13 research outputs found

    Application of “Polyana Kvasova” Mineral Water in the Complex Therapy of Patients with Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease and Osteochondrosis of the Spine

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    Aim: To investigate the effectiveness of complex therapy using “Polyana Kvasova” mineral water in patients with GERD and osteochondrosis (OH) of the cervical and thoracic spine. Materials and Methods: The examined patients included 56 Helicobacter pylori (HP)-positive patients with GERD and OH of the cervical and thoracic spine. The examined patients were divided into 2 groups depending on the scheme of complex treatment. All HP-positive patients with GERD and OH underwent standard triple anti-helicobacter therapy and itopride hydrochloride. Group I patients (n=26) received only the above-mentioned regimen. Patients of the II group (n=30) were additionally prescribed 100-150 ml of “Polyana Kvasova” carbonated bicarbonate-sodium mineral water (MW) as a natural antacid, warm, still 4 times a day (1.5 hours before meals and after 45 minutes after – both in the morning and evening) within 1 month. Results: The complex therapy carried out had a positive effect on the endoscopic picture of GERD in patients with cervical and thoracic OH. The decrease in the severity of RE was accompanied by an increase in the number of GERD patients in whom the erosive form of reflux esophagitis was not detected during repeated fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy (FEGDS) (mainly in the II group of examined patients – 10.0% of patients, p<0.05). The additional prescription of “Polyana Kvasova” MW to the complex treatment increased the frequency of eradication of HP infection by 9.2% – p<0.05 at the background of more pronounced normalization of clinical and endoscopic signs of GERD. Conclusions: 1. GERD is often manifested by atypical extraesophageal symptoms (up to 25.0-27.3% of cases) in patients with OH of the cervical and thoracic spine. 2. The use of standard triple AHT in combination with itopride hydrochloride is an effective method of correcting esophageal and extraesophageal clinical manifestations of GERD in patients with cervical and thoracic spine OH. 3. The additional prescription of “Polyana Kvasova” MW as part of the complex therapy of patients with GERD and OH of the cervical and thoracic regions is a safe, effective method for reducing clinical symptoms, the severity of esophageal lesions with repeated FEGD, and also contributes to increasing the frequency of HP infection eradication in the data patients

    A LysM and SH3-Domain Containing Region of the Listeria monocytogenes p60 Protein Stimulates Accessory Cells to Promote Activation of Host NK Cells

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    Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) infection induces rapid and robust activation of host natural killer (NK) cells. Here we define a region of the abundantly secreted Lm endopeptidase, p60, that potently but indirectly stimulates NK cell activation in vitro and in vivo. Lm expression of p60 resulted in increased IFNγ production by naïve NK cells co-cultured with treated dendritic cells (DCs). Moreover, recombinant p60 protein stimulated activation of naive NK cells when co-cultured with TLR or cytokine primed DCs in the absence of Lm. Intact p60 protein weakly digested bacterial peptidoglycan (PGN), but neither muropeptide recognition by RIP2 nor the catalytic activity of p60 was required for NK cell activation. Rather, the immune stimulating activity mapped to an N-terminal region of p60, termed L1S. Treatment of DCs with a recombinant L1S polypeptide stimulated them to activate naïve NK cells in a cell culture model. Further, L1S treatment activated NK cells in vivo and increased host resistance to infection with Francisella tularensis live vaccine strain (LVS). These studies demonstrate an immune stimulating function for a bacterial LysM domain-containing polypeptide and suggest that recombinant versions of L1S or other p60 derivatives can be used to promote NK cell activation in therapeutic contexts

    Achievement Goals of Youngsters in Rio de Janeiro in Different Contexts

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    Abstract: In this study, we compared the Future Goals of 160 youngsters (16-30 years-old; 71 female and 89 male). University students and slum-dwelling youth were compared. Participants completed a sociodemographic questionnaire, information about their families and two open questions: “What do you expect to do in your life that you consider very important? ” and “Do you believe you’ll achieve that? Why? ” Predicted differences in the participants ’ answers between the two groups were observed. Favela youth showed higher levels of uncertainty while describing their goals and also presented lower scores of objectives. From an Evolutionary perspective of Psychology, through the Life Story Strategies Theory, we concluded that, for young people from different social contexts, the ways of planning the future tend to vary depending on the adaptability of achievement due to the present constraints in the youth’s realities