86 research outputs found

    Timer For RC Models

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    Tato práce se zabývá kompletním návrhem časovače pro RC modely. Popisovaný časovač má tři PWM výstupy. Pomocí těchto výstupů lze řídit dva nezávislé servomotory a regulátor motoru. Celý výrobek je řízen pomocí 8-mi bitového mikrokontroleru. Časové záznamy jsou uloženy v externí paměti EEPROM, kterou lze pomocí sběrnice I2C programovat. Práce se dále zabývá návrhem programovacího modulu, pomocí kterého je možné časovač pohodlně programovat přes PC nebo smartphone. Cílem práce je návrh a realizace RC časovače s příslušenstvím špičkové kvality.This paper describes complete design of timer for RC models. Described timer has three PWM outputs. With these outputs it is possible to connect two independent servo-motors and engine controller. 1 signal. The whole is controlled by 8-bit microprocessor. The time records are stored in external EEPROM, that can be programmed using I2C. Paper further discuss design of programming, which can be easily programmed the memory of EEPROM by the PC or smartphone. The goal of this paper is to design and build high quality RC timer with accessories.

    The role of the face and the body size in predators' recognition by untrained birds

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    Obličej hraje mimořádně významnou roli v lidské komunikaci. Umožňuje individuální rozpoznání člověka a přináší o něm i další informace, například sociální nebo emoční. Lidská psychologie ukázala, že rozpoznání obličejů využívá specifický kognitivní proces nazvaný holistické vnímání. V posledních desetiletích se ukazuje, že hraje významnou roli i v komunikaci zvířat. Role obličeje u ptáků však byla dosud studována jen okrajově. V první části své diplomové práce jsem testoval, zda změna uniformní konfigurace ptačího obličeje ovlivní schopnost ťuhýka obecného (Lanius collurio) rozpoznat potenciálního ptačího predátora. Vzhledem k nepříznivým podmínkám v obou hnízdních sezónách, kdy probíhaly experimenty, nelze z výsledků vyvozovat jednoznačnější závěry. Ty pouze naznačují, že ťuhýk změny konfigurace vnímá. Podstatnou vlastností všech predátorů je jejich velikost, která ovlivňuje mimo jiné i schopnost kořisti se jim bránit. Několik studií již nepřekvapivě zjistilo, že ptáci různě velké druhy predátorů rozlišují. V druhé části své diplomové práce jsem vyhodnotil experimenty, v nichž byly ťuhýkovi obecnému předloženy atrapy dvou druhů predátorů s modifikovanou velikostí (zmenšené vrány a zvětšené sojky). Ťuhýk na zvětšené sojky reagoval s nižší agresivitou, zatímco na zmenšené vrány agresivita vzrostla...The face plays an extremely important role in human communication. It enables individual recognition and provides other information about the person, such as social or emotional information. Human psychology has shown that face recognition uses a specific cognitive process called holistic processing. In recent decades, it has been shown to play an important role in animal communication as well. In the first part of my thesis, I tested whether changing the uniform configuration of a bird's face would affect the ability of the red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio) to recognize a potential predator. Due to unfavourable conditions in both breeding seasons when the experiments were conducted, no firm conclusions can be drawn from the results. They only suggest that the shrike perceives the configuration changes. An essential characteristic of all predators is their size, which affects the ability of prey to defend themselves. Several studies have already found that birds discriminate between different predators of different sizes. In the second part of my thesis, I evaluated experiments in which shrikes were exposed to dummies of two predator species with modified size. The shrikes responded with less aggression to the enlarged jays, whereas aggression increased only slightly to the shrunken crows. Thus,...Department of ZoologyKatedra zoologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Integrated multichannel audio amplifier for home cinema

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    Tato práce se zabývá kompletním návrhem zesilovače pro domácí kino. Popisovaný zesilovač má dva digitální vstupy, tj. TOSLINK a S/PDIF a jeden analogový vstup. Pomocí těchto vstupů je možné připojit k zesilovači zdroj prostorového signálu 5+1. Práce se dále zabývá návrhem korekčních obvodů, obvodů předzesilovače, koncového stupně a zdroje. Celý výrobek je řízen pomocí 8-mi bitového mikrokontroléru a jeho grafický výstup je zobrazován na LCD. Cílem práce je návrh a realizace zesilovače špičkové kvality.This paper describes complete design of amplifier for home cinema system. Described amplifier has 2 digital inputs (TOSLINK and S/PDIF) and single analog input. With this inputs it is possible to connect amplifier to a source of surround audio 5+1 signal. Paper further discuss design of correction circuits, preamplifier, power amplifier and power source. The whole is controlled by 8-bit microprocessor and has a graphics output implemented through LCD display. The goal of this paper is to design and build high quality amplifier.

    Earth-space path propagation characteristics in the climatic conditions of the Czech Republic from Alphasat Ka/Q band experiment

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    The objective of the activity is to prepare, realize and conduct experimental research of the influence of atmospheric phenomena on the Earth-space path propagation characteristics at 20 and 40 GHz (Ka/Q) bands in the specific climatic conditions of the Czech Republic (CR). The scientific approach is based on the comprehensive measurements of physical parameters of atmosphere together with concurrent measurements of propagation characteristics on the Earth-space path and on 10 collocated terrestrial paths with star configuration. The proposed activity will utilize the ESA Alphasat Mission Ka/Q experiment that is designed to investigate the propagation characteristics on slant paths in Europe and elsewhere

    Mapping of radio-climatological parameters and their practical utility

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    Mapping of radioclimatological parameters in the form of digital or classic “paper“ maps is very useful for the planning of microwave satellite connections. Variables for simple calculation of water vapor attenuation (integrated water vapor content), clouding of cloud (integrated water content) and rainfall (precipitation intensity at 0.01%) are most often mapped. The formula for the distribution function of the attenuation is then relatively simple. Mapping is mostly done by ITU-R, ESA and WMCWF

    Radar Meteorology Principles and Possibilities

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    The contribution describes the principles of meteorological radars and the wavelength choice. The description of meteorological targets is also shown as well as typical technical parameters of meteorological radars. The radar equation for meteorological targets is shown on the base of the difference from the air traffic radars. The basic terms such as equivalent radar reflectivity factor are defined. The estimation technique of the precipitation intensity is deduced. The possible uncertainty is discussed . Also dual wavelength and polarimetric radars and its improved possibilities are added

    Drop size distribution applied to microwaves

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    This study shows the global influence of the atmosphere (rain, cloud, water vapour) on the attenuation of radio waves. Selected models predicting the atmospheric attenuation are shown

    The role of the face and the body size in predators' recognition by untrained birds

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    The face plays an extremely important role in human communication. It enables individual recognition and provides other information about the person, such as social or emotional information. Human psychology has shown that face recognition uses a specific cognitive process called holistic processing. In recent decades, it has been shown to play an important role in animal communication as well. In the first part of my thesis, I tested whether changing the uniform configuration of a bird's face would affect the ability of the red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio) to recognize a potential predator. Due to unfavourable conditions in both breeding seasons when the experiments were conducted, no firm conclusions can be drawn from the results. They only suggest that the shrike perceives the configuration changes. An essential characteristic of all predators is their size, which affects the ability of prey to defend themselves. Several studies have already found that birds discriminate between different predators of different sizes. In the second part of my thesis, I evaluated experiments in which shrikes were exposed to dummies of two predator species with modified size. The shrikes responded with less aggression to the enlarged jays, whereas aggression increased only slightly to the shrunken crows. Thus,..