9,694 research outputs found

    The soft function for color octet production at threshold

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    We evaluate the next-to-next-to-leading order soft function for the production of a massive color octet state at rest in the collision of two massless colored partons in either the fundamental or the adjoint representation. The main application of our result is the determination of the threshold expansion of the heavy-quark pair-production cross sections in the quark annihilation and gluon fusion channels. We discuss the factorization necessary for this purpose and explain the relationship between hard functions and virtual amplitudes.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, references added, matches published versio

    Virtual amplitudes and threshold behaviour of hadronic top-quark pair-production cross sections

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    We present the two-loop virtual amplitudes for the production of a top-quark pair in gluon fusion. The evaluation method is based on a numerical solution of differential equations for master integrals in function of the quark velocity and scattering angle starting from a boundary at high-energy. The results are given for the renormalized infrared finite remainders on a large grid and have recently been used in the calculation of the total cross sections at the next-to-next-to-leading order. For convenience, we also give the known results for the quark annihilation case on the same grid. Outside of the kinematical range covered by the grid, we provide threshold and high-energy expansions. From expansions of the two-loop virtual amplitudes, we determine the threshold behavior of the total cross sections at next-to-next-to-leading order for the quark annihilation and gluon fusion channels including previously unknown constant terms. In our analysis of the quark annihilation channel, we uncover the presence of a velocity enhanced logarithm of Coulombic origin, which was missed in a previous study.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables, results for the virtual amplitudes attached in Mathematica forma

    Self-adjoint symmetry operators connected with the magnetic Heisenberg ring

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    We consider symmetry operators a from the group ring C[S_N] which act on the Hilbert space H of the 1D spin-1/2 Heisenberg magnetic ring with N sites. We investigate such symmetry operators a which are self-adjoint (in a sence defined in the paper) and which yield consequently observables of the Heisenberg model. We prove the following results: (i) One can construct a self-adjoint idempotent symmetry operator from every irreducible character of every subgroup of S_N. This leads to a big manifold of observables. In particular every commutation symmetry yields such an idempotent. (ii) The set of all generating idempotents of a minimal right ideal R of C[S_N] contains one and only one idempotent which ist self-adjoint. (iii) Every self-adjoint idempotent e can be decomposed into primitive idempotents e = f_1 + ... + f_k which are also self-adjoint and pairwise orthogonal. We give a computer algorithm for the calculation of such decompositions. Furthermore we present 3 additional algorithms which are helpful for the calculation of self-adjoint operators by means of discrete Fourier transforms of S_N. In our investigations we use computer calculations by means of our Mathematica packages PERMS and HRing.Comment: 13 page

    The structure of algebraic covariant derivative curvature tensors

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    We use the Nash embedding theorem to construct generators for the space of algebraic covariant derivative curvature tensors

    Generalized modularity matrices

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    Various modularity matrices appeared in the recent literature on network analysis and algebraic graph theory. Their purpose is to allow writing as quadratic forms certain combinatorial functions appearing in the framework of graph clustering problems. In this paper we put in evidence certain common traits of various modularity matrices and shed light on their spectral properties that are at the basis of various theoretical results and practical spectral-type algorithms for community detection

    Global modelling of continental water storage changes ? sensitivity to different climate data sets

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    International audienceSince 2002, the GRACE satellite mission provides estimates of the Earth's dynamic gravity field with unprecedented accuracy. Differences between monthly gravity fields contain a clear hydrological signal due to continental water storage changes. In order to evaluate GRACE results, the state-of-the-art WaterGAP Global Hydrological Model (WGHM) is applied to calculate terrestrial water storage changes on a global scale. WGHM is driven by different climate data sets to analyse especially the influence of different precipitation data on calculated water storage. The data sets used are the CRU TS 2.1 climate data set, the GPCC Full Data Product for precipitation and data from the ECMWF integrated forecast system. A simple approach for precipitation correction is introduced. WGHM results are then compared with GRACE data. The use of different precipitation data sets leads to considerable differences in computed water storage change for a large number of river basins. Comparing model results with GRACE observations shows a good spatial correlation and also a good agreement in phase. However, seasonal variations of water storage as derived from GRACE tend to be significantly larger than those computed by WGHM, regardless of which climate data set is used

    Quantum information analysis of electronic states at different molecular structures

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    We have studied transition metal clusters from a quantum information theory perspective using the density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method. We demonstrate the competition between entanglement and interaction localization. We also discuss the application of the configuration interaction based dynamically extended active space procedure which significantly reduces the effective system size and accelerates the speed of convergence for complicated molecular electronic structures to a great extent. Our results indicate the importance of taking entanglement among molecular orbitals into account in order to devise an optimal orbital ordering and carry out efficient calculations on transition metal clusters. We propose a recipe to perform DMRG calculations in a black-box fashion and we point out the connections of our work to other tensor network state approaches
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