203 research outputs found

    A estética do vil: pensando a canção, do Brasil. Tatit, Wisnik e o fim da canção

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    L’objectif de ce travail est de réfléchir sur la place que peut occuper aujourd’hui une pensée esthétique sur la chanson; en particulier au Brésil. Pour ce faire, nous commençons par analyser ce que l’on comprend par "musique populaire", nous passons en revue quelques aspects pertinents de cette aproche à partir de la pensée académique et, particulièrement dans le domaine de l’esthétique, nous présentons les conceptions de deux philosophes américains – Richard Shusterman et Theodore Gracyk – à ce propos. Ensuite, en ce qui concerne la situation au Brésil, nous avons essayé de vérifier comment les questions soulevées par ces penseurs, ainsi que des éléments de la scène générale décrite précédemment, s’appliqueraient – ou pas – au panorama national. Enfin, pour explorer les spécificités de ce dernier, nous avons choisi comme objet d'analyse privilégié les productions de José Miguel Wisnik et de Luiz Tatit, à la fois du point de vue académique - où ils sont généralement reconnus comme des grands précurseurs et influenceurs des études sur la chanson – et du point de vue musical – en particulier celui présentée par eux dans le spectacle disponible en DVD O fim da canção (La fin de la chanson), conscients que le croisement même entre la pensée sur la chanson et la chanson qui pense constitue, après tout, l’une de ces spécificités; encore plus pertinent ici à cause du titre choisi – bien que astucieusement – pour la présentation commune: une référence, précisément, au débat sur la crise de la place ocupée par une certaine tradition de la chanson nationale – dont les mérites esthétiques sont largement reconnus – au début du 21ème siècle.O objetivo deste trabalho é o de refletir a respeito do lugar que pode ocupar hoje um pensamento estético a respeito da canção; em especial, no Brasil. Para isso, primeiramente, começamos por analisar aquilo que se entende por “música popular”, passamos por aspectos relevantes de sua abordagem a partir do pensamento erudito e, buscando especialmente aquilo que dessa relação se poderia extrair atualmente em termos estéticos, expomos alguns pontos centrais daquilo que dois filósofos norte-americanos – Richard Shusterman e Theodore Gracyk – elaboraram a respeito. Em seguida, voltando-nos ao quadro brasileiro, procuramos verficar de que maneira questões levantadas por esses pensadores, bem como elementos da cena geral descrita anteriormente, se aplicariam – ou não – ao panorama nacional. Finalmente, como forma de nos aprofundarmos nas especificidades deste, elegemos como objeto privilegiado de análise as produções de José Miguel Wisnik e Luiz Tatit, tanto em sua faceta acadêmica – pela qual costumam ser reconhecidos como grandes precursores e influenciadores de estudos sobre música popular – quanto em sua faceta cancional – em especial, aquela por eles apresentada no espetáculo transformado em DVD O fim da canção, cientes de que o próprio cruzamento entre o pensamento sobre a canção e a canção que pensa constitui, afinal, uma daquelas especificidades; ainda mais relevante aqui pelo título escolhido – ainda que ardilosamente – para a apresentação conjunta: referência, justamente, ao debate sobre a crise do lugar de certa tradição da canção nacional – cujos méritos estéticos costumam ser amplamente reconhecidos – neste início de século XXI.Dados abertos - Sucupira - Teses e dissertações (2019

    Retinolemia em escolares eutróficos e com sobrepeso

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    Objectives: To determine the frequency of normal weight and overweight schoolchildren who have deficiency of vitamin A and to study the relationship between serum retinol concentrations and body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage and waist circumference of normal weight and overweight children. Methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study carried out with schoolchildren aged 8 to 10 years old from public schools in Uberaba (MG). The sample consisted of eighty students matched for age and sex, being forty eutrophic schoolchildren and forty with overweight. Results: It was observed that 25% of students were overweight and 20% of normal weight children presented serum retinol disabled. There was no significant difference between the mean serum retinol concentrations in the eutrophic schoolchildren group and overweight group. No significant correlations were observed between serum concentrations and BMI, waist circumference and body fat percentage measured by bioelectrical impedance in both groups. Conclusion: The results show a high prevalence of deficient serum retinol, which are not related to body fat percentage and waist circumference measurement, in two groups of healthy schoolchildren, an eutrophic and another group, overweight

    Retenção urinária aguda em pré‐escolar feminina com constipação intestinal

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    ResumoObjetivoRelatar um caso de criança que desenvolveu retenção urinária aguda associada à constipação intestinal.Descrição do casoMenina, seis anos, havia 24 horas apresentara incapacidade de liberação de esfíncter vesical. Foi atendida por duas vezes em um serviço de emergência nesse período. Na primeira consulta, 12 horas após o início do quadro, apresentava dor abdominal e retenção urinária aguda e foi feita sondagem de alívio com saída de 300mL de urina clara. Houve alívio imediato dos sintomas e, como o exame de urina tipo 1 não apresentou alterações, a paciente recebeu alta. No segundo atendimento, 12 horas após a primeira consulta, apresentava as mesmas queixas. Ao exame físico, observou‐se apenas bexiga palpável e distendida até a cicatriz umbilical, sem outras alterações. Nova sondagem vesical foi feita com saída de 450mL de urina clara, com alívio imediato dos sintomas. Nenhuma anormalidade foi observada no exame de urina tipo 1 e na urocultura. Durante a anamnese, foi levantada a hipótese diagnóstica de constipação intestinal. Foi feita radiografia simples de abdome, que identificou grande quantidade de fezes em todo o cólon (retenção fecal). Enema com solução glicerinada a 12% foi prescrito por três dias. Durante o seguimento a criança fez uso de laxativos e modificações na dieta que contribuíram para a resolução da constipação intestinal. Não houve repetição do quadro de retenção urinária aguda após seis meses de acompanhamento.ComentáriosA retenção urinária aguda em crianças é um fenômeno raro e a constipação intestinal deve ser considerada como uma das causas.AbstractObjectiveTo report a case of a preschool girl who developed acute urinary retention associated with constipation.Case descriptionA girl aged six years old presented a 24 hour history of inability to urinate. She was went twice to the emergency room during this period. In the first admission, 12 hours after the onset of the symptoms, she presented abdominal pain and acute urinary retention. After the drainage by urinary catheterization of 300mL of clear urine, she presented relief of the symptoms and, as urinalysis had no change, the patient was discharged home. Twelve hours after the first visit, she returned to the emergency room complaining about the same symptoms. At physical examination, there was only a palpable and distended bladder up to the umbilicus with no other abnormalities. Again, a urinary catheterization was performed, which drained 450mL of clear urine, with immediate relief of the symptoms. Urinalysis and urine culture had no abnormalities. During the anamnesis, the diagnosis of constipation was considered and a plain abdominal radiography was performed, which identified large amount of feces throughout the colon (fecal retention). An enema with a 12% glycerin solution was prescribed for three days. During follow‐up, the child used laxatives and dietary modifications, this contributed to the resolution of the constipation. There were no other episodes of urinary retention after 6 months of follow‐up.CommentsAcute urinary retention in children is a rare phenomenon and constipation should be considered as a cause

    Vitamina D em pediatria

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    Vitamin D (VD) is one of the fat-soluble vitamins. Its main sources in nature are diet and exposure to sunlight. Recent findings have shown that organs other than the kidney and liver are also able to synthesize VD metabolically active (calcitriol). Vitamin D deficiency (VDD) has been described almost 2.000 years ago and is classically related to diseases of the musculoskeletal system (especially rickets and osteomalacia). However, in recent years, VDD has been linked to disorders that affect other systems in the body, such as asthma and diabetes. In addition, an increase in the prevalence of VDD worldwide has been observed, even in countries with good insolation conditions. The most appropriate way to prevent VDD is by vitamin supplementation since there are no safe limits to sun exposure. The treatment of the VDD is mainly based on the replacement of the vitamin and it is indicated in the symptomatic forms (osteo-muscular symptoms) of its deficiency. VD intoxication is rare and observed in infants and young children who take high doses of VD in an acute way. This review article approaches these and other questions about VD, with particular emphasis on the particularities related to children and adolescents

    Auditoria energètica d’una residencia per a gent gran al Prat de Llobregat

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    El present projecte final de grau consisteix en una auditoria energètica d’una RESIDÈNCIA PER A GENT GRAN situada a l’AVINGUDA ONZE DE SETEMBRE 81-83 al municipi d’EL PRAT DE LLOBREGAT. L’edifici consisteix en una residència assistida de 90 places i un servei de centre de dia amb capacitat per 24 places més. Està format per Planta Baixa més tres plantes tipus. Cal dir que l’edifici ha estat dissenyat tenint en compte les necessitats de l’usuari final. Aquest projecte forma part del programa GTI 2002 del Pla Governamental CAT 21, amb l’objectiu d’una acció concertada encaminada a una major sostenibilitat en la construcció i ús dels edificis. El projecte del GTI vol analitzar i aplicar la introducció de criteris mediambientals als edificis de la Generalitat. L’objectiu és disminuir el conjunt d’impactes associats a l’extracció, fabricació i reintegració dels materials que formen l’edifici, així com acomplir una sèrie de paràmetres de manera que el consum energètic i la generació de residus durant la vida útil de l’edifici sigui el més baix possible. Sota aquest criteris s’han adoptat diferents solucions en fase de projecte que fan que l’edifici sigui sostenible energèticament entre les que destaquen: sistema de climatització per sostre radiant, façana ventilada, ventilació creuada, construcció en sec de tots les distribucions interiors, aigua calenta generada per captadors solars, coberta plana enjardinada amb plantes autòctones, instal·lació d’un sistema d’aigües grises connectat a la xarxa d’aigües grises de nova creació d’ El Prat de Llobregat, llum artificial de baix consum regulada per sensors lumínics, ús de temporitzadors i descàrregues en tots el aparells sanitaris. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és la realització d’una auditoria energètica desprès de vuit anys de funcionament de l’edifici. Valorant el comportament i l’adequació dels sistemes constructius, els materials emprats i el rendiment de les instal·lacions; la gestió del manteniment i el consum de recursos. Per poder comprovar si les millores energètiques establertes realment funcionen compararem els resultats amb un edifici del mateix ús. La metodologia per realitzar aquest treball d’avaluació és la desenvolupada per les professores Bosch González i Rodríguez Cantalapiedra i la UPC. Després d’una llarga experiència analitzant edificis. Els documents que conformaran el següent PFG s’estructuren en les següents parts: DOCUMENT 1 – AVALUACIÓ ENERGÈTICA DOCUMENT 2 – DOCUMENTACIÓ GRÀFICA DOCUMENT 3 – ANNEXES DOCUMENT 4 – TRANSLATED DOCUMENT

    A successful experience of half a century of the University of São Paulo with the community

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    Extension is inseparable from university activities and a key link between academia and the community. The participation of the university in health care to the community may represent one of the most visible and at the same time sensitive aspects of university extension. The work of the University of São Paulo (USP) at the Community Social Medical Center “Vila Lobato” (CSMC "Vila Lobato") has been a successful experience of half a century in the community attended by this primary health care unit of Ribeirão Preto. Undergraduate students of both Medicine and Nutrition and Metabolism courses from Ribeirão Preto Medical School-USP (RPMS-USP) and also resident physicians from Clinics Hospital of RPMS-USP have provided health care to the local population. Undergraduate students from other schools from USP at Ribeirão Preto (dentistry, nursing and psychology) have also worked at the CSMC "Vila Lobato". Several research projects on health were carried out and many others has been developed in the unit, benefiting the community. This experience of half a century of USP with the CSMC “Vila Lobato” is a successful model in extension and it not only should be recognized in a genuine way in the academic institutions but also stimulated.A extensão constitui-se em parte indissociável das atividades universitárias e elo fundamental da interface da academia com a comunidade. A participação da universidade na assistência à saúde da comunidade talvez represente uma das faces mais visíveis e, ao mesmo tempo, sensíveis da extensão universitária. A atuação da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) no Centro Médico Social Comunitário “Vila Lobato” (CMSC “Vila Lobato”) tem se constituído em uma experiência exitosa de meio século junto à comunidade servida por esta unidade básica de saúde de Ribeirão Preto. Alunos de graduação do curso de medicina e de nutrição e metabolismo da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto-USP (FMRP-USP) e, também, médicos residentes do Hospital das Clínicas da FMRP-USP têm prestado assistência à saúde à população local. Alunos de graduação de outras unidades do Campus de Ribeirão Preto da USP (odontologia, enfermagem e psicologia) também atuam no CMSC “Vila Lobato”. Inúmeros projetos de pesquisa na área da saúde foram e continuam sendo desenvolvidos na unidade, beneficiando a comunidade. A experiência de meio século da USP junto ao CMSC “Vila Lobato” constitui-se em modelo bem-sucedido de extensão universitária, devendo não somente ser reconhecido de forma genuína no meio acadêmico, mas também, estimulada

    The Habitat Affects the Ecological Interactions between Azteca Forel (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and Cecropia Loefl. (Urticaceae Juss.)

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    In order to understand the effects of human impacts on structure and functioning of tropical forests, we should consider studies on animal-plant interactions such as antplant mutualistic interactions.We investigated the mutualistic interactions between ants (Azteca genera) and Cecropia plants in habitats of secondary forest and pasture used as cattle fields. We tested for the following hyphothesis: (i) Cecropia from pasture are more susceptible to foliar herbivory than the Cecropia from the forest, and (ii) the defense promoted by ants of Azteca genus is less efficient in the pasture when compared to the forested areas. We selected four areas inserted in Atlantic rain forest domain surrounded by secondary forest and by cattle pastures. The herbivory was more intense in the pasture than in the secondary forest. The presence of Azteca species diminished foliar herbivory only in the forested areas, where we observed a significant increase in herbivory after the removal of A. alfari colony. We argue that the greater herbivory in pasture occurs probably due the lack of other plant resource, being Cecropia paschystachya Trécul and C. glaziovii Snethl., isolated in a “sea of grass” without connection with other tree vegetation, opposite scenario observed in forested habitats. The defense of Azteca only in the secondary forest, leading us to suppose that: 1) not even the your aggressive behavior is able to reduce the intense herbivory in the pasture; 2) the your behavioral pattern in forest is not the same in deforested environments and / or 3) mutualism may be undergoing changes due to abiotic effects on pasture

    Characteristics of sleep habits among adolescents living in the city of Ribeirão Preto (SP)

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    Introduction: Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and adult life, characterized by changes in physical, emotional, sexual and social development. Although during this phase most individuals are healthy, it is known that health status is related to behaviors and habits such as a healthy diet, the regular practice of physical activity and good sleep quality, which contribute to optimum physical and cognitive performanceObjective: To determine some sleep characteristics of adolescents living in the city of Ribeirão Preto (SP).Methods: this was a cross-sectional descriptive study conducted at 14 schools in the city of Ribeirão Preto (SP) including adolescents aged 10 to 19 years who answered a questionnaire about sleep habits. The chi-square test was used to determine differences between genders with the aid of the EPI-INFO 7 software, with the level of significance set at p<0.05.Results: A total of 535 adolescents (65% girls) were included in the study. Of these, 47.7% studied during the morning period and 10.3% had a job and studied in the evening period. Regarding sleep duration, 242 (45%) slept less than 9 hours per night during week days and 256 (48%) during the weekends (Saturday and Sunday), Of the total number of adolescents studied, 75.5% reported that they went to bed when they felt sleepy, 90% reported delay in falling asleep, 84.3% used some type of electronic equipment before going to sleep, and 44% reported that they woke up during the night. In the morning, 70.3% needed to be awakened, and 44.7% reported a delay in waking up. During the daytime, 70% felt somnolent and 34% reported that they slept during the day. Girls reported that they felt more daytime sleepiness (71.3%) and slept more during the day (62.1%) than boys (28.7% and 37.9%, respectively), with the difference being statistically significant (p < 0.05).Conclusions: Almost half the adolescents investigated sleep less than the minimum time considered ideal. Furthermore, the most of adolescents went to the bed when they felt sleepy, used electronic devices before to sleep, had difficulties to fall asleep, need to be awake in the morning and felt sleepy during the day. A substantial proportion of adolescents studied awoke at night and slept during the day. Compared to boys, girls felt sleepy and slept during the day significantly.

    Breastfeeding and nutritional superstitions

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    OBJETIVO: Conhecer a opinião de nutrizes sobre o consumo de alimentos em sua dieta durante o período de amamentação e identificar as possíveis restrições alimentares a que estão sujeitas. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado por análise de questionário aplicado às mães de crianças, inscritas em Programas de Puericultura em Unidades Básicas de Saúde, com idade variando do nascimento a seis meses completos para identificar se existe algum alimento que essas mães consideram inapropriado durante o período de lactação, quais são esses alimentos e os motivos alegados para que não sejam consumidos. RESULTADOS: Foram entrevistadas 504 mães das quais 296 (59%) responderam acreditar que existem alimentos inapropriados para o período de lactação. Os motivos referidos foram: poderia fazer mal à criança (78%); indefinidos (16%); faz mal à mãe (5%). Os principais alimentos a serem evitados, segundo as mães, seriam: refrigerantes (17%), pimenta (17%), gordura de porco (11%) e bebidas alcoólicas (10%). CONCLUSÕES: Mais da metade das lactantes entrevistadas considera que há alimentos que não devem ser consumidos durante o período de lactação, o que não encontra respaldo científico. Essas práticas restritivas podem interferir na nutrição da lactante e, conseqüentemente, na prática do aleitamento materno.OBJECTIVE: To know the opinion of lactating mothers about the consumption of food in their diet during the breastfeeding period and to identify possible alimentary restrictions. METHODS: This cross-sectional study enrolled mothers of children registered at Health Care Programs of Primary Health Care Centers, with ages varying from birth to six months. A questionnaire was applied in order to identify the foods considered by the mothers as improper during the breastfeeding period, and the reasons stated by them to justify such restriction. RESULTS: In a universe of 504 interviewed mothers, 296 (59%) stated that some foods should not be consumed during the breastfeeding period. The reasons mentioned to avoid them were: they harm the child (78%), undefined (16%) and they harm the mother (5%). The main deleterious foods mentioned were: soft drinks (17%), pepper (17%), pork fat (11%) and alcoholic drinks (10%). CONCLUSIONS: The majority of the interviewed mothers considered that there are some foods that are improper during the breastfeeding period. However, this opinion does not have scientific support. Restrictive practices can interfere in maternal nutrition and, as a consequence, interfere in breastfeeding practice.(FAEPA) Fundação de Amparo ao Ensino, Pesquisa e Assistência - Hospital das Clínicas da FMRP-US

    Variantes de Smqnr de isolados clínicos de Stenotrophomonas maltophilia no Brasil

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    SUMMARY Stenotrophomonas maltophilia contains a novel chromosomally-encoded qnr gene named Smqnr that contributes to low intrinsic resistance to quinolone. We described Smqnr in 13 clinical isolates of S. maltophilia from two Brazilian hospitals, over a 2-year period. The strains were identified by API 20 NE (bioMérieux, France). Susceptibility by microdilution method to trimetroprim/sulfamethoxazole, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, minocycline, ceftazidime, chloramphenicol and ticarcillin/clavulanate was performed according to CLSI. PCR detection of Smqnr gene was carried out. The sequence of Smqnr was compared with those deposited in GenBank. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) of all strains was performed. Thirteen Smqnr positives isolates were sequenced and three novel variants of Smqnr were identified. All 13 Smqnr isolates had distinguishable patterns by PFGE. This is the first report of Smqnr in S. maltophilia isolated in Brazil.RESUMO S. maltophilia contem um novo gene qnr cromossômico denominado Smqnr que contribui para baixa resistência intrínseca a quinolonas. Descrevemos Smqnr em 13 isolados clínicos de S. maltophilia de dois hospitais brasileiros, ao longo do período de dois anos. Os isolados foram identificados pela API 20 NE (bioMérieux, França). Susceptibilidade pelo método de microdiluição dos seguintes antibióticos trimetroprim/sulfametoxazol, ciprofloxacina, levofloxacina, minociclina, ceftazidima, cloranfenicol e ticarcilina/clavulanato foi realizada segundo o CLSI. Detecção do gene de Smqnr foi realizada por PCR. A sequência de Smqnr foi comparada com aquelas depositadas no GenBank. Foi realizada eletroforese em gel de campo pulsado (PFGE) de todos os isolados. Treze isolados contendo Smqnr foram sequenciados e identificados três variantes do gene Smqnr. Todos os 13 isolados de Smqnr apresentaram diferentes padrões por PFGE. Este é o primeiro relato de Smqnr em isolados de S. maltophilia no Brasil