599 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan sanksi hukum atas pelanggaran penggunaan tenaga kerja asing di indonesia dan bagaimana peran pemerintah dalam proses pengawasan tenaga kerja asing di indonesia. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Ketentuan mengenai tenaga kerja asing di Indonesia dengan dikeluarkan UU No. 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan tidak diatur lagi dalam suatu perundang-undangan tersebut, seperti di dalam UU No. 3 Tahun 1958 tentang Penempatan TKA, tetapi merupakan bagian dari kompilasi dalam UU Ketenagakerjaan yang baru tersebut. Penempatan tenaga kerja asing dapat dilakukan setelah pengajuan rencana penggunaan tenaga kerja disetujui oleh Departemen Tenaga Kerja dengan mengeluarkan izin penggunaan tenaga kerja asing. Untuk dapat bekerja di Indonesia, TKA harus mempunyai izin tinggal terbatas yang terlebih dahulu sudah harus mempunyai visa untuk bekerja di Indonesia atas nama tenaga kerja asing yang bersangkutan, untuk dikeluarkan izinnya oleh Ditjen Imigrasi Departemen Hukum dan HAM. 2. Setiap penggunaan tenaga kerja asing di Indonesia tidak hanya legal saja yang mendapatkan perlindungan tetapi TKA yang illegal pun dilindungi sehingga keberadaannya perlu diatur dalam suatu instrumen hukum internasional. Instansi yang berwenang untuk melakukan pengawasan atas perusahaan dan tenaga kerja asing merupakan Departemen Tenaga Kerja, untuk yang mengawasi TKA sebagai orang asing merupakan kewenangan Ditjen Imigrasi Departemen Hukum dan HAM.Kata kunci: Sanksi Hukum, Pelanggaran, tenaga kerja asin


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor-faktor kesadaran halal terhadap kesadaran konsumen dalam membeli produk halal di Restoran Jepang Kota Bandung. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan data primer dimana teknik pengumpulan datanya berupa kuesioner. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 200 responden dengan metode nonprobability sampling sebagai teknik pengambilan sampelnya. Metode analisis data yang digunkan yaitu uji regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengaruh tertinggi yaitu religiusitas dengan skor 0,407 dan terendah yaitu kesehatan dengan skor 0,048. Tiga faktor kesadaran konsumen memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan secara parasial yakni faktor religiusitas, exposure/pemberitaan, dan makanan etnik, namun dua faktor lainnya berpengaruh secara tidak signifikan terhadap kesadaran konsumen yakni sertifikat halal dan kesehatan. Kelima faktor tersebut memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan secara simultan terhadap kesadaran konsumen. Kontribusi variabel faktor-faktor kesadaran halal memiliki pengaruh terhadap kesadaran konsumen sebesar 32,2% dan sisanya sebesar 67,8% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak dimasukkan dalam model penelitian ini. Penelitian selanjutnya diusahakan memiliki sampel lebih banyak sehingga dapat memberikan gambaran yang lebih spesifik mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesadaran konsumen terhadap produk halal pada Restoran Jepang Kota Bandung.;---This study aims to determine the influence of factors halal awareness to the awareness of consumers buy halal products in the Japanese restaurant in Bandung. This type of research is quantitative research using primary data where the data collection techniques in the form of a questionnaire The samples in this study were 200 respondents with nonprobability sampling method as the sample collection technique. Data analysis method used is multiple regression test. The results showed the highest influence of religiosity with a score of 0,407 and a low of health with a score of 0.048. Three factors of consumer awareness have a significant influence in parasial namely the factor of religiosity, exposure / reporting, and ethnic food, but two other factors are not significant influence on consumer awareness of the halal certificate and health. The fifth of these factors have a significant effect simultaneously on consumer awareness. The contribution of halal awareness has influence to consumer awareness is 25,7% and the rest is influenced by other variable that not included in this research model. Subsequent research has cultivated more samples so as to provide a more specific description of the factors that influence consumer awareness of halal products at the Japanese restaurant in Bandung

    Studio della produzione di batteriocine da parte di batteri lattici isolati da Boza e Koumis

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    Nell’ambito della conservazione e della qualità alimentare, lo studio sulle batteriocine prodotte dai batteri lattici assume un ruolo fondamentale. Queste sostanze, in prevalenza di tipo proteico, sono, infatti, capaci di inibire la crescita di microrganismi, in alcuni casi anche patogeni, contribuendo così alla qualità generale del prodotto finito. La richiesta da parte dei consumatori di alimenti sempre più sani e “naturali”, sta spingendo i produttori ad abbandonare, dove possibile, gli agenti chimici. Come conseguenza l’interesse per agenti microbici “naturali” sta crescendo di anno in anno. Nel presente elaborato di tesi è stata saggiata la produzione di batteriocine da parte di alcuni batteri isolati da una bevanda fermentata di origine Bulgara, denominata Boza. Sono state, inoltre, caratterizzate due batteriocine, prodotte da un microrganismo precedentemente isolato dal Koumis, bevanda fermentata a base di latte di giumenta originaria della Mongolia. Se da una parte l’individuazione di batteri lattici produttori di batteriocine nel Boza ha dato esito negativo, dall’altra, le due batteriocine, già isolate dal Koumis e prodotte da Enterococcus durans, hanno mostrato grande attività contro Lactobacillus bulgaricus 340, Listeria innocua, Lactobacillus brevis e contro il fungo Fusarium graminearum, responsabile della produzione di micotossine. Conoscendo la sequenza genetica dei geni che esprimono le batteriocine (Enterocina I e ORF2P), sono state create due proteine di fusione espresse, con l’ausilio del vettore sintetico pET-DP-LTP, in cellule competenti di Escherichia coli BL21. Questo ha permesso la produzione separata delle due batteriocine, altrimenti non realizzabile con metodiche quali la cromatografia a scambio cationico, la cromatografia a fase inversa e l’HPLC. Test futuri sull’uso di queste batteriocine come conservanti in campo alimentare potranno portare ad un uso industriale di questi due composti come già accade per la nisina


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    ABSTRAK Skripsi ini membahas tentang penggunaan deiksis sosial dalam sebuah film yang berjudul Beauty and The Beast 2017 yang disutradarai oleh Bill Condon. Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi tipe-tipe dan fungsi Deiksis Sosial (Social Deixis) yang digunakan oleh tokoh utama dalam tuturannya berdasarkan konteks. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Levinson untuk menentukan tipe-tipe dan fungsi dari Deiksis Sosial. Kemudian dalam mendeskripsikan konteks digunakan teori Leech (1983) untuk mengaitkan data dengan konteks tuturan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dalam beberapa proses: (1) Menonton film terlebih dahulu, (2) mengelompokan Deiksis Sosial berdasarkan tipe (3) menentukan fungsi dari Deiksis Sosial tersebut. Tipe dari sosial deiksis ini terbagi atas dua tipe : (1) relational honorific dan (2) absolute honorific. Dari hasil analisis di temukan 38 kalimat yang mengandung deiksis sosial. Tipe relational honorific adalah tipe yang paling banyak di temukan yang terdiri dari 30 kalimat address honorific, 7 kalimat referent honorific dan untuk tipe bystander and situational honorific tidak di temukan pada film ini. Sedangkan untuk tipe absolute honorific hanya di temukan 1 kalimat. Disamping itu, ditemukan juga 4 fungsi Deiksis Sosial, yaitu untuk menunjukan status sosial sebanyak 11 kali, wewenang pekerjaan sebanyak 4 kali, hubungan kekerabatan 5 kali, dan keakraban 16 kali. Kata kunci : deiksis, deiksis sosial, konteks, honorifi

    Evaluasi Sistem Drainase Menggunakan Program SWMM 5.2 pada Perumahan Wisma Asri, Bekasi Utara

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    Selama beberapa tahun terakhir, Perumahan Wisma Asri Kota Bekasi telah mengalami banjir ketika hujan lebat dan berkepanjangan, khususnya di RW 5. Penelitian saat ini memfokuskan pada area banjir tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengevaluasi saluran drainase Perumahan Wisma Asri RW 5, Bekasi Utara serta mendapatkan desain jaringan drainase yang baik dengan mempertimbangkan limpasan yang terjadi. Metode Log Pearson III digunakan untuk menghitung curah hujan rencana, dan kajian dilaksanakan menggunakan SWMM 5.2. Nilai curah hujan yang digunakan pada analisis saluran drainase Perumahan Wisma Asri berdasarkan distribusi Log Pearson III adalah 233,19 mm, dan periode ulang yang digunakan adalah 5 tahun. Pada Perumahan Wisma Asri terdapat 11 subcatchment, 33 junction, 1 outfall, dan 50 conduit. Berdasarkan simulasi terdapat 3 saluran meluap pada saat curah hujan maksimum yaitu CN30, CN31, dan CN32. Pada saluran CN30, CN31, dan CN32 terjadi luapan karena terdapat sedimen masing-masing setinggi 0,17 m, 0,17 m, dan 0,19 m. Kapasitas saluran drainase pada saluran CN30, CN31, dan CN32 pada kondisi eksisting adalah 0,208 m3/det, 0,073 m3/det, dan 0,059 m3/det. Setelah perbaikan kapasitas saluran meningkat menjadi 0,313 m3/det, 0,110 m3/det, dan 0,097 m3/det

    Developing an E-module of Paragraph Writing Subject in a Private University Using Genre Approach

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    The purpose of this paper was to develop an E-module of writing paragraph subject using genre Approach, particularly Reading to Learn. This paper used a research and development approach. The result of three expert review showed that the prototype of the product was categorized as having high validityas indicated by the average score of questionnaires on content with 4.4, the instructional design 3.9, and media (3.9). Moreover, the module was also categorized as highly practical as indicated by the average score of one-to-one evaluation (4.22) and small group evaluation (4.29). Meanwhile, the result of field test evaluation showed that there was an improvement in students writing with the mean 75.18 was the final result (post-test) which was considered as high. There was an improvement made by students after the researcher gave them a treatment by using the E-module.            Keywords: E-module, Genre Approach, Narrative Paragraph, Reading to Learn, Writing Skil

    Monitoring of large landslides by Terrestrial Laser Scanning techniques: field data collection and processing

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    We have monitored a large landslide that causes extensive damage by using Terrestrial Laser Scanners (TLS) and Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers. Our surveys have confirmed that the slope undergoes a continuous change. When using TLS some operational difficulties arise. We have used different TLSs types to better evaluate the reliability of our surveys; a full wave TLS has allowed to make easier the data filtering. All surveys have been framed in the same absolute reference system; this has been done by connecting both targets and laser stations to a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Permanent Reference Stations network. A direct comparison among the DEMs allows to infer the movements of the landslide


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    This article describes how the implementation of the cooperative learning method in fostering students' Al-Qur'an reading skills at SMK Negeri 03 Pekalongan. This is because the cooperative learning method is one of the methods that can be applied in learning the Qur'an. The cooperative learning method itself is proven to be able to improve students' ability to understand the material or lessons that have been given and to be able to solve problems collectively. This article was written using a qualitative approach with a type of field research. Data collection techniques used include observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis uses data reduction, presentation and conclusion. The results of the study show that the students' ability to read the Qur'an is quite good. PAI teachers at SMK Negeri 03 Pekalongan can foster students' ability to read the Koran through the implementation of the cooperative learning method which has three stages, namely the planning stage, the implementation stage, and the closing stage. However, in its application there are several obstacles, including attitudes, and obstacles in preparation or maturity in preparing the results of the discussion. As a solution to this problem, several efforts were made, namely forming appropriate and efficient groups and preparing the things needed when learning was carried out


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    In order to define a methodology that faces the major critical issues, we used a Terrestrial Laser Scanner to monitor a large landslide that caused significant disruptions both to an important state road and to a major railway line in Italy. To survey the landslide we used three different models of Terrestrial Laser Scanners, including a "full wave form" one, potentially useful for filtering vegetation from the data. The output of each measurement campaign is a Digital Surface Model referred to a unique reference system. Starting from the DSMs we produced the Digital Terrain Models, one for each survey. The use of different models of TLS together with the software packages recommended by the companies for data processing, allowed us to compare the surveys and to evaluate the reliability and the accuracy of results. The comparison of data has been useful in order to identify and analyse over time the areas of greatest deformation and the directions of landslide movement and it also gives us some elements about the validity of the technique in this kind of applications. The laser surveys have shown a strong dynamic of the slope but have also highlighted some difficulties in order to efficiently filtering the data. Using two different kinds of TLS, full wave form and mono eco, on the same portion of landslide allows us to make comparisons between the two methodologies for landslide monitoring in a real-world context
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