697 research outputs found

    Is the Industrial Product-Service System Really Sustainable

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    As the product-service system has shifted from its original concept to the Industrial PSS, its scope has expanded to include industrial products. Furthermore, the overall goal of reducing environmental impacts has been left behind. Despite the PSS's potential as a business model for a more sustainable production and consumption system, the mere addition of services to conventional products does not necessarily lead to a reduction of environmental impacts. This paper aims to discuss the concepts related to PSS, the need for considering environmental impact reduction as a critical issue for sustainability, and the role of ecodesign practices in the development of PSS

    Effect of an extract of Centella asiatica on the biodistribution of sodium pertechnetate (Na<sup>99m</sup>TcO<sub>4</sub>) and on the fixation of radioactivity on blood constituents

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    This study evaluates the effects of an acute treatment with a Centella asiatica (CA) extract on the biodistribution of the radiopharmaceutical Na99mTcO4 and on the fixation of technetium-99m on blood constituents. Wistar rats were treated with CA extract and, 1 hour after, Na99mTcO4 was administered; organs/tissues were withdrawn and weighted. The radioactivity was counted to calculate the percentage of activity per gram (%ATI/g). Also, blood samples were withdrawn, plasma (P), blood cells (BC), insoluble fraction (IF) and soluble fractions of P and BC were isolated and the radioactivity was counted to calculate the percentage of activity (%ATI). Data indicated that the acute treatment with CA extract changed significantly (p99mTcO4 and the fixation of the technetium-99m on blood constituents in an acute treatment

    Theory of output coupling for trapped fermionic atoms

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    We develop a dynamic theory of output coupling, for fermionic atoms initially confined in a magnetic trap. We consider an exactly soluble one-dimensional model, with a spatially localized delta-type coupling between the atoms in the trap and a continuum of free-particle external modes. Two important special cases are considered for the confinement potential: the infinite box and the harmonic oscillator. We establish that in both cases a bound state of the coupled system appears for any value of the coupling constant, implying that the trap population does not vanish in the infinite-time limit. For weak coupling, the energy spectrum of the outgoing beam exhibits peaks corresponding to the initially occupied energy levels in the trap; the height of these peaks increases with the energy. As the coupling gets stronger, the energy spectrum is displaced towards dressed energies of the fermions in the trap. The corresponding dressed states result from the coupling between the unperturbed fermionic states in the trap, mediated by the coupling between these states and the continuum. In the strong-coupling limit, there is a reinforcement of the lowest-energy dressed mode, which contributes to the energy spectrum of the outgoing beam more strongly than the other modes. This effect is especially pronounced for the one-dimensional box, which indicates that the efficiency of the mode-reinforcement mechanism depends on the steepness of the confinement potential. In this case, a quasi-monochromatic anti-bunched atomic beam is obtained. Results for a bosonic sample are also shown for comparison.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, added discussion on time-dependent spectral distribution and corresponding figur

    Toxicological and pharmacological evaluation of Discaria americana Gillies & Hook (Rhamnaceae) in mice

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    Medicinal plants (e.g. Discaria americana) have been used by populations for centuries. However, popular use is not enough to validate these plants as safe and effective medicinal products. The present study sought to evaluate the acute and subacute toxicity as well as the anxiolytic and antinociceptive effects of D. americana root bark and aerial parts extracts in mice. In acute toxicity studies, mice were treated with single intraperitoneal doses of the aforementioned extracts. Subacute toxicity studies were performed by oral administration of the extracts over 14 days. Anxiolytic studies consisted of the elevated plus maze method, and antinociceptive studies were based on the hot plate test. The LD50 value for D. americana aerial parts extract was established at >500 mg/kg, and for the root bark extract, 400 mg/kg. D. americana aerial parts extract produced anxiolytic (250 mg/kg) and antinociceptive effects (125, 200 and 250 mg/kg). Conversely, D. americana root bark extract showed neither anxiolytic nor antinociceptive effects in mice.As plantas medicinais (i. e. Discaria americana) têm sido utilizadas pela população por séculos, entretanto, o conhecimento popular não é suficiente para validá-las como medicamentos seguros e/ou efetivos. Assim, o presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a toxicidade aguda e subaguda, bem como o efeito ansiolítico e antinociceptivo dos extratos da casca da raiz e das partes aéreas da D. americana em camundongos. A toxicidade aguda foi avaliada pela administração dos extratos, via intraperitoneal. Para o estudo da toxicidade subaguda os animais foram tratados oralmente com os extratos por 14 dias. O efeito ansiolítico dos extratos foi determinado através do modelo do labirinto em cruz elevado e o efeito antinociceptivo, mediante o teste da placa quente. O valor da DL50 para o extrato das partes aéreas da D. americana foi definido como > 500 mg/kg, enquanto que para o extrato da casca da raiz foi estabelecido em 400 mg/kg. O extrato das partes aéreas da D. americana apresentou atividade ansiolítica (250 mg/kg) e antinociceptiva (125, 200 e 250 mg/kg). O extrato da casca da raiz da D. americana não apresentou efeito ansiolítico nem antinociceptivo

    Phosphate fertilization and phosphorus forms in an Oxisol under no-till

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    Under no-till phosphorus (P) accumulates in a few centimeters of the topsoil layer. Plant residues left on the soil surface release P and organic acids, which may improve P availability and fertilizer efficiency, including both soluble (such as triple super phosphate) and less soluble sources (such as reactive natural phosphates). In this study, soybean response to P fertilizer and P forms in the top 40 cm of an Oxisol were evaluated after surface application of different phosphates in a 5-year-old no-till system. Treatments consisted of 0 or 80 kg ha-1 of total P2O5 applied on the soil surface, both as natural reactive phosphate (NRP) or triple super phosphate (TSP). In addition, 80 kg ha-1 of P2O5 were applied to subplots, in furrows below and beside the soybean (Glycine max L.) seeds, in different combinations of NRP and TSP. Soil samples were taken before and after the soybean growth, down to 0.40 m and soil phosphorus was chemically fractionated. The responses to NRP were similar to TSP, with an increase in P reserves at greater depths, even in non-available forms, such as P-occluded. After the soybean harvest, P-occluded levels were lower at the surface layer, but an increase was observed in the soluble, organic and total P down to 40 cm. An improved P distribution in soil depth, especially regarding the soluble and organic forms, resulted in higher soybean yields, even when the phosphates were applied to the soil surface.Em semeadura direta o fósforo (P) acumula-se na camada mais superficial do solo, mas os resíduos deixados na superfície liberam P e ácidos orgânicos, que podem melhorar a disponibilidade e a eficiência de fertilizantes como o superfosfato triplo e fosfatos naturais reativos. Neste estudo, a resposta da soja à adubação com P e as formas de P até 40 cm de profundidade do solo foram avaliadas após a aplicação de fosfatos em um sistema conduzido em semeadura direta há cinco anos. Os tratamentos consistiram de 0 ou 80 kg ha-1 P2O5 total, aplicados na superfície do solo como fosfato natural reativo (FNR) ou superfosfato triplo (SFT). Nas subparcelas foram aplicados, no sulco de semeadura, 80 kg ha-1 de P2O5, em diferentes combinações de FNR e SFT. Amostras de solo foram coletadas até 0.4 m, antes e depois do cultivo da soja (Glycine max L.), para fracionamento do P. As respostas ao FNR foram semelhantes às do SFT, com aumento das reservas de P em profundidade, mesmo em formas não-disponíveis como P-ocluso. Após a colheita da soja, os teores de P-ocluso diminuíram na camada mais superficial, mas foi observado um aumento nas formas solúvel, orgânica e P - total em toda a espessura de solo estudada. A melhor distribuição do P no solo, principalmente em formas solúvel e orgânica, resultou em maior produtividade da soja, mesmo quando o fertilizante foi aplicado na superfície do solo