121 research outputs found

    Colloid-Surface Characteristics and Amelioration Problems of Some Volcanic Soils in West Sumatra, Indonesia

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    Andisols from elevational transects at Mt. Marapi and Mt. Pasaman in West Sumatra, Indonesia were studied to characterize their physico-chemical and mineralogical properties. These soils are developed under audic, isothermic and isohyperthermic climatic regime. They have dark epipedons with high contents of organic carbon and low bulk densities « 0.9 Mg m-3). All the nine pedons studied were found to meet the physical and chemical criteria of andic materials. Major minerals in the sand fraction are quartz, plagioclase, hornblende, augite, hypersthene, olivine and volcanic glass. Some of the volcanic glass is coated with amorphous materials. Allophane, cristobalite, feldspars and halloysite are maj or minerals in the clay fraction. Some soils contain imogolite. Halloysite exists as tubular crystals. Gibbsite is found in Mt. Pasaman soils, while opaline silica is present in the surface horizons of Mt. Marapi soils

    Properties and Utilisation of Andisols in Indonesia

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    Soils formed on volcanic ash parent materials and classified as Andisols are widespread in the Indonesian archipelago, covering an area about 3 million hectares. Soils are developed from mostly andesitic to basaltic rocks on Upper Pleistocene to Holocene surfaces. Weathering gradually increases downslope and with the prevailing high precipitation and high temperature produces deep soils. The Indonesian Andisols mostly have dark epipedons with high content of organic carbon and low bulk densities (). soil reaction is slightly acid with negative A pH values with CEC ranges from 22 to 30 cmol(+) kg^. Major minerals in the sand fraction are quartz, plagioclase, hornblende, augite, hypersthene, olivine and volcanic glass. Short-range-order minerals like allophane, imogolite and/or ferrihydrite dominate the clay fraction, whilst halloysite, gibbsite, cristobalite are also detected in lesser amount. The surface charge of Indonesian Andisols containing allophane and imogolite is pH dependent (variable charge) resulting high phosphate fixation. The Langmuir phosphorus sorption maxima ranged from 300 to 2, 500 mg P kg^. Most of the Indonesian Andisols are among the most productive soils. These soils are intensively cultivated with both annual and perennial of upland crops like tea, coffee, cocoa with quite high productivity. The areas in the vicinity of volcanoes are also well-known as the horticultural centre and support more than 50% of the Indonesian people. The tea and Arabica coffee plantations occupied hundreds hectares of land from lower to medium slopes of volcanoes both in Sutmatra and Java islands while secondary and primary forests formed in the upper slopes of volcano

    SK Mengajar Semester Genap

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    Keputusan rektor Unand no 1532/XIV/R/KPT/2018

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    Pengetahuan tentang bentuk luar atau Morfologi tanah merupakan dasar untuk mengenal jenis-jenis tanah yang ada. Keragaman jenis tanah ini dipelajari dalam ilmu klasifikasi tanah. Ilmu ini merupakan ilmu dasar bagi setiap mahasiswa Jurusan Tanah. Dengan diketahuinya nama suatu tanah, berarti sifat dan ciri dasar dari tanah dapat dipahami agar tanah yang merupakan sumber daya alam yang sangat berharga ini dapat digunakan secara optimal baik untuk sektor pertanian maupun nonpertanian. Ilmu klasifikasi tanah merupakan ilmu yang bersifat dinamis dengan tingkat perkembangan yang cepat sejalan dengan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan lainnya. Perkembangan ini harus diikuti dengan seksama terutama yang dilakukan oleh ahli ilmu tanah dari Amerika Serikat dan Eropah. Tim survey tanah (Soil Survey Staff) dari Amerika selalu memperbarui sistem taksonomi tanah setiap 2 tahun sekali. Sementara ahli ilmu tanah Eropah telah menyusun dan memodifikasi sistem FAOUNESCO menjadi World Reference Base for Soil Resources. Diharapkan buku ini dapat menjembatani mahasiswa dalam memahami buku teks klasifikasi tanah yang umumnya ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris

    Macroecology of methane-oxidizing bacteria: the β-diversity of pmoA genotypes in tropical and subtropical rice paddies

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    Studies addressing microbial biogeography have increased during the past decade, but research on microbial distribution patterns is still in its infancies, and many aspects are only poorly understood. Here, we compared the methanotroph community in paddy soils sampled in Indonesia, Vietnam, China and Italy, focusing on the distance-decay relationship. We used the pmoA gene as marker for methanotroph diversity in terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism, microarray and pyrosequencing approaches. We could observe a significant increase of -diversity with geographical distance across continents (12000km). Measured environmental parameters explained only a small amount of data variation, and we found no evidence for dispersal limitation. Thus, we propose historical contingencies being responsible for the observed patterns. Furthermore, we performed an in-depth analysis of type II methanotroph pmoA distribution at the sequence level. We used ordination analysis to project sequence dissimilarities into a three-dimensional space (multidimensional scaling). The ordination suggests that type II methanotrophs in paddy fields can be divided into five major groups. However, these groups were found to be distributed in all soils independent of the geographic origin. By including tropical field sites (Indonesia and Vietnam) into the analysis, we further observed the first paddy fields harbouring a methanotroph community depleted in type II methanotrophs

    Kartu anggota HITI

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    Andisols are among the most productive soils in the world, but these soils also strongly retained phosphate. The high capacity for phosphate sorption in Andisols is due to their high content of active Al and Fe compounds. The objectives of this study were to assess the effect of soil properties on P sorption, buffer capacities and requirements of some benchmark soil profiles in Mt. Marapi and Mt. Pasaman. The P sorption characteristics of Andisols from West Sumatra were described using Langmuir and Freundlich equations. The P sorption maximum in Mt. Pasaman soils was higher than in Mt. Marapi soils. The most important soil properties affecting P sorption and buffer capacities were oxalate Si and Fe, Al (Sio Feo and Alo), dithionite Al (Ald), pyrophosphate Al (Alp), which explained 89% of the variance in sorption maxima and 83% of P buffering indices. Allophane, Alo and Ald were positively correlated with P sorption maximum. Contrary to general assumption that organic matter had an inverse relation with P sorption maxima, in this study, however, there was no trend observed between P sorption maxima and organic carbon. Organic C has poor relationship with this parameter. Andisols from Mt. Marapi and Mt. Pasaman need P input between 320 to 7,800 mg P kg-1 to maintain the P level in soil solution at 0.2 mg kg-1