27 research outputs found

    Interaction and coherence of a plasmon-exciton polariton condensate

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    Polaritons are quasiparticles arising from the strong coupling of electromagnetic waves in cavities and dipolar oscillations in a material medium. In this framework, localized surface plasmon in metallic nanoparticles defining optical nanocavities have attracted increasing interests in the last decade. This interest results from their sub-diffraction mode volume, which offers access to extremely high photonic densities by exploiting strong scattering cross-sections. However, high absorption losses in metals have hindered the observation of collective coherent phenomena, such as condensation. In this work we demonstrate the formation of a non-equilibrium room temperature plasmon-exciton-polariton condensate with a long range spatial coherence, extending a hundred of microns, well over the excitation area, by coupling Frenkel excitons in organic molecules to a multipolar mode in a lattice of plasmonic nanoparticles. Time-resolved experiments evidence the picosecond dynamics of the condensate and a sizeable blueshift, thus measuring for the first time the effect of polariton interactions in plasmonic cavities. Our results pave the way to the observation of room temperature superfluidity and novel nonlinear phenomena in plasmonic systems, challenging the common belief that absorption losses in metals prevent the realization of macroscopic quantum states.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, SI 7 pages, 5 figure

    Ultrafast flow of interacting organic polaritons

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    The strong-coupling of an excitonic transition with an electromagnetic mode results in composite quasi-particles called exciton-polaritons, which have been shown to combine the best properties of their bare components in semiconductor microcavities. However, the physics and applications of polariton flows in organic materials and at room temperature are still unexplored because of the poor photon confinement in such structures. Here we demonstrate that polaritons formed by the hybridization of organic excitons with a Bloch Surface Wave are able to propagate for hundreds of microns showing remarkable third-order nonlinear interactions upon high injection density. These findings pave the way for the studies of organic nonlinear light-matter fluxes and for a technological promising route of dissipation-less on-chip polariton devices working at room temperature.Comment: Improved version with polariton-polariton interactions. 13 pages, 4 figures, supporting 6 pages, 6 figure

    Dynamics of a vortex lattice in a non-equilibrium polariton superfluid

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    If a quantum fluid is put in motion with enough angular momentum, at equilibrium the ground state of the system is given by an array of quantised vortices. In a driven-dissipative polariton fluid, we demonstrate that the reverse process is also possible. Upon initially imprinting a static and regular vortex array, the quantum fluid starts rotating. By tracking on picosecond time scales many quantized vortices, we present the first measure of rigid-body rotation in a polariton condensate. Such many-body motion agrees with the Feynman quantization of superfluid velocity, which we show to be valid even if our system is expanding and equilibrium is never attained

    Room temperature polariton condensation from Whispering gallery modes in CsPbBr3 microplatelets

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    Room temperature (RT) polariton condensate holds exceptional promise for revolutionizing various fields of science and technology, encompassing optoelectronics devices to quantum information processing. Using perovskite materials like all-inorganic CsPbBr3 single crystal provides additional advantages, such as ease of synthesis, cost-effectiveness, and compatibility with existing semiconductor technologies. In this work, we show the formation of whispering gallery modes (WGM) in CsPbBr3 single crystals with controlled geometry, synthesized using a lowcost and efficient capillary bridge method. Through the implementation of microplatelets geometry, we achieve enhanced optical properties and performance thanks to the presence of sharp edges and a uniform surface, effectively avoiding non-radiative scattering losses caused by defects. This allows us not only to observe strong light matter coupling and formation of whispering gallery polaritons, but also to demonstrate the onset of polariton condensation at RT. This investigation not only contributes to the advancement of our knowledge concerning the exceptional optical properties of perovskite-based polariton systems, but also unveils prospects for the exploration of WGM polariton condensation within the framework of a 3D perovskite-based platform, working at RT. The unique characteristics of polariton condensate, including low excitation thresholds and ultrafast dynamics, open up unique opportunities for advancements in photonics and optoelectronics devices

    First observation of the quantized exciton-polariton field and effect of interactions on a single polariton.

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    © 2018 The Authors. Published by Science. This is an open access article available under a Creative Commons licence. The published version can be accessed at the following link on the publisher’s website: https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.aao6814Polaritons are quasi-particles that originate from the coupling of light with matter and that demonstrate quantum phenomena at the many-particle mesoscopic level, such as Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity. A highly sought and long-time missing feature of polaritons is a genuine quantum manifestation of their dynamics at the single-particle level. Although they are conceptually perceived as entangled states and theoretical proposals abound for an explicit manifestation of their single-particle properties, so far their behavior has remained fully accounted for by classical and mean-field theories. We report the first experimental demonstration of a genuinely quantum state of the microcavity polariton field, by swapping a photon for a polariton in a two-photon entangled state generated by parametric downconversion. When bringing this single-polariton quantum state in contact with a polariton condensate, we observe a disentangling with the external photon. This manifestation of a polariton quantum state involving a single quantum unlocks new possibilities for quantum information processing with interacting bosons

    Acid reducing leaching of cathodic powder from spent lithium ion batteries: Glucose oxidative pathways and particle area evolution

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    Co and Li recovery by acid-reducing leaching of lithium ion battery powder was investigated evidencing that glucose efficiency changes depending on leaching procedure. Postponing glucose addition metal extractive yields were higher (88% for Co and 92% for Li) than adding glucose at the beginning (60% for both). Chromatographic analyses evidenced that glucose degradation occurred preferentially via glucaric acid when its addition is postponed, while gluconic via is favored if glucose is added initially. Dynamic evolution of particle area showed particle fragmentation occurring during acid preleaching determining an increase of specific surface area available for further reaction when glucose is added. © 2013 The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry

    Nonlinear parametric scattering of exciton polaritons in perovskite microcavities

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    Comparing with pure photons, higher nonlinearity in polariton systems has been exploited in various proof-of-principle demonstrations of efficient optical devices based on the parametric scattering effect. However, most of them demand cryogenic temperatures limited by the small exciton binding energy of traditional semiconductors or exhibit weak nonlinearity resulting from Frenkel excitons. Lead halide perovskites, possessing both a large binding energy and a strong polariton interaction, emerge as ideal platforms to explore nonlinear polariton physics toward room temperature operation. Here, we report the first observation of nonlinear parametric scattering in a lead halide perovskite microcavity with multiple polariton branches at room temperature. Driven by the scattering source from condensation in one polariton branch, correlated polariton pairs are obtained at high k states in an adjacent branch. Our results strongly advocate the ability to reach the nonlinear regime essential for perovskite polaritonics working at room temperature.Ministry of Education (MOE)Submitted/Accepted versionQ.X. gratefully acknowledges National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 12020101003) and the start-up grant from Tsinghua University. J.Q.W., S.G., R.S., A.F., and T.C.H.L. acknowledge the support from the Singapore Ministry of Education via AcRF Tier 3 Programme “Geometrical Quantum Materials” (MOE2018-T3-1-002) and AcRF Tier 2 grants (MOE2017-T2-1-001, MOE2018-T2-2- 068, and MOE2019-T2-1-004)

    Effects of reabsorption due to surface concentration in highly resonant photonic crystal fluorescence biosensors

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    Photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence biosensors have been proposed as a novel immunodiagnostic tool, due to the increased fluorescence excitation rates and angular redistribution of the emission. Among these, purely dielectric one-dimensional photonic crystals (1DPC) sustaining Bloch surface waves (BSW) at their truncation edge, have recently attracted much interest. We report for the first time on the time resolved experimental study of the effects of excess reabsorption of the BSW coupled fluorescence in the near infrared range around 800 nm. Temporally and angularly resolved measurements of the BSW coupled fluorescence emission permit to put into evidence a strong reabsorption of the fluorescence emission when using highly resonant 1DPC. The results suggest that, when designing 1DPC sustaining BSW for quantitative diagnostic assays, it is necessary to choose a compromise quality factor, to exploit the features arising from the electromagnetic field enhancement while avoiding reabsorption

    Perovskite polariton parametric oscillator

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    10.1117/1.ap.3.5.055003Advanced Photonics355500