12 research outputs found

    Evaluation of meiotic abnormalities of oocytes from polycystic ovary syndrome patients submitted to ovarian stimulation

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    OBJETIVO: avaliar o fuso meiótico e a distribuição cromossômica de oócitos maturados in vitro, obtidos de ciclos estimulados de mulheres inférteis com síndrome dos ovários policísticos (SOP) e fatores masculino e/ou tubário de infertilidade (Grupo Controle) e comparar as taxas de maturação in vitro (MIV) entre os dois grupos avaliados. MÉTODOS: cinco pacientes inférteis com SOP e oito pacientes controles, submetidas à estimulação ovariana para injeção intracitoplasmática de espermatozóide, foram selecionadas prospectiva e consecutivamente, e constituíram os grupos de estudo e Controle, respectivamente. Oócitos imaturos captados após estimulação ovariana para a realização de injeção intracitoplasmática de espermatozóide (21 e 29, respectivamente, nos Grupos SOP e Controle) foram submetidos à MIV. Apenas os oócitos que apresentaram a extrusão do primeiro corpúsculo polar após a MIV foram fixados e submetidos à imunocoloração e análise por microscopia de fluorescência para avaliação morfológica do fuso e da distribuição cromossômica. A análise estatística foi realizada utilizando o teste exato de Fisher, com significância estatística quando p<0,05. RESULTADOS: as taxas de MIV foram similares entre os dois grupos (47,6 e 44,8%, respectivamente, nos Grupos SOP e Controle). Seis dos dez oócitos (60%) analisados do grupo de estudo e quatro dos 12 oócitos (33,3%) analisados do Grupo Controle apresentaram anomalias meióticas, caracterizadas por anomalias do fuso e/ou distribuição cromossômica oocitária, sem diferença significativa entre os grupos. CONCLUSÕES: os dados do presente estudo não demonstraram diferença significativa nas taxas de MIV e nas proporções de anomalias meióticas entre os oócitos maturados in vitro, provenientes de ciclos estimulados de pacientes com SOP, quando comparados aos controles.PURPOSE: to evaluate the meiotic spindle and the chromosome distribution of in vitro matured oocytes obtained from stimulated cycles of infertile women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and with male factor and/or tubal infertility (Control Group) and compare in vitro maturation (IVM) rates between the groups analyzed. METHODS: five infertile patients with PCOS and eight controls, submitted to stimulated cycles for intracytoplasmic sperm injection, were selected prospectively and consecutively, and respectively assigned to the study group and the Control Group. Immature oocytes (21 and 29, respectively, from PCOS and Control Group) were submitted to IVM. After IVM, oocytes with first polar body extruded were fixed and submitted to immunostaining and fluorescence microscopy for morphological evaluation of the spindle and of chromosome distribution. Statistical analysis was performed by the Fisher test with significance, when p<0.05. RESULTS: IVM rates were similar between groups (47.6 e 44.8%, respectively, for PCOS and Control Group). Six of the ten oocytes (60%) from the study group and four of the 12 oocytes (33.3%) from the Control Group presented meiotic anomalies of the spindle and/or anomalous chromosome distribution, without statistical difference between groups. CONCLUSIONS: data from the present study did not demonstrate significant difference neither in IVM rates nor in the proportions of meiotic anomalies between in vitro matured oocytes obtained from stimulated cycles from PCOS patients and control ones

    Applying multidimensional computerized adaptive testing to the MSQOL-54: a simulation study

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    Background: The Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life-54 (MSQOL-54) is one of the most commonly-used MS-specific health-related quality of life (HRQOL) measures. It is a multidimensional, MS-specific HRQOL inventory, which includes the generic SF-36 core items, supplemented with 18 MS-targeted items. Availability of an adaptive short version providing immediate item scoring may improve instrument usability and validity. However, multidimensional computerized adaptive testing (MCAT) has not been previously applied to MSQOL-54 items. We thus aimed to apply MCAT to the MSQOL-54 and assess its performance. Methods: Responses from a large international sample of 3669 MS patients were assessed. We calibrated 52 (of the 54) items using bifactor graded response model (10 group factors and one general HRQOL factor). Then, eight simulations were run with different termination criteria: standard errors (SE) for the general factor and group factors set to different values, and change in factor estimates from one item to the next set at &lt; 0.01 for both the general and the group factors. Performance of the MCAT was assessed by the number of administered items, root mean square difference (RMSD), and correlation. Results: Eight items were removed due to local dependency. The simulation with SE set to 0.32 (general factor), and no SE thresholds (group factors) provided satisfactory performance: the median number of administered items was 24, RMSD was 0.32, and correlation was 0.94. Conclusions: Compared to the full-length MSQOL-54, the simulated MCAT required fewer items without losing precision for the general HRQOL factor. Further work is needed to add/integrate/revise MSQOL-54 items in order to make the calibration and MCAT performance efficient also on group factors, so that the MCAT version may be used in clinical practice and research

    Viability of a MSQOL-54 general health-related quality of life score using bifactor model

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    Background MSQOL-54 is a multidimensional, widely-used, health-related quality of life (HRQOL) instrument specific for multiple sclerosis (MS). Findings from the validation study suggested that the two MSQOL-54 composite scores are correlated. Given this correlation, it could be assumed that a unique total score of HRQOL may be calculated, with the advantage to provide key stakeholders with a single overall HRQOL score. We aimed to assess how well the bifactor model could account for the MSQOL-54 structure, in order to verify whether a total HRQOL score can be calculated. Methods A large international database (3669 MS patients) was used. By means of confirmatory factor analysis, we estimated a bifactor model in which every item loads onto both a general factor and a group factor. Fit of the bifactor model was compared to that of single and two second-order factor models by means of Akaike information and Bayesian information criteria reduction. Reliability of the total and subscale scores was evaluated with Mc Donald's coefficients (omega, and omega hierarchical). Results The bifactor model outperformed the two second-order factor models in all the statistics. All items loaded satisfactorily (&gt;= 0.40) on the general HRQOL factor, except the sexual function items. Omega coefficients for total score were very satisfactory (0.98 and 0.87). Omega hierarchical for subscales ranged between 0.22 to 0.57, except for the sexual function (0.70). Conclusions The bifactor model is particularly useful when it is intended to acknowledge multidimensionality and at the same time take account of a single general construct, as the HRQOL related to MS. The total raw score can be used as an estimate of the general HRQOL latent score

    Prematuration of bovine oocytes with butyrolactone I reversibly arrests meiosis without increasing meiotic abnormalities after in vitro maturation

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    Objectives: Asynchrony between nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation, and possibly damage to the oocyte meiotic spindle, limits the application of in vitro maturation (IVM) in assisted reproduction. Several studies have suggested that Prematuration with meiosis blockers may improve oocyte quality after IVM, favoring early embryogenesis. Thus, we investigated the effect of Prematuration with the nuclear maturation inhibitor butyrolactone I (BLI) on the meiotic spindle and chromosomal configuration of bovine oocytes. Study design: Immature oocytes obtained from cows slaughtered in a slaughterhouse (n = 840) were divided into the following groups: (1) control (n = 325), submitted only to IVM in TCM199 for 24 h; (2) BLI 18 h (n = 208) submitted to meiotic blockage with 100 mu M BLI for 24 h (Prematuration) and then induction of IVM in TCM199 for 18 h; and (3) BLI 24 h (n = 307), pre-matured with 100 mu m BLI for 24 h followed by 24 h of IVM in TCM199. The oocytes were then fixed, stained by immunofluorescence for morphological visualization of both microtubules and chromatin, and evaluated. Results: Meiotic arrest occurred in 90.2% of the oocytes cultured with BLI. Maturation rates were similar for all groups (80.3%, 73.6% and 82.7% for the control, BLI 18 h and BLI 24 h groups, respectively). We observed 81.3% normal oocytes in metaphase II in the control group, and 80.0% and 81.2% in the BLI 18 h and BLI 24 h groups, respectively. The incidence of meiotic anomalies did not differ between groups (18.7%, 20.0% and 18.8% for the control, BLI 18 h and BLI 24 h, respectively). Conclusion: Prematuration with butyrolactone I reversibly arrests meiosis without damaging the meiotic spindle or the chromosome distribution of bovine oocytes after in vitro maturation. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.FAPESP - Brazil[05/57852-2

    The Impact of Controlled Ovarian Stimulation on Serum Oxidative Stress Markers in Infertile Women with Endometriosis Undergoing ICSI

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    Endometriosis-related infertility is associated with oxidative stress (OS). The present study aims to compare serum OS markers of infertile women with endometriosis and controls during the follicular phase of the natural cycle (D1), after pituitary downregulation using a GnRH agonist (D2), after controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) on the day of human chorionic gonadotropin administration (D3), and on the day of oocyte retrieval (D4). One hundred and eight serum samples (58 controls and 35 early and 18 advanced endometriosis cases) were collected at these four timepoints. OS markers were compared among the groups and timepoints using a linear regression model with mixed effects and a post-test using orthogonal contrasts. The significance was set at 5%. We observed altered OS markers in the endometriosis patients during the D1, D2, D3, and D4 timepoints compared to the controls. The evidence of systemic OS in infertile patients with endometriosis during COS suggests the mobilization of potent antioxidants in an attempt to protect the oocyte from oxidative damage, especially on the day of oocyte retrieval

    Anomalias meióticas de oócitos de pacientes com endometriose submetidas à estimulação ovariana Meiotic abnormalities of oocytes from patients with endometriosis submitted to ovarian stimulation

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    OBJETIVO: avaliar o fuso meiótico e a distribuição cromossômica de oócitos maturados in vitro, obtidos de ciclos estimulados de mulheres inférteis com endometriose e fatores masculino e/ou tubário de infertilidade (Grupo Controle), comparando as taxas de maturação in vitro (MIV) entre os dois grupos avaliados. MÉTODOS: quatorze pacientes com endometriose e oito com fator tubário ou masculino, submetidas à estimulação ovariana para injeção intracitoplasmática de espermatozóide, foram selecionadas, prospectiva e consecutivamente, e constituíram os Grupos de Estudo e Controle, respectivamente. Oócitos imaturos (46 e 22, respectivamente, dos Grupos Endometriose e Controle) foram submetidos à MIV. Oócitos que apresentaram a extrusão do primeiro corpúsculo polar foram fixados e corados para avaliação dos microtúbulos e cromatina por técnica de imunofluorescência. A análise estatística foi realizada utilizando o teste exato de Fisher, com significância estatística quando p<0,05. RESULTADOS: não se observou diferença significativa nas taxas de MIV entre os dois grupos avaliados (45,6 e 54,5%, respectivamente, nos Grupos Endometriose e Controle). A organização cromossômica e do fuso meiótico foi observada em 18 e 11 oócitos dos Grupos Endometriose e Controle, respectivamente. No Grupo Endometriose, oito oócitos (44,4%) se apresentavam como metáfase II (MII) normais, três (16,7%) MII anormais, cinco (27,8%) estavam em estágio de telófase I e dois (11,1%) sofreram ativação partenogenética. No Grupo Controle, cinco oócitos (45,4%) se apresentavam como MII normais, três (27,3%) MII anormais, um (9,1%) estava em estágio de telófase I e dois (18,2%) sofreram ativação partenogenética. Não se observou diferença significativa na porcentagem de anomalias meióticas entre os oócitos em MII dos dois grupos avaliados. CONCLUSÕES: os dados do presente estudo não demonstraram diferença significativa nas taxas de MIV e nas proporções de anomalias meióticas entre os oócitos MIV, provenientes de ciclos estimulados de pacientes com endometriose, quando comparados aos controles. Todavia, sugerem um retardo na conclusão da meiose I nos oócitos provenientes de portadoras de endometriose, pela maior proporção de oócitos em telófase I observada neste grupo.<br>PURPOSE: to evaluate the meiotic spindle and the chromosome distribution of in vitro mature oocytes from stimulated cycles of infertile women with endometriosis, and with male and/or tubal infertility factors (Control Group), comparing the rates of in vitro maturation (IVM) between the two groups evaluated. METHODS: fourteen patients with endometriosis and eight with male and/or tubal infertility factors, submitted to ovarian stimulation for intracytoplasmatic sperm injection have been prospectively and consecutively selected, and formed a Study and Control Group, respectively. Immature oocytes (46 and 22, respectively, from the Endometriosis and Control Groups) were submitted to IVM. Oocytes presenting extrusion of the first polar corpuscle were fixed and stained for microtubules and chromatin evaluation through immunofluorescence technique. Statistical analysis has been done by the Fisher's exact test, with statistical significance at p<0.05. RESULTS: there was no significant difference in the IVM rates between the two groups evaluated (45.6 and 54.5% for the Endometriosis and Control Groups, respectively). The chromosome and meiotic spindle organization was observed in 18 and 11 oocytes from the Endometriosis and Control Groups, respectively. In the Endometriosis Group, eight oocytes (44.4%) presented themselves as normal metaphase II (MII), three (16.7%) as abnormal MII, five (27.8%) were in telophase stage I and two (11.1%) underwent parthenogenetic activation. In the Control Group, five oocytes (45.4%) presented themselves as normal MII, three (27.3%) as abnormal MII, one (9.1%) was in telophase stage I and two (18.2%) underwent parthenogenetic activation. There was no significant difference in meiotic anomaly rate between the oocytes in MII from both groups. CONCLUSIONS: the present study data did not show significant differences in the IVM or in the meiotic anomalies rate between the IVM oocytes from stimulated cycles of patients with endometriosis, as compared with controls. Nevertheless, they have suggested a delay in the outcome of oocyte meiosis I from patients with endometriosis, shown by the higher proportion of oocytes in telophase I observed in this group

    Spindle and chromosome configurations of in vitro-matured oocytes from polycystic ovary syndrome and ovulatory infertile women: a pilot study

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    To evaluate the meiotic spindle and chromosomal distribution of in vitro-matured oocytes from infertile nonobese women with PCOS and male or tubal causes of infertility (controls), and to compare in vitro maturation (IVM) rates between groups. Seventy four patients (26 with PCOS and 48 controls) undergoing stimulated cycles of oocyte retrieval for ICSI were selected prospectively. Thirteen PCOS patients and 27 controls had immature oocytes retrieved submitted to IVM. After IVM, oocytes showing extrusion of the first polar body were fixed and processed for evaluation of the meiotic spindle and chromosome distribution by immunofluorescence microscopy. There were no differences between PCOS and control groups with respect to IVM rates (50.0% and 42.9%, respectively) nor the percentage of meiotic abnormalities in metaphase II oocytes (35.3% and 25%, respectively). In vitro-matured oocytes obtained from stimulated cycles of nonobese PCOS did not have an increased ratio of meiotic abnormalities.National Council of Research-CNPq-Brazil[CNPq 478396/2007-4