301 research outputs found


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    Freeing Space for NASA: Incorporating a Lossless Compression Algorithm into NASA's FOSS System

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    NASA's Fiber Optic Strain Sensing (FOSS) system can gather and store up to 1,536,000 bytes (1.46 megabytes) per second. Since the FOSS system typically acquires hours - or even days - of data, the system can gather hundreds of gigabytes of data for a given test event. To store such large quantities of data more effectively, NASA is modifying a Lempel-Ziv-Oberhumer (LZO) lossless data compression program to compress data as it is being acquired in real time. After proving that the algorithm is capable of compressing the data from the FOSS system, the LZO program will be modified and incorporated into the FOSS system. Implementing an LZO compression algorithm will instantly free up memory space without compromising any data obtained. With the availability of memory space, the FOSS system can be used more efficiently on test specimens, such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) that can be in flight for days. By integrating the compression algorithm, the FOSS system can continue gathering data, even on longer flights

    Esther (Schlecht) Fiechtner Collection

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    Fiechtner family BibleFiechtner family Bible ("Die Bibel oder die ganze Heilige Schrift des alten und neues Testaments nach der deutschen Ueberfetzung Dr. Martin Luthers", St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, pages 1079 and 311

    Present status of the personal neutron dosemeter based on direct ion storage

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    In this paper the present status of the Direct Ion Storage Neutron (DIS-N) prototype dosemeter (RADOS) is described. The separation of neutron from photon dose equivalent has been improved by adding tin shieldings. The neutron energy response has been changed by additional plastic covers containing 40% B4C in order to reduce the over-response to thermal neutrons. The responses of the dosemeters were determined for standard photon and neutron fields (monoenergetic neutrons, neutron sources and simulated workplace fields). Irradiations in real workplaces were also performed. The dependence of the neutron response on the angle of incidence was measured for different neutron source

    Performance of a personal neutron dosemeter based on direct ion storage at workplace fields in the nuclear industry

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    In the framework of the EVIDOS project, funded by the EC, measurements were carried out using dosemeters, based on ionisation chambers with direct ion storage (DIS-N), at several workplace fields, namely, at a fuel processing plant, a boiling and a pressurised water reactor, and near transport and storage casks. The measurements and results obtained with the DIS-N in these workplaces, which are representative for the nuclear industry, are described in this study. Different dosemeter configurations of converter and shielding materials were considered. The results are compared with values for personal dose equivalent which were assessed within the EVIDOS project by other partners. The advantages and limitations of the DIS-N dosemeter are discusse

    Performance of a PADC personal neutron dosemeter at simulated and real workplace fields of the nuclear industry

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    In the framework of the EVIDOS (Evaluation of Individual Dosimetry in Mixed Neutron and Photon Radiation Fields) project, funded by the EC, measurements with PADC personal neutron dosemeters were carried out at several workplace fields of the nuclear industry and at simulated workplace fields. The measured personal neutron dose equivalents of the PADC personal neutron dosemeter are compared with values that were assessed within the EVIDOS project by other partners. The detection limits for different spectra types are given. In cases were the neutron dose was too low to be measured by the PADC personal neutron dosemeter, the response is estimated by convoluting the responses to monoenergetic neutrons with the dose energy distribution measured within EVIDOS. The advantages and limitations of the PADC personal neutron dosemeter are discusse

    Progress report of the CR-39 neutron personal monitoring service at PSI

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    At the Paul Scherrer Institute a personal neutron dosimetry system based on chemically etched CR-39 detectors and automatic track counting is in routine use since the beginning of 1998. The quality of the CR-39 detectors has always been a crucial aspect to maintain a trustable personal neutron dosimetry system. This paper summarises the 7 y experience in routine use. The effect of detector material defects which could lead to false positive neutron doses is described. The potentiality of improving the background statistics by extending the pre-etch time is investigated and involves as a drawback a quite lower sensitivity to thermal neutrons. Furthermore, the impact of small changes in the production process of the detectors on the response to fast and thermal neutrons is shown. For the personal dosimetry at CERN, a new dosimetry concept was launched by combining a CR-39 neutron dosemeter with a Direct-Ion Storage (DIS) dosemeter for photon and beta radiation. The usage period of the CR-39 dosemeters is prolonged now from 3 months up to 12 months. In this context, the long-term behaviour over 1 y of the background track density and the response to Am-Be are describe

    Wie viel Schweiz steckt im Schweizer Fernsehen? Eine Analyse struktureller und inhaltlicher BezĂŒge im Fernsehprogrammangebot der SRG SSR

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    No Billag – in der Schweiz ist die Debatte um die Notwendigkeit und Finanzierbarkeit des öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks neu entbrannt. Eng damit verbunden sind die Fragen nach dem Public Value der SRG SSR und dem Aspekt, wie viel Schweiz tatsĂ€chlich im Schweizer Fernsehen steckt. Basierend auf einer inhaltsanalytischen SekundĂ€ranalyse der Stichprobe aus dem Jahr 2017 der kontinuierlichen Fernsehprogrammforschung in der Schweiz, wird in diesem Beitrag die Darstellung der Schweiz und des Schweizer Volkes in Bezug auf einerseits die ReprĂ€sentation in den Fernsehprogrammen der SRG SSR und andererseits hinsichtlich der Verantwortung der Medienproduktion diskutiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Schweiz in informierenden Genres (z. B. Nachrichten) eine wichtige Rolle spielt, wĂ€hrend in fiktionalen Inhalten (z. B. Serien, Filmen) nur selten auf die Schweiz Bezug genommen wird. Hinzu kommt, dass fiktionale Inhalte der SRG SSR hĂ€ufig von internationalen Produktionsfirmen, insbesondere aus den grossen NachbarlĂ€ndern der Schweiz, verantwortet werden. No Billag – in Switzerland, the debate about the necessity and financial viability of public broadcasting has been sparked anew. Closely linked are questions about the public value of the SRG SSR and how much of Switzerland is actually portrayed on Swiss television. Based on a secondary analysis of the 2017 data set of the continuous Swiss content analysis study, this paper discusses the representation of Switzerland and the Swiss people in terms of representation in television programmes of the SRG SSR and in terms of media production. Results show that Switzerland plays an important role in informational genres (e. g., News), while in fictional content (e. g., series, movies) references to Switzerland are scarce. Additionally, fictional content broadcast by the SRG SSR is often produced by international production firms, with preferences for content from Switzerland’s next-door-giant neighbours

    Influence of variation of etching conditions on the sensitivity of PADC detectors with a new evaluation method

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    At the Paul Scherrer Institut, a personal neutron dosimetry system based on chemically etched poly allyl diglycol carbonate (PADC) detectors and an automatic track counting (Autoscan 60) for neutron dose evaluations has been in routine use since 1998. Today, the hardware and the software of the Autoscan 60 are out of date, no spare components are available anymore and more sophisticated image-analysis systems are already developed. Therefore, a new evaluation system, the ‘TASLIMAGE', was tested thoroughly in 2009 for linearity, reproducibility, influence of etching conditions and so forth, with the intention of replacing the Autoscan 60 in routine evaluations. The TASLIMAGE system is based on a microscope (high-quality Nikon optics) and an ultra-fast three-axis motorised control for scanning the detectors. In this paper, the TASLIMAGE system and its possibilities for neutron dose calculation are explained in more detail and the study of the influence of the variation of etching conditions on the sensitivity and background of the PADC detectors is described. The etching temperature and etching duration were varied, which showed that the etching conditions do not have a significant influence on the results of non-irradiated detectors. However, the sensitivity of irradiated detectors decreases by 5 % per 1°C when increasing the etching temperature. For the variation of the etching duration, the influence on the sensitivity of irradiated detectors is less pronounce
