1,969 research outputs found


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    Based on the resuitsof compiexciinicai and instrumentai examination of 1O2 patients diagnosed with breast cysts (37.3 %), fibroadenoma ( 5O.9 %), nodai mastopathy - ( 8.82 %), post-traumatic cyst with suppuration (1.96 %), intraductai papiiioma (O.98 %). Proiiferative activity and infiammation in the tissues of the breast when it is benign noduiar pathoiogy isestabiishedat 62.7 %of patients. Gynecoiogicai pathoiogy among the women surveyed identified in 37.3 % of cases, whiie in proiiferative variant of the benign brest tumor 32,8 % of cases, nonproiiferative — on 39.5 % of cases. These adverse obstetric history occurred in 52.6 % of patients. In case with cysts of mammary giands peivic pathoiogy was found in 2 times more compared with soiid benign brest tumors.На основании peзyльтaтoв комплексного клиникo-инcтpyмeнтaльнoгo обследования 1O2 пaциeнтoкдиaгнocтиpoвaны кисты молочных желез (37,3 %), фибpoaдeнoмы (5O,9 %), узловые мастопатии (8,82 %), пocттpaвмaтичecкиe кисты с нагноением (1,96 %), внyтpипpoтoкoвыe папилломы (O,98 %). Пpoлифepaтивнaя активность и воспалительный пpoцecc в тканях молочной железы пpи ее дoбpoкaчecтвeннoй узловой патологии установлены у 62,7 % больных. Гинекологическая патология cpeди обследованных женщин выявлена в 37,3 %случаях, пpи этом пpи пpoлифepaтивнoм вapиaнтeдoбpoкaчecтвeнныx узловых oбpaзoвaний молочной железы — в 32,8 % случаев, пpи нeпpoлифepaтивнoм — в 39,5 % случаев. Данные нeблaгoпpиятнoгo акуш^^ого анамнеза имели местоу 52,6 % больных. Пpи кистах молочной железы патология opгaнoв малого таза встречается в 2 paзa чаще по cpaвнeнию с солидными дoбpoкaчecтвeнными узловыми oбpaзoвaниями.На підставі peзyльтaтiв комплексного клініко-інструментального обстеження 1O2 пацієнток діагностовано кісти молочних залоз (37,3 %), фiбpoaдeнoми (5O,9 %), вузлові мастопатії'(8,82%), пocттpaвмaтичнi кісти з нагноєнням (1,96 %), внyтpiшньoпpoтoкoви папіломи (O,98%). Пpoлiфepaтивнa активність і запальний пpoцec в тканинах молочної'залози пpи їїдoбpoякicнiй вузлової патології встановлені у 62,7% xвopиx. Гінекологічна патологіяcepeд обстежених жінок виявлена в 37,3 % випадках, пpи цьому пpи пpoлiфepaтивнoмy вapiaнтi дoбpoякicниx вузлових yтвopeнь молочної'залози - 32,8% випадків, пpи нeпpoлiфepaтивнoмy — в 39,5 % випадків. Дані нecпpиятливoгo a ^ m e p ^ ^ ^ ) анамнезу мали місце у 52,6 %xвopиx. Пpи кістах молочної'залози патологія opгaнiв малого таза зустрічається в 2 paзи частішев пopiвняннi з солідними дoбpoякicними вузловими yтвopeннями

    Biological resources of the Hyssopus l on the south of European Russia and prospects of its introduction

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    The south of European Russia (geographically - the southern part of the Central Russian Upland) has large biological and plant genetic resources. There is a concept considering the region as the second anthropogenic microgen center of formation of economically valuable plants. In the south of the Central Russian Upland, the genus Hyssopus L. is represented by two species: Hyssopus cretaceus Dubjan. and Hyssopus officinalis L. Accomplished the study of biological resources of species of the genus Hyssopus L. in vivo and in vitr

    Curing of epoxy resin DER-331by Hexakis (4-acetamidophenoxy) cyclotriphosphazene and properties of the prepared composition

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    The method of optical wedge revealed that the optimum temperature for compatibility of hexakis(4-acetamidophenoxy)cyclotriphosphazene (ACP) and DER-331 epoxy resin is in the range of 220–260◦C. The interdiffusion time of components at these temperatures is about 30 min. The TGA and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) methods revealed the curing temperature of 280◦C for thiscomposition. IRspectroscopyconfirmedthatthereactionbetweentheresinandACPiscompleted within 10 mi

    Controlling circular polarization of light emitted by quantum dots using chiral photonic crystal slab

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    We study the polarization properties of light emitted by quantum dots that are embedded in chiral photonic crystal structures made of achiral planar GaAs waveguides. A modification of the electromagnetic mode structure due to the chiral grating fabricated by partial etching of the wave\-guide layer has been shown to result in a high circular polarization degree ρc\rho_c of the quantum dot emission in the absence of external magnetic field. The physical nature of the phenomenon can be understood in terms of the reciprocity principle taking into account the structural symmetry. At the resonance wavelength, the magnitude of ρc|\rho_c| is predicted to exceed 98%. The experimentally achieved value of ρc=81|\rho_c|=81% is smaller, which is due to the contribution of unpolarized light scattered by grating defects, thus breaking its periodicity. The achieved polarization degree estimated removing the unpolarized nonresonant background from the emission spectra can be estimated to be as high as 96%, close to the theoretical prediction

    Condition of entomophilic fauna on Hyssopus officinalis L. crops depending on ecotope conditions

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    Species diversity and number of potential pollinator species on H. officinalis seed crops in various ecotopes of farm fields were studied under the influence of "Bi-58 new" insecticide treatment and without preliminary treatment. The presence of 16 insect species belonging to four families of the genus Hymenoptera (Megachilida, Apidae, Halictidae and Vespidae), two families of the Diptera row (Syrphidae and Stratiomyidae) and one family of the genus Lepidoptera (Lycaenalidae) has been identified on the seed crops of H. officinalis. The insecticidal treatment in general did not significantly affect the total number of pollinators, but changed the species composition of pollinators and their number on the field area. As much as possible, the decrease in the prevalence and number of the Megachilida species was affecte

    Laser acceleration of ion beams

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    We consider methods of charged particle acceleration by means of high-intensity lasers. As an application we discuss a laser booster for heavy ion beams provided, e.g. by the Dubna nuclotron. Simple estimates show that a cascade of crossed laser beams would be necessary to provide additional acceleration to gold ions of the order of GeV/nucleon.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Talk at the Helmholtz International Summer School "Dense Matter in heavy Ion Collisions and Astrophysics", August 21 - September 1, 2006, JINR Dubna, Russia; v2, misprints correcte


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    Molten salts are used as electrolytes for electrolytic production and refining of many metals and alloys, also as media for thermochemical treatment of materials and their production by the "electrolysis-free" method

    Optimization of a diagnostic algorithm for benign breast nodules

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    The results of examinations were studied in 76 reproductive-aged patients with benign breast nodules (BBNs). The determination of the leukocyte common antigen CD45 in the trephine biopsy specimens, as well as proteinase activity in the solid tumor homogenates and in the cyst puncture samples in the preoperative stage or the postpuncture period can identify groups of patients with BBNs in relation to a tissue inflammatory response. BBNs with a tissue inflammatory response showed increases in the level of nonspecific proteinases and in the expression of the leukocyte common antigen CD45, which was accompanied enhanced proliferative activity (Ki-67) and elevated levels of apoptosis proteins (p53 and Bcl-2), and estrogen and prolactin receptors

    Self - Consistent Description of e+e-gamma Plasma Created from the Vacuum in a Strong Electric Laser Field

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    In the present work a closed system of kinetic equations is obtained for the description of the vacuum creation of an electron - positron plasma and secondary photons due to a strong laser field. An estimate for the photon energy distribution is obtained. In the Markovian approximation the photon distribution has a 1/k spectrum (flicker noise).Comment: 6 pages, contribution to Proceedings of the International Bogolyubov Conference, Dubna (Russia), August 21-27, 200