322 research outputs found

    Procjena utjecaja visokoga tlaka na hidrolizu naringina u soku grejpfruta pomoću naringinaze imobilizirane u kapsulama kalcijeva alginata

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    The reduction of bitterness in citrus juices would increase their acceptance by the consumer. This reduction in grapefruit juices can be achieved as a result of an enzymatic process, with improved commercial value and maintenance of health properties. The use of a cheap, simple and effective immobilisation method combined with high pressure can be a key asset in the debittering of citrus juices. The aim of this study is the debittering of grapefruit juice under high pressure, with naringinase immobilized in calcium alginate beads. Naringinase, an α-rhamnopyranosidase, hydrolyzes naringin (a flavanone glycoside and primary bitter component in grapefruit juice) to naringenin, which is tasteless. High pressure can activate or inhibit enzymatic activities depending on the proteins and conditions. The hydrolysis of naringin was first evaluated in model solution (acetate buffer 0.02 M, pH=4.0) and then in grapefruit juice. In model solution, at 160 MPa and 37 °C, a 50 % increase in the concentration of reducing sugars was obtained when compared to the reaction at atmospheric pressure. The higher naringenin concentration (33 mg/L) was obtained at 54 °C under high pressure of 200 MPa, which corresponds to a naringin reduction of 72 % in model solution, while at atmospheric pressure (0.1 MPa), the naringin reduction was only 35 %. The decrease in naringin content can be directly correlated with the reduction in bitterness. From the concentration of residual naringin, the percentage of reduction in bitterness was evaluated. In grapefruit juice, a debittering of 75 % occurred with a pressure of 160 MPa at 37 °C for 20 minutes.Smanjenjem gorčine sokova citrusa povećala bi se njihova prihvatljivost za potrošače. Gorčina soka grejpfruta može se smanjiti enzimskim procesom koji poboljšava komercijalnu vrijednost soka, a ne smanjuje njegov pozitivan utjecaj na zdravlje. Uporaba jeftinih, jednostavnih i djelotvornih metoda imobilizacije, kombiniranih uz primjenu visokoga tlaka, ključni su za odgorčavanje sokova citrusa. Svrha je ovog istraživanja smanjiti gorčinu soka grejpfruta primjenom visokoga tlaka i naringinaze imobilizirane u kapsulama kalcijeva alginata. Naringinaza, tj. α-ramnopiranozidaza, hidrolizira naringin (flavanon glikozida što je osnovna gorka komponenta soka grejpfruta) u naringenin koji nema okus. Visoki tlak može aktivirati ili inhibirati aktivnost enzima ovisno o sastavu proteina i uvjetima hidrolize. U radu je najprije istražena hidroliza naringina u modelnoj otopini (acetatni pufer 0,02 M; pH=4,0), a zatim u soku grejpfruta. U modelnoj je otopini pri 160 MPa i 37 °C postignuto 50 %-tno povećanje koncentracije reducirajućih šećera, u usporedbi s reakcijom pri atmosferskom tlaku. Veća koncentracija naringenina (33 mg/L) postignuta je pri 54 °C i visokom tlaku od 200 MPa, što odgovara 72 %-tnoj redukciji narinigina u modelnoj otopini, dok je pri atmosferskom tlaku (0,1 MPa) redukcija naringina iznosila samo 35 %. Smanjenje koncentracije naringina može se povezati sa smanjenjem gorčine soka, tako da je postotak smanjenja procijenjen prema koncentraciji preostalog naringina. U soku grejpfruta smanjenje gorčine od 75 % postignuto je pri tlaku od 160 MPa, na 37 °C, tijekom 20 minuta

    Cytokines and Interferons: Types and Functions

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    This chapter aims to describe and review the main important cytokines types (notably interferons), including their biological activities, functions and structures. As a high number of molecules are available, synthesis of the most important cytokines, including tumor factor necrosis, interferons and interleukins will be presented. Here we also describe the relationships between those cytokines with some autoimmune diseases that are promoted by them

    Validation of the self-assessment Scale of Autonomy Promotion in Older Adults (EAPAI) by nurses

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    Background: The promotion of older adults’ autonomy is particularly relevant in nursing care. However, no instruments were found in the literature that allowed the self-assessment of autonomy promotion in older adults. Objective: To evaluate the psychometric properties of a self-assessment scale of autonomy promotion in older adults. Methodology: This is a methodological study that included the assessment of the scale’s psychometric properties, using a sample of 360 nurses. The scale’s reliability was assessed through internal consistency and construct validity using an exploratory factor analysis (varimax rotation). Results: The total internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha) was 0.983, ranging from 0.955 to 0.990 across the six factors identified. Conclusion: The scale presents good psychometric properties and consists of an instrument for nurses to self-assess autonomy promotion in older adults. This instrument can potentially increase nurses’ awareness in this area.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A survey for maintenance of virulent newcastle disease virus-free area in poultry production in Brazil

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    In 2003, Brazil was recognized as a pathogenic Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) strain-free country for commercial poultry. This research was conducted in Brazil between December 2003 and March 2005 to verify the maintenance of this virulent NDV-free status. Serum samples from 5,455 flocks for commercial poultry farms were collected, comprising 81,825 broiler chickens. The farms were located in nine states of the country, grouped in three geographic regions. Serological evidence of NDV infection was detected in 28.8% of the surveyed farms. However, all fifteen viruses isolated and identified as Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) were characterized as nonpathogenic strains, based on the Intracerebral Pathogenicity Index. These results showed that Brazil preserves the virulent NDV-free status for commercial flocks.368375Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Comparative Evaluation Of Conventional Rt-pcr And Real-time Rt-pcr (rrt-pcr) For Detection Of Avian Metapneumovirus Subtype A [comparação Entre As Técnicas De Rt-pcr Convencional E Rt-pcr Em Tempo Real Para A Detecção Do Metapneumovírus Aviários Subtipo A]

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    Avian metapneumovirus (AMPV) belongs to Metapneumovirus genus of Paramyxoviridae family. Virus isolation, serology, and detection of genomic RNA are used as diagnostic methods for AMPV. The aim of the present study was to compare the detection of six subgroup A AMPV isolates (AMPV/A) viral RNA by using different conventional and real time RT-PCR methods. Two new RT-PCR tests and two real time RT-PCR tests, both detecting fusion (F) gene and nucleocapsid (N) gene were compared with an established test for the attachment (G) gene. All the RT-PCR tested assays were able to detect the AMPV/A. The lower detection limits were observed using the N-, F- based RRT-PCR and F-based conventional RT-PCR (10 0.3 to 10 1 TCID 50 mL -1). The present study suggests that the conventional F-based RT-PCR presented similar detection limit when compared to N- and F-based RRT-PCR and they can be successfully used for AMPV/A detection.39514451451Arns, C.W., Hafez, M.H., (1992) Swollen Head Syndrome in Poultry Flocks in Brazil, pp. 81-84. , In: WESTERN POULTRY DISEASE CONFERENCE, 41., 1992, Sacramento, USA. Proceedings... Davis, CA: Conference & Event Services, University of CaliforniaBarik, S., Transcription of human respiratory syncytial virus genome RNA in vitro: Requirement of cellular factor(s) (1992) Journal of Virology, 66, pp. 6813-6818Bäyon-Auboyer, M.H., Comparison of F-, G- and N-based RT-PCR protocols with conventional virological procedures for the detection and typing of turkey rhinotracheitis virus (1999) Archives of Virology, 144 (6), pp. 1091-1109. , http://www.springerlink.com/content/vxcm8vulvfx3vmeh, Disponível em:, Doi: 10.1007/s007050050572Cecchinato, M., Design, validation, and absolute sensitivity of a novel test for the molecular detection of avian pneumovirus (2004) Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 16 (6), pp. 582-585Choi, J.H., Development of real-time PCR assays for detection and quantification of human bocavirus (2008) Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 42 (3), pp. 249-253. , http://www.journalofclinicalvirology.com/article/S1386-6532(08)00070-X, Disponível em:, Doi: 10.1016/j.jcv.2008.02.010Cook, J.K., Cavanagh, D., Detection and differentiation of avian pneumoviruses (metapneumoviruses) (2002) Avian Pathology, 31 (2), pp. 117-132D'arce, R.C., et al, Subtyping of new Brazilian avian metapneumovirus isolates from chickens and turkeys by reverse transcriptase-nested-polymerase chain reaction (2005) Avian Pathology, 34 (2), pp. 133-136Dani, M.A., Molecular characterization of Brazilian avian pneumovirus isolates: Comparison between immunochemiluminescent Southern blot and nested PCR (1999) Journal of Virological Methods, 79 (2), pp. 237-241. , http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MImg&_imagekey=B6T96-3WJDTS 6-D-7&_cdi=5106&_user=687304&_orig=search&_coverDate=05% 2F31%2F1999&_sk=999209997&view=c&wchp=dGLbVlW-zSkzS&md5= 6b42016b9f823422152fecdd9a0d7060&ie=, Disponível em:, Doi: 10.1016/S0166-0934(99)00020-8Fauquet, C.M., (2005) Virus taxonomy: VIIIth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, p. 1162. , Amsterdam: Elsevier AcademicFerreira, H.L., Inhibition of avian metapneumovirus (AMPV) replication by RNA interference targeting nucleoprotein gene (N) in cultured cells (2007) Antiviral Research, 74 (1), pp. 77-81. , http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MImg&_imagekey=B6T2H-4MR1GV 1-1-1&_cdi=4919&_user=10&_orig=search&_coverDate=04%2F30 %2F2007&_sk=999259998&view=c&wchp=dGLzVtb-zSkWb&md5=a1d6 3aa0ca8ae7b4fa06307793e8edc5&ie=, Disponível em:, Doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2006.12.002Giraud, P., Turkey rhinotracheitis in France: Preliminary investigations on a ciliostatic virus (1986) Veterinary Record, 119 (24), pp. 606-607Gough, R.E., Avian pneumoviruses (2003) Diseases of Poultry, pp. 92-99. , In: SAIF, M. et al., Ames: Iowa StateGuionie, O., Laboratory evaluation of a quantitative real-time reverse transcription PCR assay for the detection and identification of the four subgroups of avian metapneumovirus (2007) Journal of Virological Methods, 139 (2), pp. 150-158. , http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MImg&_imagekey=B6T96-4MFJJ1 2-1-3&_cdi=5106&_user=10&_orig=search&_coverDate=02%2F28 %2F2007&_sk=998609997&view=c&wchp=dGLzVtz-zSkWz&md5=70a2 de1148e26bf618e402c54144d25e&ie=, Disponível em:, Doi: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2006.09.022Juhasz, K., Easton, A.J., Extensive sequence variation in the attachment (G) protein gene of avian pneumovirus: Evidence for two distinct subgroups (1994) Journal of General Virology, 75 (PART 11), pp. 2873-2880. , http://vir.sgmjournals.org/cgi/reprint/75/11/2873, Disponível em:, Doi: 10.1099/0022-1317-75-11-2873Keightley, M.C., Real-time NASBA detection of SARS-associated coronavirus and comparison with real-time reverse transcription-PCR (2005) Journal of Medical Virology, 77 (4), pp. 602-608. , http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/112137449, Disponível em:, Doi: 10.1002/jmv.20498Loisy, F., Real-time RT-PCR for norovirus screening in shellfish (2005) Journal of Virological Methods, 123 (1), pp. 1-7Maertzdorf, J., Real-time reverse transcriptase PCR assay for detection of human metapneumoviruses from all known genetic lineages (2004) Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 42, pp. 981-986. , http://jcm.asm.org/cgi/reprint/42/3/981, Disponível em:, Doi: 10.1128/JCM.42.3.981-986.2004Otsuki, K., Demonstration of serum-neutralising antibody to turkey rhinotracheitis virus in serum from chicken flocks in Japan (1996) Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 58 (9), pp. 869-874Pabbaraju, K., Diagnosis and epidemiological studies of human metapneumovirus using real-time PCR (2007) Journal of Clinical Virology, 40 (3), pp. 186-192. , http://www.journalofclinicalvirology.com/article/PIIS1386653207002740, Doi:10.1016/j.jcv.2007.08.004Reed, J.I., Muench, H., A simple method for estimating fifth percent endpoints (1938) American Journal Hygiene, 27, pp. 493-49

    Complete Genome Sequence Of A Vaccinal Newcastle Disease Virus Strain Isolated From An Owl (rhinoptynx Clamator)

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)A Newcastle disease virus (NDV) was isolated in chicken embryonated eggs after detection by real-time reverse transcription- PCR (RRT-PCR) from a captive owl swab. The complete genome sequence of APMV-1/Rhinoptynx clamator/Brazil/22516/2009 (APMV-1, avian paramyxovirus type 1) was obtained using Illumina sequencing. Phylogenetic analysis of the complete genome classified the isolate within NDV class II genotype II. © 2016 Van Borm et al.46CNPq, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e TecnológicoConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Theoretical overview on high-energy emission in microquasars

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    Microquasar (MQ) jets are sites of particle acceleration and synchrotron emission. Such synchrotron radiation has been detected coming from jet regions of different spatial scales, which for the instruments at work nowadays appear as compact radio cores, slightly resolved radio jets, or (very) extended structures. Because of the presence of relativistic particles and dense photon, magnetic and matter fields, these outflows are also the best candidates to generate the very high-energy (VHE) gamma-rays detected coming from two of these objects, LS 5039 and LS I +61 303, and may be contributing significantly to the X-rays emitted from the MQ core. In addition, beside electromagnetic radiation, jets at different scales are producing some amount of leptonic and hadronic cosmic rays (CR), and evidences of neutrino production in these objects may be eventually found. In this work, we review on the different physical processes that may be at work in or related to MQ jets. The jet regions capable to produce significant amounts of emission at different wavelengths have been reduced to the jet base, the jet at scales of the order of the size of the system orbital semi-major axis, the jet middle scales (the resolved radio jets), and the jet termination point. The surroundings of the jet could be sites of multiwavelegnth emission as well, deserving also an insight. We focus on those scenarios, either hadronic or leptonic, in which it seems more plausible to generate both photons from radio to VHE and high-energy neutrinos. We briefly comment as well on the relevance of MQ as possible contributors to the galactic CR in the GeV-PeV range.Comment: Astrophysics & Space Science, in press (invited talk in the conference: The multimessenger approach to the high-energy gamma-ray sources", Barcelona/Catalonia, in July 4-7); 10 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables (one reference corrected