184 research outputs found

    Adsorption geometry and electronic structure of iron phthalocyanine on Ag surfaces: A LEED and photoelectron momentum mapping study

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    We present a comprehensive study of the adsorption behavior of iron phthalocyanine on the low-index crystal faces of silver. By combining measurements of the reciprocal space by means of photoelectron momentum mapping and low energy electron diffraction, the real space adsorption geometries are reconstructed. At monolayer coverage ordered superstructures exist on all studied surfaces containing one molecule in the unit cell in case of Ag(100) and Ag(111), and two molecules per unit cell for Ag(110). The azimuthal tilt angle of the molecules against the high symmetry directions of the substrate is derived from the photoelectron momentum maps. A comparative analysis of the momentum patterns on the substrates with different symmetry indicates that both constituents of the twofold degenerate FePc lowest unoccupied molecular orbital are occupied by charge transfer from the substrate at the interface

    An experimental and theoretical study of the resonant Auger spectrum of the ethene molecule

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    Resonant Auger spectra of the ethene molecule excited at energies across the C1s → π* energy band are reported. Our measurements address the unexpected variation of the intensity of the A state with respect to the other singly ionized valence states. An approach, based on group theory and calculations using Coulomb 4-center integrals, is proposed to explain the behaviour of the intensity of the ground state and excited states of the ion upon resonant excitation. The new method provides a calculationally inexpensive route to predict relative intensities of different resonant Auger bands in polyatomic molecules, without the need for an exhaustive knowledge of the potential energy surfaces of the electronic states involved

    Conservation of Nickel Ion Single-Active Site Character in a Bottom-Up Constructed π-Conjugated Molecular Network

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    On-surface chemistry holds the potential for ultimate miniaturization of functional devices. Porphyrins are promising building-blocks in exploring advanced nanoarchitecture concepts. More stable molecular materials of practical interest with improved charge transfer properties can be achieved by covalently interconnecting molecular units. On-surface synthesis allows to construct extended covalent nanostructures at interfaces not conventionally available. Here, we address the synthesis and properties of covalent molecular network composed of interconnected constituents derived from halogenated nickel tetraphenylporphyrin on Au(111). We report that the π-extended two-dimensional material exhibits dispersive electronic features. Concomitantly, the functional Ni cores retain the same single-active site character of their single-molecule counterparts. This opens new pathways when exploiting the high robustness of transition metal cores provided by bottom-up constructed covalent nanomeshes

    Enhancing Electron Correlation at a 3d Ferromagnetic Surface

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    Spin-resolved momentum microscopy and theoretical calculations are combined beyond the one-electron approximation to unveil the spin-dependent electronic structure of the interface formed between iron (Fe) and an ordered oxygen (O) atomic layer, and an adsorbate-induced enhancement of electronic correlations is found. It is demonstrated that this enhancement is responsible for a drastic narrowing of the Fe d-bands close to the Fermi energy (EF) and a reduction of the exchange splitting, which is not accounted for in the Stoner picture of ferromagnetism. In addition, correlation leads to a significant spin-dependent broadening of the electronic bands at higher binding energies and their merging with satellite features, which are manifestations of a pure many-electron behavior. Overall, adatom adsorption can be used to vary the material parameters of transition metal surfaces to access different intermediate electronic correlated regimes, which will otherwise not be accessible. The results show that the concepts developed to understand the physics and chemistry of adsorbate–metal interfaces, relevant for a variety of research areas, from spintronics to catalysis, need to be reconsidered with many-particle effects being of utmost importance. These may affect chemisorption energy, spin transport, magnetic order, and even play a key role in the emergence of ferromagnetism at interfaces between non-magnetic systems

    Ferrous to Ferric Transition in Fe-Phthalocyanine Driven by NO2 Exposure

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    Due to its unique magnetic properties offered by the open-shell electronic structure of the central metal ion, and for being an effective catalyst in a wide variety of reactions, iron phthalocyanine has drawn significant interest from the scientific community. Nevertheless, upon surface deposition, the magnetic properties of the molecular layer can be significantly affected by the coupling occurring at the interface, and the more reactive the surface, the stronger is the impact on the spin state. Here, we show that on Cu(100), indeed, the strong hybridization between the Fe d-states of FePc and the sp-band of the copper substrate modifies the charge distribution in the molecule, significantly influencing the magnetic properties of the iron ion. The FeII ion is stabilized in the low singlet spin state (S=0), leading to the complete quenching of the molecule magnetic moment. By exploiting the FePc/Cu(100) interface, we demonstrate that NO2 dissociation can be used to gradually change the magnetic properties of the iron ion, by trimming the gas dosage. For lower doses, the FePc film is decoupled from the copper substrate, restoring the gas phase triplet spin state (S=1). A higher dose induces the transition from ferrous to ferric phthalocyanine, in its intermediate spin state, with enhanced magnetic moment due to the interaction with the atomic ligands. Remarkably, in this way, three different spin configurations have been observed within the same metalorganic/metal interface by exposing it to different doses of NO2 at room temperature

    Electronic Band Structure Changes across the Antiferromagnetic Phase Transition of Exfoliated MnPS3 Flakes Probed by μ-ARPES

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    Exfoliated magnetic 2D materials enable versatile tuning of magnetization, e.g., by gating or providing proximity-induced exchange interaction. However, their electronic band structure after exfoliation has not been probed, presumably due to their photochemical sensitivity. Here, we provide micrometer-scale angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of the exfoliated intralayer antiferromagnet MnPS3 above and below the Néel temperature down to one monolayer. Favorable comparison with density functional theory calculations enables identifying the orbital character of the observed bands. Consistently, we find pronounced changes across the Néel temperature for bands consisting of Mn 3d and 3p levels of adjacent S atoms. The deduced orbital mixture indicates that the superexchange is relevant for the magnetic interaction. There are only minor changes between monolayer and thicker films, demonstrating the predominant 2D character of MnPS3. The novel access is transferable to other MPX3 materials (M: transition metal, P: phosphorus, X: chalcogenide), providing several antiferromagnetic arrangements

    Metalloporphyrins on oxygen-passivated iron: Conformation and order beyond the first layer

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    On-surface metal porphyrins can undergo electronic and conformational changes that play a crucial role in determining the chemical reactivity of the molecular layer. Therefore, accessing those properties is pivotal for their implementation in organic-based devices. Here, by means of photoemission orbital tomography supported by density functional theory calculations, we investigate the electronic and geometrical structure of two metallated tetraphenyl porphyrins (MTPPs), namely ZnTPP and NiTPP, adsorbed on the oxygen-passivated Fe(100)-p(1 × 1)O surface. Both molecules weakly interact with the surface as no charge transfer is observed. In the case of ZnTPP, our data correspond to those of moderately distorted molecules whereas NiTPP exhibits a severe saddle-shape deformation. From additional experiments on NiTPP multilayer films, we conclude that this distortion is a consequence of the interaction with the substrate, as the NiTPP macrocycle of the second layer turns out to be flat. We further find that distortions in the MTPP macrocycle are accompanied by an increasing energy gap between the highest occupied molecular orbitals (HOMO and HOMO-1). Our results demonstrate that photoemission orbital tomography can simultaneously probe the energy level alignment, the azimuthal orientation, and the adsorption geometry of complex aromatic molecules even in the multilayer regime

    Watson–Crick and Sugar-Edge Base Pairing of Cytosine in the Gas Phase: UV and Infrared Spectra of Cytosine·2-Pyridone

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    While keto-amino cytosine is the dominant species in aqueous solution, spectroscopic studies in molecular beams and in noble gas matrices show that other cytosine tautomers prevail in apolar environments. Each of these offers two or three H-bonding sites (Watson–Crick, wobble, sugar-edge). The mass- and isomer-specific S1 ← S0 vibronic spectra of cytosine·2-pyridone (Cyt·2PY) and 1-methylcytosine·2PY are measured using UV laser resonant two-photon ionization (R2PI), UV/UV depletion, and IR depletion spectroscopy. The UV spectra of the Watson–Crick and sugar-edge isomers of Cyt·2PY are separated using UV/UV spectral hole-burning. Five different isomers of Cyt·2PY are observed in a supersonic beam. We show that the Watson–Crick and sugar-edge dimers of keto-amino cytosine with 2PY are the most abundant in the beam, although keto-amino-cytosine is only the third most abundant tautomer in the gas phase. We identify the different isomers by combining three different diagnostic tools: (1) methylation of the cytosine N1–H group prevents formation of both the sugar-edge and wobble isomers and gives the Watson–Crick isomer exclusively. (2) The calculated ground state binding and dissociation energies, relative gas-phase abundances, excitation and the ionization energies are in agreement with the assignment of the dominant Cyt·2PY isomers to the Watson–Crick and sugar-edge complexes of keto-amino cytosine. (3) The comparison of calculated ground state vibrational frequencies to the experimental IR spectra in the carbonyl stretch and NH/OH/CH stretch ranges strengthen this identification

    Photoemission study of twisted monolayers and bilayers of WSe2 on graphite substrates

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    Using microfocused angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy we investigated microstructures containing regions of single-layer (SL) and bilayer (BL) WSe2 on graphite substrates at different twist angles between SL WSe2 and graphite and within the BL WSe2. Fermi level electrons emitted from the graphite are sharply focused near their Kgr points in the Brillouin zone, and, when passing through the WSe2, get diffracted to form band replicas readily observed in experimental Fermi surface maps from twisted SL WSe2/graphite. We investigated two twisted BL WSe2 at twist angles ∼28° and ∼10° and found no evidence of hybridization gaps at the interlayer band-crossing points, that could be precursors of the flat bands at smaller twist angles. Similarly, no such gaps were found for SL WSe2/graphite. Experimental results are complemented by theoretical density functional theory calculations, which suggest that a formation of hybridization gaps in the WSe2/graphene (which approximates the experimental WSe2/graphite system) sensitively depends on the WSe2 band character at the crossing point with the graphene Dirac band

    Observation of Termination-Dependent Topological Connectivity in a Magnetic Weyl Kagome Lattice

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    Engineering surfaces and interfaces of materials promises great potential in the field of heterostructures and quantum matter designers, with the opportunity to drive new many-body phases that are absent in the bulk compounds. Here, we focus on the magnetic Weyl kagome system Co3Sn2S2 and show how for the terminations of different samples the Weyl points connect differently, still preserving the bulk-boundary correspondence. Scanning tunneling microscopy has suggested such a scenario indirectly, and here, we probe the Fermiology of Co3Sn2S2 directly, by linking it to its real space surface distribution. By combining micro-ARPES and first-principles calculations, we measure the energy-momentum spectra and the Fermi surfaces of Co3Sn2S2 for different surface terminations and show the existence of topological features depending on the top-layer electronic environment. Our work helps to define a route for controlling bulk-derived topological properties by means of surface electrostatic potentials, offering a methodology for using Weyl kagome metals in responsive magnetic spintronics