7,108 research outputs found

    Modulating fermentative, varietal and aging aromas of wine using non-saccharomyces yeasts in a sequential inoculation approach

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    The goal of this study is to assess to what extent non-Saccharomyces yeasts can introduce aromatic changes of industrial interest in fermentative, varietal and aged aromas of wine. Aroma precursors from Riesling and Garnacha grapes were extracted and used in two independent sequential experiments. Synthetic musts were inoculated, either with Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sc) or with Pichia kluyveri (Pk), Torulaspora delbrueckii (Td) or Lachancea thermotolerans (Lt), followed by Sc. The fermented samples were subjected to anoxic aging at 50 ¿C for 0, 1, 2 or 5 weeks before an aroma analysis. The fermentative aroma profiles were consistently changed by non-Saccharomyces: all strains induced smaller levels of isoamyl alcohol; Pk produced huge levels of aromatic acetates and can induce high levels of fatty acids (FA) and their ethyl esters (EE); Td produced large levels of branched acids and of their EE after aging, and induced smaller levels of FA and their EE; Lt produced reduced levels of FA and their EE. The varietal aroma was also deeply affected: TDN (1,1,6-trimethyl-1,2-dihydronaphthalene) levels in aged wines were reduced by Pk and enhanced by Lt in Garnacha; the levels of vinylphenols can be much reduced, particularly by Lt and Pk. TD and Lt can increase linalool and geraniol in young, but not in aged wines

    Teachers’ Perception of an Integrated Approach to Biology and Emotional Learning

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    Inclusive education requires that teachers not only teach academic knowledge and skills, but also consider the individual needs of all pupils, especially with respect to their social-emotional status. All teachers (including science and biology teachers) have to promote the well-being of their pupils by helping them develop social-emotional skills. The positive impact of these skills has been widely researched and documented. There is no doubt that academic achievements and social-emotional skills go hand in hand. However, only very little research data are available on how biology lessons and biology teachers can facilitate inclusive education in everyday school. The purpose of this qualitative study is to find out how teachers perceive an integrated approach in biology classes. This study reports on the experiences of five biology teachers with an integrated approach in which learning about the human body was intertwined with socio-emotional learning to address all pupils’ needs. Overall, the teachers considered the use and implementation of the approach a success. They observed that the pupils were motivated and showed a high level of active involvement and participation. However, it became obvious that the teachers did not fully realize all elements of the approach—the intertwined biological and emotional learning in particular—although they liked it. Finally, our findings show that a practical way to teach science and emotional learning can be realized in common, but teachers need further support and professional development

    Modelos de localizacion para optimizar proceso de cosecha en huertos de pomaceas pertenecientes a Agricola Gonzagri Ltda.

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    135 p.La presente memoria tiene como objetivo optimizar la eficiencia del proceso de cosecha de un huerto de manzana, localizado en la VII región del país, perteneciente a una empresa productora y exportadora de fruta fresca. Para lograr este objetivo, fue creado un modelo matemático lineal entero, basado en un problema de localización conocido, el problema de las p-medianas, más una restricción adicional. La función objetivo del modelo creado intenta minimizar la suma de la distancia y/o el tiempo incurrido por un cosechero en su recorrido desde cada manzano al bin más cercano. Los parámetros definidos fueron los siguientes: Conjunto N, compuesto por n manzanos; Conjunto J, compuesto por m potenciales localizaciones de bins; Tiempo (tij) que demora un cosechero en trasladarse desde el árbol i a la localización del bins j ; Distancia (dij) entre el manzano i y localización del bins j; Número de bins a localizar (p); y Capacidad de bin (k). Este modelo fue utilizado para 2 grupos de manzanas presentes en el huerto: las manzanas de variedades rojas, que se cosechan recorriendo sólo una vez el huerto, pues el 100% de la fruta madura a la vez; y las variedades galas, las cuales se cosechan recorriendo varias veces el huerto, pues estas manzanas no maduran al mismo tiempo. La diferencia en la modalidad de cosecha de cada variedad define valores distintos para los parámetros en cada caso. Las soluciones para cada grupo de variedades, fueron obtenidas, principalmente, mediante el solver CPLEX 6.0. Para las variedades rojas se propone modificar la localización de los bins y re-estructurar a los grupos de trabajo que realizan el proceso de cosecha, en función a la asignación manzano/bin resultante. Mientras que, para las variedades galas se propone un conjunto de layouts que permiten localizar exactamente los bins requeridos, de acuerdo al porcentaje de cosecha estimado o la cantidad de manzana apta para cosechar. De esta forma, en ambos casos, se logra minimizar el tiempo y la distancia en el recorrido de los trabajadores, mientras realizan el proceso de cosecha, es decir, optimizar el proceso

    Astigmatic peripheral defocus with different contact lenses: review and meta-analysis

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    Purpose: To review the level of relative peripheral defocus measured with different devices with potential use for myopia retention. To present comparative data of the change in astigmatic peripheral refraction with different contact lenses evaluated in different studies conducted in the same laboratory following the same methodology in myopic human eyes Methods: A joint analysis of work, carried out at the same laboratory (CEORLab) in 137 myopic subjects with different types of contact lenses (CL), was performed to obtain the tangential (FT = M − J0), sagittal (FS = M + J0), and mean (M) power refractive errors (M and J0 are the refraction vector components). Orthokeratology, standard aspheric rigid gas-permeable (RGP), experimental RGP, experimental soft CL, and different multifocal soft CL were used to induce peripheral myopic defocus (236 peripheral refraction measures). Results: Compared with values obtained in naked eye condition (baseline), only three of the eight approaches tested show statistically significant peripheral myopic defocus induction (p < 0.001) in both temporal and nasal retina (orthokeratology, experimental RGP, and Proclear multifocal CL with Add: +3.00 D). Standard aspheric RGP also produced a significant increase in myopic defocus for the FT, of about −2.00 D. The experimental soft CL, designed to mimic the peripheral performance of the experimental RGP, induced a similar effect to the standard aspheric soft CL. Conclusion: Orthokeratology, multifocal soft CL, and custom-designed RGP CL were able to generate a significant relative peripheral myopia in myopic eyes. Conversely, standard and experimental soft CL were not able to induce significant peripheral myopic and astigmatic defocus values.This study was supported by Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal through projects PTDC/SAU-BEB/098392/2008 and PTDC/SAU-BEB/098391/2008

    Middle class evolving to precariat: labour conditions for the 21st Century

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    Depto. de Trabajo Social y Servicios SocialesFac. de Trabajo SocialTRUEpu

    Vall d’Hebron Risk Score II for myocardial infarction and cardiac death

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    Malaltia de l'artèria coronària; Factors de risc; Tomografia per emissió computeritzada de fotó únicEnfermedad arterial coronaria; Factores de riesgo; Tomografía por emisión computarizada de fotón únicoCoronary artery disease; Risk factors; Tomography, emission-computed, single-photonObjectives The aim of this study was to create a new Vall d’Hebron Risk Score-II (VH-RS-II) for non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI) and/or cardiac death (CD), excluding patients with coronary revascularisation (CR) during the follow-up. Methods We analysed 5215 consecutive patients underwent gated single photon emission CT (SPECT); 2960 patients (age 64.2±11, male 58.1%) had no previous MI and/or CR, and 2255 patients (age 63.3±11, male 81.9%) had previous MI and/or CR. During a follow-up of 4.3±2.6 years, the cardiac event (MI and CD) was evaluated. This study was reviewed and approved by the ethics committee of our institution (number form trial register, PR(AG)168.2012). To obtain the predictor model, multivariate Cox regression analysis and multivariate logistic regression analysis were used. RS-VH-II was validated with 679 patients. Results In patients without previous MI and/or CR, age (HR: 1.01; p<0.001), diabetes (HR: 2.1, p=0.001), metabolic equivalent (METs) (HR: 0.89, p=0.038), ST segment depression (HR: 1.4, p=0.011), ejection fraction (EF) (HR: 0.97, p<0.001) and summed stress score (HR: 1.2, p<0.001) were the independent predictors of CE (C-statistic: 0.8). In patients with previous MI and/or CR, age (HR: 1.06, p<0.001), male (HR: 1.9, p=0.047), smoker (HR: 1.5, p=0.047), METs (HR: 0.8, p<0.001), ST segment depression (HR: 1.4, p=0.002), EF (HR: 0.96; p<0.001) and summed difference score (HR: 1.03, p=0.06) were the independent predictors of CE (C-statistic:0.8). Conclusion The VH-RS-II obtained from different clinical exercise and gated SPECT variables allow the risk stratification for MI and CD in patients with or without previous MI and/or CR in due form

    Contact lens care solutions and ocular surface

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    Safe wear of non-daily disposable contact lenses require care systems to ensure disinfection and cleaning to allow the lens to be reused after a period of non lens wear (typically overnight). To do so, modern care systems, also known as multipurpose solutions (MPS) or multipurpose disinfecting solutions (MPDS) try to mimic the environment of the ocular surface regarding pH, osmolality, surface tension or viscosity while introducing other singular properties as a wide-spectrum antimicrobial activity and high cleaning performance. This delicate equilibrium or properties is challenging and sometimes results in adverse events that have drawn the attention of the CL industry and scientifi c community to these systems with an increased intensity during the past decade. Even with disposable lenses, safety is still a concern and presently we are in front of a new paradigm of solutions development, which must provide reinforced disinfecting capabilities and at the same time improve the compatibility with the ocular surface. Indeed, disinfection effi cacy against different new strains of microorganisms and compatibility with the ocular surface have been two aspects widely covered in the recent scientifi c literature, topics that will also be addressed in this chapter

    Comparative analysis of the transition from early childhood education to primary education: factors affecting continuity between stages

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    p. 411-454The educational transition between early childhood education and primary education is a complex moment of change with repercussions throughout the academic life of the students. For this reason, it is important to seek continuity between both educational stages. A successful transition produces for the social, cognitive and emotional well-being of the student. The aim of this study is to find out how transition-related factors apply in ten European Union (EU) countries. The factors analyzed are the age of onset of transition, the teacher-student ratio, types of clustering, financing of the stage, responsibility, and both initial and in-service teacher training. The methodology followed in this study is documentary analysis and the main source of data search has been the European Commission's Eurydice portal. The results show differences in stage change within each country, especially in the explicit consideration of a transition period. The main conclusion is that there is a great difference between the northern and southern countries. The main differences between countries in the transitions from early childhood education to primary education in the EU are in the years of compulsory education, the teacher/student/unit ratio, the initial teacher training, and the decentralization of education.S
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