7 research outputs found
Abstrak: Kelurahan Ipilo merupakan salah satu kelurahan di Kota Gorontalo yang umumnya masih memiliki pekarangan yang luas untuk pemanfaatan TOGA. Berdasarkan pengamatan, beberapa ibu rumah tangga telah menanam TOGA, namun belum memahami manfaat TOGA secara ilmiah dan belum memahami cara penggunaan TOGA. Oleh karena itu, permasalahan yang muncul adalah kecenderungan masyarakat untuk memilih obat tradisional masih rendah dibandingkan dengan obat sintetik, yang diketahui jika obat sintetik dikonsumsi dalam jangka panjang memiliki efek samping yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap status kesehatan. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan kepada masyarakat sejumlah 30 peserta yang terdiri atas kelompok Dasawisma dan anggota PKK di kelurahan Ipilo Kota Gorontalo ¬untuk mengoptimalkan TOGA. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam 3 tahap. Tahap pertama; Edukasi berupa penyuluhan dan demonstrasi, tahap kedua; monitoring dan evaluasi, tahap ketiga; Tindak lanjut hasil monev berupa pendampingan dan fasilitasi kepada anggota Dasa Wisma, kader dan Kelompok UP2K PKK Kel. Ipilo dalam pembuatan produk herbal serta praktek nyata kewirausahaan melalui kegiatan bazar. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini antara lain (1) adanya peningkatan pemahaman masyarakat kelurahan Ipilo mengenai khasiat ilmiah TOGA berdasarkan hasil pre-test (86%) dan post-test (99%); (2) adanya peningkatan kepercayaan penggunaan obat tradisional dibandingkan dengan obat sintetik dalam pengobatan sendiri berdasarkan hasil monitoring dan evaluasi baik secara langsung maupun melalui Whatsapp Group "Keluarga Herbal Sehat"; (3) adanya peningkatan keterampilan masyarakat dalam berinovasi untuk mengolah TOGA menjadi produk yang bernilai ekonomis, berupa produk makanan berbahan tanaman obat (daun ceri) yaitu puding susu ceri dan minuman susu jagung ceri; dan (4) adanya fasilitasi bagi masyarakat untuk mendapatkan sertifikat Keamanan Pangan. Abstract: Ipilo Village is one of the villages in Gorontalo City which generally still has a large yard for the use of TOGA. Based on observations, several housewives have planted TOGA, but do not understand the benefits of TOGA scientifically and do not understand how to use TOGA. Therefore, the problem that arises is that the tendency of people to choose traditional medicines is still low compared to synthetic drugs, which is known if synthetic drugs are consumed in the long term it has side effects that greatly affect health status. This community service aims to provide training and assistance to the community, especially the Dasawisma group and PKK members in Ipilo Village to optimize TOGA. This activity is carried out in 3 stages. The first stage; Education in the form of counseling and demonstrations, the second stage; monitoring and evaluation, third stage; The follow-up to the results of the monev was in the form of mentoring and facilitation to Dasa Wisma members, cadres and the UP2K PKK Group Kel. Ipilo in the manufacture of herbal products as well as the real practice of entrepreneurship through bazaar activities. The results of this community service activity include (1) an increase in the understanding of the Ipilo village community regarding the scientific efficacy of TOGA based on the results of pre-test (86%) and post-test (99%); (2) there is an increase in trust in the use of traditional medicines compared to synthetic drugs in self-medication based on the results of monitoring and evaluation both directly and through the Whatsapp Group "Healthy Herbal Family"; (3) there is an increase in community skills in innovating to process TOGA into products that have economic value, in the form of food products made from medicinal plants (cherry leaves), namely cherry milk pudding and cherry corn milk drink; and (4) facilitation for the community to obtain a Food Safety certificate.Â
Pangan fungsional dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif dalam mencegah stunting pada balita. Tempe dan bayam merupakan bahan lokal yang mudah diperoleh, ekonomis, nilai gizinya tinggi dan mutu cernanya tinggi dalam tubuh sehingga berpotensi dijadikan pangan fungsional. Kebaruan dalam penelitian ini meneliti potensi Biskuit “TYam”(biskuit dengan substitusi tepung tempe dan serbuk bayam) sebagai alternatif pencegahan stunting pada balita. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memformulasi biskuit yang disubtitusi tepung tempe dan serbuk bayam (Biskuit “TYam”) dan menganalisis pengaruh subtitusi tersebut terhadap organoleptik dan nilai gizi biscuit.Metode penelitian ini adalah eksperimen laboratorium. Biskuit “TYam” diformulasi dengan mensubtitusi tepung terigu dengan tepung tempe dan serbuk bayam, masing-masing 0g (P0), 15g (P1), 30g (P2) dan 45g (P3). Keempat formula Biskuit “TYam” diuji organoleptik (warna, aroma, rasa dan kerenyahan) oleh 25 panelis menggunakan skala hedonik dengan teknik skoring. Analisis data uji organoleptik meliputi uji normalitas, uji Friedman dan uji lanjutan yakni uji Wilcoxon. Sedangkan nilai gizi biskuit “TYam” dihitung menggunakan Nutrisurvey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara organolpetik formula biscuit “TYam” P2 (15g) paling disukai dari segi warna, aroma, rasa dan kerenyahan. Sedangkan nilai gizi Biskuit “TYam” yang meningkat adalah Protein, PUFA, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Total asam folat, Kalium, Magnesium, Fosfor, Ferro dan Zink. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah semakin banyak tepung tempe dan serbuk bayam yang disubtitusi pada Biskuit “TYam”. maka nilai gizi semakin meningkat dan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap organoleptiknya.Kata Kunci: Bayam; Biskuit; Pangan fungsional; Stunting; Tempe. AbstractFunctional foods can be used as an alternative to prevent growth retardation in young children. Tempe and spinach are local ingredients that are easy to procure, economical, nutritious, digestible in the body, and have the potential to be used as functional foods. Novelty in research to examine the potential of "TYam" Biscuits (biscuits with substitution of tempeh flour and spinach powder) as an alternative to stunting prevention in toddlers. The purpose of this study is to formulate biscuits (“TYam” biscuits) replaced with tempe and spinach powder and analyze their effects on the sensual and nutritional value of biscuits. This research method is a laboratory experiment. "TYam" biscuits were formulated by replacing wheat flour with tempe flour and spinach powder, 0g (P0), 15g (P1), 30g (P2) and 45g (P3), respectively. "TYam" biscuit formulas were sensually tested by 25 panelists using a hedonic scale using t-scoring technology (color, aroma, flavor, crispness). Analysis of sensory test data included a normality test, a Friedman test, and another test, the Wilcoxon test. On the other hand, the nutritional value of "TYam" biscuits was calculated using Nutrisurvey. The results showed that the sensually "TYam" P2 (15 g) biscuit formulation was the most preferred in terms of color, aroma, flavor, and crispness. The nutritional value of the increased "TYam" biscuits was protein, PUFA, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B6, total folic acid, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. The conclusion of the study was that the "TYam" cookie as an alternative functional food in preventing stunting in toddlers.
Anti-inflammatory activities of flavonoid derivates
Background and purpose: Flavonoids are a group of phytochemicals found abundantly in various plants. Scientific evidence has revealed that flavonoids display potential biological activities, including their ability to alleviate inflammation. This activity is closely related to their action in blocking the inflammatory cascade and inhibiting the production of pro-inflammatory factors. However, as flavonoids typically have poor bioavailability and pharmacokinetic profile, it is quite challenging to establish these compounds as a drug. Nevertheless, progressive advancements in drug delivery systems, particularly in nanotechnology, have shown promising approaches to overcome such challenges. Review approach: This narrative review provides an overview of scientific knowledge about the mechanism of action of flavonoids in the mitigation of inflammatory reaction prior to delivering a comprehensive discussion about the opportunity of the nanotechnology-based delivery system in the preparation of the flavonoid-based drug. Key results: Various studies conducted in silico, in vitro, in vivo, and clinical trials have deciphered that the anti-inflammatory activities of flavonoids are closely linked to their ability to modulate various biochemical mediators, enzymes, and signalling pathways involved in the inflammatory processes. This compound could be encapsulated in nanotechnology platforms to increase the solubility, bioavailability, and pharmacological activity of flavonoids as well as reduce the toxic effects of these compounds. Conclusion: in Summary, we conclude that flavonoids and their derivates have given promising results in their development as new anti-inflammatory drug candidates, especially if they formulate in nanoparticles
Anti-inflammatory activities of flavonoid derivates
Background and purpose: Flavonoids are a group of phytochemicals found abundantly in various plants.
Scientific evidence has revealed that flavonoids display potential biological activities, including their ability to
alleviate inflammation. This activity is closely related to their action in blocking the inflammatory cascade and
inhibiting the production of pro-inflammatory factors. However, as flavonoids typically have poor
bioavailability and pharmacokinetic profile, it is quite challenging to establish these compounds as a drug.
Nevertheless, progressive advancements in drug delivery systems, particularly in nanotechnology, have shown
promising approaches to overcome such challenges. Review approach: This narrative review provides an
overview of scientific knowledge about the mechanism of action of flavonoids in the mitigation of inflammatory
reaction prior to delivering a comprehensive discussion about the opportunity of the nanotechnology-based
delivery system in the preparation of the flavonoid-based drug. Key results: Various studies conducted in silico,
in vitro, in vivo, and clinical trials have deciphered that the anti-inflammatory activities of flavonoids are closely
linked to their ability to modulate various biochemical mediators, enzymes, and signalling pathways involved
in the inflammatory processes. This compound could be encapsulated in nanotechnology platforms to increase
the solubility, bioavailability, and pharmacological activity of flavonoids as well as reduce the toxic effects of
these compounds. Conclusion: in Summary, we conclude that flavonoids and their derivates have given
promising results in their development as new anti-inflammatory drug candidates, especially if they formulate
in nanoparticles
Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Sediaan Lip Balm Rambut Jagung (Zea mays L.) dengan Metode DPPH (1,1-Diphenyl-2-Picrylhydrazyl)
Jagung sebagai komoditas utama di Provinsi Gorontalo menghasilkan limbah yang cukupbanyak. Hal ini membuat pemerintah menawarkan peluang investasi dengan memanfaatkan limbahjagung, di antaranya rambut jagung. Studi pustaka menunjukkan bahwa rambut jagung memilikiaktivitas antioksidan yang cukup baik, sehingga dilakukan formulasi lip balm dengan memanfaatkaninfusa rambut jagung sebagai bahan aktif. Penelitian kuantitatif dengan quasi eksperimen laboratoriumdilakukan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antioksidan dari sediaan lip balm rambut jagung (Zea mays L.)yang diformulasi dengan menggunakan tiga konsentrasi infusa rambut jagung, yaitu Formula A (7,5%);Formula B (15%) dan Formula C (22,5%). Sediaan dibuat dengan mencampurkan fase air (infusa rambutjagung dan gliseril monostearat) dengan fase minyak (lanolin, beeswax, setil alkohol, paraffi n cair danminyak jagung) serta emulgator (span 60 dan tween 60). Hasil uji stabilitas organoleptik dan pH selama4 minggu pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perubahan, baik dari segi organoleptik maupunpH masing-masing sediaan. Aktivitas antioksidan diukur dengan menggunakan spektrofotometer UVVisibel“SHIMADZU UV-1800” dan kuersetin (1000 μg/mL) sebagai pembanding. Hasil pengujianmenunjukkan bahwa Formula B (15%) memberikan aktivitas yang lebih baik dalam meredam radikalDPPH dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 0,987 mg/mL, Formula C (22,5%) sebesar 1,857 mg/mL dan FormulaA (7,5%) sebesar 2,909 mg/mL.Corn as the main commodity of Gorontalo Province produces a lot of waste. This makes thegovernment off er investment opportunities by utilizing corn waste, including corn silk. Literature studiesshow that corn silk has a good antioxidant activity, so the lip balm formulation was done by utilizingcorn silk infusion as an active ingredient. Quantitative research with quasi laboratory experimentswas done to determine antioxidant activity of corn (Zea mays L.) silk lip balm formulated using threeconcentrations of corn hair infusion, namely Formula A (7.5%); Formula B (15%) and Formula C(22.5%). Preparations was made by mixing water phase (corn hair infusion and glyceryl monostearate)with oil phase (lanolin, beeswax, cetyl alcohol, liquid paraffi n and corn oil) and emulgator (span 60and tween 60). The results of the organoleptic stability and pH evaluation during 4 weeks observationshowed that there was no change, both in terms of organoleptic and pH of each preparation. Antioxidantactivity was measured using “SHIMADZU UV-1800” UV-Visible Spectrophotometer and quercetin(1000 μg/mL) as comparison. The results showed that the Formula B (15%) gave a better activityin reducing DPPH radical with IC50 value was 0.987 mg/mL, Formula C (22.5%) 1.857 mg/mL andFormula A (7.5%) 2.909 mg/m
Aktivitas Antimikroba Sabun Antiseptik Bunga Eceng Gondok (Eichhornia crassipes) dengan Basis Minyak Jelantah
Water hyacinth flowers (Eichhornia crassipes) contain antibacterial phenols, flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, terpenoids, sterols, and glycosides that can be made into antiseptic soaps. Used cooking oil purifi ed with banana peel can be used to make soap. This study aimed to determine how to process used cooking oil, formulate and test antimicrobial antiseptic soaps using water hyacinth flower extract. The method uses antiseptic soap formulated with 10%, 15%, and 20% water hyacinth infusion. Physical, chemical, irritation, and antibacterial testing of the preparation. Used cooking oil is refined and clear, not thick. Water hyacinth flower extract can be formulated into antiseptic soap with a 1.5 cm foam height, cleaning power in criteria 3, pH in the range 9-10, water content >15%, and free alkali content of 0.6- 1.3%. Formula A (19.17 mm), B (20.01 mm), and C have strong antibacterial activity against E. coli based on the diameter of the barrier (20.13 mm). Water hyacinth flower extract and used cooking oil can be used to make antimicrobial antiseptic soap.Bunga Eceng gondok (Eichhornia crassipes) mengandung fenol, flavonoid, alkaloid, tannin, terpenoid, sterol dan glikosida yang mempunyai aktivitas antibakteri dan berpotensi diformulasi menjadi sabun antisptik. Minyak jelantah yang telah dimurnikan menggunakan kulit pisang kepok berpotensi sebagai bahan pembuatan sabun. Tujuan untuk mengetahui metode pengolahan minyak jelantah, formulasi dan uji aktivitas antimikroba sediaan sabun antiseptik ekstrak air bunga eceng gondok dengan memanfaatakan minyak jelantah. Metode yaitu quasi eksperimen laboratorium yakni sabun antiseptic diformulasi berdasarkan tiga konsentrasi infusa bunga eceng gondok, Formula A (10%); B (15%) dan C (20%). Evaluasi sediaan berupa fisik dan kimia, uji iritasi dan uji aktivitas antibakteri. Hasil pemurnian minyak jelantah yaitu minyak yang jernih dan tidak kental. Ekstrak air bunga eceng gondok dapat diformulasi menjadi sabun antiseptik dengan tinggi busa rata-rata 1,5 cm, daya bersih pada kriteria 3 (kesat), pH pada rentang 9-10, kadar air >15%, kadar alkali bebas 0,6-1,3 % dan tidak menunjukkan iritasi. Sabun antiseptik ekstrak air bunga eceng gondok memiliki aktivitas antibakteri terhadap E.coli kategori kuat berdasarkan diameter hambatannya, yakni Formula A (19,17 mm), B (20,01 mm) dan C (20,13 mm). Kesimpulannya ekstrak air bunga eceng gondok dan minyak jelantah dapat menjadi alternative pemanfaatan limbah menjadi sediaan sabun antiseptik yang memiliki aktivitas antimikroba
Objective: The present study aims to investigate the effect of using DMSO as an enhancer on the ex vivo penetration of an emulgel from sesewanua leaf extracts.
Methods: The sesewanua emulgel was prepared into four formulas, SWE1-SWE4, with different DMSO concentrations: 0%, 3%, 5%, 7%, and compared with QCE, quercetin without DMSO. Further, the penetration test of the sesewanua leaf ethanol extract emulgel was performed by determining the rate and cumulative penetration of quercetin within the skin of the mice by employing the Franz diffusion cell approach.
Results: The SWE4 emulgel containing 7% of DMSO was the best formula that enhanced the penetration of the emulgel, with a cumulative penetration at 331.423 mg/cm2, the penetration rate at 2.762 µg/cm2/minute, and better dispersibility of 4.6 cm and the results of the one-way ANOVA suggested a significant influence (p<0.05). DMSO with a concentration of 7% of the sesewanua emulgel was proven to increase 2,4-fold the rate and cumulative amount penetration. DMSO can be considered as a penetration enhancer of natural compounds for anti-inflammatory treatment.
Conclusion: The use of natural ingredients as topical anti-inflammatory continues to be developed to avoid the first-pass effects. The used of DMSO in topical emulgel preparation become a simple way to enhance the penetrant of active inggredient