626 research outputs found

    O'Raifeartaigh models with spontaneous R-symmetry breaking

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    O'Raifeartaigh models with general R-charge assignments can have vacua where both supersymmetry and R-symmetry are spontaneously broken. Most of these vacua are metastable because the potential shows a runaway behaviour. We explain the relation between runaway directions and R-symmetry.Comment: Submitted for SUSY07 proceeding

    Il ruolo della costruzione di scenari nella spiegazione dei disturbi macrolinguistici della schizofrenia

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    Riassunto: Al centro di questo articolo è l’analisi dei fondamenti neurocognitivi dei deficit macrolinguistici, discorsivo-narrativi nello specifico, osservabili nei pazienti affetti da schizofrenia. Tale analisi è condotta in riferimento alle ricerche svolte negli ultimi decenni nell’ambito della psicolinguistica e delle neuroscienze. I risultati di queste ricerche hanno mostrato che alcuni aspetti dei disturbi macroelaborativi che caratterizzano il profilo linguistico dei pazienti schizofrenici possono essere spiegati chiamando in causa i deficit di tre sistemi cognitivi: teoria della mente, funzioni esecutive, memoria semantica. In questo articolo si sostiene che un tale quadro esplicativo vada integrato attraverso il riferimento a un ulteriore processo cognitivo cruciale per l’elaborazione macrolinguistica: la costruzione di scenari. Tale processo è fondamentale per la comprensione e produzione discorsiva in quanto responsabile della costruzione della rappresentazione globale degli eventi del discorso narrativo. Alla luce di queste considerazioni, in questo lavoro si propone che un ruolo cruciale nella spiegazione di alcuni aspetti dei disturbi macrolinguistici nella schizofrenia sia svolto da una compromissione nel processo di costruzione di scenari mentali e si avanza l’ipotesi che tale compromissione sia determinata, a sua volta, da problematiche che agiscono sul piano del funzionamento delle aree cerebrali preposte alla percezione e all’assemblaggio multimodale delle rappresentazioni sensomotorie.Parole chiave: Abilità macrolinguistiche; Costruzione di scenari; Elaborazione discorsiva: Embodied Cognition; Narrazione; Schizofrenia; Percezione; Modelli mentaliThe role scenario building in the explanation of macrolinguistic disorders in schizophreniaAbstract: This article analyzes the neurocognitive foundations of macrolinguistic deficits, specifically narrative, observable in patients with schizophrenia. This analysis is conducted with reference to the investigations carried out in recent decades in the field of psycholinguistics and neuroscience. The results of these investigations showed that some aspects of macrolinguistic deficits of schizophrenics can be explained in terms of impairments of three cognitive systems: theory of mind, executive functions, and semantic memory. In this article, it is suggested that this explanatory framework has to be integrated with the reference to a further cognitive process: scenarios construction. Such process turns out to be critical for discourse comprehension and production as it is responsible for the building of the global representation of events of a narrative. In the light of these considerations, it is claimed that a crucial role in the explanation of some aspects of macrolinguistic disorders in schizophrenia is played by an impairment in the process of constructing mental scenarios. The hypothesis is that this impairment is, in turn, determined by problems affecting the brain areas responsible for the perception and multimodal assembly of sensorimotor representations.Keywords: Discourse Processing; Embodied Cognition; Macrolinguistic Skills; Scenario Building; Narrative; Schizophrenia; Perception; Mental Model

    Long term follow-up of pediatric mandibular reconstruction with human transforming growth factor-β3

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    Translating bone regeneration induced by recombinant human bone morphogenetic proteins from animal models to human patients has proven inexplicably inconsistent. This prompted us to test in 5 pediatric patients, an alternative osteoinductive morphogen, recombinant human transforming growth factor β3 (hTGF-β3), to reconstruct mandibular defects of such a size to preclude reconstruction with autologous bone. An osteoinductive implant of human demineralized bone matrix (DBM) loaded with 125 μg hTGF-β3 per gram of DBM was implanted into one defect, and 250 μg hTGF-β3 per gram of DBM in another. Thereafter in 3 patients limited amounts of particulate cortico-cancellous bone graft harvested from the posterior iliac crest were combined with 250 μg hTGF-β3 per gram of DBM. Patients were followed up for 3 to 6 years. Three patients achieved clinically significant osteoinduction, 1 patient with hTGF-β3 only, and 2 by combining hTGF-β3 with a small supplement of autologous bone. One patient with hTGF-β3 only and followed up for 5 years retains a viable reconstruction but has had sub-optimal bone regeneration. One patient had osteoinductive failure due to sepsis although the plate reconstruction remains viable. Recombinant human TGF-β3 initiates osteoinduction in humans and potentiates autologous bone graft activity allowing the reconstruction of large mandibular defects in pediatric patients.The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg and the National Research Foundation of South Africa.https://journals.lww.com/jcraniofacialsurgery/pages/default.aspxhj2021Maxillo-Facial and Oral Surger

    The conundrum of human osteoinduction : is the bone induction principle failing clinical translation?

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    No abstract available.https://journals.lww.com/jcraniofacialsurgery/pages/default.aspxhj2022Maxillo-Facial and Oral Surger

    Stars in the Silurian sky: Echinoderm holdfasts from the Carnic Alps

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    A small collection of echinoderm holdfasts from the Ludlow Cardiola Formation of the Carnic Alps (Austria) contains a wide range of morphologies as a response of environmental adaptation. In general, the holdfasts have a globous and massive dome-like profile with several processes arranged in a sub-radial disposition, so to create a sort of ‘star-like’ outline. A small central depression is common but not present on all specimens. The distinctive holdfasts are preserved in an iron-rich phase, documenting a substitution that has also affected other non-echinoderm calcareous material
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