32 research outputs found

    Water Harvesting and Soil Water Retention Practices for Forage Production in Degraded Areas in Arid Lands of Mexico

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    The area under arid conditions in Mexico is greater than 50%. This area faces a high risk due to environmental effects. The soil degradation in arid, semi‐arid, and dry sub‐humid areas is of multi‐causal nature, among which climatic and anthropogenic factors stand out. At least, three distinct elements with different effects may be considered: recurrent droughts in short periods, long‐term climate fluctuations, and degradation of soils by human activities. These threaten the productivity and sustainability of ecosystems and agro‐ecosystems. Thus, it is needed to maintain a constant exploration of new and more appropriate technologies that promote the efficient use of natural resources, in a framework of greater sustainability. Many of these technologies are focused toward better management of water and soil resources in production systems. Water management is oriented with rainwater harvesting, efficient irrigation systems, as well as soil moisture retention techniques, and the use of plant species tolerant to water stress. Planting of native species and using soil improvers of edaphic moisture retention can enhance reclamation (recovery) of degraded soils. The aim of this chapter is to show and discuss some experimental results using the above technologies applied to rangelands with degraded soils in dry lands

    Balance regional de nitrógeno en el sistema de producción leche-forraje de la Comarca Lagunera, México

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    The intensive system of milk production in the Laguna Region is characterized by large farms with more tan 1,000 milking cows and irrigated areas for forage production. The objective of this study was to estimate the balance between manure nitrogen (N) added to the soil and the requirement of N for forage crops. SAGARPA statistics were reviewed about dairy cows inventory and forage production during 1999-2011. Manure production and N excretion were estimated using daily milk production, while the crop N requirement was estimated based on crop yield and crop N removal. Forages occupied 69 % of the irrigated area, with 89,500 ha. Forage production was 1.2 million t yr-1 dry matter (DM), while the N requirement was 15,070 t yr-1. The dairy cow inventory was 423,000, with 53 % lactating. Manure production in DM was 842,000 t yr-1, while the N excreted was 44,154 t yr-1. The regional balance expressed as [N incorporated – crop N requirement] was 187 kg ha-1, which represents an excess. Previous studies showed that a balance 150 kg ha-1. El sistema intensivo de producción de leche en la Comarca Lagunera se caracteriza por grandes explotaciones con más de 1,000 vacas en lactancia y áreas para la producción de forrajes de riego. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo estimar el balance entre el nitrógeno (N) del estiércol incorporado al suelo y el requerimiento de N por los cultivos forrajeros. Se revisaron estadísticas de la SAGARPA sobre el inventario ganadero y producción de forrajes de 1999 a 2011. La producción de estiércol y la excreción de N se estimaron en función de la producción diaria de leche, mientras que el requerimiento de N de los cultivos forrajeros se estimó en base al rendimiento y a la extracción de N por los cultivos. Los forrajes ocuparon el 69 % de la superficie de riego, con 89,500 ha. La producción de forraje fue de 1.2 millones t año-1 en materia seca (MS), mientras que el requerimiento de N fue de 15,070 t año-1. El inventario lechero fue de 423,000 vacas, con 53 % en lactancia. La producción de estiércol en MS fue de 842,000 t año-1, mientras que el N excretado fue de 44,154 t año-1. El balance regional expresado como [N incorporado – requerimiento de N por forrajes] fue de 187 kg ha-1, lo cual representa un exceso. Estudios previos muestran que un balance 150 kg ha-1

    Secuencias de cultivo alternativas para incrementar el potencial forrajero y productividad del agua

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    Intensification of forage production during fall-winter season may improve productivity of cropping systems. The objective of this study was to determine the forage potential and water productivity (WP) of alternative crop sequences with double-crop during fall-winter season. The study was conducted during 2012-2013 y 2013-2014 cycles in Matamoros, Coahuila, México. The alternative crop sequences canola-triticale-corn, canola-barley-corn, canola-safflower-corn and canola-triticale-pearl millet were compared with the conventional crop sequences oat-corn-corn and oat-sorghum-sorghum. Forage chemical composition, dry matter (DM) and nutrient yields, and WP values for DM, crude protein (CP) and net energy for lactation (NEL) production were determined. Alternative crop sequences showed higher yields (11.4-53.3 %) and superior WP values (23.1-58.9 %) in CP production (P0.05) or higher (P0.05) o mayores (P<0.05) a los de la secuencia avena-maíz-maíz con 1.65-1.99 kg m-3 para MS y 11.09-13.72 MJ m-3 para ENL. Los resultados indican que las secuencias alternativas con doble cosecha en otoño-invierno pueden mejorar la eficiencia de producción de forraje

    Microbiological quality of raw milk under a scheme of good milking and storage practices in a goat production system in the Lagunera Region, Mexico

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    Dairy products provide essential nutrients when consumed and they also create rural employment. A small dairy can help a family maintain their livelihood. The objective of this study was to evaluate the microbiological quality of raw goat milk obtained during the milking-storage process using Good Hygiene Practices. The study was carried in northern Mexico, which is characterized by a desert climate. The experiment was carried in four herds, six samplings per herd with a total of 302 goats. Samples of milk extracted directly from the udder, milk extracted from the milking bucket and milk extracted from the storage bucket were analyzed. In addition, samples were taken from the milker&amp;rsquo;s hands. The data were analyzed using ANOVA and the statistical difference with the Tuky test (p&amp;thinsp;&amp;lt;&amp;thinsp;0.05). A significant difference (p&amp;thinsp;&amp;lt;&amp;thinsp;0.05) was observed in Total Coliforms (TC) for milker&amp;rsquo;s hands, milk extracted directly from the udder, milk extracted from the milking vat and milk extracted from the storage vat. However, at the time when the Good Hygiene Milking Practices GHPM treatment was stopped (June-July), higher CFU/mL of TC were observed in all stages of the milking-storage process. The pathogenic microorganisms identified were Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp. and Shigella spp. raw goat milk can be easily contaminated during the milking-storage process, since the common practice is to milk in the pen among other animals, manure and soil. To improve quality and sustainability parameters, it is necessary to have an exclusive space for milking as well as the implementation of GHPM. Better business alliances and better ethics between suppliers and industrial producers are also necessary

    Elaboración y uso de compostas en nogal pecanero

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    Desarrollo Sustentable de los Recursos Naturales al Disminuir Riesgos de Contaminación en Actividades Agropecuarias

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    Desarrollo Sustentable de los Recursos Naturales al Disminuir Riesgos de Contaminación en Actividades Agropecuaria

    Uso de biosolidos en suelos Agrícolas

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    Vol. 8, Núm. 1 (2010)

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    Durante un año de muestreos bimestrales, se colectó agua de drenes agrícolas ubicados en San Isidro, Caseta, Placitas, Colonia Esperanza y Porvenir en Valle de Juárez, Chihuahua, para establecer el comportamiento de la carga nutrimental. Para propósitos de comparación se analizó mensualmente y durante un año agua residual cruda en Loma Blanca. Fueron determinados nitrógeno total, amoniacal, nitratos y nitritos, así como fósforo, fosfatos totales, ortofosfatos, fluoruros y sólidos suspendidos totales. El dren San Isidro recibió aportaciones de agua residual y la concentración de N-total, N-NH4, N-NO3, N-NO2, fósforo, fosfatos totales, ortofosfatos, fluoruros y SST se aproximaron a los valores del agua residual cruda. El dren Placitas excedió la concentración que presenta el agua residual para N-total, N-NH4, N-NO2 y fluoruros, por la alta carga nutrimental incorporada de los corrales de ganado lechero y lixiviación de fertilizantes nitrogenados que se utilizan en la producción agrícola y que se incorporan al sistema de drenaje; el mismo dren placitas presentó elevadas concentración de fósforo, fosfatos totales y ortofosfatos aunque sus valores fueron menores a los de agua residual. La presencia de nitratos es tres veces superior que la del agua residual cruda para los drenes de Col. Esperanza y Porvenir, producto del lixiviado que presentan los fertilizantes nitrogenados y que convergen a los drenes dispuestos a cielo abierto