126 research outputs found

    Alternativas energéticas ante el impacto social causado por la degradación medioambiental

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    17th Conference of the International Association for People-Environment Studies, febrero 2002, A Coruñ

    Sensores virtuales con Foundation Fieldbus

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    [Resumen] Este trabajo describe a metodología para medir variables de difícil acceso o de captura costosa. El método propuesto consiste en utilizar redes de neuronas artificiales para estimar la dinámica de un proceso y posteriormente, después de entrenar el sistema neuronal, utilizar la citadas redes neuronales para representar tal dinámica. La herramienta de adquisición de datos y entrenamiento neuronal pertenece a Emerson Process Management, se denomina DeltaV y DeltaV Neural y cumple con los requisitos de l estándar Foundation Fieldbu

    Discrete event control with CFC

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    [Abstrac] In this paper it is proposed a discrete event control system representation methodology to design, implement and operate sequential systems, as an alternative to the sequential function chart (SFC) description method. Such method uses the standard language ST (structured text) of the IEC 61131-3 associated to the standard language developed by the Foundation Fieldbus, by associating ST based descriptions language to some function blocks on the basis of a continuous function charts (CFC) or function block diagrams (FBD

    Supervsion of classical PID adpative regulators using fuzzy logic techniques

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    This work describes the supervisory task of controlled plants whose strategy is based on classical adaptive PID regulators. The supervisory task includes the detection of the dynamic behaviour. According to this it decides whether to perform the autotuning, as a result of the defuzzification of a rule-base proposed for this purpose. The result of the fuzzy rule-base is applied in sequential mode to a deterministic rule-base (Boolean), whose conclusion serves to initiate the state of the regulator in the plant

    Contribution to real time stability monitoring in waves based in FFT algorithm

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    [Abstract] This paper describes a methodology to implement and operate an automatic onboard device destined to compute ship stability in real time. The system comprises a software based set of instruments linked to a PC computer which measure roll motions in waves and process acquired data supplying a value related with ship stability by means of an algorithm based in the frequency domain analysis of ships motions related with sea state parameter

    Supervisión de la simulación de procesos de control mediante ecuaciones de paridad FF

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    [Resumen] Este artículo describe la tarea de supervisión del proceso de simulación en tiempo real de procesos de control. El algoritmo propuesto de supervisión del proceso de simulación está basado en el procesamiento masivamente paralelo de ecuaciones de paridad, en donde se comparan datos actuales reales con la salida dinámica del modelo de proceso. Si los residuos de las ecuaciones de paridad están dentro de límites admisibles entonces la información de inicialización y actualización del modelo de simulación, es admitida y el proceso de simulación es validad

    Static compensation on the basis of NNBM predictor under Foundation Fieldbus

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    World Automation Congress, WAC 2004, Sevilla, SpainThis paper deals with the problem of disturbance compensation by means of a novel feedforward control procedure. It consists in the additive association of a conventional feedback control action with the prediction of the steady state control effort necessary to keep the controlled plant under setpoint requirements. Such steady state control effort is achieved by means of inverse neural network based modelling prediction. Predictors are based in an inverse neural network steady state plant model. Implementation procedure is carried out with the facilities supplied by a FOUNDATION Fieldbus compliant tool which manage databases, neural network structures and training algorithmsMinisterio de Ciencia y Tecnología; DPI2003-0051

    A complement to autotuning methods on PID controllers

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    [Abstract] This paper describes a complement to the autotuning ATV method. The proposed strategy is based in a frequency response design technique to get a three-term controller as a special case of a lead-lag design. The main topic of such autotuning technique concerns to the type of excitation signal on the plant which is a sine wave openloop excitation instead of a relay feedback used in the harmonic balanc

    Evaluation and control of marine vessels stability in waves

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    [Abstract] This paper presents the research results achieved by means of the preliminary design study and implementation of a Pc-based Expert System for Safely Navigation. PESSN. It consists in an advisory system related to the stability and motion of the vessels in waves, where environmental information and marine vehicle conditions are acquired by a set of sensors. A proper real time corrective action is taken by means of PESS

    Multivariable fuzzy cascade compensation

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    This work deals with some practical aspects of fuzzy PID controllers regarding multivariable non-linear cascade compensation. This contribution concerns to the task of compensation for multivariable disturbances on the manipulated variable. The strategy consists in establishing a fuzzy rule base for all disturbance variables which afect the manipulated variable and compensate the control variable by cascade action by means of the proposed fuzzy rule base properly adjuste