63 research outputs found

    Histochemical polymorphism of keratin pearls in squamous cell carcinoma of the lung

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    The aim of the research is to study histochemical features of keratin pearls in keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma of lung irrespective of its localization. Methods: histochemical methods of staining have been also used during the investigation: neutral fats stained with Sudan III and with finish hematoxylin staining. Combined histochemical staining has been also used: neutral mucoproteins and acid glycosaminoglycans with PASreaction- alcian blue and PAS-reaction with tionine blue. The results of histological and histochemical analyses detected three types of keratin pearls of different structures and tinctorial features: eosinophilic or tionine-positive, PAS-positive (containing glycogen) and light or sudanophilic (containing lipids). Taking into consideration the obtained data, it can be assumed that tumor clusters with heterogenous keratin pearls by tinctorial features are differed according to the degree of cells’ differentiation, keratinization and related to various stages of tumor progression. Histochemical analyses of keratin pearls are not normally taken into consideration during morphological studies and it is regarded as differentiated keratinizing cancer. However, the results of morphological investigations show that it is necessary to consider histochemical features of cancerous clusters for adequate morphological analysis of tumor progression

    Morfofunzionale sperimentali principi base trattamento di pulpite

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    Riassumendo i risultati della ricerca si può concludere che i processi di carie superficiali di cambiamento nella polpa sono reversibili e possono scomparire al trattamento terapeutico normale della carie dentale. Decadimento medio caratterizzata dallo sviluppo di reazioni di adattamento della polpa e cambiamenti condizionale reversibili, tattiche terapeutiche in cui devono essere affrontati nel caso specifico con prove cliniche. Con carie profonda sviluppano cambiamenti irreversibili, che possono essere eliminati con l'aiuto di pulpotomia. Carie profonda con perforazione della camera pulpare è caratterizzata da cambiamenti irreversibili in tutte le parti della camera di polpa, che è un'indicazione per pulpectomia

    Aktualny stan wiedzy na temat budowy i funkcji zatoki czolowej: przeglad literatury

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    Chronic inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of the nose, paranasal sinuses, and pharynx are the most common pathology of the upper airways. Pathological processes develop more often in the maxillary and ethmoidal sinuses than in the frontal ones; however, the clinical course of frontitis is more severe. Fundamental understanding of the specific structure of frontal sinuses Is crucial in the awareness of the precursors of the onset and development of its pathology, the choice of methods of diagnostics and treatment. The paper was aimed at the analysis of the publications on current data related to the structure and functions of the human frontal sinus and its structural components. The bibliosemantic method has been used during the study. Findings of the current research works on the study of the human frontal sinus have been analyzed. The resulting analysis shows that despite the significant amount of research works devoted to the study of the structure and functions of the frontal sinus, the morphofunctional features of its mucosa and the state of local immune protection remained unknown for a long time. Conclusions; The resulting literature review showed that the study of the morphofunctional properties of the frontal sinus is relevant to date that is reflected in the number of research works, elucidating its topographoanatomical, histological, physiological and immunohistochemical features

    Biochemical properties of Paracoccus denitrificans FnrP:Reactions with molecular oxygen and nitric oxide

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    In Paracoccus denitrificans, three CRP/FNR family regulatory proteins, NarR, NnrR and FnrP, control the switch between aerobic and anaerobic (denitrification) respiration. FnrP is a [4Fe-4S] cluster containing homologue of the archetypal O2 sensor FNR from E. coli and accordingly regulates genes encoding aerobic and anaerobic respiratory enzymes in response to O2, and also NO, availability. Here we show that FnrP undergoes O2-driven [4Fe-4S] to [2Fe-2S] cluster conversion that involves up to 2 O2 per cluster, with significant oxidation of released cluster sulfide to sulfane observed at higher O2 concentrations. The rate of the cluster reaction was found to be ~6-fold lower than that of E. coli FNR, suggesting that FnrP can remain transcriptionally active under microaerobic conditions. This is consistent with a role for FnrP in activating expression of the high O2 affinity cytochrome c oxidase under microaerobic conditions. Cluster conversion resulted in dissociation of the transcriptionally active FnrP dimer into monomers. Therefore, along with E. coli FNR, FnrP belongs to the subset of FNR proteins in which cluster type is correlated with association state. Interestingly, two key charged residues, Arg140 and Asp154, that have been shown to play key roles in the monomer-dimer equilibrium in E. coli FNR are not conserved in FnrP, indicating that different protomer interactions are important for this equilibrium. Finally, the FnrP [4Fe-4S] cluster is shown to undergo reaction with multiple NO molecules, resulting in iron nitrosyl species and dissociation into monomers

    Advanced technology and traditional means of teaching of pathomorphology in present terms

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    Для покращення ефективності навчального процесу, на нашу думку, необхідно органічне поєднання традиційних методів навчання з новітніми технологіями. Головною метою цих методів повинно бути засвоєння навчального матеріалу та розвиток клінічного мислення.; In order to improve the learning process, we believe it is necessary organic combination of traditional teaching methods with the latest technology. The main goal of these methods should be learning and the development of clinical thinking

    Prognostic criteria of high-differentiated squamous cell lung cancer of peripheral localization on the basis of clinicalmorphological data

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    Совершенствование существующих и внедрение новых эффективных мер профилактики, диагностики и лечения онкологических заболеваний у людей - важная задача современных научных исследований в области биологии и онкомедицины. Поиск прогностических критериев является ключевым моментом для понимания развития заболевания, оценки индивидуального прогноза и достоверности ответа на проводимое лечение. Выполненными исследованиями выявлено отсутствие статистически достоверного прогностического значения размера опухоли, реактивных изменений окружающих тканей и метастазирования при высокодифференцированном плоскоклеточном раке легкого; Improvement of existing and introduction of new effective measures for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases in humans is an important task of modern scientific research in the field of biology and oncomedicine. The search for prognostic criteria is the key to understanding the development of the disease, evaluating the individual prognosis and the reliability of the response to ongoing treatment. The performed studies revealed the absence of statistically significant prognostic value of tumor size, reactive changes in surrounding tissues and metastasis in highly differentiated squamous cell lung cancer

    Goodpasture syndrome: case report

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    The Goodpasture syndrome is an immune-inflammatory pathology characterized by the formation of autoantibodies directed against the basement membranes of the renal glomeruli and pulmonary alveoli, manifested by hemorrhagic pneumonitis in combination with pulmonary hemorrhage (hemoptysis) and glomerulonephritis. To date, etiological mechanisms of the disease are unknown. Clinical observations indicate a relationship between the development of Goodpasture syndrome and viral infection, intake of medications, industrial hazards. The incidence of Goodpasture syndrome is estimated to be 1 case per 1 million population. Due to the rarity of this pathology, each case of Goodpasture syndrome is of great theoretical and practical interest. The authors conducted the analysis of clinical and morphological observation of Goodpasture syndrome. The postmortem study revealed morphological signs indicating the presence of Goodpasture syndrome inter vivos, whose main manifestations were hemorrhagic pneumonitis and mesangial-proliferative glomerulonephritis with fibroplastic transformation. The reported case is also of particular interest in terms of correct formulation of the final diagnosis, since there was a combination of two diseases: Goodpasture syndrome and phlegmonous appendicitis with focal peritonitis. In this case, pulmonary heart failure should be considered as the direct cause of death,since pulmonary lesions prevailed over the renal ones, which is fully consistent with the clinical presentation and findings of the laboratory tests. The diagnosis of Goodpasture syndrome made at the hospital is not always timely, as can be evidenced by patient’s severe condition, and it requires careful differentiation with a number of other diseases involving hemorrhagic pulmonary and renal syndrome, and the urgent need for active therapy with immunosuppressants, including prednisone and cytostatics. The timely adequate treatment significantly improves the prognosis.; У роботі наведені сучасні дані зарубіжної літератури, які стосуються синдрому Гудпасчера – імунно-запальної патології, що характеризується утворенням аутоантитіл до базальних мембран ниркових клубочків і легеневих альвеол, і виявляється геморагічним пневмонітом в поєднанні з легеневою кровотечею (кровохарканням) та гломерулонефритом. Етіологічні механізми захворювання достовірно не визначені. Клінічні спостереження вказують на зв'язок розвитку синдрому Гудпасчера з перенесеною вірусною інфекцією, прийомом лікарських препаратів, виробничою шкодою. Частота розвитку синдрому Гудпасчера становить 1 випадок на 1 млн. населення. У зв'язку з рідкістю даної патології кожен випадок синдрому Гудпасчера представляє великий теоретичний і практичний інтерес. Проведений аналіз власного клініко-морфологічного випадку синдрому Гудпасчера. При проведенні патологоанатомічного дослідження тіла померлого виявлені морфологічні ознаки, що свідчать про наявність при житті синдрому Гудпасчера, основними проявами якого слід вважати геморагічний пневмоніт і мезангіопроліферативний гломерулонефрит з подальшою фібропластичною трансформацією клубочків. В даному випадку безпосередньою причиною смерті слід вважати гостру легенево-серцеву недостатність, так як патоморфологічні зміни в легенях превалювали над такими в нирках, що повністю відповідає клінічній картині та результатам лабораторних досліджень. Певний інтерес даний випадок представляє також в сенсі грамотного формулювання остаточного діагнозу, так як можна говорити про поєднання двох захворювань: синдрому Гудпасчера і гострого флегмонозного апендициту з місцевим перитонітом. Постановка діагнозу синдрому Гудпасчера в клініці не завжди буває своєчасним, свідчить про важкий стан пацієнта, вимагає ретельної диференціальної діагностики з рядом інших захворювань, що супроводжуються геморагічним легенево-нирковим синдромом, і потребує невідкладного призначення активної терапії імуносупресорами, включаючи преднізолон і цитостатики. Вчасно розпочате адекватне лікування значно покращує прогноз пацієнтів

    The Role of Histone H4 Biotinylation in the Structure of Nucleosomes

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    Background: Post-translational modifications of histones play important roles in regulating nucleosome structure and gene transcription. It has been shown that biotinylation of histone H4 at lysine-12 in histone H4 (K12Bio-H4) is associated with repression of a number of genes. We hypothesized that biotinylation modifies the physical structure of nucleosomes, and that biotin-induced conformational changes contribute to gene silencing associated with histone biotinylation. Methodology/Principal Findings: To test this hypothesis we used atomic force microscopy to directly analyze structures of nucleosomes formed with biotin-modified and non-modified H4. The analysis of the AFM images revealed a 13% increase in the length of DNA wrapped around the histone core in nucleosomes with biotinylated H4. This statistically significant (p,0.001) difference between native and biotinylated nucleosomes corresponds to adding approximately 20 bp to the classical 147 bp length of nucleosomal DNA. Conclusions/Significance: The increase in nucleosomal DNA length is predicted to stabilize the association of DNA with histones and therefore to prevent nucleosomes from unwrapping. This provides a mechanistic explanation for the gene silencing associated with K12Bio-H4. The proposed single-molecule AFM approach will be instrumental for studying the effects of various epigenetic modifications of nucleosomes, in addition to biotinylation

    Immunohistochemical description of proliferative activity and apoptosis of lung squamous cell carcinoma (literature review)

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    Проведен анализ публикаций, в которых освещаются вопросы иммуногистохимического исследования пролиферативной активности и апоптоза плоскоклеточного рака легких. Установлено, что нарушение баланса между пролиферацией и гибелью клеток является основным процессом в развитии опухолей. Однако, значение онкомаркеров в морфогенезе и гистогенезе опухолей, а также прогноз их течения остается изученным недостаточно. Несмотря на значительное количество научной литературы, посвященной данному вопросу, до сих пор не установлено четкой связи экспрессии иммуногистохимических маркеров пролиферации и апоптоза со степенью дифференцировки плоскоклеточного рака легких. Анализ литературы показывает, что вопросы морфологии данного гистогенетического рака легких на клеточном и субклеточном структурно-функциональных уровнях противоречивы и требуют детального исследования.; The analysis of the publications are describe immunohistochemical study of proliferative activity and apoptosis of lung squamous cell carcinoma. Established that the imbalance between proliferation and cell death is a key process in the development of tumors. However, the value of tumor markers in histogenesis and morfogenesis of tumors and forecast their occurrence is not studied enough. Despite the significant amount of scientific literature devoted to this issue, has not yet established a clear link expression of immunohistochemical markers of proliferation and apoptosis with the degree of differentiation of squamous cell lung cancer. Analysis of the literature shows that the morphology of this histogenetics type lung cancer at the cellular, subcellular structural and functional levels are controversial and require detailed investigation

    Immunohistochemical features of structures of malassa islands

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    Представлены данные изучения гистологических и некоторых иммуногистохи- мических особенностей эпителия гертвигового влагалища. Выявлены процессы гиперкератоза, дискератоза и паракератоза, что свидетельствует о наличии разной степени зрелости остров- ков Малассе, которые могут быть материальным субстратом для развития эпителиальной выстилки гранулемы, радикулярной кисты. Они могут служить источником формирования злокачественных опухолей в области верхушки корня зуба и давать начало образованию примор- диальных или кератокист при дисонтогенезе зубного зачатка.; Presented the data of the study of histological and immunohistochemical features of Hertwigs vagina epithelium. The processes of hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis and dyskeratosis was reveal, indicating the presence of different degrees of maturity Malassa islands that may be material substrate for the development of the epithelial lining of granulomas, radicular cyst. They can serve as a source for the formation of malignant tumors in the apex of the tooth root and give rise to the formation of primordial or keratokist at dysontogenesis of tooth germ