96 research outputs found

    Recovering From the Global Crisis: A Panel Study

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    AbstractThe current global crisis that originated in the USA in the middle of 2008 financial market was spread very quickly across the globe in almost all sectors, which caused most countries’ economy to shrink. The crisis raised the uncertainty in world economy and caused unsteadiness firstly at financial markets and later at real markets. The recession that started firstly in developed countries has affected the developing countries in critical levels as well. While the global developments were regressing, the countries were in consensus to take precautions in order to struggle with the crisis in the world economy. The financial and economic crises have induced negative implications on investment channel, since investors cut down on their investments in developing countries hence triggering job losses.In this study, we investigate the relationship between investment rates and real per capita GDP using two-way panel estimation technique as this has significant implications for development policy. Our sample covers 35 upper-middle income economies classified by the World Bank and the period analyzed extends from 1970 to 2007

    Impact of global recession on selected OECD countries : a panel data analysis

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    The tax burden on wages, profits, property, and goods or services has a serious impact on cross-country competiveness, something that, in turn, impinges strongly on the actual economy of common markets such as the European Union (EU). While the mobility of productive factors is directly related with country tax-regime differences, government budget funding from tax revenues and rates are the main fiscal policy tools. This article analyzes the trends, similarities and differences between the tax regimes of European Monetary Union (EMU) for the period from 1995 to 2019. The methodologies we employ include time series analysis, regression analysis and multivariate cluster analysis. The data are mainly collected from the OECD database and tax revenue departments at country level. We argue that there are significant differences among the tax regimes of EU countries and that no policy has been implemented to ensure tax homogeneity across the EU, nor is there any likelihood of such. The anarchy in fiscal policy is an obstacle for the European Integration. Budget deficits have an impact on taxation and countries, invariably, manage the recent debt crisis by selecting different taxes as fiscal policy tools. Our article presents the differences between tax regimes of EMU countries and shows that the level of economic growth affects the structure of taxes at work and alters the performance of different types of taxes; is also wishes to explain the factors that differentiate tax regimes by using multi dimensional criteria and variance analysis. Our work contributes to the debate toward a common tax regime between EU countries and our analysis is concentrated on this.peer-reviewe

    Morphological Anomalies Observed on Vertebralina striata dOrbigny, 1826 Test in the Northern Coast of Karaburun Peninsula (Izmir-Turkey)

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    Morphological abnormalities have been observed on the test of recent foraminifer samples and locally different ecological conditions, such as, hypersalinity, presence of heavy metals and thermal springs are suggested to be the cause of this phenomenon. Abnormal test development, as well as twins and triplets are commonly observed in natural and artificial saltpans which form hypersaline environments. Submarine freshwater springs can cause extreme seasonal salinity variations on the coastal regions which affects the benthic foraminifer species and results in the abnormal test development. Vertebralina striata d’Orbigny individuals with abnormal aperture morphology have been found in samples collected around the thermal springs in Çeşme-Ilıca Bay. More surprisingly, specimens with similar aperture abnormality have also been observed in samples collected from other two stations on the Karaburun Peninsula. Five of the abnormal specimens had two apertures the others had three. A specimen collected from Ilıca Bay had two apertures, one of which is the typical Vertebralina striata d’Orbigny aperture, but the other was distantly located and rounded. Vertebralina striata d’Orbigny is widely distributed in world's seas, however such aperture abnormalities has not been reported elsewhere. Observation of similar morphological abnormalities in three distinct locations suggests a common cause. The submarine spring found in Ilıca Bay supports the idea that spring waters affect the chemical composition of the seawater locally, leading to this aperture abnormality

    Evaluation of radioactive properties and microfaunal evidence in the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles straits and Golden Horn sediments

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    The aim of this study is to investigate radioactive pollutants from pollution loads transported from the Black Sea to the Aegean Sea by the Turkish Straits System and their effects on microfauna (benthic foraminifer and ostracod) assemblages. In the study, the effects of gross alpha and beta activity on the species number, species diversity, dominant species and species richness of benthic foraminiferal and ostracod assemblages were investigated in 16 bottom sediments taken from different depths in the Golden Horn, Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits. In the studied sediment samples examined 61 genera and 64 species of benthic foraminifera, 23 genera and 26 species of ostracoda were identified. In addition two migratory foraminifera species were observed as Spiroloculina antillarum of Atlantic-Pacific origin and Peneroplis pertusus of Indo-Pacific origin. A relationship between the abundance of microfauna and high gross alpha and beta values was found in the Dardanelles samples, but not in the Bosphorus and Golden Horn samples. In this  study, the highest radioactivity value was observed in the deepest bottom sediment samples. Consequently, the gross alpha and beta values were seen to be close to each other in the Dardanelles Strait and Golden Horn samples, and they had a broad-spectrum in the Bosphorus samples


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    A diverse and rich foraminifer fauna has been observed in core and grab samples obtained from Ayvalık (North Aegean coast of Turkey) and Antalya (Southwestern Turkey). Morphologically abnormal individuals of Peneroplis pertusus (Forskål) and P. planatus (Fichtel & Moll) showing Coscinospira characteristics were commonly observed in these sediment samples. Previous findings from Çeşme (East Aegean Sea) indicate that such anomalies in peneroplids are unrare events. The aim of this study is to determine the possible causes of this abnormal test development. Gametes and juveniles of different species of peneroplids may fuse to form such aberrant morphologies. On the other hand, the clusters of Amphicoryna spp. with two or three individuals observed in the Pacific and in the Mediterranean partially support the idea of colony formation.Se ha observado una rica y variada fauna de foraminíferos en muestras obtenidas con dragas y core en Ayvalık (costa norte del Egeo en Turquía) y Antalia (suroeste de Turquía). Frecuentemente se obtuvieron individuos morfológicamente anormales de Peneroplis pertusus (Forskål) y P. planatus (Fichtel & Moll), los cuales mostraban características de Coscinospira. Datos anteriores, obtenidos en Çeşme (este del Mar Egeo), indican que este tipo de anomalías no son raros en peneróplidos. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar las posibles causas del desarrollo anómalo. Los gametos y juveniles de diferentes especies de peneróplidos pueden fundirse en morfologías aberrantes. Por otro lado, las racimos de Amphicoryna spp. con dos o tres individuos, observados en el Pacífico y el Mediterráneo, apoyan, en parte, la idea de formación de colonia

    Uncoupling of Metabolic Health from Longevity through Genetic Alteration of Adipose Tissue Lipid-Binding Proteins

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    Deterioration of metabolic health is a hallmark of aging and generally assumed to be detrimental to longevity. Exposure to a high-calorie diet impairs metabolism and accelerates aging; conversely, calorie restriction (CR) prevents age-related metabolic diseases and extends lifespan. However, it is unclear whether preservation of metabolic health is sufficient to extend lifespan. We utilized a genetic mouse model lacking Fabp4/5 that confers protection against metabolic diseases and shares molecular and lipidomic features with CR to address this question. Fabp-deficient mice exhibit extended metabolic healthspan, with protection against insulin resistance and glucose intolerance, inflammation, deterioration of adipose tissue integrity, and fatty liver disease. Surprisingly, however, Fabp-deficient mice did not exhibit any extension of lifespan. These data indicate that extension of metabolic healthspan in the absence of CR can be uncoupled from lifespan, indicating the potential for independent drivers of these pathways, at least in laboratory mice

    Protocol for quantifying SA-β-gal activity as a measure of senescence in islets of a mouse model of type 1 diabetes

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    Summary: A subpopulation of pancreatic beta cells becomes senescent during type 1 diabetes (T1D) progression, and removal of these populations protects against T1D in mice. Here, we present a protocol to measure senescence in murine pancreatic islet cells through analysis of senescence-associated β-galactosidase activity. We describe steps for staining with the fluorogenic substrate C12FDG and analysis by flow cytometry. Increased cell size is another marker of senescence and can also be concurrently measured in the same experiment.For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Lee et al.1 and Helman et al.2 : Publisher’s note: Undertaking any experimental protocol requires adherence to local institutional guidelines for laboratory safety and ethics


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    - Ayvalık kuzeybatısında yer alan Alibey ve Maden adaları çevresinde çakma yöntemi ile dört farklı noktada ve farklı derinliklerden alınmış olan 4 kordan elde edilen 91 genç çökel örnegi foraminifer içerigi açısından incelenmiştir. Bölgede foraminiferlerden 22 familya, 19 alt familyaya ait 42 cins ve 77 tür tayin edilmiştir. Bunlar arasında aglutine kavkılı formlar ender olarak bulunurken, kalker kavkılı foraminiferler 18 familyaya ait 74 tür ile temsil edilmiştir. Ayrıca, bu alanlardaki biotayı etkiledigi düşünülen, çevredeki fay ve diger kırık hatları boyunca hareket edip denize ulaşan, CaCO3 açısından zengin olan yer altı sularının varlıgı, elde edilen bentik foraminiferlerde gözlenen fazla sayıdaki iri kavkıların bulunuşu ile anlaşılmaktadır. Çünkü, bu çevrede bulunan çok sayıdaki Peneroplis, Lobatula, Ammonia, Challengerella ve Elphidium bireylerine ait kavkılar 0.5 mm'nin üzerinde boyutlara sahiptir. Yine, faylara baglı olarak geliştigi düşünülen kaynak/kaynakların sıcaklık özelligi ve korlardan birinde gözlenen jips kristallerinin varlıgı bu gibi oluşumların başlıca nedeni olarak düşünülür. Amaç, inceleme alanı çevresinde gerek günümüz ve gerekse yakın geçmişte yaşamış olan bentik foraminiferlerin tanımlarını, dagılımlarını ve çevrenin ekolojik özelliklerini ortaya koyarak diger yakın alanlar ile karşılaştırılmasını saglamaktır