1,470 research outputs found

    Alexander Oldys’s Comic Displacement of Romance in The Fair Extravagant

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    [Abstract] In Alexander Oldys’s The Fair Extravagant (1682), the male protagonist is anxious about his authority as a husband due to the heroine’s superior social rank and wealth, her strong personality, and her free agency. This paper shows how this is presented in a kind of novel of trial that intends to test the protagonist’s manly virtues through a comic displacement of chivalric romance. It draws on Bakhtin’s concept of Prüfungsroman and his idea that the novel is a markedly dialogic genre, often permeated with irony and parody. This analysis also assumes that manhood is a social and cultural construction which is materialised in a status that men must achieve under the constant scrutiny and assessment of others

    Using Gamification to Enhance Second Language Learning

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    One major competence for learners in the 21st century is acquiring a second language (L2). Based on this, L2 instruction has integrated new concepts to motivate learners in their pursue of achieving fluency. A concept that is adaptable to digital natives and digital immigrants that are learning a L2 is Gamification. As a pedagogical strategy, Gamification is basically new, but it has been used successfully in the business world. Gamification not only uses game elements and game design techniques in non-game contexts (Werbach & Hunter, 2012), but also empowers and engages the learner with motivational skills towards a learning approach and sustaining a relax atmosphere. This personality factor as Brown (1994) addresses is fundamental in the teaching and learning of L2.  This article covers aspects regarding language, second language learning methodology and approaches, an overview of the integration of technology towards L2 instruction, Gamification as a concept, motivational theory, educational implications for integrating the strategy effectively, and current applications used. It also calls for a necessity of empirical evidence and research in regards to the strategy

    Gamification and Game-Based Learning: Two Strategies for the 21st Century Learner

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    The use of emergent technologies in education has evolved tremendously since the 21st century. For plenty of educators this has become a challenging task, most of all when 21st century learners fill the classrooms. But these digital natives differ tremendously from those who started the millennium. These students want to be challenged, engaged and motivated through a learning process, which connects them to a different learning experience. This has become a challenging task for educators due to the student profile and characteristics. Although to achieve the learning outcomes necessary for the 21st century, educators are adapting approaches suited for these learners, involving game theory, video games, and gamifying instruction. Two of these approaches are Gamification and Game-Based Learning (GBL). These two approaches have been widely used based on the theoretical approach towards game design and the opportunity they bring for the learner to be engaged and motivated throughout instruction. The following article provides a clear overview of both strategies, and howmotivation is integrated with both. In addition it provides a clear description on planning effective instruction using aligned learning objectives, research and educational implications, and resources for the teaching and learning process using these approaches and strategies

    Vulneration of the right to health by lead contamination, in ventanilla, 2017

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    El presente artículo tiene por objetivo: Analizar cómo pese a existir normas legales aún se vulnera el Derecho a la Salud, por efecto de la Contaminación Ambiental por parte de empresas, que no tiene responsabilidad social, sus maquinarias emiten plomo en el Distrito de Ventanilla 2017. En tal sentido, en la presente investigación se ha evidenciado una amplia vulneración del derecho a la salud y medio ambiente producido por la contaminación ambiental por parte de las diversas empresas, las que emiten entre otros compuestos químicos tóxicos, dañinos a la salud, como es el plomo, lo que ha permitido comprobar mediante entrevistas y documentos oficiales, como se continua afectado, dañando, menoscabando, los derechos humanos a la vida, los derechos fundamentales donde, en primer orden afecta a los indefensos niños, ancianos y madres gestantes, quienes por vivir alrededor de dichas empresas industriales, siguen siendo los más vulnerables, centrándose en la desprotección por parte de las políticas del estado frente a la contaminación de compuestos químicos, siendo el plomo, el que más daño está causando a la salud.The objective of this article is to: Analyze how, despite the existence of regulations, the Right to Health due to Environmental Pollution due to lead in the Ventanilla District 2017 is still violated. In this sense, it will be possible to demonstrate a broad development on the issue of the violation of the right to health and the environment produced by environmental contamination by lead as well as a small account on human rights and fundamental rights where children, the elderly and mothers Pregnant women are still the most vulnerable, focusing on the lack of protection against lead contamination

    Educators Perspectives on Integrating Social Media to the ESL Classroom

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    This article presents a study on the perspective of two higher education professors from Puerto Rico in the use of social media for the ESL classroom. It covers the millennial generation characteristics and its influence on the teaching and learning process at the university level. Several strategies within the use of social media and emergent technologies are presented. The study participants reflect on the use of social media in the classroom and present how beneficial it has been in student achievement, retention, and engagement. Several remarks are made within the use of social media for the classroom and participants expose their experiences in the ESL classroom at the university level

    Análisis situacional de la gestión operativa de almacenes

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    El objetivo del presente proyecto de final de carrera, es la realización de un estudio donde se analiza el estado situacional de la gestión operativa dentro de los almacenes, de una manera fiable y precisa, radiografiando y estableciendo un diagnóstico del estado o punto de desarrollo en los que se encuentran actualmente la gestión de almacenes. Para cumplir este objetivo se realizará una prospectiva de los principales ratios e indicadores de utilización habitual dentro de la gestión operativa de los almacenes, a partir de los cuales y mediante un filtrado y análisis individual de los mismos, se concretará en una lista precisa de los de mayor importancia, utilización y aplicación con el objetivo del proyecto. Se redactará y construirá un formulario, donde quedarán plasmados todos los requerimientos de los datos necesarios para el cálculo y medición de los indicadores seleccionados, así como toda una lista de factores indirectos ya sean cualitativos o cuantitativos que favorezcan el entendimiento y comprensión de las características de la operativa dentro de los almacenes de las empresas participantes, así como otro tipo de datos generales. Una vez establecido el formato del formulario y su plasmación en un formato digital, con el objetivo de facilitar su cumplimentación y difusión, se llevará a cabo una distribución masiva del mismo por medio de diferentes vías, entre la que destaca como principal, un proceso de mailing a través de los socios y colaboradores del ICIL (Institut Català d´Investigació Logística). Se analizarán todos los datos obtenidos y facilitados por las empresas participantes, por medio de una clasificación y segmentación en los diferentes factores de importancia con el con el objetivo de realizar una redacción y plasmación de tendencias, situaciones y recomendaciones por medio de su presentación en unas conclusiones finales

    Protection of a healthy environment: the experience of municipe of Carabayllo

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    El artículo tiene por objetivos: determinar la manera en que se hace efectivo la fiscalización ambiental por parte de la Municipalidad Distrital de Carabayllo en el marco de la protección del derecho a un ambiente sano de los pobladores. En el entendido de que creemos que si el Estado, a través de la Municipalidad de Carabayllo se compromete y asume acciones políticas y de inversión sostenidas, la problemática se puede revertir y manejar de modo más adecuado, asegurando así el derecho a vivir en un ambiente sano y equilibrado.This article to determine the way in which the environmental control is made effective by The district municipality of Carabayllo in the framework of the protection of the right to a healthy environment of the inhabitants. In the understanding that we believe that if the state, through the municipality of Carabayllo, commits and assumes sustained political and investment actions, the problem can be reversed and managed in a more appropriate way, thus ensuring the right to live in an environment Healthy and balanced