507 research outputs found

    Sensitivity of cotton cultivars to soil compaction

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    Cotton is one of the most sensitive crops to soil compaction, but there may be genetic variability for this trait. The objective of this study was to evaluate cotton cultivars sensitivity to soil compaction. Soil columns were built with three pvc rings with internal diameter of 10 cm and filled with an alfisol. The heights of the top and bottom rings were 15 cm, and the intermediate ring, in which the soil was compacted, was 3.5 cm high. The levels of compression used in the subsurface were characterized by penetration resistances of 0.41, 0.93, 1.41 and 1.92 MPa. The cultivars 701 FMT, FMT 705, FMT 707, FMX 951 LL and FMX 966 LL were grown up to 23 days after plant emergence, when the dry matter of shoots and roots, root length density and root diameter were determined. The cotton cultivars have variability in their sensitivity to resistance to penetration. The cultivar 707 FMT is more sensitive to soil compaction, while the FMT 701 is more tolerant. Penetration resistance of around 0.92 to 1.06 MPa reduce 50% cotton root growth, but resistance to penetration of 1.92 MPa did not totally prevent growth

    Observações sobre o parasitismo de Neodusmetia sangwani sobre a cochonilha (Antonina graminis)

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    An experiment was carried out to determine the parasitism index of Neodusmetia sangwani (Rao, 1957) on the rhodesgrass scale (Antonina graminis Maskell, 1897). Adults of A. gramini infesting Rhynchelyhum repens (Wild) Hubb. field in Campinas, state of São Paulo, Brazil, were collected and taken to the laboratory. The insects were maintained inside glass containers, in a total of 75. This study was conducted at a temperature of 28oC and relative humidity of 65%. The results showed 35% of rhodesgrass attacked by N. sangwani. The number of female parasites was higher than of male. The average of parasitism was five hymenopteras for rhodesgrass. Only two parasites were not of the N. sangwani specie. Procurando-se determinar o índice de parasitismo causado pelo micro-himenóptero Neodusmetia sangwani (Rao, 1957) sobre a cochonilha (Antonina graminis Maskell, 1897), amostras de capim-favorito (Rhynchelyhum repens (Wild) Hubb.), infestadas pelo coccídeo, foram coletadas na Estação Experimental do Instituto Biológico em Campinas, São Paulo, no final de outubro de 1986. Essas amostras foram levadas ao laboratório da Seção de Controle Biológico das Pragas (SCPB) e as cochonilhas individualizadas em tubo de vidro de 3,5 cm de comprimento e 0,5 cm de diâmetro, cuja boca foi lacrada com película de plástico transparente. As 75 cochonilhas obtidas, foram mantidas a uma temperatura média de 28oC e umidade relativa média de 65%. Após 35 dias, observou-se a emergência de parasitóides, constatando-se aproximadamente 35% de cochonilhas parasitadas pela N. sangwani. Verificou-se também o total de 132 parasitóides emergidos, distribuídos em 17 machos e 115 fêmeas, sendo ainda determinado que a média de N.sangwani por cochonilha foi de 5,08. Da totalidade dos micro-himenópteros encontrados, apenas dois não pertenciam a espécie N. sangwani.

    Analysis of the metabolic and hormonal effects of Krav Maga physical training

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    Abstract Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate the metabolic aspects and cortisol during the practice of this modality.Methods A sample of 30 volunteers was distributed into a group of beginners who had never practiced the modality (GI; n = 15). The experimental group consisted of veteran Krav Maga practitioners (GV; n = 15). Both participated in training for a period of 16 weeks and samples were collected in week 1, 8 and 16 (S1, S8 and S16, respectively), always at the same time. Pre- and post-training glycemic behavior, fasting glucose, lipid profile (total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL, VLDL, triglycerides), basal lactate and cortisol were measured.Results: The variables total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL and cortisol did not present significant differences with the training time and between GI and GV. On the other hand, fasting glucose, post-training glucose and VLDL showed a significant effect (p = 0.003; p < 0.001 and p < 0.001, respectively) related to training time, however, there was no difference between GI and GV Pre-training glucose increased with training time (p < 0.001) and was higher for GV.Conclusion: The practice of Krav Maga for 16 weeks promotes changes related to training time for fasting glucose and pre- and post-training glucose, along with VLD

    In-situ simulation of cardiac arrest in ventricular fibrillation for professional nursing training

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    Objective: Report the experience and perception of nursing professionals with an unannounced in-situ simulation of cardiopulmonary arrest (CPA) in ventricular fibrillation in an in-hospital environment. Methods: A high-fidelity mannequin (Laerdal®) was placed on the isolation bed of a Coronary Care Unit with a monitoring center without the knowledge of the nursing professionals taking over the shift. A nurse technician from the previous shift was told to report the case as a fictitious newly admitted patient with acute myocardial infarction. After the care transition, the cardiac rhythm was changed from sinus rhythm to ventricular fibrillation. The time was recorded (in minutes and seconds) from the onset of ventricular fibrillation until a nursing professional triggered an effective action. After the professionals realized it was a mannequin, they were instructed to initiate the appropriate interventions as if the mannequin were an actual patient. After the end of the simulation, a questionnaire was used to assess the professionals’ perception of the activity. Results: Fifteen professionals participated in this in-situ simulation. The reaction time was 28 seconds on the morning shift, two minutes and six seconds on the afternoon shift, and four minutes and three seconds on the night shift. All professionals (100%) recognized the importance of this training, and all thought it increased professional and patient safety. Most participants (90%) thought it could improve communication among the team. All professionals (100%) felt that such activities should be repeated. Conclusion: In-situ simulation is a feasible alternative to train nursing professionals in the initial CPA management in a Brazilian emergency hospital. Participants positively evaluated this activity.Objetivo: Relatar la experiencia y percepción de los profesionales de enfermería en el uso de la simulación in situ para el entrenamiento en el reconocimiento y tratamiento de la parada cardiorrespiratoria (PCA) intrahospitalaria en fibrilación ventricular. Métodos: Se colocó un maniquí de alta fidelidad (Laerdal®) sobre la camilla de aislamiento de una unidad de cuidados coronarios con centro de monitoreo sin el conocimiento de los profesionales de enfermería a cargo del turno. Un técnico de enfermería del turno anterior fue capacitado para reportar el caso como un paciente ficticio de nuevo ingreso con infarto agudo de miocardio. Después del turno, la frecuencia cardíaca del maniquí se cambió de sinusal a fibrilación ventricular. Se registró el tiempo (en minutos y segundos) desde el cambio de ritmo hasta que el profesional de enfermería desencadena una acción efectiva relacionada con el hecho. Luego de que el profesional se percatara de que se trataba de un maniquí, se le indicó que iniciara las intervenciones necesarias como si fuera un paciente real. Después de la simulación, se aplicó un cuestionario desarrollado por investigadores para evaluar la percepción de estos profesionales sobre la actividad. Resultado: Quince profesionales participaron en la simulación in situ. El tiempo de reacción fue de 28 segundos en el turno de la mañana, dos minutos y seis segundos en el turno de la tarde y cuatro minutos y tres segundos en el turno de la noche. Todos los profesionales (100%) reconocieron la importancia de esta formación; todos (100%) opinaron que esta formación aumenta la seguridad del profesional y del paciente, la mayoría (90%) pensó que podría mejorar la comunicación entre el equipo y todos (100%) opinaron que actividades como esta deberían repetirse. Conclusión: la simulación in situ puede capacitar a las enfermeras en el reconocimiento y tratamiento inicial del paro cardíaco intrahospitalario. Los profesionales participantes evaluaron muy bien esta actividad. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Objetivo: Relatar a experiência e a percepção dos profissionais de enfermagem com a utilização de simulação in situ não anunciada de parada cardiorrespiratória (PCR) em ritmo de fibrilação ventricular no ambiente intra-hospitalar. Métodos: Manequim (Laerdal®) de alta fidelidade foi colocado no leito de isolamento de uma Unidade Coronariana que dispõe de central de monitoramento, sem o conhecimento dos profissionais de enfermagem que estavam assumindo o plantão. Um técnico de enfermagem do turno anterior de trabalho passou o caso como um paciente fictício recém-admitido com infarto agudo do miocárdio. Após a passagem do plantão, modificou-se o ritmo cardíaco do manequim de ritmo sinusal para fibrilação ventricular. Registrou-se o tempo (em minutos e segundos) desde a modificação do ritmo até algum profissional da enfermagem desencadear uma ação efetiva relacionada ao fato. Após o profissional perceber que se tratava de um manequim, ele foi orientado a desencadear as intervenções adequadas como se fosse um paciente real. Após o final da simulação, um questionário para avaliação da percepção desses profissionais em relação à atividade foi aplicado. Resultado: Quinze profissionais participaram da simulação in situ. O tempo para reação foi 28 segundos no turno diurno, dois minutos e seis segundos no turno vespertino e quatro minutos e três segundos no período noturno. Todos profissionais (100%) reconheceram a importância do treinamento, todos (100%) acharam que este treinamento aumenta a segurança do profissional e do paciente, a maioria (90%) achou que pode melhorar a comunicação entre a equipe, e todos (100%) acharam que atividades como esta deveriam ser repetidas. Conclusão: A simulação in situ parece ser uma alternativa viável para o treinamento dos profissionais de enfermagem no atendimento inicial da PCR em um hospital de emergência brasileiro. Esta atividade foi avaliada positivamente pelos participantes

    Occurrence of Entomophthorales on Spittlebugs Pests of Pasture in Eastern São Paulo State, Brazil

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    Spittlebugs (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) are the most important pests of pasture in Brazil. Nymphal behavior, i.e. residing in the soil, makes their control with insecticides difficult. Although Entomophthorales fungi occasionally have been found at epizootic levels in spittlebug populations, they have not been cultured, had their incidence levels determined, nor evaluated for pest control potential. The research reported here aimed to evaluate the occurrence of Entomophthorales species on spittlebug pests of pasture in Pindamonhangaba County, São Paulo State, Brazil. Evaluations were carried out in 2 adjacent fields with Brachiaria decumbens and Pennisetum purpureum grasses, respectively, of 5 ha each. Evaluations were done every 4 days from January through February by capturing spittlebug adults on leaves with an entomological sweep net, and the insect samples were kept frozen until examined. Insect abdomens were dissected and observed by microscopy for the presence of hyphae and resting spores. Insects cadavers with sporulating fungus were collected in the field and taken immediately to the lab to isolate the pathogen. Scanning electron microscopy pictures were taken of conidophores, and primary and secondary conidia of both fungi. Furia sp. was found at epizootic levels on Deois schach in the Brachiaria pasture, reaching 80% infected followed by a fall in the insect population. Batkoa sp. was found at enzootic levels (\u3c 10% infected) on Mahanarva fimbriolata in the P. purpureum pasture. Furia sp. also was found to infect another important spittlebug, Deois flavopicta, indicating that it has good potential as a bioinsecticide. Heavy rainfall adversely affected the occurrence of Batkoa sp. in M. fimbriolata populations in P. purpureum pasture

    Atributos químicos, físicos e biológicos do solo em sistemas integrados

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    Integrated systems are conservationist and sustainable systems with great prominence on the national scene for reducing financial and productive risk in the agricultural sector and reducing environmental damage. One of the successes of these systems is to see the cultivation environment in an integrated way, knowing each of its components; soil, plant, and atmosphere. In large-scale field production, the plant and the soil are the components of the production system that are more likely to be modulated, seeking greater productivity. The objective of this work was to survey scientific advances on the chemical, physical and biological attributes of soil in integrated systems. The works show that chemical, physical and biological attributes are influenced by soil management in integrated systems. In general, integrated agricultural systems are more efficient alternatives for Brazil and must meet international commitments to reduce the greenhouse effect for low-carbon agriculture. For the rural producer, the integrated systems are advantageous due to the greater production in a smaller area and the diversification of income.Los sistemas integrados son sistemas conservacionistas y sustentables con gran protagonismo en el panorama nacional, debido a la reducción del riesgo financiero y productivo en el sector agropecuario y la reducción del daño ambiental. Uno de los aciertos de estos sistemas es ver el entorno de cultivo de forma integrada, conociendo cada uno de sus componentes; suelo, planta y atmósfera. En la producción a gran escala en el campo, la planta y el suelo son los componentes del sistema de producción más pasivos para ser modulados, buscando una mayor productividad. El objetivo de este trabajo fue relevar los avances científicos sobre los atributos químicos, físicos y biológicos del suelo en sistemas integrados. Los estudios muestran que los atributos químicos, físicos y biológicos están influenciados por el manejo del suelo en sistemas integrados. En general, los sistemas agrícolas integrados son alternativas más eficientes para Brasil y deben cumplir con los compromisos internacionales para reducir el efecto invernadero para una agricultura baja en carbono. Para el productor rural, los sistemas integrados son ventajosos por la mayor producción en una menor unidad de área y la diversificación de ingresos.Os sistemas integrados são sistemas conservacionistas e sustentáveis com grande destaque no cenário nacional, pela redução do risco financeiro e produtivo no setor agropecuário e pela redução dos danos ambientais. Um dos sucessos desses sistemas está em ver o ambiente de cultivo de forma integrada, conhecendo cada um dos seus componentes; solo, planta e atmosfera. Em produção de larga escala a campo, a planta e o solo são os componentes do sistema de produção com maior passividade de serem modulados, buscando maiores produtividades. Objetivou-se este trabalho, levantar os avanços científicos sobre os atributos químicos, físicos e biológicos do solo em sistemas integrados. Os trabalhos evidenciam que os atributos químicos, físicos e biológicos são influenciados pelo manejo do solo nos sistemas integrados. Em geral, sistemas agrícolas integrados são alternativas mais eficientes para Brasil e deve cumprir compromissos internacionais para reduzir o efeito estufa para a agricultura de baixo carbono. Para o produtor rural, os sistemas integrados são vantajosos em função da maior produção em menor unidade de área e pela diversificação de renda

    Antifungal and antibacterial activity of the floral ethanolic extract of Mandevilla pohliana (Stadelm.) A. H. Gentry

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    Mandevilla pohliana&nbsp;é uma espécie pertencente à família Apocunaceae encontrada em ambientes de Cerrado. Objetivou-se avaliar neste estudo, a ação antifúngica e antibacteriana do extrato etanólico floral de&nbsp;M. pohliana. Flores de&nbsp;M. pohliana foram coletadas e o extrato etanólico produzido por maceração. Em diferentes concentrações de extrato, foram determinadas as atividades antifúngicas sobre o gênero&nbsp;Candida, e antibacterianas sobre&nbsp;Escherichia,&nbsp;Salmonella,&nbsp;Enterococcus, Pseudomonas&nbsp;e&nbsp;Staphylococcus. Foi observada atividade de antibiose apenas para&nbsp;C. guilliermondii com 9-2 mm, para&nbsp;P. aeruginosa com 12-3 mm e para&nbsp;E. faecalis entre 10-3 mm nas maiores concentrações entre 50-500 mg mL-1. O extrato etanólico floral de Mandevilla pohliana demonstrou potencial como agente antifúngico e antibacteriano natural.Mandevilla pohliana is a species belonging to the Apocynaceae family found in Cerrado environments. The bjetive of this study was to evaluate the antifungal and antibacterial action of the floral ethanolic extract of M. pohliana. Flowers of M. pohliana were collected and the ethanolic extract produced by maceration. In different concentrations of extract, antifungal of the genus Candida were determined, and antibacterial activities on Escherichia, Salmonella, Enterococcus, Pseudomonas and Staphylococcus. Antibiosis activity was observed only for C. guilliermondii with 9-2 mm, for P. aeruginosa with 12-3 mm and for E. faecalis between 10-3 mm at the highest concentrations between 50-500 mg mL-1. The floral ethanolic extract of Mandevilla pohliana showed potential as a natural antifungal and antibacterial agent.&nbsp

    Effect of the vanadium(V) concentration on the spectroscopic properties of nanosized europium-doped yttrium phosphates

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    Nanosized rare earth phosphovanadate phosphors (Y(P,V)O-4:Eu3+) have been prepared by applying the organic-inorganic polymeric precursors methodology. Luminescent powders with tetragonal structure and different vanadate concentrations (0%, 1%, 5%, 10%, 20%, 50%, and 100%, with regard to the phosphate content) were then obtained for evaluation of their structural and spectroscopic properties. The solids were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffractometry, vibrational spectroscopy (Raman and infrared), and electronic spectroscopy (emission, excitation, luminescence lifetimes, chromaticity, quantum efficiencies, and Judd-Ofelt intensity parameters). The solids exhibited very intense D-5(0) -&gt; F-7(J) Eu3+ transitions, and it was possible to control the luminescent characteristics, such as excitation maximum, lifetime and emission colour, through the vanadium(V) concentration. The observed luminescent properties correlated to the characteristics of the chemical environments around the Eu3+ ions with respect to the composition of the phosphovanadates. The Eu3+ luminescence spectroscopy results indicated that the presence of larger vanadium(V) amounts in the phosphate host lattice led to more covalent and polarizable chemical environments. So, besides allowing for control of the luminescent properties of the solids, the variation in the vanadate concentration in the obtained YPO4:Eu3+ phosphors enabled the establishment of a strict correlation between the observable spectroscopic features and the chemical characteristics of the powders.Brazilian agency CAPESBrazilian agency CAPESBrazilian agency CNPqBrazilian agency CNPq [Proc. 480003/2009-2, 146809/2011-4]Brazilian agency inct-INAMIBrazilian agency inctINAMIBrazilian agency FAPESPBrazilian agency FAPESP [Proc. 2008/09266-5

    Impacto en la incorporación de metales en las propiedades fisicoquímicas y

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    New biodegradable packaging has been developed from renewable sources, mainly of vegetable origin. Arrowroot starch has been recently used to produce high-quality biodegradable films capable of behaving well when incorporating oils, extracts, metal, and metal nanocomposites. The study aimed to verify the impact of incorporating metals in the sulfate and chloride forms in a biopolymeric matrix from arrowroot starch in terms of biodegradability, physicochemical and microbiological parameters. Different arrowroot films were produced to incorporate solutions with a concentration of 1 Mol L-1 of sulfate and chloride metals. The action of biodegradability in soil, UV transmittance, and visible light were observed in UV-Vis spectrophotometry and antimicrobial action on Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella serovar Typhimurium, and Salmonella serovar Enteritidis. Good results were obtained, such as biodegradability time between 81.70 to 100 % (30 days), a low transmission rate of UV radiation and visible light between 250 to 890 nm, high capacity for bacterial inhibition between 22.08 to 10.05 mm for E. coli, among 25.59 to 11.10 mm for S. aureus, between 22.14 to 11.66 mm for S. serovar Typhimurium and between 21.11 to 8.26 mm for S. serovar Enteritidis. It is concluded that the biodegradable films of arrowroot starch incorporated with metals showed potential in all the evaluated tests, thus characterizing possible new products for different uses, such as low time available in the environment, preservation of the characteristics of special products, and antimicrobial capacity.Se han desarrollado nuevos embalajes biodegradables de fuentes renovables principalmente de origen vegetal. El almidón de arrurruz se ha usado en la producción de películas biodegradables de alta calidad, capaces de tener un buen comportamiento al incorporar aceites, extractos, metales y nanocompuestos metálicos. El estudio tiene como objetivo verificar el impacto de la incorporación de metales en las formas de sulfato y cloruro en una matriz biopolimérica de almidón de arrurruz en términos de biodegradabilidad, parámetros fisicoquímicos y microbiológicos. Se produjeron diferentes películas de arrurruz con soluciones a una concentración de 1 Mol L-1 de metales sulfato y cloruro. La acción de biodegradabilidad en el suelo, transmitancia UV y luz visible se observó en espectrofotometría UV-Vis, y acción antimicrobiana sobre Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella serovar Typhimurium y Salmonella serovar Enteritidis. Se obtuvieron buenos resultados, como tiempo de biodegradabilidad entre 81,70 a 100 % (30 días), baja tasa de transmisión de radiación UV y luz visible entre 250 a 890 nm, alta capacidad de inhibición bacteriana entre 22,08 a 10,05 mm para E. coli, entre 25,59 a 11,10 mm para S. aureus, entre 22,14 a 11,66 mm para S. serovar Typhimurium y entre 21,11 a 8,26 mm para S. serovar Enteritidis. Se concluye que las películas biodegradables de almidón de arrurruz incorporadas con metales mostraron potencial en todas las pruebas evaluadas, caracterizando así posibles nuevos productos para diferentes usos, tales como bajo tiempo disponible en el ambiente, preservación de las características de productos especiales y capacidad antimicrobiana.Se han desarrollado nuevos embalajes biodegradables de fuentes renovables principalmente de origen vegetal. El almidón de arrurruz se ha usado en la producción de películas biodegradables de alta calidad, capaces de tener un buen comportamiento al incorporar aceites, extractos, metales y nanocompuestos metálicos. El estudio tiene como objetivo verificar el impacto de la incorporación de metales en las formas de sulfato y cloruro en una matriz biopolimérica de almidón de arrurruz en términos de biodegradabilidad, parámetros fisicoquímicos y microbiológicos. Se produjeron diferentes películas de arrurruz con soluciones a una concentración de 1 Mol L-1 de metales sulfato y cloruro. La acción de biodegradabilidad en el suelo, transmitancia UV y luz visible se observó en espectrofotometría UV-Vis, y acción antimicrobiana sobre Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella serovar Typhimurium y Salmonella serovar Enteritidis. Se obtuvieron buenos resultados, como tiempo de biodegradabilidad entre 81,70 a 100 % (30 días), baja tasa de transmisión de radiación UV y luz visible entre 250 a 890 nm, alta capacidad de inhibición bacteriana entre 22,08 a 10,05 mm para E. coli, entre 25,59 a 11,10 mm para S. aureus, entre 22,14 a 11,66 mm para S. serovar Typhimurium y entre 21,11 a 8,26 mm para S. serovar Enteritidis. Se concluye que las películas biodegradables de almidón de arrurruz incorporadas con metales mostraron potencial en todas las pruebas evaluadas, caracterizando así posibles nuevos productos para diferentes usos, tales como bajo tiempo disponible en el ambiente, preservación de las características de productos especiales y capacidad antimicrobiana