platform is compared with that of a commercial UV/Vis spectrometer. The sensitivity of the camera phone platform is found to be 30% less than that of the commercial system for an equivalent incubation time, but approaches that of the commercial system as incubation time increases. This suggests that the application of LSPR sensing on a portable camera phone devices may be a highly effective label-free approach for point-of-care use as a low-cost diagnostic sensing tool in environments where dedicated equipment is not available

    Energy metrics to evaluate the energy use and performance of water main assets

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    Managing aging infrastructure has become one of the greatest challenges for water utilities, particularly when faced with selecting the most critical pipes for rehabilitation from among the thousands of candidates. This paper presents a set of novel yet practical energy metrics that quantify energy interactions at the spatial resolution of individual water mains to help utilities identify pipes for rehabilitation. The metrics are demonstrated using a benchmark system and two large, complex systems. The results show that the majority of pipes have good energy performance but that an important minority of outlier pipes have low energy efficiency and high energy losses due to friction and leakage. Pumping and tank operations tend to drive energy efficiency and energy losses in pipes close to water sources, whereas diurnal variation in demand drives energy performance of mains located far away from water sources. The new metrics of energy lost to friction and energy lost to leakage can provide information on energy performance in a pipe that is complementary to the traditional measures of unit head loss and leakage flow