17 research outputs found

    Swarm dynamics and equilibria for a nonlocal aggregation model

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    We consider the aggregation equation ρt − ∇ · (ρ∇K ∗ ρ) = 0 in Rn, where the interaction potential K models short-range repulsion and long-range attraction. We study a family of interaction potentials for which the equilibria are of finite density and compact support. We show global well-posedness of solutions and investigate analytically and numerically the equilibria and their global stability. In particular, we consider a potential for which the corresponding equilibrium solutions are of uniform density inside a ball of Rn and zero outside. For such a potential, various explicit calculations can be carried out in detail. In one dimension we fully solve the temporal dynamics, and in two or higher dimensions we show the global stability of this steady state within the class of radially symmetric solutions. Finally, we solve the following restricted inverse problem: given a radially symmetric density ρ ̄ that is zero outside some ball of radius R and is polynomial inside the ball, construct an interaction potential K for which ρ̄ is the steady state solution of the corresponding aggregation equation. Throughout the paper, numerical simulations are used to motivate and validate the analytical results

    Contagion Shocks in One Dimension

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    We consider an agent-based model of emotional contagion coupled with motion in one dimension that has recently been studied in the computer science community. The model involves movement with a speed proportional to a “fear” variable that undergoes a temporal consensus averaging based on distance to other agents. We study the effect of Riemann initial data for this problem, leading to shock dynamics that are studied both within the agent-based model as well as in a continuum limit. We examine the behavior of the model under distinguished limits as the characteristic contagion interaction distance and the interaction timescale both approach zero. The limiting behavior is related to a classical model for pressureless gas dynamics with “sticky” particles. In comparison, we observe a threshold for the interaction distance vs. interaction timescale that produce qualitatively different behavior for the system - in one case particle paths do not cross and there is a natural Eulerian limit involving nonlocal interactions and in the other case particle paths can cross and one may consider only a kinetic model in the continuum limit