13 research outputs found

    Susceptibility and pathology in juvenile atlantic cod gadus morhua to a marine viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus isolated from diseased rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss

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    The first known outbreak caused by a viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) strain of genotype III in rainbow trout occurred in 2007 at a marine farm in Storfjorden, Norway. The source of the virus is unknown, and cod and other marine fish around the farms are suspected as a possible reservoir. The main objective of this study was to test the susceptibility of juvenile Atlantic cod to the VHSV isolate from Storfjorden. As the pathology of VHS in cod is sparsely described, an additional aim of the study was to give a histopathological description of the disease. Two separate challenge experiments were carried out, using both intra peritoneal (ip) injection and cohabitation as challenge methods. Mortality in the ip injection experiment leveled at approximately 50% three weeks post challenge. Both immunohistochemical and rRT-PCR analysis of organs sampled from diseased and surviving fish confirmed VHSV infection. No VHSV was detected in the cohabitants. The results indicate that Atlantic cod has a low natural susceptibility to this VHSV genotype III strain. One of the most extensive pathological changes was degeneration of cardiac myocytes. Immunohistochemistry confirmed that the lesions were related to VHSV. In some fish, the hematopoietic tissue of spleen and kidney showed degeneration and immunostaining, classical signs of VHS, as described in rainbow trout. Positive immunostaining of the capillaries of the gills, suggests this organ as a useful alternative when screening for VHSV.publishedVersio

    The ecological profile of Atlantic salmon escapees entering a river throughout an entire season: Diverse in escape history and genetic background, but frequently virus-infected

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    In 2014, 129 farmed salmon escapees captured in an upstream-migration trap located in the river Etne, western Norway, were investigated for viral infections, age at escape, size, and genetic composition. The frequency of escapees positive for salmonid alphavirus (SAV), piscine orthoreovirus (PRV), and infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV) was 12, 79, and <1%, respectively. Fatty acid analysis demonstrated that the individuals had escaped from farms at different stages of the production cycle, although the majority had probably escaped from farms in the same year as their capture in the river. Genetic analyses demonstrated that the escapees originated from multiple farms. This was also supported by the distribution of fish size and timing of entry into the river. A combination of genetic, fatty acid and viral infection analyses showed that in the river Etne in 2014: (i) most of the fish entering the river were infected with one or more viruses, (ii) the majority of them had escaped in the same year that they entered the river, (ii) they originated from multiple farm sources, and (iv) two of the identified genetic groups likely originated from two recent and distinct escape events. This is the first study to integrate results from multiple analytical methods in order to reveal the ecological and genetic diversity of escaped farmed fish entering a river with native salmon population throughout an entire season.publishedVersio

    Early ontogeny of the lesser sandeel (Ammodytes marinus)

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    Background Lesser sandeel (Ammodytes marinus) is widely distributed in North Sea ecosystems. Sandeel acts as a critical trophic link between zooplankton and top predators (fish, mammals, sea birds). Because they live buried in the sand, sandeel may be directly affected by the rapid expansion of anthropogenic activities linked to their habitat on the sea bottom (e.g., hydrocarbon extraction, offshore renewable energy, and subsea mining). It is, therefore, important to understand the impact of cumulative environmental and anthropogenic stressors on this species. A detailed description of the ontogenetic timeline and developmental staging for this species is lacking limiting the possibilities for comparative developmental studies assessing, e.g., the impact of various environmental stressors. Results A detailed description of the morphological development of lesser sandeel and their developmental trajectory, obtained through visual observations and microscopic techniques, is presented. Methods for gamete stripping and intensive culture of the early life stages are also provided. Conclusion This work provides a basis for future research to understand the effect of cumulative environmental and anthropogenic stressors on development in the early life stages of lesser sandeel.publishedVersio

    Distribution of Kudoa thyrsites (Cnidaria, Myxozoa) myoliquefactive stages in Northeast Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) inferred from qPCR and histology

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    Kudoa thyrsites is a myxosporean parasite (Cnidaria, Myxozoa) that infects the skeletal and cardiac muscle of Northeast Atlantic (NEA) mackerel (Scomber scombrus). Heavy infections are associated with post-mortem myoliquefaction of the host skeletal muscle which reduces the quality of the fish product. The biological infection characteristics of the parasite in NEA mackerel are poorly known. This study examined the distribution of K. thyrsites in various organs of NEA mackerel from the northern North Sea, and elucidates the relationship between density of infection, developmental stage and parasite distribution in the musculature, and the extent of visible flesh myoliquefaction. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) data showed that K. thyrsites is unevenly distributed in the somatic musculature of the fish host, with highest density in the anterior ventral muscle sections—the belly flaps. A weak positive correlation was observed between the level of myoliquefaction and the parasite density in the fish host muscle. This relationship was also reflected by the amount and distribution of parasite developmental stages seen during histological examinations. Histological findings indicate an association between the dispersion of free myxospores and the level of myoliquefaction of the fish host muscle. Visceral organs were also found infected using qPCR, although at lower densities compared to the musculature.publishedVersio

    Immunohistochemistry of Atlantic cod larvae Gadus morhua experimentally challenged with Vibrio anguillarum

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    Farming of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua is one of the most rapidly growing sectors of Norwegian aquaculture. Classical vibriosis caused by Vibrio anguillarum is a problem in cod aquaculture. To prevent disease outbreaks, a thorough understanding of the infection route and the impact of the bacteria on the host is important. The intestinal tract, skin and gills have all been proposed as routes of entry for bacterial infections such as vibriosis. We aimed to further develop understanding of V. anguillarum serotype O2α infections in cod larvae by elucidation of a possible route of entry, the pattern of infection and its histopathology. Cod eggs were transferred to a 24-well polystyrene multi-dish with 2 ml of sterile aerated 80% (28‰ salinity) seawater. Challenge doses were 104 and 106 CFU ml–1. Unchallenged larvae were used as controls. Larvae for immunohistochemical examination were sampled daily from each group. In most of the larvae, either no or very few bacteria were observed. Typical findings were clusters of bacteria in the spaces between the primary gill lamellae. None of these bacteria seemed to have adhered to the gills. Intestines of 3 out of 161 larvae examined contained positively immunostained bacteria. Some bacteria appeared attached to the microvilli, but none was observed inside epithelial cells. Only 2 larvae from the low-challenge dose group showed clear signs of histopathology, which occurred in the intestine. It is not possible to draw any conclusions regarding the portal of entry

    Comparative susceptibility of turbot, halibut, and cod yolk-sac larvae to challenge with Vibrio spp.

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    In intensive aquaculture systems, high mortalities are frequently observed during the early life stages of marine fish. The aim of this study was to investigate differences in the susceptibility of turbot Scophthalmus maximus, halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossus and cod Gadus morhua to various strains of Vibrio anguillarum (serotypes O1, O2α and O2β), V. salmonicida and V. splendidus. The bath challenge experiments were performed using a multidish system, with 1 egg well–1. Unchallenged eggs and larvae were used as controls. Larvae in challenged groups that suffered high mortality rates were examined by immunohistochemistry. The overall results with respect to mortality showed that the O2α serotype was pathogenic to all 3 species, while the O1 serotype was pathogenic to halibut and cod. The immunohistochemical examinations revealed differences in histopathology. The O1 serotype produced more severe and highly developed infections than the O2α serotype. In larvae exposed to the O1 serotype, necrosis and bacterial cells were seen in the dermis, gastrointestinal tract, brain and eye area, while in larvae exposed to the O2α serotype, bacteria were usually limited to the gastrointestinal tract. These results suggest either that there are undetermined species differences in host immunity or that these pathogens are host-specific even in the early life stages of fish. The O2β strain did not cause an increased mortality to halibut and turbot

    Susceptibility and pathology in juvenile atlantic cod gadus morhua to a marine viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus isolated from diseased rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss

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    The first known outbreak caused by a viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) strain of genotype III in rainbow trout occurred in 2007 at a marine farm in Storfjorden, Norway. The source of the virus is unknown, and cod and other marine fish around the farms are suspected as a possible reservoir. The main objective of this study was to test the susceptibility of juvenile Atlantic cod to the VHSV isolate from Storfjorden. As the pathology of VHS in cod is sparsely described, an additional aim of the study was to give a histopathological description of the disease. Two separate challenge experiments were carried out, using both intra peritoneal (ip) injection and cohabitation as challenge methods. Mortality in the ip injection experiment leveled at approximately 50% three weeks post challenge. Both immunohistochemical and rRT-PCR analysis of organs sampled from diseased and surviving fish confirmed VHSV infection. No VHSV was detected in the cohabitants. The results indicate that Atlantic cod has a low natural susceptibility to this VHSV genotype III strain. One of the most extensive pathological changes was degeneration of cardiac myocytes. Immunohistochemistry confirmed that the lesions were related to VHSV. In some fish, the hematopoietic tissue of spleen and kidney showed degeneration and immunostaining, classical signs of VHS, as described in rainbow trout. Positive immunostaining of the capillaries of the gills, suggests this organ as a useful alternative when screening for VHSV

    The ecological profile of Atlantic salmon escapees entering a river throughout an entire season: Diverse in escape history and genetic background, but frequently virus-infected

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    In 2014, 129 farmed salmon escapees captured in an upstream-migration trap located in the river Etne, western Norway, were investigated for viral infections, age at escape, size, and genetic composition. The frequency of escapees positive for salmonid alphavirus (SAV), piscine orthoreovirus (PRV), and infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV) was 12, 79, and <1%, respectively. Fatty acid analysis demonstrated that the individuals had escaped from farms at different stages of the production cycle, although the majority had probably escaped from farms in the same year as their capture in the river. Genetic analyses demonstrated that the escapees originated from multiple farms. This was also supported by the distribution of fish size and timing of entry into the river. A combination of genetic, fatty acid and viral infection analyses showed that in the river Etne in 2014: (i) most of the fish entering the river were infected with one or more viruses, (ii) the majority of them had escaped in the same year that they entered the river, (ii) they originated from multiple farm sources, and (iv) two of the identified genetic groups likely originated from two recent and distinct escape events. This is the first study to integrate results from multiple analytical methods in order to reveal the ecological and genetic diversity of escaped farmed fish entering a river with native salmon population throughout an entire season

    Distribution of Kudoa thyrsites (Cnidaria, Myxozoa) myoliquefactive stages in Northeast Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) inferred from qPCR and histology

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    Kudoa thyrsites is a myxosporean parasite (Cnidaria, Myxozoa) that infects the skeletal and cardiac muscle of Northeast Atlantic (NEA) mackerel (Scomber scombrus). Heavy infections are associated with post-mortem myoliquefaction of the host skeletal muscle which reduces the quality of the fish product. The biological infection characteristics of the parasite in NEA mackerel are poorly known. This study examined the distribution of K. thyrsites in various organs of NEA mackerel from the northern North Sea, and elucidates the relationship between density of infection, developmental stage and parasite distribution in the musculature, and the extent of visible flesh myoliquefaction. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) data showed that K. thyrsites is unevenly distributed in the somatic musculature of the fish host, with highest density in the anterior ventral muscle sections—the belly flaps. A weak positive correlation was observed between the level of myoliquefaction and the parasite density in the fish host muscle. This relationship was also reflected by the amount and distribution of parasite developmental stages seen during histological examinations. Histological findings indicate an association between the dispersion of free myxospores and the level of myoliquefaction of the fish host muscle. Visceral organs were also found infected using qPCR, although at lower densities compared to the musculature