3,386 research outputs found

    Simulation of diffractive and non-diffractive processes at the LHC energy with the PHYTHIA and PHOJET MC event generators

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    The predictions of the PYTHIA 6.205 and PHOJET 1.12 MC event generators for diffractive processes and minimum bias events are presented for the LHC energy. The comparison with the experimental data from the ISR, the SPS and the Tevatron is made

    Association between Periodontitis and mortality in stages 3-5 Chronic Kidney Disease: NHANES III and linked mortality study

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    INTRODUCTION: Periodontitis may add to the systemic inflammatory burden in individuals with chronic kidney disease (CKD), thereby contributing to an increased mortality rate. This study aimed to determine the association between periodontitis and mortality rate (all‐cause and cardiovascular disease‐related) in individuals with stage 3–5 CKD, hitherto referred to as “CKD”. METHODS: Survival analysis was carried out using the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) and linked mortality data. Cox proportional hazards regression was employed to assess the association between periodontitis and mortality, in individuals with CKD. This association was compared with the association between mortality and traditional risk factors in CKD mortality (diabetes, hypertension and smoking). RESULTS: Of the 13,784 participants eligible for analysis in NHANES III, 861 (6%) had CKD. The median follow‐up for this cohort was 14.3 years. Adjusting for confounders, the 10‐year all‐cause mortality rate for individuals with CKD increased from 32% (95% CI: 29–35%) to 41% (36–47%) with the addition of periodontitis. For diabetes, the 10‐year all‐cause mortality rate increased to 43% (38–49%). CONCLUSION: There is a strong, association between periodontitis and increased mortality in individuals with CKD. Sources of chronic systemic inflammation (including periodontitis) may be important contributors to mortality in patients with CKD

    Propuesta de implementación de la rotación de productos en el almacén de la empresa Comercial Inversiones Jolosa SAC Trujillo año 2017

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    RESUMEN El objetivo principal de esta investigación se realizó con la finalidad de evaluar y determinar la rotación de productos que se encuentran en el almacén, a través de los indicadores Valor Medio de Stock (V.M.S), Tasa de Cobertura Media (T.C.M), Índice de Rotación de Stocks (I.R.S), estados financieros, ratios financieros, con el fin de proponer mejoras y alternativas en el tratamiento de la rotación de los productos almacenados en la Empresa Inversiones Jolosa SAC. Asimismo, fue necesario realizar el Diagrama de Pareto a los 1000 items clasificándolos en categoría A, B y C de esta manera los de categoría A deberán ser sometidos un estricto control de inventario, los de categoría B deberán ser controlados en forma periódica, de la misma forma los de categoría C. Se establece como propuesta de mejora, implementar el manejo de la rotación de productos y de esta manera los indicadores de Índice de Rotación de Stocks (I.R.S), Valor Medio de Stock (V.M.S), Tasa de Cobertura Media (T.C.M) para una mejor gestión de productos de almacenamiento. Así mismo tomar la decisión de ofertar y vender los repuestos con índice de rotación cercano a cero y uno. El trabajo de investigación es de gran importancia para la empresa porque le permitirá tomar decisiones adecuadas con respecto al manejo de las Existencias, brindando información a partir de este momento. Finalmente, la gerencia, debe adoptar políticas de gestión referente a la rotación de inventarios, implementando políticas adecuadas como pronósticos de ventas para proyectar la compra de mercadería que tienen una mayor rotación, y de esta manera no mantener repuestos con Índices de Rotación de Stock cero o uno.ABSTRACT The objetive research was carried out with the purpose of evaluating and determining the rotation of products in the storage and of the company, through the indicators Average Stock Value (VMS), Average Coverage Rate (TCM), Index (IRS), financial statements, financial ratios, with the purpose of proposing improvements and alternatives in the liquidity of the Inversiones Jolosa SAC Trujillo. Also, it was necessary to make the Pareto Diagram to the 1000 items classified in categories A, B and C in this way the category A should be subject to strict inventory control, category B should be periodically controlled, Category C. It is established as a proposal for improvement, to include in the system that manages the company the Index of Stocks Index (IRS), Average Stock Value (VMS), Average Coverage Rate (TCM) for better management of storage products. Also make the decision to bid and sell the parts with rotation index close to zero and one. The present research work is of great importance for the company because it will allow him to make adequate decisions regarding the handling of the Stocks, providing information from this moment. Finally, management must adopt management politics related to the rotation of inventories, implementing appropriate politics such as sales forecasts to project the purchase of merchandise that have a greater rotation, and in this way not to maintain spare parts with Stock Rotation Indexes zero or one

    Antibody-protein binding and conformational changes : identifying allosteric signalling pathways to engineer a better effector response

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    Numerous monoclonal antibodies have been developed successfully for the treatment of various diseases. Nevertheless, the development of biotherapeutic antibodies is complex, expensive, and time-consuming, and to facilitate this process, careful structural analysis beyond the antibody binding site is required to develop a more efficacious antibody. In this work, we focused on protein antigens, since they induce the largest antibody changes, and provide interesting cases to compare and contrast. The structures of 15 anti-protein antibodies were analysed to compare the antigen-bound/unbound forms. Surprisingly, three different classes of binding-induced changes were identified. In class (B1), the antigen binding fragment distorted significantly, and we found changes in the loop region of the heavy chain’s constant domain; this corresponds well with expected allosteric movements. In class (B2), we found changes in the same loop region without the overall distortion. In class (B3), these changes did not present, and only local changes at the complementarity determining regions were found. Consequently, structural analysis of antibodies is crucial for therapeutic development. Careful evaluation of allosteric movements must be undertaken to develop better effector responses, especially during the transformation of these antibodies from small fragments at the discovery stage to full antibodies at the subsequent development stages

    Fractures in kidney transplant recipients : a comparative study between England and New York State

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    Objectives: Fractures are associated with high morbidity and are a major concern to kidney transplant recipients. There has not been any comparative analysis conducted between countries in the contemporary era to inform future international prevention trials. Materials and Methods: Data were obtained from the Hospital Episode Statistics and the Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative databases on all adult kidney transplants performed in England and New York State respectively (2003-2013) and on post-transplant fracture-related hospitalization (2003-2014). Results: In total, 18,493 English and 11,602 New York State kidney transplant recipients were included. Overall, 637 (3.4%) English and 398 (3.4%) New York State recipients sustained a fracture giving an unadjusted event rate of 7.0 and 5.9 per 1000 years respectively (P=0.948). A total of 147 (0.8%) English and 101 (0.9%) New York State recipients sustained a hip fracture, giving an unadjusted event rate of 1.6 and 1.5 per 1000 years respectively (P=0.480). There were no differences in the cumulative incidence of all fractures or hip fractures. One-year mortality after any fracture (9% and 11%) or after a hip fracture (15% and 17%) was not different between cohorts. Conclusions: Contemporaneous English and New York State kidney transplant recipients have very similar fracture rates and mortality post-fracture

    University-Industry Interaction:Characteristics identified in the literature and regional collaboration developed by The University of Twente

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    É necessário incrementar a inovação através do empreendedorismo acadêmico, fortalecendo a interação entre universidades e empresas, onde a pesquisa sobre modelos de cooperação é necessária. Há muito o que aprender por meio de ações desenvolvidas em outros países, que por meio de modelos emergentes, são uma excelente alternativa para melhorar a qualidade da educação e inovação. Este artigo tem como objetivo principal apresentar ações desenvolvidas por meio de um modelo emergente na Holanda, na Universidade de Twente, onde os princípios de interação universidade e empresa são eficientes. A pesquisa foi realizada em duas abordagens. Inicialmente uma pesquisa bibliométrica, identificando lacunas e tendências, seguida de uma apresentação de práticas da universidade realizadas através de uma pesquisa exploratória descritiva. O resultado destas práticas apresenta um modelo que serve como benchmarking de interação, por meio de uma visão diferenciada que vai além da transferência usual de conhecimento universitário para a empresa, mas que estabelece formas de cooperação práticas e duradouras

    Analyse d'images SAR polarimétriques au moyen d'outils temps-fréquence

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    Cet article illustre l'intérêt des outils temps-fréquences en imagerie SAR au travers de deux applications. Une nouvelle méthode d'analyse des cibles mobiles est présentée. Elle s'appuie sur un algorithme de Matching-Pursuit bidimensionnel et l'utilisation d'un dictionnaire temps-fréquence. Une étude des zones urbaines dans le cadre temps-fréquence est proposée. Le comportement fréquentiel des réflecteurs est mis à profit pour effectuer une classification des zones urbaines à l'aide de deux indicateurs

    Synthesis of ternary transition metal fluorides Li 3MF 6via a sol-gel route as candidates for cathode materials in lithium-ion batteries

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    A sol-gel route for ternary lithium fluorides of transition metals (M) is presented allowing the synthesis of Li 3MF 6-type and Li 2MF 5-type compounds. It is based on a fluorolytic process using transition metal acetylacetonates as precursors. The domain size of the obtained powders can be controlled by modifying the conditions of synthesis. 6Li and 7Li magic angle spinning (MAS) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is used to study local environments of the Li ions in orthorhombic and monoclinic Li 3VF 6 as well as Li 2MnF 5. The number of magnetically inequivalent Li sites found by MAS NMR is in agreement with the respective crystal structure of the compounds studied. Quantum chemical calculations show that all materials have high de-lithiation energies making them suitable candidates to be used as high-voltage battery cathode materials. © 2012 The Royal Society of Chemistry