98 research outputs found

    Electron temperature in electrically isolated Si double quantum dots

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    Charge-based quantum computation can be attained through reliable control of single electrons in lead-less quantum systems. Single-charge transitions in electrically-isolated double quantum dots (DQD) realised in phosphorus-doped silicon can be detected via capacitively coupled single-electron tunnelling devices. By means of time-resolved measurements of the detector's conductance, we investigate the dots' occupancy statistics in temperature. We observe a significant reduction of the effective electron temperature in the DQD as compared to the temperature in the detector's leads. This sets promises to make isolated DQDs suitable platforms for long-coherence quantum computation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    GaAs delta-doped quantum wire superlattice characterization by quantum Hall effect and Shubnikov de Haas oscillations

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    Quantum wire superlattices (1D) realized by controlled dislocation slipping in quantum well superlattices (2D) (atomic saw method) have already shown magnetophonon oscillations. This effect has been used to investigate the electronic properties of such systems and prove the quantum character of the physical properties of the wires. By cooling the temperature and using pulsed magnetic field up to 35 T, we have observed both quantum Hall effect (QHE) and Shubnikov de Haas (SdH) oscillations for various configurations of the magnetic field. The effective masses deduced from the values of the fundamental fields are coherent with those obtained with magnetophonon effect. The field rotation induces a change in the resonance frequencies due to the modification of the mass tensor as in a (3D) electron gas. In view the QHE, the plateaus observed in rho_yz are dephased relatively to rho_zz minima which seems to be linked to the dephasing of the minima of the density of states of the broadened Landau levels

    Charge Detection in Phosphorus-doped Silicon Double Quantum Dots

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    We report charge detection in degenerately phosphorus-doped silicon double quantum dots (DQD) electrically connected to an electron reservoir. The sensing device is a single electron transistor (SET) patterned in close proximity to the DQD. Measurements performed at 4.2K show step-like behaviour and shifts of the Coulomb Blockade oscillations in the detector's current as the reservoir's potential is swept. By means of a classical capacitance model, we demonstrate that the observed features can be used to detect single-electron tunnelling from, to and within the DQD, as well as to reveal the DQD charge occupancy.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Evidence of magnetic field quenching of phosphorous-doped silicon quantum dots

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    We present data on the electrical transport properties of highly-doped silicon-on-insulator quantum dots under the effect of pulsed magnetic fields up to 48 T. At low field intensities, B<7 T, we observe a strong modification of the conductance due to the destruction of weak localization whereas at higher fields, where the magnetic field length becomes comparable to the effective Bohr radius of phosphorous in silicon, a strong decrease in conductance is demonstrated. Data in the high and low electric field bias regimes are then compared to show that close to the Coulomb blockade edge magnetically-induced quenching to single donors in the quantum dot is achieved at about 40 T.Comment: accepted for publication at Current Applied Physic

    Magnetoconductivity of Hubbard bands induced in Silicon MOSFETs

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    Sodium impurities are diffused electrically to the oxide-semiconductor interface of a silicon MOSFET to create an impurity band. At low temperature and at low electron density, the band is split into an upper and a lower sections under the influence of Coulomb interactions. We used magnetoconductivity measurements to provide evidence for the existence of Hubbard bands and determine the nature of the states in each band.Comment: In press in Physica

    Activation mechanisms in sodium-doped Silicon MOSFETs

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    We have studied the temperature dependence of the conductivity of a silicon MOSFET containing sodium ions in the oxide above 20 K. We find the impurity band resulting from the presence of charges at the silicon-oxide interface is split into a lower and an upper band. We have observed activation of electrons from the upper band to the conduction band edge as well as from the lower to the upper band. A possible explanation implying the presence of Hubbard bands is given.Comment: published in J. Phys. : Condens. Matte

    Optimized minigaps for negative differential resistance creation in strongly delta-doped (1D) superlattices

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    The "atomic saw method" uses the passage of dislocations in two-dimensional (2D) quantum-well superlattices to create periodic slipping layers and one-dimensional (1D) quantum wire superlattices. The effects of this space structuring of the samples on the allowed energies are analysed in the case of GaAs d-doped superlattices. If they are sufficiently large, the various minigaps appearing in the 1D band structure could be responsible for the presence of negative differential resistance (NDR) with high critical current in these systems. The purpose is to determine the evolution of the minigaps in terms of the sample parameters and to obtain the means to determine both the 2D and 1D structural characteristics where NDR could appear.Comment: see erratum 10.1006/spmi.1998.070

    Study and characterization by magnetophonon resonance of the energy structuring in GaAs/AlAs quantum-wire superlattices

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    We present the characterization of the band structure of GaAs/AlAs quantum-wire 1D superlattices performed by magnetophonon resonance with pulsed magnetic fields up to 35 T. The samples, generated by the "atomic saw method" from original quantum-well 2D superlattices, underwent substantial modifications of their energy bands built up on the X-states of the bulk. We have calculated the band structure by a finite element method and we have studied the various miniband structures built up of the masses m_t and m_l of GaAs and AlAs at the point X. From an experimental point of view, the main result is that in the 2D case we observe only resonances when the magnetic field B is applied along the growth axis whereas in the 1D case we obtain resonances in all magnetic field configurations. The analysis of the maxima (or minima for B // E) in the resistivity rho_xy as a function of B allows us to account, qualitatively and semi-quantitatively, for the band structure theoretically expected
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