602 research outputs found

    Graphite-oxide hybrid multi-degree of freedom resonator metamaterial for broadband sound absorption

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    Low frequency broadband sound absorption for thin structures is still a great challenge. A new concept of a stackable hybrid resonator metamaterial is proposed which exhibits super broadband low-frequency sound absorption. The proposed metamaterial is based on micrometric scale thickness Graphene Oxide (GO) embedded in a stacked structure or used as external skin in a designed honeycomb (HC) structure. The stackable nature of the proposed structure allows the GO-HC cores to be embedded within micro-perforated panels (MPP) providing enhanced stiffness/strength to the structure and high absorption characteristics. We demonstrate how the exploitation of the GO elastic and mass properties result in multiple hybrid structural–acoustic resonances. These resonances are tailored to occur in a frequency range of interest by the theoretical calculation of the sound absorption coefficient. The theoretical model combines the mutual interaction between the structural dynamic of the GO foil and acoustic higher modes of the HC core cell as well as stacked MPP-HC/GO-HC cores. The result is a multi-degree of freedom hybrid resonator which provides subwavelength scale broadband sound absorption in low frequency range between 300 and 2500 Hz

    Lowered sensitivity of bitter taste receptors to β-glucosides in bamboo lemurs: an instance of parallel and adaptive functional decline in TAS2R16?

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    竹食サル類の苦味感覚の進化を解明 --竹が先か苦味が先か--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-04-16.Bitter taste facilitates the detection of potentially harmful substances and is perceived via bitter taste receptors (TAS2Rs) expressed on the tongue and oral cavity in vertebrates. In primates, TAS2R16 specifically recognizes β-glucosides, which are important in cyanogenic plants' use of cyanide as a feeding deterrent. In this study, we performed cell-based functional assays for investigating the sensitivity of TAS2R16 to β-glucosides in three species of bamboo lemurs (Prolemur simus, Hapalemur aureus and H. griseus), which primarily consume high-cyanide bamboo. TAS2R16 receptors from bamboo lemurs had lower sensitivity to β-glucosides, including cyanogenic glucosides, than that of the closely related ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta). Ancestral reconstructions of TAS2R16 for the bamboo-lemur last common ancestor (LCA) and that of the Hapalemur LCA showed an intermediate sensitivity to β-glucosides between that of the ring-tailed lemurs and bamboo lemurs. Mutagenetic analyses revealed that P. simus and H. griseus had separate species-specific substitutions that led to reduced sensitivity. These results indicate that low sensitivity to β-glucosides at the cellular level-a potentially adaptive trait for feeding on cyanogenic bamboo-evolved independently after the Prolemur-Hapalemur split in each species

    Alteration of Liver Enzymes Is a Feature of the Myh9-Related Disease Syndrome

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    BACKGROUND: MYH9-related disease (MYH9-RD) is a rare autosomal dominant genetic syndrome characterized by congenital thrombocytopenia associated with the risk of developing progressive nephropathy, sensorineural deafness, and presenile cataract. During the collection of a large case-series of patients with MYH9-RD we noticed several cases with unexplained elevation of liver enzymes. Our aim was to evaluate if the alteration of liver tests is a feature of the MYH9-RD and to define its clinical significance. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Data concerning liver tests, prospectively recorded in the Italian Registry for MYH9-RD, were collected and compared with those of three control populations: patients with autoimmune thrombocytopenia, patients with inherited thrombocytopenias other than MYH9-RD, and the participants to a large epidemiologic survey in an Italian geographic isolate. Thirty-eight of 75 evaluable MYH9-RD patients (50.7%) showed an elevation of ALT and/or AST, and 17 of 63 (27.0%) an increase of GGT. The increases ranged from 1.9 ± 0.7 to 2.7 ± 1.6 fold the upper normal limit. The prevalence of liver test alterations was significantly higher in MYH9-RD patients than in each of the control populations, with odds ratios ranging from 8.2 (95% CIs 2.2-44.8) to 24.7 (14.8-40.8). Clinical follow-up and more detailed liver studies of a subset of patients, including ultrasound liver scan, liver elastography and liver biopsy in one case, did not show any significant structural damage or evolution towards liver insufficiency. CONCLUSIONS: Elevation of liver enzymes is a frequent and previously unrecognized feature of the MYH9-RD syndrome; however, this defect does not appear to have poor prognostic value


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    Le dislipidemie rappresentano uno dei più importanti fattori causali della arteriosclerosi e delle sue complicanze d’organo, come l’infarto del miocardico, l’ictus e la vasculopatia periferica. Il loro appropriato trattamento rappresenta la base degli interventi di prevenzione primaria delle malattie cardiovascolari su base ischemica. In generale, per dislipidemia si intende una condizione clinica nella quale sono presenti alterazioni qualitative e/o quantitative dei lipidi e delle lipoproteine plasmatiche

    Analysis of 339 pregnancies in 181 women with 13 different forms of inherited thrombocytopenia

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    65Pregnancy in women with inherited thrombocytopenias is a major matter of concern as both the mothers and the newborns are potentially at risk of bleeding. However, medical management of this condition cannot be based on evidence because of the lack of consistent information in the literature. To advance knowledge on this matter, we performed a multicentric, retrospective study evaluating 339 pregnancies in 181 women with 13 different forms of inherited thrombocytopenia. Neither the degree of thrombocytopenia nor the severity of bleeding tendency worsened during pregnancy and the course of pregnancy did not differ from that of healthy subjects in terms of miscarriages, fetal bleeding and pre-term births. The degree of thrombocytopenia in the babies was similar to that in the mother. Only 7 of 156 affected newborns had delivery-related bleeding, but 2 of them died of cerebral hemorrhage. The frequency of delivery-related maternal bleeding ranged from 6.8% to 14.2% depending on the definition of abnormal blood loss, suggesting that the risk of abnormal blood loss was increased with respect to the general population. However, no mother died or had to undergo hysterectomy to arrest bleeding. The search for parameters predicting delivery-related bleeding in the mother suggested that hemorrhages requiring blood transfusion were more frequent in women with history of severe bleedings before pregnancy and with platelet count at delivery below 50 × 10(9)/L.openopenPatrizia Noris; Nicole Schlegel; Catherine Klersy; Paula G. Heller; Elisa Civaschi; Nuria Pujol-Moix; Fabrizio Fabris; Remi Favier; Paolo Gresele; Véronique Latger-Cannard; Adam Cuker; Paquita Nurden; Andreas Greinacher; Marco Cattaneo; Erica De Candia; Alessandro Pecci; Marie-Françoise Hurtaud-Roux; Ana C. Glembotsky; Eduardo Muñiz-Diaz; Maria Luigia Randi; Nathalie Trillot; Loredana Bury; Thomas Lecompte; Caterina Marconi; Anna Savoia; Carlo L. Balduini; Sophie Bayart; Anne Bauters; Schéhérazade Benabdallah-Guedira; Françoise Boehlen; Jeanne-Yvonne Borg; Roberta Bottega; James Bussel; Daniela De Rocco; Emmanuel de Maistre; Michela Faleschini; Emanuela Falcinelli; Silvia Ferrari; Alina Ferster; Tiziana Fierro; Dominique Fleury; Pierre Fontana; Chloé James; Francois Lanza; Véronique Le Cam Duchez; Giuseppe Loffredo; Pamela Magini; Dominique Martin-Coignard; Fanny Menard; Sandra Mercier; Annamaria Mezzasoma; Pietro Minuz; Ilaria Nichele; Lucia D. Notarangelo; Tommaso Pippucci; Gian Marco Podda; Catherine Pouymayou; Agnes Rigouzzo; Bruno Royer; Pierre Sie; Virginie Siguret; Catherine Trichet; Alessandra Tucci; Béatrice Saposnik; Dino VeneriPatrizia, Noris; Nicole, Schlegel; Catherine, Klersy; Paula G., Heller; Elisa, Civaschi; Nuria Pujol, Moix; Fabrizio, Fabris; Remi, Favier; Paolo, Gresele; Véronique Latger, Cannard; Adam, Cuker; Paquita, Nurden; Andreas, Greinacher; Marco, Cattaneo; Erica De, Candia; Alessandro, Pecci; Marie Françoise Hurtaud, Roux; Ana C., Glembotsky; Eduardo Muñiz, Diaz; Maria Luigia, Randi; Nathalie, Trillot; Loredana, Bury; Thomas, Lecompte; Caterina, Marconi; Savoia, Anna; Carlo L., Balduini; Sophie, Bayart; Anne, Bauters; Schéhérazade Benabdallah, Guedira; Françoise, Boehlen; Jeanne Yvonne, Borg; Bottega, Roberta; James, Bussel; DE ROCCO, Daniela; Emmanuel de, Maistre; Faleschini, Michela; Emanuela, Falcinelli; Silvia, Ferrari; Alina, Ferster; Tiziana, Fierro; Dominique, Fleury; Pierre, Fontana; Chloé, James; Francois, Lanza; Véronique Le Cam, Duchez; Giuseppe, Loffredo; Pamela, Magini; Dominique Martin, Coignard; Fanny, Menard; Sandra, Mercier; Annamaria, Mezzasoma; Pietro, Minuz; Ilaria, Nichele; Lucia D., Notarangelo; Tommaso, Pippucci; Gian Marco, Podda; Catherine, Pouymayou; Agnes, Rigouzzo; Bruno, Royer; Pierre, Sie; Virginie, Siguret; Catherine, Trichet; Alessandra, Tucci; Béatrice, Saposnik; Dino, Vener