1,522 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento de aplicações móveis com o caso de estudo Mobile Fitting Room

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    Dissertação apresentado à Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do IPL para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática - Computação Móvel, orientada pela Doutora Catarina Helena Branco Simões Silva.O investimento em soluções na área móvel realizado por empresas de e-commerce atualmente, começa a ser cada vez mais uma realidade para as empresas neste ramo de atividade. Devido ao aumento da procura de dispositivos móveis, é seguro afirmar que existem cada vez mais utilizadores destes dispositivos, deixando assim uma porta aberta para as já referidas empresas, proporcionando uma nova forma de chegar aos clientes, assim como cativar novos potenciais clientes. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é o estudo e desenvolvimento de uma solução móvel para proporcionar aos utilizadores a experiência de um provador de roupa virtual, denominada de Mobile Fitting Room, desenhada especificamente para tablets com as plataformas Android e iOS. A solução destina-se a uma empresa de e-commerce na área do sector têxtil. Disponibiliza aos seus utilizadores a funcionalidade que proporciona a experiência tanto intuitiva como eficaz de virtualmente “vestir” os artigos e ainda partilhar o resultado dessa experiencia através de canais de redes sociais e até alcançar algum feedback através dos mesmos canais. Para além dessa funcionalidade, também permite aos mesmos utilizadores consultarem e comprarem artigos têxteis da colecção

    Comunidades energéticas na transição para a sustentabilidade: o caso da América do Sul

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    Energy communities (ECs) have become an attractive scholarly target in the last years since they promote more sustainable, democratic, and decentralized electrical systems. Thus, a new research line around the alignments established by the European Union (EU) has arisen. Nevertheless, Latin American initiatives and academic works still lack a standard distinctness, being widely spread, despite commonalities. This study examines regional projects from a critical perspective to fashion a novel framework around South American ECs' experiences. Literature indicates a variety of cases in the region, primarily off-grid isolated ventures that satisfy basic human needs, employing hydropower, solar, wind, biomass, and biogas technologies. Notably, Brazil indicates more profound advancements in on-grid ECs within urban settlements.Las Comunidades Energéticas (CE) han llegado a ser un atractivo foco de estudio durante los últimos años, puesto que, promueven sistemas eléctricos más sustentables, democráticos y descentralizados. Como consecuencia, ha emergido una nueva línea de investigación en torno a las definiciones establecidas por la Unión Europea (UE). No obstante, las iniciativas y trabajos académicos latinoamericanos aún no poseen definiciones estándar, a pesar de existir múltiples elementos en común. Para satisfacer aquella ausencia, este trabajo examina proyectos regionales desde una perspectiva crítica, con el objeto de diseñar un nuevo marco académico en torno a las experiencias sudamericanas. La literatura muestra diversos casos en la región, los cuales, generalmente consisten en emprendimientos aislados de tipo off-grid que satisfacen necesidades humanas básicas, usando, principalmente, tecnología hidroeléctrica, solar, eólica y de biomasa. Brasil presenta mayores avances en lo que respecta a las CE on-grid en asentamientos urbanos.Energy communities (ECs) have become an attractive scholarly target in the last years since they promote more sustainable, democratic, and decentralized electrical systems. Thus, a new research line around the alignments established by the European Union (EU) has arisen. Nevertheless, Latin American initiatives and academic works still lack a standard distinctness, being widely spread, despite commonalities. This study examines regional projects from a critical perspective to fashion a novel framework around South American ECs' experiences. Literature indicates a variety of cases in the region, primarily off-grid isolated ventures that satisfy basic human needs, employing hydropower, solar, wind, biomass, and biogas technologies. Notably, Brazil indicates more profound advancements in on-grid ECs within urban settlements.EAs Comunidades Energéticas (CEs) têm chamado atenção acadêmica nos últimos anos, na medida emque promovem sistemas elétricos mais sustentáveis, democráticos e descentralizados. Um conjunto deestudos vem sendo realizado, acerca da temática, tomando como referência as definições estabelecidas pela União Europeia (EU). No entanto, as iniciativas latino-americanas carecem de um olhar específico,apesar dos pontos em comum. Para preencher essa lacuna, este trabalho estuda experiências sulamericanas relatadas na literatura recente, enfatizando as lições, fortalezas e fraquezas sob uma lente sociotécnica e política. Trinta e oito artigos mostram uma diversidade de casos presentes na região. Tratam-se, principalmente, de empreendimentos isolados tipo off-grid satisfazendo necessidades humanas básicas, empregando tecnologia hidrelétrica, solar, eólica e de biomassa. Nos últimos anos, o Brasil mostra avanços no relativo às CEs on-grid em assentamentos urbanos. No entanto, ainda existe um vasto potencial para desenvolver novos projetos na região

    Site-specific acetylation of ISWI by GCN5

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The tight organisation of eukaryotic genomes as chromatin hinders the interaction of many DNA-binding regulators. The local accessibility of DNA is regulated by many chromatin modifying enzymes, among them the nucleosome remodelling factors. These enzymes couple the hydrolysis of ATP to disruption of histone-DNA interactions, which may lead to partial or complete disassembly of nucleosomes or their sliding on DNA. The diversity of nucleosome remodelling factors is reflected by a multitude of ATPase complexes with distinct subunit composition.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found further diversification of remodelling factors by posttranslational modification. The histone acetyltransferase GCN5 can acetylate the <it>Drosophila </it>remodelling ATPase ISWI at a single, conserved lysine, K753, <it>in vivo </it>and <it>in vitro</it>. The target sequence is strikingly similar to the N-terminus of histone H3, where the corresponding lysine, H3K14, can also be acetylated by GCN5. The acetylated form of ISWI represents a minor species presumably associated with the nucleosome remodelling factor NURF.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Acetylation of histone H3 and ISWI by GCN5 is explained by the sequence similarity between the histone and ISWI around the acetylation site. The common motif RK<sup>T</sup>/<sub>S</sub>xGx(K<sup>ac</sup>)xP<sup>R</sup>/<sub>K </sub>differs from the previously suggested GCN5/PCAF recognition motif GKxxP. This raises the possibility of co-regulation of a nucleosome remodelling factor and its nucleosome substrate through acetylation of related epitopes and suggests a direct crosstalk between two distinct nucleosome modification principles.</p

    SARS-CoV-2, Zika viruses and mycoplasma:Structure, pathogenesis and some treatment options in these emerging viral and bacterial infectious diseases

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    The molecular evolution of life on earth along with changing environmental, conditions has rendered mankind susceptible to endemic and pandemic emerging infectious diseases. The effects of certain systemic viral and bacterial infections on morbidity and mortality are considered as examples of recent emerging infections. Here we will focus on three examples of infections that are important in pregnancy and early childhood: SARS-CoV-2 virus, Zika virus, and Mycoplasma species. The basic structural characteristics of these infectious agents will be examined, along with their general pathogenic mechanisms. Coronavirus infections, such as caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, likely evolved from zoonotic bat viruses to infect humans and cause a pandemic that has been the biggest challenge for humanity since the Spanish Flu pandemic of the early 20th century. In contrast, Zika Virus infections represent an expanding infectious threat in the context of global climate change. The relationship of these infections to pregnancy, the vertical transmission and neurological sequels make these viruses highly relevant to the topics of this special issue. Finally, mycoplasmal infections have been present before mankind evolved, but they were rarely identified as human pathogens until recently, and they are now recognized as important coinfections that are able to modify the course and prognosis of various infectious diseases and other chronic illnesses. The infectious processes caused by these intracellular microorganisms are examined as well as some general aspects of their pathogeneses, clinical presentations, and diagnoses. We will finally consider examples of treatments that have been used to reduce morbidity and mortality of these infections and discuss briefly the current status of vaccines, in particular, against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It is important to understand some of the basic features of these emerging infectious diseases and the pathogens involved in order to better appreciate the contributions of this special issue on how infectious diseases can affect human pregnancy, fetuses and neonates

    Clinical usefulness of the electroencephalogram in acute stroke: a preliminary study

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    Introduction: Stroke is the main cause of disability worldwide, being the first cause of death in Portugal. In the first hours of the event, the cranioencephalic CT scan (CT Scan) does not show the lesion in about 74% of cases, making validation of alternative diagnostic approaches of utmost importance. The electroencephalogram (EEG) may provide useful information for the diagnosis and prognosis of stroke. Objective: To study the potential usefulness of the EEG for the early diagnosis of acute stroke in patients with initial negative CT Scan, and for the evaluation of the functional status and risk of epilepsy. Methods: Retrospective analysis of patients with ischemic stroke who underwent EEG and acute phase CT scan between January 2014 and February 2018. Patient characteristics and stroke were classified according to the Oxfordshire Community Stroke Project (OCSP) criteria. The patients were functionally evaluated at 12 months post-stroke by the modified Rankin Scale (mRS) and the existence of post-stroke epilepsy was determined by telephone interview on February 2018. Results: Thirty patients (25 females and 5 males, mean age 70.5 years) were included. According to the OCSP were identified: 40% TACS, 37% PACS, 10% LACS and 13% POCS. 50% with acute vascular injury visible on the initial CT Scan performed with 7 hours of evolution in median. All patients underwent EEG with a median of 3 days of evolution, and slow focal activity was observed in all patients, and focal paroxysmal activity (PA) was seen in 17% of the participants. 17 patients (58% of patients) developed post-stroke epilepsy (PSE) with 4 of these having PA evidence in the initial EEG (24%). One of the patients with PA in the initial EEG did not develop epilepsy during a 4 years follow-up period. In patients without PA, the average of mRs at follow-up was 3.8 and the mortality was 24%, whereas in patients with PA, the mean of the mRs was 5.0 and the mortality was 40%. Conclusion: In this study, unlike CT Scan, the acute-phase EEG presented with abnormal features in all patients with acute stroke, therefore the EEG may potentially provide significant diagnostic information, estimates of risk for developing future epilepsy and also overall risk stratification. Further studies are needed to validate this hypothesis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Um conceito de cadastro metropolitano

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    Resumos em portugues e inglesOrientador: Axel Gehard MillerDissertaçao (mestrado) -Universidade Federal do Paraná. Curso de Pós-Graduaçao em Ciencias GeodésicasResumo: O principal objetivo desta dissertacao se prende ao desenvol^ vimento de Um Conceito de Cadastro Metropolitano. Primeiramente o trabalho mostra como surgiram os primeiros ca dastros europeus com seus limitados objetivos. 0 topico seguinte apresenta um cadastro de multiplos fins sur gido em decorrencia das necessidades requeridas pelo desenvolvimento da so ciedade. Em seguida e feita uma descricao dos cadastros implantados no Brasil. Uma adaptacao da ideia de cadastro de multiplos fins para uma regiao metropolitana resultou na conceituacao do Cadastro Metropolitano. Finalmente o conteudo do Cadastro Metropolitano e enfatizado assim como o papel desempenhado pelo mesmo em um Sistema de Informacoes Me tropolitanas sobre Imoveis.Abstract: The principal objective of this thesis is the development of A Concept of a Metropolitan Cadastre. First of all, this paper presents how the first cadastres were filed with their narrow objectives. The next topic shows a cadastre for multiples purposes engendered by the necessity of the development of tiie society. Afterwords, a description is made of the cadastre implanted in Brazil. A Metropolitan Cadastral Concept result from the adaptation of a cadastre for multiples purposes for a metropolitan area. Finally, the contents of a Metropolitan Cadastre are stressed along with the role played by it in a Metropolitan Information System of Real Estate

    Functional consequences of lead and mercury exposomes in the heart

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    Lead and mercury are heavy metals that are highly toxic to life forms. There are no known physiological processes that require them, and they do not have a particular threshold concentration to produce biologic damage. They are non-biodegradable, and they slowly accumulate in the environment in a dynamic equilibrium between air, water, soil, food, and living organisms. Their accumulation in the environment has been increasing over time, because they were not banned from use in anthropogenic industrial production. In their +2 cationic state they are powerful oxidizing agents with the ability to interfere significantly with processes that require specific divalent cations. Acute or chronic exposure to lead and mercury can produce multisystemic damage, especially in the developing nervous systems of children and fetuses, resulting in variety of neurological consequences. They can also affect the cardiovascular system and especially the heart, either directly through their action on cardiomyocytes or indirectly through their effects on innervation, humoral responses or blood vessel alterations. For example, heart function modified by these heavy metals are heart rate, contraction, excitability, and rhythm. Some cardiac molecular targets have been identified and characterized. The direct mechanisms of damage of these heavy metals on heart function are discussed. We conclude that exposome to these heavy metals, should be considered as a major relevant risk factor for cardiac diseases

    Myocardial first-pass perfusion cardiovascular magnetic resonance: history, theory, and current state of the art

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    In less than two decades, first-pass perfusion cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) has undergone a wide range of changes with the development and availability of improved hardware, software, and contrast agents, in concert with a better understanding of the mechanisms of contrast enhancement. The following review provides a perspective of the historical development of first-pass CMR, the developments in pulse sequence design and contrast agents, the relevant animal models used in early preclinical studies, the mechanism of artifacts, the differences between 1.5T and 3T scanning, and the relevant clinical applications and protocols. This comprehensive overview includes a summary of the past clinical performance of first-pass perfusion CMR and current clinical applications using state-of-the-art methodologies