168 research outputs found

    Water-based polyurethane dispersions: chemistry, technology and applications

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    Over the past few decades, polyurethane-polyurea aqueous dispersions (PUDs) have developed a solid reputation for high performance applications, particularly in the field of adhesives and coatings. PUDs are mostly environmentally compatible products; they are totally devoid or contain only low amounts of volatile organic compounds (VOC). This is an important feature in view of the present environmental policies where governments and internal agencies are placing emphasis on developing sustainable processes, improving work conditions and reducing emissions of toxic and polluting substances into the atmosphere. In the past years, our research group has been involved in the development of polyurethane-polyurea aqueous dispersions for two main applications (footwear and indirect food contact). With this work we intend to review this theme and describe some of the achieved developments. Characterization of commercial dispersions will be presented and examples of synthesis will be described, following a modified pre-polymer process developed in our group

    Patrón de reconocimiento de bellotas procedentes de diferentes especies Quercus basado en el contenido de aceite y en el perfil de ácidos grasos

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    The aim of this study was (i) to characterize different species of Quercus genus and (ii) to discriminate among them on the basis of the content and fatty acid composition of the oil in their fruits and/or their morphological aspects via pattern recognition techniques (Principal Component Analysis, PCA, Cluster Analysis, CA, and Discriminant Analysis, DA). Quercus rotundifolia Lam., Quercus suber L. and Quercus pyrenaica Willd., grown in the same stand in the centre of Portugal, were investigated. When oil content and respective fatty acid composition were used to characterize samples, well-separated groups corresponding to each of the species were observed by PCA and confirmed by CA and DA. The ‘‘width’’ and ‘‘length’’ of acorns exhibited a low discriminant power. Acorns from Q. rotundifolia showed the highest average oil content followed by Q. suber and Q. pyrenaica acorns (9.1, 5.2 and 3.8%, respectively). Fatty acid profiles of Q. rotundifolia and Q. suber oils are similar to olive oil while the oil from Q. pyrenaica acorns is more unsaturated.El objetivo de este estudio fué (i) la caracterización de diferentes especies del género Quercus y (ii) la clasificación de las mismas en base al contenido y composición de ácidos grasos del aceite de sus frutos y/o en sus caracteres morfológicos, via técnicas de patrón de reconocimiento (Análisis de Componentes Principales, ACP, Análisis de Cluster, AC, y Análisis Discriminante, AD). Se han estudiado Quercus rotundifolia Lam., Quercus suber L. y Quercus pyrenaica Willd., pertenecientes a la misma zona del centro de Portugal. Al emplear el contenido de aceite y sus respectivas composiciones de ácidos grasos para caracterizar a las muestras, el ACP reveló grupos bien separados correspondientes a cada especie, los cuales, a su vez, se confirmarón con el AC y el AD. El ‘‘ancho’’ y ‘‘longitud’’ de las bellotas exhibieron un poder discriminante bajo. Las bellotas de Q. rotundifolia mostraron el contenido más elevado de aceite, seguidas de las de Q. suber y Q. pyrenaica (9.1, 5.2 y 3.8%, respectivamente). Los perfiles de ácidos grasos de los aceites de Q. rotundifolia y Q. suber son similares al del aceite de oliva, mientras que el aceite de las bellotas de Q.pyrenaica es más insaturado

    Chitosan microparticles loaded with essential oils having in view leather applications

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    Chitosan is a biopolymer attracting considerable attention for diverse applications due to its unique properties like biodegradability, biocompability, non-toxicity and antimicrobial activity. It is obtained by the partial N-deacetylation of chitin, which is the second most abundant polysaccharide in nature, next to cellulose. Chitosan is a viable base material for functional coatings development, namely due to its antimicrobial activity. This characteristic is especially useful for footwear applications that constitute products prone to microbial attack. In this context, developing antimicrobial coatings to be used in footwear components in direct contact with the feet are of great interest, both at industrial level (reducing possibility of material deterioration and quality loss), as well as, from the consumer’s point of view (decrease of skin infections and minor unpleasant odours). Following our previous work, where leather impregnation with chitosan was studied at laboratorial level with quite promising results, and having in view the final application (footwear leather components), where the antimicrobial effect must need to be enhanced, we have developed the idea of microencapsulate different essential oils, with recognized antimicrobial activity like lemon, oregano, eucalyptus and pine. These chitosan-based microparticles, loaded with the chosen essential oil are intended to be applied conjunctly with the chitosan coating process previously studied. Microencapsulation will ensure that the loaded core material will be progressively released, reinforcing the antimicrobial durability and effectiveness of the final product.COMPETE, QREN and EU within the project QREN-ADI-1585-ADVANCEDSHO

    Chitosan-based leather functional coatings with improved antimicrobial properties

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    Among the interesting biological activities that have been ascribed to chitosan, the antimicrobial activity is probably the one that generates the higher number of applications. Developing antimicrobial coatings for footwear components to be used in direct contact with the feet is of great interest; both at industrial level (reducing the possibility of material deterioration and quality loss) and from the consumer’s point of view (decreasing skin infections and minimizing unpleasant odours). One weakness of this application is addressed to the durability and efficiency of the product antimicrobial activity, since it is directly associated with the availability of the positively charged R–NH3 + groups that are depleted during use

    Chitosan as an antimicrobial agent for footwear leather components

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    In the footwear industry, microorganisms’ growth can pose problems of material deterioration with associated unpleasant smell and generate possible infections in susceptible individuals. Generally, footwear presents high relative humidity conditions that enable the growth of bacteria and fungi. Additionally, leather itself and some tannery agents such as oils and greases, provide a substrate where microorganisms can grow. In the foot, microtraumas caused by ingrown nails, abrasions and lacerations can allow microbial invasion through epidermis, resulting in skin infection. In this work, the applicability of chitosan functional coatings to leather was tested, with the purpose to develop new base materials to produce footwear components. The leather treated with chitosan was then studied for its antibacterial properties against 3 different bacteria.COMPETE, QREN and EU (project QREN-ADI-1585-ADVANCEDSHOE)

    E-Learning from nature: picking from nature the inspiration to teach and learn science

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    This work aims to present the work done so far by the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB) within the project E-learning from Nature. The project includes, at national level, a network of secondary schools from the district of Bragança and aims to promote a proactive students’ approach to scientific subjects learning and propose innovative teaching methodologies to science teachers. Five geographical areas of natural interest have been selected: Azibo Reservoir Protected Landscape, Douro International Natural Park, Montesinho Natural Park, Landscapes of Serra da Nogueira and the Cork oak forests of Jerusalém do Romeu. Among the scientific topics to be illustrated by examples found in nature, Mathematics, Biology, Geology, Physics, Chemistry and/or Geography are in focus. Apart from the work to be done at national level, a fruitful cooperation is expected from the exchange of experiences among the international partners (Italy, Belgium, Ireland, Greece, Lithuania, Portugal and Romania).Project funded by Erasmus + Programme (Project Number 2015-1-IT02-KA201-015133).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The influence of processing parameters on morphology and granulometry of a wet-milled sol-gel glass powder

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    A quaternary bioactive sol-gel glass of high silica content was heat treated at different temperatures, and then wet ball milled under different balls-to-powder ratios. A total of sixteen experiments were performed to study in detail the effects of both experimental variables on the structure, morphology, particle size distributions and nitrogen adsorption isotherms. The balls–to–powder ratio exerts a tremendous influence on the final particle size distribution of the powders, while its effects on the pore volume and morphology are minimal. These structural features are mostly governed by the changes in calcination temperature. Therefore, understanding the specific roles of each experimental parameter is of paramount importance towards achieving optimum powders with the desired properties. This work sheds light on the importance of using a suitable combination of these two parameters for tuning the morphology and the granulometry of the sol-gel derived bioactive glass powders.publishe

    Development of a prototype to access biodegradability of TPU shoe soles under controlled conditions

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    In the last years, the increasing problems posed by waste management have stimulated the interest in developing more sustainable and bio-based solutions for the footwear industry, including the use of biodegradable materials. As part of the NEWALK project, the objective of this work consisted in optimizing and implementing a respirometry system prototype. Besides evaluating different variables, two different approaches for measuring the evolved CO2 were assayed. Compared to manual titration, the use of conductivity offers the advantage of an automatic continuous monitoring.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The use of bio-based additives (lignin, starch and cellulose) in thermoplastic polyuretane formulations to enhance the biodegradability of footwear components

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    Thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPUs) are one of the most widely used polymeric materials. They can be used in an extensive range of applications, including automotive, footwear, interior design, adhesives, coatings, textile and biomedical. In what concerns the footwear sector, it is estimated that TPU based components represent about 60% of the whole European production of footwear components [1]. On the other hand, the use of a wide variety of additives in TPU formulations (e.g. pigments, coatings and fillers) limits the possibility of recycling. In such scenario, biodegradable polymers could offer an excellent solution to the environment hazard posed by the conventional materials [2]. Therefore, given the widespread use of TPUs and associated waste management problems, it makes sense to invest on the development of more biodegradable and environmental compatible solutions. For this purpose, the incorporation of bio-based and biodegradable additives is being studied in the last years [2-4]. The incorporation of a biodegradable compound, even at a low content in a TPU formulation, can promote biodegradation. It will constitute a preferential site for microorganisms’ attack thus favouring biodegradation initiation and progression. In this work, a base TPU used in the footwear industry was modified by compounding with three biobased additives (lignin, starch and cellulose). Biodegradability of the resulting materials was evaluated in agar plate tests against the fungi Aspergillus niger ATCC16404, the gram negative bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC9027 and an association of both (consortium). In a second phase soil tests have been also performed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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