32 research outputs found

    Ecofisiolgia de espécies arbóreas de campina na Amazônia Central

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    Ecophysiology of arboreal species of Campina in the Central Amazonia. Campina species are frequently exposed to periods of high irradiance, temperature and water limitation. Environmental microclimate traits and the oligotrophic soil, drive the characteristics of campina plants. Different species developed different strategies that converge in abilities of survival and colonization. The knowledge of functional traits becomes necessary to understand the plant responses to actual environmental conditions, and how the physiology behavior could be affected by climate changes. Was studied the diurnal and seasonal photosynthetic efficiency of quantum capture and energy transfer; the leaf gas exchange responses to light, CO2, and leaf temperature; leaf mass per area (MSA); chloroplast pigments; leaf anatomics features; soil nutrient content; young, adult and senescent leaves nutrient content; and photosynthetic nutrient use efficiency of Pagamea duckei (PD), Pradosia schomburgkiana (PS), Ouratea spruceana (OS) and Swartzia dolichopoda (SD) species on Reserva Biológica de Campina do INPA, Manaus, AM, Brazil, and data was analyzed on different rainy periods. The maximum quantum efficiency of photosystem II was reduced which ranged from 8.5 % (SD) to 14 % (PD). All species showed a decrease in maximum fluorescence throughout the day in the dry season. The maximum photosynthesis of PS and OS present reduction in the dry period of 32 % and 31 % , respectively. The species PD, PS and OS showed higher stomatal conductance in the rainy season and the SD did not differ between periods. The MSA was proportional to the efficient use of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, with lower values for PD. The PD had the lowest stomatal index . These data suggest that in the dry, with low water availability and high light intensities, due to the accumulation of the quinone reduced throughout the day, probably increasing the fluorescence maximum, beyond the lower activity of Rubisco in response to stomatal closure. Species more acclimated to microclimate conditions of Campina had higher rates of energy dissipation, such as PD and SD. The lower leaf water potential resulted in lower photosynthetic rates and reduced stomatal conductance, as is common to other species scleromorphic. Given this, climatic variations throughout the year should set the annual carbon balance. The species with higher MSA offset the high cost of leaf construction with greater efficiencies in the use of nutrients such as N, P and K. Therefore, the species are subject to dynamic stress on the photosynthetic apparatus in the rainy season and the dry season, to chronic stress. Photosynthetic characteristics for classifying species PS and OS as sensitive to drought and PD and SD as drought tolerant. Above 38 ° C leaf species have decrease in photosynthesis. The nutrient limitation and water are the major abiotic factors that guided the functional characteristics of the leaves of the species studied.Espécies de Campina estão frequentemente sujeitas a períodos de alta irradiância, temperatura e limitação hídrica. As condições microclimáticas e as características oligotróficas destas áreas direcionam as características desta vegetação. Diferentes espécies desenvolvem diferentes estratégias que convergem em sucesso de sobrevivência e colonização. O conhecimento das características funcionais destas espécies se faz necessário para entender as respostas destas plantas às condições ambientais atuais, e como o comportamento fisiológico poderá ser afetado frente às mudanças climáticas. Neste sentido, estudou-se a eficiência fotossintética de captura e processamento de energia, diurna e sazonal; o comportamento das trocas gasosas em resposta à irradiância, CO2 e temperatura foliar; o potencial de água na folha; a eficiência no uso da água; a área foliar; a massa seca por área de folha (MSA); concentração de pigmentos cloroplastídicos; características anatômicas foliares; concentração de nutrientes no solo e folhas (jovens, adultas e senescentes); e a eficiência na utilização de nutrientes das espécies Pagamea duckei (PD), Pradosia schomburgkiana (PS), Ouratea spruceana (OS) e Swartzia dolichopoda (SD) crescendo naturalmente na Reserva Biológica de Campina do INPA, Manaus, AM e analisadas no período chuvoso e seco. A eficiência quântica máxima do fotossistema II teve redução que variou de 8.5% para SD até 14% para a PD. Todas as espécies apresentaram diminuição da fluorescência máxima ao longo do dia no período seco. A fotossíntese máxima da PS e OS apresentam redução no período seco de 32% e 31%, respectivamente. As espécies PD, PS e OS apresentaram maiores valores de condutância estomática no período chuvoso e a SD não diferiu entre os períodos. A MSA foi proporcional à eficiência na utilização de nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio, com menores valores para a PD. A PD apresentou o menor índice estomático. Estes dados sugerem que no período seco, com a baixa disponibilidade hídrica e altas irradiâncias, ocorre o acúmulo de quinona A reduzida ao longo do dia, provavelmente aumentando a fluorescência máxima, além das menores atividade da Rubisco, em resposta ao fechamento estomático. Espécies melhores aclimatadas as condições microclimáticas da campina apresentam maiores taxas de dissipação de energia, como a PD e SD. O menor potencial hídrico foliar resultou em menores taxas fotossintéticas, e redução da condutância estomática, como é comum a outras espécies escleromórficas. Diante disto, as variações climáticas ao longo do ano devem regular o balanço de carbono anual. As espécies com maiores valores de MSA compensam o alto custo de construção foliar com maiores eficiências na utilização de nutrientes como: N, P e K. Portanto, as espécies estão sujeitas ao estresse dinâmico no aparato fotossintético na estação chuvosa, e, na estação seca, a um estresse crônico. As características fotossintéticas permitem classificar as espécies PS e OS como sensíveis à seca e a PD e SD tolerantes à seca. Acima de 38°C foliar as espécies apresentam queda na fotossíntese. A limitação nutricional e hídrica parecem ser os principais fatores abióticos que direcionaram as características funcionais das folhas das espécies estudada

    Impactos da Pandemia da COVID-19 nos Cursos EaD da Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM)

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     The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education has also affected distance learning courses (DLC), either by the interruption of face-to-face activities or by the individual conditions of the students. The present study aimed to diagnose the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on aspects related to health, academic performance and motivation of DLC/UFAM students. An online form (Google Forms) was used for the data collection on social, health and perception of the return to face-to-face activities of distance education students. Academic performance was assessed by the grades report of subjects taken in 2019/2 (before the pandemic) and 2020/1 (beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic). The majority of distance education students from UFAM were women, brown skin and aged between 25 to 40 years old. In June 2020, about 10% of participants tested positive for COVID-19 and most were concerned about the possibility of contamination by the disease when they answered that they would not participate in face-to-face activities during the pandemic. The average pass rate in courses in the semester taken during the pandemic it was 16% higher than in the previous semester. Students rated positively the suspension measures of face-to-face activities and motivation was the main element associated with permanence and good performance in the courses. The monitoring data served as support to the Distance Education Center – DEC/UFAM pedagogical team and course coordinators for the identification of students with difficulties, individual monitoring of cases and the realization of personalized solutions. Keywords: Monitoring COVID-19. Health indicators. Face-to-face meetings. Pandemic impacts. Academic achievement.    O impacto da pandemia da COVID-19 na educação também afetou os cursos na modalidade a distância (EaD), seja pela interrupção de atividades presenciais ou pelas condições individuais dos estudantes. O presente estudo objetivou diagnosticar o impacto da pandemia da COVID-19 nos aspectos relacionados a saúde, desempenho acadêmico e motivação dos estudantes da EaD/UFAM. Foi utilizado um formulário online (Google Forms) para a coleta de dados sobre os indicadores sociais, de saúde e de percepção do retorno às atividades presenciais dos estudantes EaD. O desempenho acadêmico foi avaliado pelo relatório de notas das disciplinas cursadas em 2019/2 (antes da pandemia)  e 2020/1 (início da pandemia da COVID-19). A maioria dos estudantes EaD da UFAM foi composta por mulheres, de cor parda e com idade entre 25 a 40 anos. Em junho de 2020, cerca de 10% dos participantes testaram positivo para a COVID-19 e a maioria se mostrou preocupada com a possibilidade de contaminação pela doença, ao responder que não participaria de atividades presenciais durante a pandemia. A taxa média de aprovação em disciplinas no semestre cursado durante a pandemia foi 16% superior à do semestre anterior. Os estudantes avaliaram positivamente as medidas de suspensão das atividades presenciais e a motivação foi o principal elemento associado a permanência e bom desempenho nas disciplinas. Os dados do monitoramento serviram de suporte à equipe pedagógica do Centro de Educação a Distância – CED/UFAM e coordenadores de curso para a identificação de estudantes com dificuldades, acompanhamento individual dos casos e a realização de soluções personalizadas. Palavras-chave: Monitoramento COVID-19. Indicadores de saúde. Encontros presenciais. Impactos da pandemia. Desempenho acadêmico

    Ecofisiologia de Aldina heterophylla Spruce Ex Benth em um gradiente vegetacional na Amazônia Central

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    The objective of this study was to characterize fish assemblages of the Urucu River in areas of close proximity to oil and natural gas exploration, and to investigate whether there was any impact on the assemblages associated with these activities. The collections were made in an area upstream of the ports, for control (PCONT) (4 °51 '20.7''S - 65 º 20' 53.2''W), also held collections downstream (500 meters ) port Urucu (PJU) (4 ° 50 '59.3''S - 65 º 20' 37.4''W) (Figure 3). The collections were also held in front of the port Evandro 2 (PPE2) (4 ° 45 '47.9''S - 65 º 02' 46.6''W), 90 km equidistant urucu the port and the amount (PME2) (4 º 45 '42''S - 65 º 20' 37.4''W)and downstream (PJE2) of the same port (4 ° 45 '26.4''S - 65 º 02' 38.7''W), also captures were performed in front of the port Evandro 1 (PPE1) (4 ° 45 '18.1''S - 65 º02' 40.9''W) and downstream of that point (PJE1) (4 ° 45 '02.2'' S - 65 º 02 '42.6''W) is located on all these points Urucu river in the city of Coari, Amazonas, Brazil. In total,923 fish specimens from 7 orders, 23 families and 82 species were collected, with a total biomass of 166.82 kg. Characiformes were the predominant group followed by Siluriformes, while Clupeiformes, Osteoglossiformes, Perciformes, Beloniformes and Pleuronectiformes together amounted to less than 10% of the total capture. The Characidae family (30%), and sub-families Serrasalminae (15%) and Osteoglossidae (13%) were the most abundant during the low water period, while the Characidae (42%) and Callichthydae (16%) families, and sub-families Serrasalmidade (14%) and Pristigateridae (11%) were the most abundant during high water. The most abundant families per collection point during high water were: Characidae at PCONT (43%),PJU (48%), PME2 (34%) and PJE1 (52%) e PJE1 (51%), Osteoglossidae at PPE2(42%) and Hemiodontidae at PJE2 (24%). During low water the most abundant families were: Characidae at PPE2 (54%), PME2 (38%), PCONT (45%), PJU (37%)and PJE2 (24%), and Callichthyidae at PJE1 (40%). The piranha species Serrasalmus rhombeus presented the highest abundance (11%) and occorrence frequency (91%), followed by Bryconops alburnoides, Dianema urostriatum and Osteoglossum bicirrhosum. Fish abundance, CPUE, biomass, species richness,Shannon diversity index, uniformity and dominance all varied between the two hydrological periods. The high water period presented 489 specimens and the dry period 439. The largest ratio of abundance/biomass was encountered at PJE1 during the high water period (n=122/15.17 g) and the smallest at Pcontrol during low water (n=32/5.95 g). CPUE based on abundance was largest during high water (0.33) and lowest during low water (0.30). PJE1 presented the highest CPUE (0.50; high water)and PCONT the lowest (0.13; low water). The highest and lowest species richness,respectively, were encountered at PJE1 during high water (35) and at Pcontrol during low water (12). The highest (4.22) and lowest (0.80) levels of diversity, calculated by the Shannon Index, were encountered at PJU during high and low water,respectively. PJU and PJE1 presented the highest values of uniformity during low water (J'=0.90), while PJU presented a much lower value at high water (J'=0.20). The largest dominance was encountered at PPE2 during high water (0.19) and the lowest at PJU during low water (0.07). The dominant species per collection point were:Dianema urostriatum at PJE1 and PJE2, Bryconops alburnoides at PPE2, Chalceus erythrurus at PJU and Serrasalmus rhombeus at Pcontrol and PME2. In terms of petroleum contamination, sampling point PCONT was classified as Stage I, which is associated with some physiological stress for aquatic fauna coping with moderate levels of pollution. Based on ABC curves and numerical indexes, it s not possible to clearly determine if points downstream from PCONT were being impacted from petroleum exploration in the region. However, for PJU, which was classified as very polluted and is located immediately downstream from Port Urucu, this argument makes sense. Significant levels of aliphatic hydrocarbons indicate that contamination from sources petrogênicas were not detected by chemical analysis of water taken. The highest concentrations of n-alcanes (n-C29 during low water and n-C31 during high water) were found to be derivatives of vegetable matter combustion. From all of the environmental variables analyzed, stream width separated the collection points into two groups, with one formed by PCONT, for both hydrological periods, and the other made up of the rest of the collection points. An increase in width going downstream is consistent with the River Continuum Concept, which explains how diverse changes in hydrology occur from the headwaters to the mouth of a stream or river. Width, depth, temperature and alyphatic hydrocarbon concentrations were the principal structured variables of the studied assemblages.O bioma Amazônico é caracterizado por uma grande variabilidade de paisagens e tipos florestais, dentre eles a Campina (CP) e Campinarana (CR). A CP representa uma paisagem de vegetação de porte baixo (3-4m), aberta e escleromórfica, em solos arenosos oligotróficos, CR por uma paisagem menos aberta, com porte médio (10-15 m) em solos arenosos com a presença de grande quantidade de serrapilheira. Muitas dúvidas a respeito da dinâmica do gradiente vegetal CP, CR e Floresta Ombrófila (FO) ainda persistem. Assim, diante destas incertezas pode-se propor que as possíveis mudanças climáticas globais, que prevê aumento da temperatura e mudança dos regimes pluviométricos já nas próximas décadas, podem alterar a dinâmica deste gradiente. Neste contexto este trabalho teve como objetivo geral analisar aspectos ecofisiológicos de Aldina heterophylla, presente ao longo de todo o gradiente CP-CR-FO, investigando o efeito de fatores abióticos, como luz, água e nutrientes, em folhas maduras de indivíduos adultos. Para tanto, análises anatômicas, fisiológicas e bioquímicas foram realizadas. O trabalho de campo foi desenvolvido na Reserva Biológica de Campina do INPA, localizada no km 60 da rodovia BR-174, Manaus - Boa Vista (2º 34'S; 60º 02'W). Os resultados demonstraram que os indivíduos de A. heterephylla na CR estão mais vulneráveis as flutuações microclimáticas, fato observado principalmente pelo índice de desempenho do fotossistema II. Por outro lado, observou-se que os indivíduos na CP apresentam alta capacidade de aclimatação a altas irradiâncias e temperatura. Adicionalmente, verificou-se que as diferenças morfológicas observadas entre as árvores de A. heterophylla nas diferentes formações, principalmente quanto à estatura, pode ser reflexo das taxas respiratórias, maiores para CP, que implica em um menor acúmulo de biomassa, e menor para FO, que resulta em maior acúmulo. Ao longo do gradiente A. heterophylla apresentou diferentes estratégias quanto à utilização da água. Na FO os indivíduos estão mais aclimatados as menores disponibilidades hídricas, utilizando mais eficientemente este recurso, e na CP utilizam-se deste recurso possivelmente para evitar situações de fotodano. Na CR apresentaram um menor desempenho na utilização deste recurso. A variação nutricional no solo foi grande entre as profundidades analisadas, aspecto demonstra grande importância da serrapilheira na disponibilidade de nutrientes. Apesar das grandes diferenças observadas quanto aos teores de nitrogênio foliar, estas não influenciaram nas respostas fotossintéticas, que demonstra alta plasticidade fisiológica para a espécie, podendo ser comprovada pela alta eficiência na utilização de nitrogênio principalmente na CP. Características morfológicas foram moduladas possivelmente pelas variações microclimáticas e edáficas, como observado na área foliar, área foliar específica e possivelmente na ontogenia do parênquima paliçádico e lacunoso. Dessa forma conclui-se que a menor capacidade de aclimatação dos indivíduos de CR pode reduzir sua ocorrência nestas áreas frente às possíveis mudanças climáticas, convergindo em um ambiente que apresente características fitofisionômicas similares ao que observa atualmente para CP, podendo aumentar assim, estas áreas na vegetação amazônica

    Leaf Gas Exchange, Photon Capture and Light Harvest in Aldina heterophylla along a Vegetation Gradient in the Amazon Rainforest

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    Adaptation along environmental gradients is presumed to induce physiological and biochemical leaf changes in plant species. In this paper, we report how leaf gas exchange, photon capture and light harvest for photosynthesis in Aldina heterophylla change along a vegetation gradient from low stature open vegetation on extremely nutrient-poor white sand (Campina, CP), through inter-mediate closet type (Campinarana, CR) to tall closed rain forest (RF). The pigment concentrations did not differ between the CP, CR and RF habitats. The performance index for the photosynthesis (PIABS) of individuals in RF and CP was approximately 30% higher than that in CR individuals. This species showed similar potential rates of photosynthesis in the different vegetation types; however, the dark respiration rates were higher in CP. Our results indicate that the differences in the leaves and soil nitrogen concentrations are not enough to change the levels of gas exchange. Other environmental features may be driving the observed morphological features in this gradient, in particular, the tree height

    Leaf Gas Exchange, Photon Capture and Light Harvest in Aldina heterophylla along a Vegetation Gradient in the Amazon Rainforest

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    Adaptation along environmental gradients is presumed to induce physiological and biochemical leaf changes in plant species. In this paper, we report how leaf gas exchange, photon capture and light harvest for photosynthesis in Aldina heterophylla change along a vegetation gradient from low stature open vegetation on extremely nutrient-poor white sand (Campina, CP), through inter-mediate closet type (Campinarana, CR) to tall closed rain forest (RF). The pigment concentrations did not differ between the CP, CR and RF habitats. The performance index for the photosynthesis (PIABS) of individuals in RF and CP was approximately 30% higher than that in CR individuals. This species showed similar potential rates of photosynthesis in the different vegetation types; however, the dark respiration rates were higher in CP. Our results indicate that the differences in the leaves and soil nitrogen concentrations are not enough to change the levels of gas exchange. Other environmental features may be driving the observed morphological features in this gradient, in particular, the tree height