2,144 research outputs found

    Geodesic Lines in Fields of Velocity

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    This work is a purely syntactic geometric exploration of some few elements, which are our axioms, that in last instance it is the set of differential equations whose solutions give the geodesic lines of the Schwarzschild spacetime. We observe that non new physics principles or postulates will be introduced in this work. We only link the Bohr's atoms model with the Einstein's relativity through of a common geometric syntax. To obtain this common syntax, we will define the {\it extended Lorentz group}, which is defined to preserve the volume form of the Minkowski spacetime. The Schwarzschild spacetime will be defined as a manifold associated to a set of radial fields of velocities within of the four-dimensional Minkowski vectorially space form. Our procedure includes a comparison of the Newtonian and the Schwarzschild times along geodesic lines. Our constructions have strong influence of the Einstein paper about the energy content produced by fields, as well as by the Schr\"odinger digression about the annihilation of matter. We define the orbital associated to the Kepler's laws as a set of elliptical orbits, which have equal eccentricity and equal major semi-axis. Then identifying the eccentricity with the relativistic velocity we will obtain a thermodynamic equivalence between the increasing of mass in kinetic form in special relativity theory and an adiabatic process with degree of freedom equal to 2. The eccentricity will be the needed velocity to move the revolution ellipsoid and so to obtain a contraction of its major axis such that it converts into a sphere with radius given by the minor semi-axis. Therefore we can associate to the each class of equal eccentricity orbital an unique timelike unit vector, which is called {\it the observer} of class.Comment: 39 page

    Behavioral aspects of Caracu and Red Angus cattle breeds in a pasture with shade and water immersion

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    The shade is an important resource in the extensive production systems in tropical regions. The aim of this study is to understand through behavioral analysis, the preferences of animals for resources for environmental protection. The experiment was conducted in the Biometeorology and Ethology Laboratory of FZEA-USP. Six male of Caracu and Red Angus cattle breeds were used. The animals were submitted to 2 different treatments: availability of artificial shade and water for immersion and availability of water for immersion. The observations of the behavioral patterns were recorded using the focal sampling method every 15 minutes (12h/day). The observed positions were: in the sun, under the shade and in the water. The posture observed were: standing, lying down and behavioural activities were grazing, ruminating and rest. The data concerning to the time spent in different behaviors and different positions were analyzed by the multifactorial variance (ANOVA-GLM). The fixed factors used were the breed and treatment. The results had shown that grazing activity was the behavior in which both breeds had spending more time (especially in the cooler periods), followed by ruminating in the Caracu and by resting in the Red Angus. The results also had shown that shade can be used as a shelter against solar radiation as well against rain. The Caracu had presented a clear preference for the shade, particularly in the hottest hours. However this was not always observed in Red Angus, who sometimes chose to remain in the water. In hot climates, resources for defense against heat load, as shade and water for immersion can really improve the welfare of the cattle

    Sexagem de Aves Silvestres sem Dimorfismo Sexual via Tomografia Por Ressonância Magnética Nuclear.

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    Comparison of Howland and General Impedance Converter (GIC) circuit based current sources for bio-impedance measurements

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    The current source is a key component in bio-impedance measurement systems. The accuracy of the current source can be measured in terms of its output impedance together with other parameters, with certain applications demanding extremely high output impedance. This paper presents an investigation and comparison of different current source designs based on the Enhanced Howland circuit combined with a General Impedance Converter (GIC) circuit using both ideal and non-ideal operational amplifiers. Under differing load conditions two different settings of the GIC are evaluated and the results are compared to show its performance settings. Whilst the study has shown that over a wide bandwidth (i.e. 100Hz-100MHz) the output impedance is limited, operation over a more limited range offers output impedance in the Giga-ohm range, which can be considered as being infinite

    Effects of acute aerobic exercise on rats serum extracellular vesicles diameter, concentration and small RNAs content

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    Physical exercise stimulates organs, mainly the skeletal muscle, to release a broad range of molecules, recently dubbed exerkines. Among them, RNAs, such as miRNAs, piRNAs, and tRNAs loaded in extracellular vesicles (EVs) have the potential to play a significant role in the way muscle and other organs communicate to translate exercise into health. Low, moderate and high intensity treadmill protocols were applied to rat groups, aiming to investigate the impact of exercise on serum EVs and their associated small RNA molecules. Transmission electron microscopy, resistive pulse sensing, and western blotting were used to investigate EVs morphology, size distribution, concentration and EVs marker proteins. Small RNA libraries from EVs RNA were sequenced. Exercise did not change EVs size, while increased EVs concentration. Twelve miRNAs were found differentially expressed after exercise: rno-miR-128-3p, 1033p, 330-5p, 148a-3p, 191a-5p, 10b-5p, 93-5p, 25-3p, 142-5p, 3068-3p, 142-3p, and 410-3p. No piRNA was found differentially expressed, and one tRNA, trna8336, was found down-regulated after exercise. The differentially expressed miRNAs were predicted to target genes involved in the MAPK pathway. A single bout of exercise impacts EVs and their small RNA load, reinforcing the need for a more detailed investigation into EVs and their load as mediators of health-promoting exercise

    Comportamento de genótipos de feijoeiro comum, do grupo preto, no verão.

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as características agronômicas, de genótipos de feijoeiro comum (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), do grupo preto, na safra de verão de 2011, em Uberlândia-MG.CONAF