24 research outputs found

    Fabrication and optimization of hybrid field-effect transistors on fibres

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    Os dispositivos flexíveis à base de fibras prometem ter um impacto significativo na futura tecnologia wearable. Este trabalho, integrado no projeto 1D-NEON EU, documenta a fabricação e otimização de transístores de efeito de campo (FETs) em fios condutores para posterior implementação em fibras, promovendo o desenvolvimento dos smart textiles. Os transístores-fibra foram fabricados seguindo uma estrutura gate-all-around, usando fio de prata com diâmetro de 200 e 500 μm como núcleo (elétrodo de porta), parileno depositado por deposição química de vapor como isolante, óxido semicondutor pulverizado (óxido de índio-gálio-zinco ou óxido de zinco-estanho) e, como elétrodos de fonte-dreno, Al evaporado com máscara de sombra ou Ag por screen-printing. Realizou-se uma análise detalhada da espessura de parileno necessária para o bom funcionamento de estruturas metal-isolante-metal (MIM) e transístores, em configurações planares e em fibra. Enquanto que, em estruturas planares, se verificou uma boa qualidade das propriedades isolantes com filmes de 500 nm de espessura, os fios requerem filmes de ≈ 1 μm, devido à rugosidade inicial do fio. Foram desenvolvidas três diferentes gerações de estruturas, otimizando não só o empilhamento de materiais e os processos de deposição, mas também as configurações para medição, que foram consideradas críticas para aceder de forma confiável às propriedades elétricas das estruturas à base de fibras. Apesar da elevada tensão de operação, devido à espessa camada isolante, os transístores-fibra preparados abaixo de 150 °C apresentam mobilidades superiores a 10-2 cm2/V.s, Ion/Ioff > 102, sem degradação do desempenho após dobramento num raio de 45 mm

    Avaliação do Estado Nutricional de doentes em Hemodiálise no Hospital Amato Lusitano

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    Introdução: A hemodiálise, apesar de prolongar a sobrevida dos doentes com insuficiência renal crónica terminal, está associada a várias complicações, agudas e crónicas, e a alterações nutricionais. A desnutrição energético-proteica aumenta a mortalidade e compromete a qualidade de vida destes doentes. Como tal, é fundamental uma avaliação regular do estado nutricional, de forma a intervir o mais precocemente possível. Como não existem formas de avaliação únicas e ideais validadas capazes de avaliar, precisamente, o estado nutricional, recomenda-se a utilização de um conjunto de parâmetros bioquímicos e antropométricos, associados a uma monitorização da ingestão alimentar de cada doente. Objectivos: Avaliar o estado nutricional de uma população em hemodiálise através da análise estatística de diferentes parâmetros bioquímicos, antropométricos e avaliações subjectivas dos próprios doentes em relação à sua alimentação, actividade diária e tipo de sintomas que podem influenciar o estado nutricional. Quantificar a prevalência de desnutrição/risco de desnutrição na população em estudo. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo observacional transversal, desde Setembro de 2015 a Fevereiro de 2016, tendo como população alvo 46 doentes em tratamento de hemodiálise, no serviço de Nefrologia do Hospital Amato Lusitano. Dados subjectivos relativos a alterações recentes na alimentação, existência de sintomas gastrointestinais e mudanças na actividade diária, desde o início do tratamento de hemodiálise, foram obtidos por meio de questionários especificamente desenvolvidos para tal. Para a avaliação do estado nutricional utilizaram-se também parâmetros bioquímicos e antropométricos. A análise estatística foi feita com recurso ao Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Resultados: Dos 46 doentes estudados, 52,2% refere “comer pouco” e 50% refere sintomas gastrointestinais, sendo o mais comum a falta de apetite (65,2%). Segundo a classificação usada para a avaliação da adequação da circunferência do braço, 40,7% dos homens apresentam “eutrofia”, enquanto 47,4% das mulheres demonstram “desnutrição leve”. A grande maioria dos doentes apresenta níveis de albumina 1g/kg/dia. São as mulheres que frequentemente apresentam níveis mais baixos de pré-albumina e um índice de massa corporal inferior a 23kg/m². Contrariamente, são estas que mostram níveis de colesterol total mais elevados. Relativamente à vitamina D, os valores médios foram de 13,9±13,3ng/mL, para a população em estudo, revelando valores muito abaixo do recomendado (>30ng/mL). Metade da amostra apresenta pelo menos três parâmetros (bioquímicos e/ou antropométricos) abaixo dos valores de referência, indicando desnutrição ou risco de desnutrição. Discussão: Os níveis médios da albumina, pré-albumina, colesterol, transferrina, ureia pré-diálise, creatinina e nPCR apresentam níveis inferiores nos doentes classificados como desnutridos ou em risco de desnutrição, com diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Estes resultados estão de acordo com a literatura que considera todos estes parâmetros como importantes marcadores do estado nutricional, em pacientes sob tratamento dialítico. Pelo contrário, os parâmetros antropométricos utilizados não revelaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Desta forma, e contrariamente ao evidenciado noutros estudos, neste trabalho, nem o IMC nem a medição da circunferência do braço se mostraram importantes marcadores do estado nutricional. Conclusão: As mulheres apresentam maior risco de desnutrição relativamente aos homens. Metade da população em estudo (23 doentes) está desnutrida ou em risco de desnutrição energético-proteica.Introduction: Hemodialysis, although prolong the survival of patients with end stage renal failure, is also associated to several complications (acute and chronic) and nutritional changes. The protein-energy malnutrition increases the mortality and compromises the quality of life of these patients. So, a regular evaluation of nutritional status is essential for an early intervention. There aren’t unique and optimal validated ways of evaluation capable of accurately measure the nutritional status. It is recommended to use a set of biochemical and anthropometric parameters associated with a monitoring food intake of each patient. Objectives: First of all, evaluate the nutritional status of a hemodialysis population through statistical analysis of different biochemical and anthropometric parameters and subjective evaluations of patients about their diet, daily activity and kind of symptoms that may influence their nutritional status. Second, quantify the malnutrition/risk of malnutrition in this population. Methodology: This is an observational cross-sectional study, performed during the period from September 2015 to February 2016, and includes 46 hemodialysis patients in nephrology service of Amato Lusitano’s Hospital. Questionnaires were specifically developed to get subjective data about recent changes in diet, gastrointestinal symptoms and changes in their daily activity, since the beginning of hemodialysis treatment. For the evaluation of nutritional status it was also used biochemical and anthropometric parameters. Statistical analysis were performed using Statiscal Package for the Social Sciences. Results: 52.2% of the 46 patients studied, refers to "eat little" and 50% reports gastrointestinal symptoms, the most common being lack of appetite (65.2%). According to the classification used for the adjustment of the arm circumference evaluation, 40.7% of men presents "eutrophic", while 47.4% of women showed "mild malnutrition." The majority of patients show levels of albumin 1g/kg/day. The womens are often who have lower levels of prealbumin and a body mass index less than 23 kg/m². In contrast, they are also the ones who show higher cholesterol. Regarding vitamin D3, the mean values were 13.9 ± 13,3ng / mL, for the general population, showing values well below the recommended (> 30 ng / mL). Half of the sample had at least three parameters (biochemical and/or anthropometric) below the reference values, indicating malnutrition or risk of malnutrition. Discussion: The average levels of albumin, prealbumin, cholesterol, transferrin, pre-dialysis urea, creatinine and nPCR are lower in patients classified as malnourished or at risk of malnutrition, with statistically significant diferences. These results are in agreement with literature, which considers all of these parameters as important nutritional status markers in dialysis patients. By contrast, the anthropometric parametrs used did not show statistically significant diferences. Therefore, and unlike other studies, in this work neither IMC or arm circunference measure were important nutritional status markers. Conclusion: The womens have a higher risk of malnutrition and mortality, comparing to men. Half of the study population (23 patients) are malnourished or in risk of protein-energy malnutrition

    Differential tissue accumulation in the invasive Manila clam, Ruditapes philippinarum, under two environmentally relevant lanthanum concentrations

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    Among the environmental emerging concern rare earth elements, lanthanum (La) is one of the most common and reactive. Lanthanum is widely used in numerous modern technologies and applications, and its intense usage results in increasing discharges into the environment, with potentially deleterious consequences to earthlings. Therefore, we exposed the important food resource and powerful monitoring tool Manila clam to two environmentally relevant concentrations of La (0.3 µg L−1 and 0.9 µg L−1) for 6 days, through water, to assess the bioaccumulation pattern in the gills, digestive gland, and remaining body. The La bioaccumulation was measured after 1 (T1), 2 (T2), and 6 (T6) days of exposure. Lanthanum was bioaccumulated after 2 days, and the levels increased in all tissues in a dose-dependent manner. When exposed to 0.3 µg L−1, the enrichment factor pattern was gills > body > digestive gland. However, when exposed to 0.9 µg L−1, the pattern appears to change to gills > digestive gland > body. Tissue portioning appears to be linked with exposed concentration: In higher exposure levels, digestive gland seems to gain importance, probably associated with detoxification mechanisms. Here, we describe for the first time La bioaccumulation in these different tissues in a bivalve species. Future studies dealing with the bioaccumulation and availability of La should connect them with additional water parameters (such as temperature, pH, and major cations).Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Warming enhances lanthanum accumulation and toxicity promoting cellular damage in glass eels (Anguilla anguilla)

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    Cumulative and continuing human emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere are causing ocean warming. Rising temperature is a major threat to aquatic organisms and may affect physiological responses, such as acid-base balance, often compromising species fitness and survival. It is also expected that warming may influence the availability and toxicological effects of pollutants, including Rare Earth Elements. These are contaminants of environmental emerging concern with great economic interest. This group comprises yttrium, scandium and lanthanides, being Lanthanum (La) one of the most common. The European eel (Anguilla anguilla) is critically endangered and constitutes a delicacy in South East Asia and Europe, being subject to an increasing demand on a global scale. Considering the vulnerability of early life stages to contaminants, we exposed glass eels to 1.5 μg L-1 of La for five days, plus five days of depuration, under a present-day temperature and warming scenarios (△T = +4 °C). The aim of this study was to assess the bioaccumulation, elimination and specific biochemical enzymatic endpoints in glass eels (Anguilla anguilla) tissues, under warming and La. Overall, our results showed that the accumulation and toxicity of La were enhanced with increasing temperature. The accumulation was higher in the viscera, followed by the head, and ultimately the body. Elimination was less effective under warming. Exposure to La did not impact acetylcholinesterase activity. Moreover, lipid peroxidation peaked after five days under the combined exposure of La and warming. The expression of heat shock proteins was majorly suppressed in glass eels exposed to La, at both tested temperatures. This result suggests that, when exposed to La, glass eels were unable to efficiently prevent cellular damage, with a particularly dramatic setup in a near-future scenario. Further studies are needed towards a better understanding of the effects of lanthanum in a changing world.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gadolinium ecotoxicity is enhanced in a warmer and acidified changing ocean as shown by the surf clam Spisula solida through a multibiomarker approach

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) , through the project Climatoxeel ( PTDC/AAG-GLO/3795/2014 ), by the Junior Researcher contract ( CEECIND/03517/2017 ), both awarded to Tiago F. Grilo, and the strategic project UIDB/04292/2020 granted to MARE and through project LA/P/0069/2020 granted to the Associate Laboratory ARNET . The work was also supported by the European Union's operation program Mar 2020 through the research project CEIC ( MAR-01.04.02-FEAMP-0012 ) awarded to Joana Raimundo. The Applied Molecular Biosciences Unit UCIBIO was financed by national funds from FCT ( UIDP/04378/2020 ). This work was also supported by the European Union through the grant ERC-2016-COG-725034 -ecotox awarded to Inês João Ferreira. Cátia Figueiredo acknowledges the FCT-PhD grant SFRH/BD/130023/2017 and the Early Career Research Grant awarded by National Geographic Society. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s)Humans have exhaustively combusted fossil fuels, and released pollutants into the environment, at continuously faster rates resulting in global average temperature increase and seawater pH decrease. Climate change is forecasted to exacerbate the effects of pollutants such as the emergent rare earth elements. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess the combined effects of rising temperature (Δ = + 4 °C) and decreasing pH (Δ = − 0.4 pH units) on the bioaccumulation and elimination of gadolinium (Gd) in the bioindicator bivalve species Spisula solida (Surf clam). We exposed surf clams to 10 µg L−1 of GdCl3 for seven days, under warming, acidification, and their combination, followed by a depuration phase lasting for another 7 days and investigated the Gd bioaccumulation and oxidative stress-related responses after 1, 3 and 7 days of exposure and the elimination phase. Gadolinium accumulated after just one day with values reaching the highest after 7 days. Gadolinium was not eliminated after 7 days, and elimination is further hampered under climate change scenarios. Warming and acidification, and their interaction did not significantly impact Gd concentration. However, there was a significant interaction on clam's biochemical response. The augmented total antioxidant capacity and lipid peroxidation values show that the significant impacts of Gd on the oxidative stress response are enhanced under warming while the increased superoxide dismutase and catalase values demonstrate the combined impact of Gd, warming & acidification. Ultimately, lipid damage was greater in clams exposed to warming & Gd, which emphasizes the enhanced toxic effects of Gd in a changing ocean.publishersversionpublishe

    Ocean warming, acidification, and rare earth elements exposure triggers a superior antioxidant response and pigment production in the adaptable Ulva rigida

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    European Union's operation program Mar 2020 through the research project CEIC (MAR-01.04.02-FEAMP-0012). Inês João Ferreira acknowledges the European Union research grant ERC-2016-COG-725034-ecotox. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s)Anthropogenic increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations will lead to a drop of 0.4 units of seawater pH and ocean warming up to 4.8°C by 2100. Contaminant's toxicity is known to increase under a climate change scenario. Rare earth elements (REE) are emerging contaminants, that until now have no regulation regarding maximum concentration and discharge into the environment and have become vital to new technologies such as electric and hybrid-electric vehicle batteries, wind turbine generators and low-energy lighting. Studies of REE, namely Lanthanum (La) and Gadolinium (Gd), bioaccumulation, elimination, and toxicity in a multi-stressor environment (e.g., warming and acidification) are lacking. Hence, we investigated the algae phytoremediation capacity, the ecotoxicological responses and total chlorophyll and carotenoid contents in Ulva rigida during 7 days of co-exposure to La or Gd (15 µg L−1 or 10 µg L−1, respectively), and warming and acidification. Additionally, we assessed these metals elimination, after a 7-day phase. After one day of experiment La and Gd clearly showed accumulation/adsorption in different patterns, at future conditions. Unlikely for Gd, Warming and Acidification contributed to the lowest La accumulation, and increased elimination. Lanthanum and Gd triggered an adequate activation of the antioxidant defence system, by avoiding lipid damage. Nevertheless, REE exposure in a near-future scenario triggered an overproduction of ROS that requested an enhanced antioxidant response. Additionally, an increase in total chlorophyll and carotenoids could also indicate an unforeseen energy expense, as a response to a multi-stressor environment.publishersversionpublishe

    Balanço hídrico em unidade de terapia intensiva

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    Objetivo: Discorrer e analisar o preenchimento dos impressos de balanço hídrico de pacientes internados em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva pela equipe de enfermagem. Método: Estudo transversal, realizado de fevereiro a dezembro de 2016. Amostra aleatória simples, composta de 220 impressos de balanço hídrico, aprovado no Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa, Protocolo nº. 2.494.058. Análise por meio do SPSS Statistics 22.0 (IBM), utilizando-se estatística descritiva, cálculo de distribuição de frequência, medidas de tendência central e de dispersão. Resultados: 92,7% dos balanços hídricos foram concluídos. Deste total, 54,5% apresentaram erros de cálculos; 37,30%, uso de caneta imprópria; 53,20%, letra ilegível; 84,1%, rasuras; 78,6% erros de registro de dados; 50,50%, anotações inadequadas em colunas. Há 40,7% de chances de um balanço hídrico correto se não houver falhas nos registros e o mesmo for concluído. Conclusão: Os resultados evidenciam a necessidade de capacitação da equipe de enfermagem e de revisão do protocolo assistencial

    Results from the portuguese register

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    Objective Our aims were to evaluate the correlation between Juvenile Arthritis Disease Activity Score 27-joint reduced count (JADAS27) with erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and JADAS27 with C-reactive protein (CRP) scores and to test the agreement of both scores on classifying each disease activity state. We also aimed at verifying the correlation of the 2 scores across juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) categories and to check the correlation between JADAS27-ESR and clinical JADAS27 (JADAS27 without ESR). Methods A nationwide cohort of patients with JIA registered in the Portuguese Register, Reuma.pt, was studied. JADAS27-CRP was adapted by replacing ESR with CRP level as the inflammatory marker. JADAS27-CRP was calculated similarly to JADAS27-ESR as the simple linear sum of its 4 components. Pearson's correlations and K statistics were used in the analyses. Results A total of 358 children had full data to calculate JADAS27; 65.4% were female and the mean ± SD disease duration was 11.8 ± 9.1 years. The correlation coefficient between JADAS27-ESR and JADAS27-CRP was 0.967 (P < 0.0001), although the correlation coefficient between ESR and CRP level was 0.335 (P < 0.0001). The strong correlation between JADAS27-ESR and JADAS27-CRP was maintained when compared within each JIA category. The agreement between JADAS27-ESR and JADAS27-CRP across the 4 activity states was very good, showing 91.1% of the observations in agreement; K = 0.867 (95% confidence interval 0.824-0.91). The correlation between JADAS27 with ESR and JADAS27 without ESR was high (r = 0.97, P < 0.0001). Conclusion JADAS27 based on CRP level correlated closely with JADAS27-ESR across all disease activity states and JIA categories, indicating that both measures can be used in clinical practice. Moreover, the correlation of JADAS27 with and without ESR was also high, suggesting that this tool might be useful even in the absence of laboratorial measures.publishersversionpublishe

    Truly form-factor–free industrially scalable system integration for electronic textile architectures with multifunctional fiber devices

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by the European Commission (H2020, 1D-NEON, grant agreement ID: 685758). J.M.K. and L.G.O. acknowledge the support from the U.K. Research and Innovation (EPSRC, EP/P027628/1). We thank Y. Bernstein and J. Faulkner for helping with grammar check. Funding Information: Acknowledgments Funding:ThisworkwassupportedbytheEuropeanCommission(H2020,1D-NEON,grant agreementID:685758).J.M.K.andL.G.O.acknowledgethesupportfromtheU.K.Researchand Innovation(EPSRC,EP/P027628/1).W ethankY .BernsteinandJ.Faulknerforhelpingwith grammarcheck.Authorcontributions:S.L.andJ.M.K.conceivedtheproject.S.L.,L.G.O.,P .B., R.Martins,andJ.M.K.supervisedtheproject.S.L.andH.L.developedF-PD.S.L.,Y .-W .L., G.-H.A., D.-W .S., J.I.S.,andS.C.developedF-SC.C.L.F ., A.S.,R.I.,P .B., andR.Martinsdevelopedfiber transistor.S.L.,H.L.,andS.C.developedF-LED.ThefiberdeviceswereevaluatedbyS.L.,H.W .C., D.-W .S., H.L.,S.J.,S.D.H.,S.Y .B., S.Z.,W .H.-C., Y .-H.S., X.-B.F ., T .H.L., J.-W .J., andY .K. The developmentofweavingprocesswasconductedbyS.L.,H.W .C., F .M.M., P .J., andV .G.C. Thelaser interconnectionwasdevelopedbyS.L.,H.W .C., K.U.,M.E.,andM.S.Thetextiledemonstrations werecharacterizedbyS.L.,H.W .C., D.-W .S., J.Y ., S.S.,U.E.,S.N.,A.C.,A.M.,R.Momentè,J.G.,N.D., S.M.,C.-H.K.,M.L.,A.N.,D.J.,M.C.,andY .C. ThismanuscriptwaswrittenbyS.L.andJ.M.K.and reviewed by H.W .C., D.-W .S., M.C.,L.G.O., P .B., E.F ., and G.A.J.A. All authors discussed the results andcommentedonthemanuscript.Competinginterests:Theauthorsdeclarethattheyhave nocompetinginterests.Dataandmaterialsavailability:Alldataneededtoevaluatethe conclusionsinthepaperarepresentinthepaperand/ortheSupplementaryMaterials. Publisher Copyright: Copyright © 2023 The Authors, some rights reserved.An integrated textile electronic system is reported here, enabling a truly free form factor system via textile manufacturing integration of fiber-based electronic components. Intelligent and smart systems require freedom of form factor, unrestricted design, and unlimited scale. Initial attempts to develop conductive fibers and textile electronics failed to achieve reliable integration and performance required for industrial-scale manufacturing of technical textiles by standard weaving technologies. Here, we present a textile electronic system with functional one-dimensional devices, including fiber photodetectors (as an input device), fiber supercapacitors (as an energy storage device), fiber field-effect transistors (as an electronic driving device), and fiber quantum dot light-emitting diodes (as an output device). As a proof of concept applicable to smart homes, a textile electronic system composed of multiple functional fiber components is demonstrated, enabling luminance modulation and letter indication depending on sunlight intensity.publishersversionpublishe