31 research outputs found


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    Background: Cell death and autophagy are the main cellular processes involved in the regulation of bone remodeling by osteocytes. Recently we have demonstrated that an increased osteocyte death is involved in multiple myeloma (MM)-induced osteolysis through the upregulation of osteoclast recruitment. Aims: Because proteasome inhibitors including Bortezomib (BOR) are known to be able to target osteoblasts in this study we have investigated the potential effect of these drugs on osteocytes and their cell death and autophagy. Methods: Firstly the effect of the proteasome inhibitors BOR and MG262 on osteocyte viability was evaluated in vitro in murine osteocytic cell line MLO-Y4 and in the human pre-osteocytic one HOB-01. Both cell lines were co-coltured for 48 hours in the presence or absence of the human myeloma cell lines (HMCLs) RPMI8226 and JJN3, placed in a transwell insert in the presence or the absence of BOR or MG262. Moreover the effect of proteasome inhibitors on dexamethasone (DEX)-induced MLO-Y4 death, obtained at high doses (10-5-10-6M), was checked in combination with PTH(1-34). To evaluate the presence of autophagy and apoptosis in osteocytes, we checked the expression of both autophagic marker LC3 and apoptotic marker APAF-1 by confocal microscopy in the co-colture system with MLO-Y4 and RPMI-8226. Finally we performed a retrospective histological evaluation on bone biopsies of a cohort of 31 newly diagnosis MM underwent to different treatments including BOR-based regimen. Bone biopsies were obtained at the diagnosis and after an average time of 12 months of treatment. Osteocyte viability was evaluated in a total of 500 lacunae per histological sections. Results: The in vitro treatment with BOR or MG262 significantly blunted MLO-Y4 and HOB-01 cell death. Similarly, DEXinduced MLO-Y4 death was reduced by proteasome inhibitors. Interestingly, we found that both proteasome inhibitors potentiated the PTH (1-34) short-term effects on DEX-induced osteocyte death. Prevalence of autophagic cell death compared to apoptosis was observed in this system. In line with these data, we showed that neither the HMCLs nor treatment with DEX increase the apoptotic death and caspase 3 activation in both MLO-Y4 and HOB-01 cell lines. BOR treatment increased the basal level of LC3 indicating a pro-survival and protective function of autophagy against the BOR-induce stress. On the contrary, when the cells undergo to a stronger stress such as in the presence of HMCLs or by treatment with high dose of DEX we found that both proteasome inhibitors blocked autophagic cell death in osteocytes. In the in vivo study we found a significant increase of the number of viable osteocytes in MM patients treated with BOR-based regimen as compared to those treated without BOR (% median increase: +6% vs. +1.30%; p=0.017). Patients treated with BOR alone showed the highest increase of osteocyte viability, as compared to those either treated without BOR (+11.6% vs. +1.3%, p=0.0019) or treated with BOR plus DEX (+11.6% vs. +4.4%, p=0.01). On the other hand, any significant difference was not observed in patients treated with Thalidomide (THAL) or Immunomodulatory drugs (IMiDs) than in those untreated with these drugs (p= 0.7). A multiple regression non-parametric analysis showed that BOR had a significant positive impact on osteocyte viability (p=0.042) whereas THAL/IMiDs as well as Zoledronic acid (ZOL) treatments have not (p=0.2). BOR also counterbalanced the negative effect of DEX treatment (p=0.035). Summary/Conclusion: Our data suggest that proteasome inhibitors blunted osteocyte cell death induced by MM cells and DEX through the modulation of the autophagy and potentiated the effect of PTH. Overall our in vitro and in vivo data support the use of BOR to improve bone integrity in MM patients

    Myeloma-Induced Osteocyte Death Was Blunted By Proteasome Inhibitors Through The Modulation Of Autophagy

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    Osteocytes are critical in the maintenance of bone integrity regulating bone remodeling through the cell death and autophagy, a cellular process stress-induced to prolong cell survival but when induced excessively can cause cell death. Recently we have demonstrated that an increased osteocyte death is involved in multiple myeloma (MM)-induced osteolysis. However the mechanisms involved in this process as well as the effect of the proteasome inhibitors able to stimulate bone formation are not known and have been investigated in this study. Firstly the effect of the proteasome inhibitors BOR and MG262 on osteocyte viability was evaluated in vitro in murine osteocytic cell line MLO-Y4 and in the human pre-osteocytic one HOB-01. Both cell lines were co-coltured for 48 hours in the presence or absence of the human myeloma cell lines (HMCLs) RPMI8226 and JJN3, placed in a traswell insert. The treatment for 12-24 hours with (BOR) (2nM) and MG262 (10nM) significantly blunted MLO-Y4 and HOB-01 cell death. In addition, dexamethasone (DEX)-induced MLO-Y4 apoptosis, obtained at high doses (10-5-10-6 M), was reduced by the treatment with proteasome inhibitors. Interestingly, we found that PTH short-term treatment potentiated the in vitro effects of proteasome inhibitors on DEX-induced osteocyte death. To evaluate the presence of autophagy in osteocytes, we checked the expression of the autophagic marker LC3 both by confocal microscopy and western blot analysis in the co-colture system with MLO-Y4 and RPMI-8226. Prevalence of autophagic cell death and in a lesser extent apoptosis was observed in this system. BOR increased the basal level of LC3 indicating a pro-survival and protective function of autophagy against the BOR-induce stress. On the contrary, when cells undergo to a stronger stress such as in the presence of HMCLs or by treatment with high dose of DEX we found that both proteasome inhibitors BOR and MG262 blocked autophagic cell death in osteocytes. To translate our in vitro evidence in a clinical perspective, thereafter we performed a histological evaluation on bone biopsies of a cohort of 37 newly diagnosis MM patients 31 of them with symptomatic MM and 6 with smoldering MM (SMM). The 55% of patients with MM have evidence of osteolytic lesions at the X-rays survey. Bone biopsies were obtained at the diagnosis and after an average time of 12 months of treatment or observation. Osteocyte viability was evaluated in a total of 500 lacunae per histological sections. A significant increase of the number of viable osteocytes was demonstrated in MM patients treated with BOR-based regimen as compared to those treated without BOR (% median increase: +6% vs. +1.30%; p=0.017). Patients treated with BOR alone showed the highest increase of osteocyte viability, as compared to those either treated without BOR (+11.6% vs. +1.3%, p=0.0019) or treated with BOR plus DEX (+11.6% vs. +4.4%, p=0.01). A reduction of both osteocyte apoptosis and autophagy was demonstrated by TUNEL assays and confocal microscopy. On the other hand, any significant difference was not observed in patients treated with Thalidomide (THAL) or Immunomodulatory drugs (IMiDs) than in those untreated with these drugs (p= 0.7). A multiple regression non-parametric analysis showed that BOR had a significant positive impact on osteocyte viability (p=0.042) whereas THAL/IMiDs as well as Zoledronic acid (ZOL) treatments have not (p=0.2). BOR also counterbalanced the negative effect of DEX treatment (p=0.035). Our data suggest that proteasome inhibitors blunted osteocyte cell death induced by MM cells and DEX through the modulation of the autophagy supporting their use to improve bone integrity in MM patients

    Biological Function of PD-L2 and Correlation With Overall Survival in Type II Endometrial Cancer

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    In cancer, upregulation of coinhibitory B7 ligands has been associated with immune evasion. So far, anti-programmed death-1 (PD-1) and anti-PD-ligand 1 (PD-L1) antibodies have been used in immuno-oncology, with promising outcomes; however, it is still needed to identify other markers, especially for endometrial cancer (EC). EC is a gynecological malignancy historically classified into two types: type I, with mostly estrogen-dependent endometrioid diseases, and the most aggressive type II, including mainly estrogen-independent and non-endometrioid tumors. PD ligand-2 (PD-L2) is known as the second ligand of the PD-1 receptor and, upon its binding, contributes to T-cell exhaustion. Up to now, very few information are available about PD-L2 in cancers, and no data have been reported for EC. The aim of this work was to characterize the PD-L1 and PD-L2 ligand expression profile in EC cell lines, focusing the attention on the biological role of PD-L2 and its prognostic impact in human type II EC biopsies. Using in silico analysis of TCGA data, we performed a molecular profiling in a cohort of 506 patients, both types I and II, and PD-1 ligands expression was also analyzed in different primary human EC cell lines. Moreover, PD-L2 staining was evaluated in a cohort of human type II EC samples and correlated with the overall survival (OS), progression-free survival (PFS), and additional clinicopathological data. From the in silico analysis, PD-L2 was more expressed than PD-L1 in EC cell lines. PD-L2 was found highly expressed in 64.44% of tumor specimens, predominantly in the serous subtype, in both stromal and epithelial components, while in peritumoral and normal tissues it was predominantly moderate or low. In vitro, we investigated the cell autonomous role of PD-L2 in controlling cell survival, migration, and chemoresistance

    Proteasome Inhibitors Block Myeloma-Induced Osteocyte Death in Vitro and in Vivo in Multiple Myeloma Patients

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) is characterized by a severe unbalanced and uncoupling bone remodeling leading to osteolysis. We have recently shown that osteocytes are involved in MM-induced osteolysis through an increased cell death. Accordingly MM patients are characterized by a reduced number of viable osteocytes related to the presence of bone lesions. Proteasome inhibitors currently used in the treatment of MM are able to stimulate osteoblast formation but their potential effects on osteocyte death are not known and have been investigated in this study both in vitro and in vivo. Osteocytic MLO-Y4 cells or human pre-osteocytic HOB-01 cells were co-cultured for 48 hours in the presence or absence of the human myeloma cell lines (HMCLs) JJN3 or RPMI-8226 placed in a transwell insert. A significantly reduction of ostecyte viability was observed (median percent reduction of MLO-Y4 viability: -16% and -30%, respectively). The treatment for 12–24 hours with Bortezomib (BOR) (2nM) or other proteasome inhibitors such as MG262 (10nM) or MG132 (100nM) significantly blunted MLO-Y4 and HOB-01 cell death. Similarly, Dexamethasone (DEX)-induced MLO-Y4 apoptosis, obtained at pharmacological doses (10–4–10–5 M), was significantly reduced by the treatment with proteasome inhibitors. To translate our in vitro data into a clinical perspective we performed a retrospective histological evaluation on bone biopsies of a cohort of 40 newly diagnosis MM patients (24 male and 16 female, median age: 68 years) 34 of them with symptomatic MM and 6 with smoldering MM (SMM). The 58% of patients with symptomatic MM have evidence of osteolytic lesions at the X-rays survey. Bone biopsies were obtained in both symptomatic MM and SMM at diagnosis and after an average time of 12 months of treatment or observation, respectively. The 68% of patients with symptomatic MM were treated with a BOR-based regimen while 42% do not. Moreover the 58% of MM patients received DEX and the 59% Thalidomide (TAL). Zoledronic acid (ZOL) was infused monthly in the 60% of MM patients. Osteocyte viability was evaluated in a total of 500 lacunae per histological sections, corresponds to the total number of osteocyte lacunae in the bone biopsies. The number of viable osteocytes and the number of degenerated or apoptotic osteocytes and empty lacunae have been evaluated. In patients with SMM no significant change was observed in the number of viable osteocytes in the two histological evaluations carried out (median percent change: +1.2, p=0.68, NS). In symptomatic MM patients the mean percent change of the osteocyte viability was not correlated with the response rate to treatment (R2 0.01, p=NS). A significant increase of the number of viable osteocytes was demonstrated in MM patients treated with BOR-based regimen as compared to those treated without BOR (% median increase of osteocyte viability: +6% vs. +1.30%, Mann-Whitney test: p=0.017). Patients treated with BOR alone showed the highest increase of osteocyte viability that was statistical significant in comparison with that observed either in patients treated without BOR (+11.6% vs. +1.3%, p=0.0019) or in those treated with BOR plus DEX (+11.6% vs. +4.4%, p=0.01). On the contrary, no significant difference was observed in patients treated with TAL than in those treated without TAL (p= 0.7, NS) as well as patients treated with ZOL compared to those untreated showed no significant difference in the number of viable osteocytes (p=0.18, NS). To confirm the role of the different drug treatment on the osteocyte viability we perform a multiple regression non-parametric analysis showing that BOR had a significant positive impact on osteocyte viability (p=0.042) whereas ZOL and TAL have not (p>0.2,NS) and it counterbalanced the negative effect of DEX treatment (p=0.035). In conclusion our in vitro and in vivo data suggest the proteasome inhibitors block osteocyte death induced by MM cells could have a positive impact on bone integrity in MM patients

    Continuous 5-fluorouracil infusion plus long acting octreotide in advanced well-differentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas. A phase II trial of the Piemonte Oncology Network

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Well-differentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas are highly vascularized and may be sensitive to drugs administered on a metronomic schedule that has shown antiangiogenic properties. A phase II study was designed to test the activity of protracted 5-fluorouracil (5FU) infusion plus long-acting release (LAR) octreotide in patients with neuroendocrine carcinoma.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twenty-nine patients with metastatic or locally advanced well-differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma were treated with protracted 5FU intravenous infusion (200 mg/m<sup>2 </sup>daily) plus LAR octreotide (20 mg monthly). Patients were followed for toxicity, objective response, symptomatic and biochemical response, time to progression and survival.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Assessment by Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST) criteria showed partial response in 7 (24.1%), stable disease in 20 (69.0%), and disease progression in 2 patients. Response did not significantly differ when patients were stratified by primary tumor site and proliferative activity. A biochemical (chromogranin A) response was observed in 12/25 assessable patients (48.0%); symptom relief was obtained in 9/15 symptomatic patients (60.0%). There was non significant decrease in circulating vascular epithelial growth factor (VEGF) over time. Median time to progression was 22.6 months (range, 2.7-68.5); median overall survival was not reached yet. Toxicity was mild and manageable.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Continuous/metronomic 5FU infusion plus LAR octreotide is well tolerated and shows activity in patients with well-differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma. The potential synergism between metronomic chemotherapy and antiangiogenic drugs provides a rationale for exploring this association in the future.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>NCT00953394</p

    Mappature reattive, linguaggi che riattivano. Rigenerare il patrimonio e la memoria dell’Appennino marchigiano con strumenti interattivi e condivisi

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    Il contributo proposto nasce all’interno del progetto RESETtling APPennines e si concentra su un’attenta mappatura dei comuni dell’area interna marchigiana dell’Appennino Basso Pesarese Anconetano. Lo strumento mappa permetterà di evidenziare l’importanza del progetto dello spazio (dell’architettura e del contesto urbano) sia per la valorizzazione dei territori, sia per il coinvolgimento delle comunità nella condivisione della loro identità. Si intende effettuare una mappatura degli spazi po- tenziali, siano essi spazi aperti o edifici, fabbricati dismessi o di grande pregio. Una mappatura dell’or- dinario, ma anche del degradato e del dimenticato, al fine di individuare nuovi scenari e prospettive per il futuro della città

    Creativity and digital transition in central Appennine. Innovative design methods and digital technologies as interactive tools to enable heritage regeneration and community engagement

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    This contribution proposes strategies of reactivation of the central Apennine of Marche Region in Italy through creative design methods and virtual technologies. The research activities are connected to two related PhD projects: one focusing on architectural and urban design, the other one on heritage digitalization and new technologies and to other research activities of our interdisciplinary team. Cagli, a small town of 8.000 inhabitants, is currently undergoing socio-economic transformations that need to be addressed strategically with a cultural and spatial perspective. The research explores regenerative solutions and local development strategies to enhance the city and its cultural landscape. Participatory processes aided by digital tools and innovative design methods are tested in Cagli’s living lab. A “Reactive Map” combines a trans-scalar and multidisciplinary territorial analysis with visions to identify “potential spaces”—ordinary and unused architectures and places—and elaborate strategic solutions. The “Reactive Map” is thus an essential design tool for the definition of a shared strategy of enhancement, transformation and development of the city and its heritage. The map includes overlapping layers that correspond to the steps of the enhancement process, from analysis to scenario building. The initial GIS representation is enriched by the stories of the community collected during the urban walks. In the co-thinking phase the map raises awareness on the areas’ potentials using embedded panoramas for participatory design. With this paper we aim to introduce a new methodological step, a three-dimensional database which is made of point clouds. The result is a highly descriptive 3D environment able to collect analysis and to be enriched in a participatory way. Final output of the research, the map is meant in its broadest sense, as a fully boosting 3D digital technology that represents both a viable and effective solution to involve citizens and an innovative and interdisciplinary tool for knowledge advancement in the fields of architectural and urban design and heritage regeneration

    Significant Improvement of Clinical Symptoms, Bone Lesions, and Bone Turnover after Long-Term Zoledronic Acid Treatment in Patients with a Severe Form of Camurati-Engelmann Disease

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    Camurati-Engelmann disease (CED) is an ultrarare autosomal dominant bone dysplasia. Cortical thickening of the diaphyses of the long bones with narrowing of the medullary cavity are associated with bone pain, waddling gait, muscular weakness, easy fatigability, and a marfanoid body habitus. There is no specific treatment for CED. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or glucocorticoids are ineffective in improving bone lesions. A family with a mild to severe form of CED is described. Two patients received long-term bisphosphonate treatment: the 19-year-old female proband was treated with zoledronic acid for 2.2 years; the 4-year-old male proband was treated with neridronic acid for 16 months and with zoledronic acid for an additional 18 months. In both probands, zoledronic acid treatment significantly improved the clinical symptoms, bone lesions, ambulation, and body habitus. Before treatment, both probands showed a marked increase in serum levels of osteocalcin, procollagen type I N-terminal propeptide, and cross-linked carboxyterminal telopeptide of type I collagen, reflecting an increased bone turnover. Bone marker levels returned to their normal values during treatment. Zoledronic acid treatment may be an important therapeutic option in patients with severe CED. Biochemical markers of bone turnover could be considered as surrogate indexes of CED activity