102 research outputs found

    Baryon Form Factors at Threshold

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    An extensive study of the e + e − → p p ¯ BaBar cross section data is presented. Two unexpected outcomes have been found: the modulus of the proton form factor is normalized to one at threshold, i.e.: | G p ( 4 M p 2 ) | = 1 , as a pointlike fermion, and the resummation factor in the Sommerfeld formula is not needed. Other e+e− → baryon-antibaryon cross sections show a similar behavior near threshold

    theoretical and experimental review on proton form factors

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    During the last three lustra nucleon form factors experiments have lived a golden age, full of interesting results, that likely will continue and culminate when new data will come from BESIII, SND, CMD3 and PANDA, in the time-like region and, Jefferson Lab and A1 in the space-like region. On the other hand, from theoretical point of view, mainly concerning the possibility of descriptions in all kinematical regions, no great breakthrough has been made

    Experimental Review of ΛΛ¯ Production

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    Exclusive hyperon-antihyperon production provides a unique insight for understanding of the intrinsic dynamics when strangeness is involved. In this paper, we review the results of ΛΛ¯ production via different reactions from various experiments, e.g., via p¯p annihilation from the LEAR experiment PS185, via electron-positron annihilation using the energy scan method at the CLEO-c and BESIII experiments and the initial-state-radiation approach utilized at the BaBar experiment. The production cross section of ΛΛ¯ near the threshold is sensitive to QCD based prediction. Experimental high precision data for p¯p→Λ¯Λ close to the threshold region is obtained. The cross section of e+e−→ΛΛ¯ is measured from its production threshold to high energy. A non-zero cross section for e+e−→ΛΛ¯ near threshold is observed at BaBar and BESIII, which is in disagreement with the pQCD prediction. However, more precise data is needed to confirm this observation. Future experiments, utilizing p¯p reaction such as PANDA experiment or electron-positron annihilation such as the BESIII and BelleII experiments, are needed to extend the experimental data and to understand the ΛΛ¯ production

    Production Mechanism of the Charmed Baryon Λc+

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    As the lightest charmed baryon, precision measurement of the pair production cross section of Λc+ provides unprecedented experimental information for the investigation of baryon production mechanism. In addition, the extraction of the polar angle distributions of the outgoing Λc+ in the annihilation of the electron–positron help to determine its electromagnetic form factors, which is currently the unique key to access the internal structure of the baryons. In this article, the measurement of e+e−→Λc+Λ¯c− process via the initial state radiation technique at Belle detector and direct electron–positron annihilation at BESIII with discrete center-of-mass energies near threshold are briefly reviewed. In addition, the electromagnetic form factor ratios of Λc+ measured by BESIII are also investigated. A few theoretical models that parameterize the center-of-mass energy dependence of the cross section and electromagnetic form factors of baryon are introduced and the contributions of Λc+ data to them are discussed

    Electromagnetic Structure of the Neutron from Annihilation Reactions

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    The investigation of the fundamental properties of the nucleon is one of the most important topics in the modern hadron physics. Its internal structure and dynamics can be studied through the measurement of electromagnetic form factors which represent the simplest structure observables and serve as a test ground for our understanding of the strong interaction. Since the first attempt to measure the time-like form factors of the neutron, only four experiments published results on its structure from annihilation reactions. Due to the lack of statistics and experimental challenges, no individual determination of the form factors of the neutron has been possible so far. Modern developments of electron-positron colliders and the associated detectors allow to measure the effective FF of the neutron with the process e+e−→nn¯ with unprecedented precision at the BESIII experiment, which is based at the BEPCII collider in Beijing, China. In this report, we review the published results of the form factors on the neutron in the time-like regime, describe the experimental setup, and discuss their impact on our understanding of the strong interaction. Future works at BESIII will help to improve the precision of the neutron FFs and, combined with theoretical progress in this field, help to illuminate the properties of the neutron structure

    Long-range angular correlations on the near and away side in p–Pb collisions at

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    Underlying Event measurements in pp collisions at s=0.9 \sqrt {s} = 0.9 and 7 TeV with the ALICE experiment at the LHC

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