11 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pupuk Organik Cair Teknologi Nano Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Bayam Merah (Amaranthus tricolor L.) Yang Dibudidayakan Secara Hidroponik.

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    Bayam merah merupakan tanaman sayuran dari varietas Blitum rubrum yang banyak dijumpai di Indonesia. Bayam merah memiliki banyak manfaat seperti melancarkan sirkulasi oksigen dalam darah. Hidroponik merupakan salah satu solusi permasalahan keterbatasan lahan dalam bercocok tanam yang memanfaatkan air sebagai media nutrisi yang akan langsung diserapoleh tanaman sebagai penunjang tumbuh tanaman. Hidroponik menggunakan nutrisi AB Mix. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh pupuk organik cair teknologi nano terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman bayam merah (Amaranthus tricolor L.) yang dibudidayakan secara hidroponik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan 5 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan yang terdiri dari Kontrol (6 L air + AB Mix 100%), P1 (6 L air + AB Mix 100%), P2 (6 L air + AB Mix 75% + POC nano 25%), P3 (6 L air + AB Mix 50% + POC nano 50%), P4 (6 L air + AB Mix 25% + POC nano 75%), P5 (6 L air + POC nano 100%). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan sidik ragam (ANOVA) dengan uji lanjut Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test(DNMRT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pupuk organik cair terhadap tanaman bayam merah tidak berpengaruh terhadap jumlah daun tanaman

    Comparison of Nutritional Content of Spinach (Amaranthus gangeticus L.) Cultivated Hydroponically and Non-Hydroponically

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    The objectives of this study to determine the comparison of the nutritional content of spinach cultivated hydroponically and non-hydroponically, especially the content of Vitamin C. This research was conducted at the Wire House Biology Laboratory of Padang State University in May - July 2020. This research is a descriptive study. The analysis was carried out Spinach Nutrition. Hydroponic spinach samples were obtained from the Hydroponic Community of West Sumatra in Alai Padang, while the non-hydroponic samples were purchased at Pasar Raya Padang, the analysis of vitamin C content was carried out by the Spectrophotometric Method. From the research that has been done, it is found that the average content of hydroponic spinach vitamin C is 1.45 ppm and non-hydroponic 1.60 ppm. The conclusion of the research is that the content of Vitamin C in hydroponic cultivated spinach is lower than that of spinach cultivated non-hydroponically

    The Effect Of Nano Technology Liquid Organic Fertilizer On The Growth Of Spinach (Amaranthus hybridus l.) Cultivated Hydroponically

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    Hydroponic cultivation using a wick system is one of the techniques used to increase the production of spinach (Amaranthus hybridus L.). One of the disadvantages of hydroponics is the occurrence of nutrient deposition, to reduce nutrient deposition in the wick system is to apply nanotechnology to break down particles in the planting medium and nutrients used, that the particles become smaller and more easily absorbed by plants, and reduce precipitation in the wick system. This research was conducted using the RAL method (Completely Randomized Design) which consisted of 6 treatments and 4 replications and namely Control (Well water + AB Mix), P1 (Nano technology water + 100% AB Mix), P2 (nano technology water + 25% POC+75% AB Mix), P3 (nano technology water+50% POC+50% AB Mix), P4 (nano technology water+75% POC+25% AB Mix), P5 (nano technology water+100% POC). The data obtained were analyzed by means of variance (ANOVA) and followed by the DMRT test at 5% level. The results of this study are that there is an effect of the use of nano technology liquid organic fertilizer on the growth of spinach which can be seen in the highest plant at P2 with 29.975 cm, the highest number of leaves is at P2 with 34 leaves, the highest leaf area is in the control with 13,71 cm2, the wet weight the highest was on P1 with 17 gr, the highest dry weight was on P2 with 1.3 gr. The use of nano technology liquid organic fertilizer has an influence on the growth of green spinach which is cultivated hydroponically

    The Growth of the Red Lactus (Lactuca sativa L. var. Crispa) After Using Nano Technology Liquid Organic Fertilizer Hydroponically cultivated

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    Hydroponics is a method of agriculture in which earth is not used. Among the plants amenable to hydroponic cultivation is red lettuce. One disadvantage of hydroponic cultivation is the occurrence of nutrient deposition, particularly in the wick system, where the nutrient water does not move. A technique that can lessen the amount of nutrient deposition that occurs in hydroponic systems is required in light of the aforementioned issues. Nanotechnology is one of the technologies developed. The five treatments and four replications in this study were P1 = AB Mix 100 percent, P2 = AB Mix 75 percent + POC Nano 25 percent, P3 = AB Mix 50 percent + POC Nano 50 percent, P4 = AB Mix 25 percent + POC Nano 75 percent, and P5 = POC Nano 100 percent. ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) was used to analyze the data, and the Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (DMRT) test at level 5 followed. The effects of nanotechnology-enhanced liquid organic fertilizer on red lettuce growth, including height, leaf area, number of leaves, fresh weight, and dry weight, were examined. The highest average plant is at P3 with a plant height of 36.42 cm, the highest average number of leaves is at P3 as many as 11.25 strands, the widest average leaf is at P4 with an area of ​​40.25 cm2, the average weight The highest wet weight was P4 with a weight of 17.01 g, and the highest average dry weight was P2 with a weight of 1.32 g

    The Effect of Nano Technology Liquid Organic Fertilizer on The Growth of Red Spinach (Amaranthus tricolor L.) Cultivated Hydroponic

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    Hydroponic cultivation with a wick system is one of the techniques used to increase the production of red spinach (Amaranthus tricolor L.). One of the weaknesses of hydroponics is the appearance of nutrient deposition. To reduce nutrient deposition in the wick system, it is necessary to apply nanotechnology to break down particles in the growth media and nutrients used so that the particles become smaller and are absorbed by plants more easily. Reduces precipitation in the wick system. This research was conducted using the RAL method (completely randomized design) which consisted of 6 treatments and 4 replications namely Control (Well Water + 100% AB Mix), P1 (Nano Technology Water + 100% AB Mix), P2 (Nano Technology Water + 25% POC+75% AB Mix), P3 (nano technology water+50% POC+50% AB Mix), P4 (nano technology water+75% POC+25% AB Mix), P5 (nano technology water+100% POC). The data obtained were analyzed with variance (ANOVA) followed by the DMRT test at 5% level. The results of this study were that the use of liquid organic fertilizer with nano technology had an effect on the growth of red spinach plants, this was seen in the highest plant in P4 with a plant height of 37.20 cm with the highest average number of leaves. at P4. Control and P1 with 28 leaves, the highest average leaf surface area was 19.95 cm2 in P3, the highest average wet weight was 2.85 g in the control, the highest average dry weight was in P1. 0.67g

    Multiple Intellegences of Social Sciences and Linguistics Students Grade X Crossing Biology Interest

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    Multiple intelligences are the development of intelligence of the brain or intelligence quotient (IQ), emotional intelligence or emotional quotient (EQ), and spiritual intelligence or Spiritual Quotient (SQ). The intelligence consists of nine levels of intelligence is known as the Multiple Intelligences (MI) which includes: linguistic intelligence, mathematical-logical intelligence, visual spatial intelligence, physical-kinesthetic intelligence, musical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, naturalist intelligence, and existential lntelligence. This theory shows that there is no human activity that uses only one intelligence, but uses all intelligence that exists in humans. Intelligence is a single talent that students use in situations of solving any problem. Every student has a different intelligence. This is because there are several factors that influence it, namely the hereditary factor, interest factor, formation factor, maturity factor, and freedom factor.This research are descriptive study which aims to reveal the level of MI of social sciences and linguistcs student grade X crossing biology interest at SMAN 1V Koto KampungDalam. Results of the study, it was faund that the most dominant intelligence in social science students is naturalist intelligence. In the linguistics scienscestudents, the most dominant intelligence is existential intelligence

    Total Bakteri Asam Laktat (BAL) dari Sauerkraut Kubis Singgalang (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) dengan Konsentrasi Garam yang Berbeda: Total Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) from Sauerkraut of Singgalang Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) with Addition of Various Salt Concentration

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    Lactic Acid Bacteria are a group of bacteria that produce lactic acid as their main product in the fermentation process and are probiotic agents that are good and safe for humans. LAB is found in many fermented processed food products, one of which is sauerkraut. Sauerkraut is a fermented product that only uses cabbage and salt in the manufacturing process. Sauerkraut can be made from various types of cabbage compatriots such as for example Singgalang Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.). Cabbage can be fermented into sauerkraut using a certain concentration of salt. The research was carried out with 3 treatment groups, namely Singgalang Cabbage Sauerkraut with salt concentrations of 2%, 2.5%, and 3%. The results showed that the highest total LAB was found in the addition of 2.5% salt, namely 186.67×106 cfu/ml. Meanwhile, the total LAB at concentration of 2% was 83.33×106 cfu/ml and at concentration of 3%, it was 51×106 cfu/ml. This amount has met the minimum standards of LAB in each product and meets the minimum standards to be beneficial for human body. Keywords: Lactic Acid Bacteria, Sauerkraut Abstrak Bakteri Asam Laktat merupakan kelompok bakteri penghasil asam laktat sebagai produk utamanya dalam proses fermentasi dan merupakan agen probiotik yang baik dan aman bagi manusia. BAL banyak ditemukan pada produk makanan olahan fermentasi salah satunya pada sauerkraut. Sauerkraut  merupakan produk fermentasi yang hanya menggunakan kol dan garam dalam proses pembuatannya. Sauerkraut dapat dibuat dari berbagai jenis sayuran sebangsa kol seperti contohnya Kubis Singgalang (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.). Kol dapat difermentasi menjadi sauerkraut menggunakan garam dengan konsentrasi tertentu. Penelitan dilakukan dengan 3 kelompok perlakuan yaitu Sauerkraut Kubis Singgalang dengan pemberian konsentrasi garam 2%, 2,5%, dan 3%. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa total BAL terbanyak terdapat pada penambahan garam 2,5% yaitu 186,67×106 cfu/ml. Sedangkan total BAL pada konsentrasi 2% yaitu 83,33×106 cfu/ml dan konsentrasi 3% yaitu 51×106 cfu/ml. Jumlah tersebut sudah memenuhi standar minimum BAL dalam tiap produk dan memenuhi standar minimum agar bermanfaat bagi tubuh manusia. Kata Kunci: Bakteri Asam Laktat, Sauerkrau

    Pengaruh Penambahan Cabai ( Capsicum annum ) Dan Gula Terhadap Total Bakteri Asam Laktat (BAL) Dari Sauerkraut

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    Sauerkraut is a typical German food made from thinly sliced cabbage. Sauerkraut is a fermeted product that can give a distinctive taste. Sugar is an ingredient that can be added in, that sugar can trigger the growth of lactic acid bacteria. Indonesian people like food with a spicy sensation from chilies, chillies here contain vitamin C which functions as an antioxidant that is good for the body and is able to increase endurance. This study aims to calculate the total lactic acid bacteria contained in sauerkraut with the addition of chilies and sugar. Dilution of 1 ml sample into 9 ml physiological NaCl solution from 10 -1 to 10 -8 dilutions was carried out, then inoculated into MRS Agar using the pour plate method. Incubated in room temperature for 48 hours. The growing colonies of lactic acid bacteria were then observed based on colony morphology and counting the total growing lactic acid bacteria. The results of the research can be concluded that there was an increase in the number of lactic acid bacteria in sauerkraut with the addition of chili and 10% granulated sugar with a bacterial density average is 88.667 x 108 CFU/mL.Sauerkraut adalah makanan khas Jerman yang terbuat dari kol yang diiris tipis. Sauerkraut merupakan produk fermentasi yang dapat memberikan cita rasa yang khas. Gula merupakan bahan yang dapat ditambahkan dalam pembuatan sauerkraut, gula dapat memicu pertumbuhan bakteri asam laktat. Masyarakat Indonesia menyukai makanan dengan sensasi pedas dari cabai, cabai disini mengandung vitamin C yang berfungsi sebagai antioksidan yang baik untuk tubuh dan mampu meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan menghitung total bakteri asam laktat yang terkandung dalam asinan kubis dengan penambahan cabai dan gula. Dilakukan pengenceran 1 ml sampel ke dalam 9 ml larutan NaCl fisiologis dari pengenceran 10 -1 sampai 10 -8, kemudian diinokulasikan ke dalam MRS Agar dengan metode pour plate. cawan petri diinkubasi pada suhu kamar selama 48 jam. Koloni bakteri asam laktat yang tumbuh kemudian diamati berdasarkan morfologi koloni dan dihitung total bakteri asam laktat yang tumbuh. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa jumlah bakteri asam laktat pada asinan kubis dengan penambahan 10% cabai dan gula adalah 111,5 x 10 8 CFU/mL