520 research outputs found

    Damping characterization in large structures

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    This research project has as its main goal the development of methods for selecting the damping characteristics of components of a large structure or multibody system, in such a way as to produce some desired system damping characteristics. The main need for such an analytical device is in the simulation of the dynamics of multibody systems consisting, at least partially, of flexible components. The reason for this need is that all existing simulation codes for multibody systems require component-by-component characterization of complex systems, whereas requirements (including damping) often appear at the overall system level. The main goal was met in large part by the development of a method that will in fact synthesize component damping matrices from a given system damping matrix. The restrictions to the method are that the desired system damping matrix must be diagonal (which is almost always the case) and that interbody connections must be by simple hinges. In addition to the technical outcome, this project contributed positively to the educational and research infrastructure of Tuskegee University - a Historically Black Institution

    HIV prevalence estimates and their use in regression models: cautionary evidence from Zimbabwe and studies of the relationship between armed conflict and HIV

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references.This dissertation makes two central arguments. The first is that regressions on country-level HIV prevalence are compromised by the fact that the HIV data used are estimates and not empirical data points. The HIV prevalence rates published by UNAIDS are estimates derived from epidemiological modelling (using EPP and Spectrum) in which data from antenatal clinics (sometimes supplemented by population survey data) are translated into adult HIV prevalence estimates

    Can Economic Growth, Foreign Direct Investment And Exports Provide The Desired Panacea To The Problem Of Unemployment In Nigeria?

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    Employment generation has over the years been widely celebrated as a major key to socio-economic progress. In recent times, reduction in unemployment has been identified as a chief indicator of economic development. Unfortunately, the problem of unemployment has plagued Nigeria over the years and it has become highly pronounced in recent times. This study seeks to find out if the unemployment problem in Nigeria can be solved through economic growth, exports and foreign direct investment. The study employs contemporary econometric techniques of cointegration and Granger causality tests within error correction modelling framework to analyse the relationship among unemployment, economic growth, exports and foreign direct investment. The study also utilises the VAR techniques of variance decomposition and impulse response functions. The study is based on annual time series data from 1984 to 2010 obtained from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). The results of the study indicate, among other things, that economic growth, exports and foreign direct  investment do not provide the desired solution to the problem of unemployment in Nigeria both in the short-run and long-run. Thus adequate mechanism should be put in place to ensure that economic growth, foreign direct investment and exports bring about optimum employment generation. KEY WORDS: Unemployment, Economic Growth, Foreign Direct Investment, Error Correction Modelling, Exports, Nigeri

    Impact of Employment Status and Nature of Employment of Household Head on Household Poverty Incidence in Nigeria

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    Unemployment and poverty are major indicators of underdevelopment. Unfortunately, despite the enormousmaterial and potential human resources in Nigeria, the country has over the years been plagued by the twoproblems.. This study employs binary logistic regression technique in analysing the impact of employment statusand nature of employment of household head on household poverty incidence in Nigeria. Various occupationalgroups and occupational status of household head are added to major correlates of poverty such as householdsize, age of household head, sex of household head, region and sector of residence, access to regular remittances,access to credit, ownership of housing unit and educational level of household head to form the regressors whilethe poverty status of household is the regressand. The analysis is based on the 2004 Nigeria Living StandardSurvey (NLSS) conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics. The results of the study show that employmentstatus and nature of employment of household head in general have significant impact on household povertyincidence. Thus the government should put adequate measures in place to provide sufficient employmentopportunities so as to pave the way for rapid and sustainable development in the country. The study furthershows that some types of employment do not have significant impact on household poverty incidence such asemployment in agriculture/forestry, production, transport, manufacturing and processing. The governmentshould take adequate steps to make all occupations lucrative and contribute significantly towards povertyreduction in Nigeria.Key words: Employment Status, Poverty Incidence, Logit Model, Nigeria


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    This research has been conducted in East Kupang District, Kupang Regency with the aim of knowing the superior staple food crop commodities and analyzing the zone dynamics of staple food crops as a result of changes in residential areas (housing and infrastructure) in 2013 and 2018 using the Geographical Information System (GIS). . The results showed that rice and green beans were the main staple crops in East Kupang District with an average LQ coefficient of 2.36 for rice and 1.29 for green beans, assuming there was no change in technology. The dynamics of the land zone for staple food crop commodities in East Kupang Subdistrict in the period 2013 and 2018, showed changes in residential land use covering an area of ​​1,104.37 hectares or the growth rate for settlements increased by 0.084% while the rate of decline in agricultural land for staple food crops was 0.0095% which means the rate of settlement increase is faster than the rate of decline in agricultural land for staple food crops

    Experiences With Surgical Treatment of Chronic Lower Limb Ulcers at a Tertiary Hospital in Northwestern Tanzania: A Prospective Review of 300 Cases.

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    Chronic lower limb ulcers constitute a major public health problem of great important all over the world and contribute significantly to high morbidity and long-term disabilities. There is paucity of information regarding chronic lower limb ulcers in our setting; therefore it was necessary to conduct this study to establish the patterns and outcome of chronic lower limb ulcers and to identify predictors of outcome in our local setting. This was a descriptive prospective study of patients with chronic lower limb ulcers conducted at Bugando Medical Centre between November 2010 and April 2012. Ethical approval to conduct the study was sought from relevant authorities. Statistical data analysis was done using SPSS version 17.0 and STATA version 11.0. A total of 300 patients were studied. Their ages ranged from 3 months to 85 years (median 32 years). The male to female ratio was 2:1. The median duration of illness was 44 days. Traumatic ulcer was the most frequent type of ulcer accounting for 60.3% of patients. The median duration of illness was 44 days. The leg was commonly affected in 33.7% of cases and the right side (48.7%) was frequently involved. Out of 300 patients, 212 (70.7%) had positive aerobic bacterial growth within 48 hours of incubation. Pseudomonas aeruginosa (25.5%) was the most frequent gram negative bacteria isolated, whereas gram positive bacteria commonly isolated was Staphylococcus aureus (13.7%). Twenty (6.7%) patients were HIV positive with a median CD4+ count of 350 cells/μl. Mycological investigation was not performed. Bony involvement was radiologically reported in 83.0% of cases. Histopathological examination performed in 56 patients revealed malignancy in 20 (35.7%) patients, of which malignant melanoma (45.0%) was the most common histopathological type. The vast majority of patients, 270 (90.0%) were treated surgically, and surgical debridement was the most common surgical procedure performed in 24.1% of cases. Limb amputation rate was 8.7%. Postoperative complication rate was 58.3% of which surgical site infection (77.5%) was the most common post-operative complications. The median length of hospital stay was 23 days. Mortality rate was 4.3%. Out of the two hundred and eighty-seven (95.7%) survivors, 253 (91.6%) were treated successfully and discharged well (healed). After discharge, only 35.5% of cases were available for follow up at the end of study period. Chronic lower limb ulcers remain a major public health problem in this part of Tanzania. The majority of patients in our environment present late when the disease is already in advanced stages. Early recognition and aggressive treatment of the acute phase of chronic lower limb ulcers at the peripheral hospitals and close follow-up are urgently needed to improve outcomes of these patients in our environment


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    This research was conducted in Pape Village, Bajawa Sub District, Ngada Regency in April 2019. The objectives of this study were: To determine the income of green mustard (Brassica Juncea L)  farming in Pape Village, Bajawa Sub District, Ngada Regency, determine the relative advantages of green mustard farming in Pape Village. Bajawa Sub District, Ngada Regency: knowing the BEP Production and BEP Prices for green mustard farming in Pape Village, Bajawa District, Ngada Regency.The method used in this research is the census method. because the population is small, namely 60 vegetable farmers. The types of data collected are primary data and secondary data.The results showed that: 1) The average area of ​​land ownership for vegetable farming was 17 acres. The labor used is labor in the family, the average cost of the mustard farmers is Rp. 5,540,228.The average income of the respondents was Rp. 29,632,689, with an R / C Ratio of Rp. 6,34, while the BEP of mustard farming production in Pape Village is 788.08 kg, and BEP Price is Rp. 1108,04


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    This research was conducted in the Central Malaka district, namely in Wehali village and Kletek village from January to May 2020. This research aims to determine the amount of female agricultural labor force in the production of lowland rice farming, the factors that affect the outpouring of female workers in lowland rice farming. , as well as a large influence on the production of lowland rice farming. The location of the study was determined deliberately by as many as 84 female rice farmers using the Slovin formula. The types of data collected are primary data and secondary data. The data collected was then analyzed descriptively to determine the first objective, and using multiple linear regression analysis to determine the second objective.            The results showed that: (1) The total outpouring of female agricultural labor in the production of lowland rice farming in the Central Malaka district was 2,400.57 HKO/planting season of the total area of ​​land cultivated of 6,310 acres, with an average share of female labor amounting 57.95 HKO/planting season. (2) Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis, the factor of land area and lowland rice farming income has a significant effect on the outpouring of female agricultural labor. Meanwhile, the factors of the number of family members, the level of education of female farmers, and the age of female farmers do not have a significant effect on the outpouring of female farm labor in the production of lowland rice farming in Central Malaka district, Malaka regency

    The Bean – Naturally Bridging Agriculture and Human Wellbeing

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    Access to a food and a diverse diet are important to secure human wellbeing. A big part of our diet is carbohydrates, which cereals are superior in supplying. The challenge addressed in this chapter is to find appropriate ways to supplement these carbohydrates. Using Phaseolus beans as example, we discuss the focus of our efforts based on variations in yield of the crop and variations in the bean grain’s richness in minerals. Securing an abundant supply of minerals in the daily diet of people is a major challenge for mankind. But acknowledging that farmers cultivate their crops in very different environments may be a first important premise to re-establish the bridge between agriculture and human well-being. If the farmers are helped to address the localness, the food industry may benefit from such a premise as the supply of raw materials can be increased. When resources become even more scares in the very near future and climate change contribute to variability, such possibilities for resource use optimization will become an important agenda. A prototyping research approach at farmers’ level is advocated where particular value chains are described. Prototyping are particularly important when addressing localness

    Disturbance as a factor in breaking dormancy and enhancing invasiveness of African grasses in a Neotropical Savanna

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    The Cerrado is threatened by wildfires and invasive species. We aimed to evaluate in laboratory conditions whether temperature fluctuation at the soil surface, resulting from the absence of vegetation due to fire, can affect the germination of Urochloa decumbens and U. brizantha, two invasive African grasses. Seeds of both species were submitted to simulations: 1) temperature during fire at 1cm belowground (F); 2) temperature fluctuation at 1cm belowground without vegetation cover for a month (TF); 3) (F) + (TF); 4) control at 25ºC. After treatments, seeds were put to germinate at 25ºC for 40 days. We had four replicates per treatment and three temporal replicates. We compared germination percentage and the mean germination time among treatments using ANOVA. The treatments TF and F+TF had the highest germination values for both species. The results showed that fire per se could not stimulate seed germination, however, they suggest that a disturbance that produces a pattern of temperature fluctuation is able to break dormancy and enhance seed germination and, consequently, increase the invasiveness of the study species. Vegetation gaps resulting from disturbance may become new sites of invasion. This information is important for making management decisions regarding the control of these species.We thank the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) and the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES/DGU 227/2010) for financial support. M.J.B. acknowledges the support from the programme FORESTERRA ERA-Net (Medwildfirelab, PCIN-2013-140-C04-03) and PROMETEO II (Desestres es/2014/038)
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