719 research outputs found

    Health-related quality of life outcomes after kidney transplantation

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    With the improvements in short and long term graft and patient survival after renal transplantation over the last two decades Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQL) is becoming an important additional outcome parameter. Global and disease specific instruments are available to evaluate objective and subjective QOL. Among the most popular global tools is the SF-36, examples of disease specific instruments are the Kidney Transplant Questionnaire (KTQ), the Kidney Disease Questionnaire (KDQ) and the Kidney Disease-Quality of Life (KDQOL). It is generally accepted that HRQL improves dramatically after successful renal transplantation compared to patients maintained on dialysis treatment but listed for a transplant. It is less clear however which immunosuppressive regimen confers the best QOL. Only few studies compared the different regimens in terms of QOL outcomes. Although limited in number, these studies seem to favour non-cyclosporine based protocols. The main differences that could be observed between patients on cyclosporine versus tacrolimus or sirolimus therapy concern the domains of appearance and fatigue. This may be explained by two common adverse effects occurring under cyclosporine therapy, gingival hyperplasia and hair growth. Another more frequently occurring side effect under calcineurin inhibitor therapy is tremor, which may favour CNI free protocols. This hypothesis, however, has not been formally evaluated in a randomised trial using HRQL measurements. In summary HRQL is becoming more of an issue after renal transplantation. Whether a specific immunosuppressive protocol is superior to others in terms of HRQL remains to be determined

    Analýza vlivu ošetření formy mikropostřikem ve vztahu ke kvalitě odlitku bloku motoru 1.0. MPI EVO

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá analýzou vlivu ošetření formy mikropostřikem ve vztahu ke kvalitě odlitku bloku motoru 1.0. MPI EVO. Teoretická část se věnuje obecnému popisu tlakového lití a jeho periferií, především pak termoregulačnímu systému formy a metodám ošetření líce formy, neboť tyto součásti jsou úzce spjaty s experimentální částí práce. Experimentální část probíhala ve spolupráci se společností Škoda Auto a.s. a zabývá se analýzou vlivu ošetření formy mikropostřikem na výslednou kvalitu odlitku. Cílem této práce je určení zmetkovitosti odlévaného bloku v závislosti na použité technologii ošetření líce formy.This bachelor thesis deals with the analysis of ifluence treating the die casting mold by micro-spraying in relation to the quality of the cast of engine block. Theoretical part devotes to general description of die casting and its parts, primarily to the thermoregulation system of casting mold and methods of treating the obverse casting mold, because these components are closely connected to experimental part of this thesis. Experimental part took place in cooperation at Škoda Auto a.s. and deals with the analysis of ifluence treating the decasting mold microspraying to final quality of the cast. The main goal of this thesis is to determine the wastage rate of the casted block depending on the technology which was used for treating the obverse casting mold

    Manipulator of Tools used for vertical tool magazine

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    Cílem této práce je návrh variant, výběr optimální varianty a konstrukční řešení manipulátoru nástrojů pro svislý zásobník nástrojů ke svislému soustruhu řady SKG firmy TOS HULÍN a.s. Součástí je také technická zpráva a ekonomické zhodnocení. Je zde vyřešena základní koncepce, hlavní rozměry, funkční a pevnostní výpočty vybraných částí manipulátoru. Všechny výpočty a postupy jsou v souladu s platnými normami.The aim of this thesis is to design different variants, choose an optimal one and the constructional solution of a tool manipulator for vertical lathe from SKG line by TOS HULÍN a.s. This thesis also includes technical and economical report. There is a solution of a basic conception, main dimensions, functional calculations and calculations of rigidity of chosen parts of this manipulator. All computations and methods are in accord with valid standards.

    Charakterisierung von Mechanismen der Antigenprozessierung für die Präsentation auf MHC-Klasse-I

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    Estudio de las propiedades características de las cónicas a partir de experiencias físicas mediante el uso del concepto de linealización

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    Resumen: Esta propuesta parte de la teoría de aprendizaje significativo planteada por Ausubel y es desarrollada posteriormente por otros autores, en la cual el acceder a un conocimiento determinado depende de los conceptos previos que se tienen; para estudiar las características que presentan diferentes curvas y como estas facilitan el estudio en otros campos. La implementación se hace con estudiantes del grado 10°1 de la Institución Educativa Federico Ozanam del municipio de Medellín, con los cuales se desarrollan varias guías donde estas sirven como medios para acercar al concepto y evaluar el proceso en forma simultánea. Como resultado se establece la viabilidad del trabajo transversal entre las áreas de física y matemáticas y el acercamiento de los estudiantes a la modelación de situaciones cotidianas.Abstract: This proposal begins from the theory of the meaningful learning presented by Ausubel and later developed for different authors, in which to access to a knowledge depends of the previous concepts that exist; to study the characteristics that present different curves and how these make easier the study in others fields. The implementation is carried out with tenth graders students in the Federico Ozanam High School, a public institution of Medellin city, in which are develop some guides that serve as a ways to close to the concept and to evaluate the process in simultaneously form. As result, establishes the viability of the transversal work between the Physics and Mathematics areas and the approach of the students to the modeling to daily situations

    Lactobacillus johnsonii ameliorates intestinal, extra-intestinal and systemic pro-inflammatory immune responses following murine Campylobacter jejuni infection

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    Campylobacter jejuni infections are progressively increasing worldwide. Probiotic treatment might open novel therapeutic or even prophylactic approaches to combat campylobacteriosis. In the present study secondary abiotic mice were generated by broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment and perorally reassociated with a commensal murine Lactobacillus johnsonii strain either 14 days before (i.e. prophylactic regimen) or 7 days after (i.e. therapeutic regimen) peroral C. jejuni strain 81–176 infection. Following peroral reassociation both C. jejuni and L. johnsonii were able to stably colonize the murine intestinal tract. Neither therapeutic nor prophylactic L. johnsonii application, however, could decrease intestinal C. jejuni burdens. Notably, C. jejuni induced colonic apoptosis could be ameliorated by prophylactic L. johnsonii treatment, whereas co-administration of L. johnsonii impacted adaptive (i.e. T and B lymphocytes, regulatory T cells), but not innate (i.e. macrophages and monocytes) immune cell responses in the intestinal tract. Strikingly, C. jejuni induced intestinal, extra-intestinal and systemic secretion of pro-inflammatory mediators (such as IL-6, MCP-1, TNF and nitric oxide) could be alleviated by peroral L. johnsonii challenge. In conclusion, immunomodulatory probiotic species might offer valuable strategies for prophylaxis and/or treatment of C. jejuni induced intestinal, extra- intestinal as well as systemic pro-inflammatory immune responses in vivo