955 research outputs found

    Influence of Temperature and Copper on Oxalobacteraceae in Soil Enrichments

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    7 páginas.-- 3 figuras.-- 3 tablas.-- 30 referenciasβ-Proteobacteria is one of the most abundant phylum in soils, including autotrophic and heterotrophic ammonium-consumers with relevance in N circulation in soils. The effects of high-temperature events and phytosanitary treatments, such as copper amendments, on soil bacterial communities relevant to N-cycling remain to be studied. As an example, South Portugal soils are seasonally exposed to high-temperature periods, the temperature at the upper soil layers can reach over 40 °C. Here, we evaluated the dynamics of mesophilic and thermophilic bacteria from a temperate soil, in particular of heterotrophic β-Proteobacteria, regarding the ammonium equilibrium, as a function of temperature and copper treatment. Soil samples were collected from an olive orchard in southern Portugal. Selective enrichments were performed from samples under different conditions of temperature (30 and 50 °C) and copper supplementation (100 and 500 µM) in order to mime seasonal variations and phytosanitary treatments. Changes in the microbial communities under these conditions were examined by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, a molecular fingerprint technique. At moderate temperature—30 °C—either without or with copper addition, dominant members were identified as different strains belonging to genus Massilia, a genus of the Oxalobacteraceae (β-Proteobacteria), while at 50 °C, members of the Brevibacillus genus, phylum Firmicutes were also represented. Ammonium production during bacterial growth at moderate and high temperatures was not affected by copper addition. Results indicate that both copper and temperature selected specific tolerant bacterial strains with consequences for N-cycling in copper-treated orchards.This work was funded by FEDER Funds through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors COMPETE and National Funds through FCT Foundation for Science and Technology under the Strategic Project PEst-C/AGR/UI0115/2011. We thank Eng. G. Pinheiro, from Eugénio Almeida Foundation (FEA) for providing access to the FEA olive orchard.Peer reviewe

    A Semantic-Based Approach to Attain Reproducibility of Computational Environments in Scientic Work ows: A Case Study

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    Reproducible research in scientic work ows is often addressed by tracking the provenance of the produced results. While this approach allows inspecting intermediate and nal results, improves understanding, and permits replaying a work ow execution, it does not ensure that the computational environment is available for subsequent executions to reproduce the experiment. In this work, we propose describing the resources involved in the execution of an experiment using a set of semantic vocabularies, so as to conserve the computational environment. We dene a process for documenting the work ow application, management system, and their dependencies based on 4 domain ontologies. We then conduct an experimental evaluation sing a real work ow application on an academic and a public Cloud platform. Results show that our approach can reproduce an equivalent execution environment of a predened virtual machine image on both computing platforms

    Estacionalidade da produção de forragem de duas cultivares de alfafa.

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    O trabalho foi desenvolvido em São Carlos, SP, região Central do Estado de São Paulo, com o objetivo de avaliar a distribuição da produção de matéria seca de duas cultivares de alfafa. Verificou-se que, apesar da cultivar LEN 4 ser mais produtiva, a Crioula possuiu melhor distribuição da produção durante o ano

    Usefulness of Low-Dose Dobutamine Echocardiography in Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy

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    INTRODUCTION: Low-dose dobutamine stress echocardiography is a common and useful technique to assess myocardial viability in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the use of low-dose dobutamine stress echocardiography in determining the functional status of patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (IDCM). METHODS: Prospective study of 28 patients with IDCM by transthoracic echocardiography (2D), low-dose dobutamine stress echocardiography, cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) and measurement of pro-BNP. RESULTS: The mean age of the population was 50.3 +/- 11.5 years, 9 female and 19 male. Mean ejection fraction was 32.1 +/- 9.8%. All were in sinus rhythm. The following parameters were analyzed in 2D echocardiography and after dobutamine: dimensions of left atrium (LA) and of left ventricle in diastole and systole, shortening fraction (%), left ventricular end-diastolic (EDV) and end-systolic volumes (ESV), ejection fraction (EF), and mitral inflow (E, A, E/A ratio and deceleration time). In CPET, we considered the following parameters: peak VO2 and % maximal peak VO2 attained. We compared echo results with CPET. There was a correlation between age and peak VO2 (r = -0.38 with p = 0.049). In 2D echo, there was a correlation between baseline EF and LA dimensions and peak VO2 (r = 0.45 / p = 0.004 and r = -0.49 / p = 0.014, respectively). After dobutamine echo, there was a correlation between some echo parameters and peak VO2: EF - r = 0.59 / p = 0.001, LA dimensions - r = 0.56 / p = 0.007, and ESV - r = -0.45 / p = 0.026. Percentage maximal peak VO2 attained correlated with LA dimensions measured in 2D echo and after dobutamine (r = -0.398 / p = 0.036 and r = -0.674 / p = 0.02 respectively) and EF after dobutamine (r = -0.389 / p = 0.04). The value of pro-BNP correlated with LA dimensions and baseline EF (r = 0.44 / p = 0.02 and r = -0.57 / p = 0.002, respectively), and the correlation was maintained after inotropic stimulation with dobutamine (r = 0.57 / p = 0.001 and r = -0.55 / p = 0.0039). CONCLUSION: Low-dose dobutamine stress echocardiography showed stronger correlations with cardiopulmonary exercise testing than the parameters evaluated by conventional echocardiography and could be used to determine the functional status of patients with dilated cardiomyopathy; patients with greater ejection fraction after inotropic stimulation had better cardiopulmonary tests

    Características do velo de ovinos Ile de France e Texel durante a estação de inverno.

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    A alta competitividade da pecuária moderna necessita que a ovinocultura brasileira desenvolva grupos genéticos que aliem características de alto desempenho, com melhores índices produtivos, mas que também sejam adaptadas às condições tropicais. Desta forma, o objetivo neste estudo foi avaliar características da capa externa relacionadas a termorregulação e à tolerância ao calor de duas raças de ovinos de alta expressão para a produção de carne. No inverno de 2011 foram coletadas em um rebanho comercial localizado na região de Cunha, SP amostras do velo de 15 borregas das raças Ile de France e Texel e mensurado a espessura do velo (EV). A partir dessas amostras foi determinado o número de fibras (NF), comprimento das fibras (CF), peso da amostra (PA) e o ângulo de inclinação das fibras (AI) e as diferenças entre os grupos genéticos foram analisadas por meio de análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Turkey (P<0,05). Os animais da raça Texel apresentaram maiores médias (P<0,01) de NF (472,93 ± 404,81), CF (14,61 ± 0,28cm), EP (8,04 ± 0,12cm), PA (0,09 ± 0,002g) e AI (33,57 ± 0,63o) do que os animais da raça Ile de France (404.81 ± 14.27 fibras; 11,43± 0,27cm; 4,62 ± 0,12cm; 0,05 ± 0,002 mg; 25,12 ± 0,61o, respectivamente). De acordo com os resultados deste estudo para as do velo os animais Ile de France mostraram características mais favoráveis à termorregulação em climas tropicais

    Identifying a Cardiac Source of Embolism by Transesophageal Echocardiography: Review of a 12-Year Experience

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    INTRODUCTION: Peripheral embolism is frequently related to a cardiac source of embolism. Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is a useful tool for identifying such sources. OBJECTIVES: Our laboratory has gained wide experience in TEE, with a large number of exams performed to search for a cardiac source of embolism. We therefore thought it would be useful to present our experience in the last 12 years following the introduction of the technique. METHODS: This was a retrospective study of 1110 consecutive patients undergoing TEE to search for a cardiac source of embolism, after an embolic event and a transthoracic echocardiogram. RESULTS: The patients' mean age was 53 +/- 14 years, 52% male. There was peripheral embolism in 5% of cases and cerebral embolism in the remainder. The exam identified a potential embolic source in 35.6% of cases, the most frequent diagnoses being intracardiac shunt at the atrial level (9.5%), atrial septal aneurysm (ASA) (6.6%), intracardiac thrombi (6.4%) and atherosclerotic plaques in the thoracic aorta (9.6%). The presence of ASA was frequently associated with patent foramen ovale (27%), which was more frequent in younger patients. Overall, we identified a cardiac source of embolism more often in elderly patients, with a predominance of atherosclerotic plaques in the aorta. ETE was more frequently diagnostic in patients with peripheral embolism, but there were no differences in terms of etiology. CONCLUSIONS: TEE is very useful to search for cardiac sources of embolism, especially in younger patients, in whom causes potentially treatable surgically or percutaneously can be identified. In elderly patients, therapeutic strategy will probably not be changed by the findings (mostly thrombi and atherosclerotic plaques). The presence of ASA and embolic events makes it essential to perform a thorough search by TEE for intracardiac shunts, which are frequently associated

    Diversidade genética de Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vell.) Morong. no baixo Rio São Francisco, por meio de marcadores RAPD.

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    Enterolobium contortisiliquum Vell. Morong (Leguminosae-Mimosoideae) é uma espécie muito utilizada em programas de recuperação de matas ciliares no Baixo Rio São Francisco, devido ao seu rápido crescimento inicial. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, por meio de marcadores moleculares RAPD, a diversidade genética de oito indivíduos de uma população remanescente dessa espécie, visando contribuir para a definição de estratégias de coleta de sementes. Os indivíduos estão situados em uma área de 100 ha de mata ciliar do Baixo Rio São Francisco. Para a extração do DNA, pelo método CTAB 2%, foram utilizadas folhas tenras dos indivíduos. Testaram-se 20 oligonucleotídios de 10 bases de seqüência arbitrária, cujos produtos foram separados em gel de agarose 0,8%, submetidos à eletroforese horizontal, corados com brometo-de-etídio e visualizados em luz ultravioleta. A similaridade genética entre os indivíduos foi calculada pelo Coeficiente de Similaridade de Jaccard e a construção do dendrograma, realizada utilizando-se o método UPGMA. O valor médio de diversidade genética entre as matrizes foi de 49%, variando de 33 a 85%. Os indivíduos 6 e 7 apresentaram relativa proximidade genética (67%), não sendo indicado o plantio de suas mudas ou semeadura direta para recuperação de área ciliar em locais muito próximos. A partir dos resultados observados, podem-se desenvolver estratégias para a coleta de sementes e produção de mudas, auxiliando, assim, programas de restauração ambiental

    Genetic screening of Alzheimer's disease genes in Iberian and African samples yields novel mutations in presenilins and APP

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    Mutations in three genes (PSEN1, PSEN2, and APP) have been identified in patients with early-onset (<65 years) Alzheimer's disease (AD). We performed a screening for mutations in the coding regions of presenilins, as well as exons 16 and 17 of the APP gene in a total of 231 patients from the Iberian peninsular with a clinical diagnosis of early-onset AD (mean age at onset of 52.9 years; range 31-64). We found three novel mutations in PSEN1, one novel mutation in PSEN2, and a novel mutation in the APP gene. Four previously described mutations in PSEN1 were also found. The same analysis was carried in 121 elderly healthy controls from the Iberian peninsular, and a set of 130 individuals from seven African populations belonging to the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain-Human Genome Diversity Panel (CEPH-HGDP), in order to determine the extent of normal variability in these genes. Interestingly, in the latter series, we found five new non-synonymous changes in all three genes and a presenilin 2 variant (R62H) that has been previously related to AD. In some of these mutations, the pathologic consequence is uncertain and needs further investigation. To address this question we propose and use a systematic algorithm to classify the putative pathology of AD mutations

    Armazenamento de peras "Ya Li" sob refrigeração e atmosfera modificada.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi prolongar o período de conservação de peras ?Ya Li? por meio da utilização de atmosfera modificada passiva (AM). Os frutos foram colhidos em pomar localizado em Farroupilha, RS, em estádio de maturação comercial
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