5 research outputs found

    Indicadores de Gestão e Educação: Subsídios à Patrimonialidade Ambiental em Assentamentos

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    This paper aims to present the insightful discussions and possible connections between patrimonial environment (management and education) and the rural settlements' places. Employing the information obtained from the completion of questionnaires, it was organized environment characterization indicators to subsidize reflections on the dimension (probable) of both management and education patrimonial processes. The debates focused by this work indicate the need to go over the main points of evidence on patrimonial matter, providing that this subject is included in the Sociology of Agriculture studies' agenda as well as in the public policies headed for the development and environment issues regarding the rural settlements.Keywords: Indicators; Management; Education; Patrimonial Environment;Rural Settlements.O artigo propĂ”e a apresentar discussĂ”es reflexivas e possĂ­veis aproximaçÔesentre patrimonialidade ambiental (gestĂŁo e educação) e os espaços dos assentamentos rurais. A partir da aplicação de questionĂĄrios, foram organizados indicadores de caracterização ambiental para subsidiar reflexĂ”es da dimensĂŁo (possĂ­vel) de processos patrimoniais de gestĂŁo e educação. As discussĂ”es aqui apresentadas possibilitam apontamentos de reflexĂ”es e açÔes urgentes em patrimonialidade nas agendas de estudos em Sociologia Rural e das polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas voltadas para o desenvolvimento e para as questĂ”es ambientais dos assentamentos rurais

    Queimadas e saĂșde: relação entre faltas escolares e incidĂȘncia das queimadas da cana-de-açĂșcar

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    The objective of this study was to investigate an association between pre-harvest sugarcane burning and respiratory diseases in children under five years of age. The following data were collected in five schools in the city of Araraquara, SP, Southeastern Brazil, between March and June 2009: daily records of absences and the reasons stated for these absences, total concentration of suspended particulate matter (”g/m3), and air humidity. The relationship between the percentage of school absences due to respiratory problems and the concentration of particulate matter in March and from April to June presented a distinct behavior: absences increased alongside the increase in particulate matter concentration. The use of school absences as indicators of this relationship is an innovative approach.Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar se queimadas estĂŁo relacionadas a doenças respiratĂłrias em crianças menores de cinco anos. Os dados foram coletados em cinco escolas do municĂ­pio de Araraquara, SP, entre março a junho de 2009, abordando: controle diĂĄrio das faltas escolares, razĂ”es alegadas, concentração total de partĂ­culas em suspensĂŁo (”g/m3) e umidade do ar. A relação entre o percentual de faltas por motivo respiratĂłrio e concentração de material particulado no mĂȘs de março e no perĂ­odo de abril a junho apresentou comportamento distinto: aumento das faltas com o aumento da concentração do material particulado A utilização das faltas escolares como indicadores desta relação representa recorte inovador

    Pre-harvest cane burning and health: the association between school absences and burning sugarcane fields

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    The objective of this study was to investigate an association between pre-harvest sugarcane burning and respiratory diseases in children under five years of age. The following data were collected in five schools in the city of Araraquara, SP, Southeastern Brazil, between March and June 2009: daily records of absences and the reasons stated for these absences, total concentration of suspended particulate matter (”g/m3), and air humidity. The relationship between the percentage of school absences due to respiratory problems and the concentration of particulate matter in March and from April to June presented a distinct behavior: absences increased alongside the increase in particulate matter concentration. The use of school absences as indicators of this relationship is an innovative approach

    Pre-harvest cane burning and health: the association between school absences and burning sugarcane fields

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    <div><p>The objective of this study was to investigate an association between pre-harvest sugarcane burning and respiratory diseases in children under five years of age. The following data were collected in five schools in the city of Araraquara, SP, Southeastern Brazil, between March and June 2009: daily records of absences and the reasons stated for these absences, total concentration of suspended particulate matter (”g/m3), and air humidity. The relationship between the percentage of school absences due to respiratory problems and the concentration of particulate matter in March and from April to June presented a distinct behavior: absences increased alongside the increase in particulate matter concentration. The use of school absences as indicators of this relationship is an innovative approach.</p></div