456 research outputs found

    Les obstacles au développement d’une véritable politique d’aménagement commercial dans les SCOT

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    National audienceAlors que le nombre de schémas de cohérence territoriale (SCOT) publiés ne cesse de s'accroître et que les lois ALUR et ACTPE de 2014 en ont profondément modifié les aspects spécifiques à l'urbanisme commercial, la question de l'efficacité de ce document en matière d'encadrement de la localisation des équipements commerciaux peut difficilement ne pas être posée. Cette intervention s'inscrit donc dans une recherche sur les obstacles au développement d’une véritable politique d’aménagement commercial dans les SCOT

    Les ZIEE - un nouveau moyen d'imposer des projets économiques dans les territoires

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    International audienceLes lois de décentralisation, suivies des lois Grenelle, avaient eu, semble-t-il, pour objectif d'inciter à un développement économique moins centralisé, adapté aux besoins et aux enjeux des territoires, en termes d'emploi, de capacités et de sensibilité environnementale. On assiste cependant aujourd'hui à une inversion de tendance : la reprise en main de l'Etat se manifeste dans une ambition qui consiste désormais à trouver des territoires d'accueil pour les projets économiques, quel que soit leur coût écologique, plutôt que développer des projets de territoires conçus localement et dans le respect de l'environnement. L'article 16 de la loi n° 2014-1 du 2 janvier 2014 habilitant le Gouvernement à simplifier et sécuriser la vie des entreprises, en autorisant i le Gouvernement à définir par ordonnance des « zones présentant un intérêt majeur pour l'implantation d'activités économiques identifiées [ZIEE], dans lesquelles les enjeux environnementaux font l'objet d'un traitement anticipé » et à en fixer le régime juridique dérogatoire est une manifestation évidente de cette évolution

    The Intention-to-Repurchase Paradox: A Case of the Health and Fitness Industry

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    The factors that lead customers to continue to use a particular organization have been subject to extensive research which has focused on service quality (Olorunniwo, Hsu, & Udo, 2006; Parasuraman, Zeithaml, & Berry, 1985, 1994a, 1994b) satisfaction (Jones & Suh, 2000; Murray & Howat, 2002; Söderlund, 2006), and image (Lassar, Mittal, & Sharma, 1995; Zins, 2001). Although the factors investigated may be different, there is general agreement that the retention of customers is fundamental to the success of an organization (Oliver, 1999; Söderlund, 2006; Zeithaml, Berry, & Parasuraman, 1996). The notion of customer retention is encapsulated by the concept of customer loyalty (Ganesh, Arnold, & Reynolds, 2000; Zins, 2001) and it is evident that loyal customers are considered key to organizational profitability and success. Selin, Howard, Udd, and Cable (1987) found that consumers of municipal recreation programs who demonstrated the greatest levels of loyalty to the service tended to repurchase more often and spend more money. In addition, research carried out with theater customers showed that greater levels of loyalty led to greater repurchase behavior (Divett, Crittenden, & Henderson, 2003). From this it is apparent that it is of benefit to organizations to create loyal customer

    Sensitivity of the aerodynamics damping coefficient prediction to the turbulence modelling conjugated with the vibration mode shape

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    International audienceThe flutter corresponds to an aerodynamic loading of the structure which amplifies the natural blade vibration. In this paper, a modern design of a high pressure compressor is investigated using a time-linearized RANS solver on 2D blade to blade channel. Two operating points at part speed have been selected, the first with only small supersonic pockets and the second with the interblade channel blocked. Two vibration modes are investigated, the first torsion mode (with a nodal diameter at 2) and the first flexion mode (with a nodal diameter at 2, 4 and 6). Two different two equations turbulence models, k-l and k-ω have been used to resolve the steady state. The unsteady resolution is based on the previous steady state field. Turbulent variables are calculated over time based on a k-ω turbulence model. It was found that for some mode shapes, but not for all, the work exchange between the flow and the blade presents a large disparity depending on the turbulence model used primarily in the steady calculation. This paper proposes a parametric study in terms of rotor velocities, nodal diameters and vibration mode shapes to determine which flow phenomena are sensitive to the turbulence modelling. Main results point to the effect of the shockwave motion, and its interaction with the boundary layer and its separation

    An operational formal definition of PROLOG

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    A methodological view of logic programming with negation

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    An operational formal definition of PROLOG (comprehensive version of RR 598)

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    A time-step-robust algorithm to compute particle trajectories in 3-D unstructured meshes for Lagrangian stochastic methods

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    The purpose of this paper is to propose a time-step-robust cell-to-cell integration of particle trajectories in 3-D unstructured meshes in particle/mesh Lagrangian stochastic methods. The main idea is to dynamically update the mean fields used in the time integration by splitting, for each particle, the time step into sub-steps such that each of these sub-steps corresponds to particle cell residence times. This reduces the spatial discretization error. Given the stochastic nature of the models, a key aspect is to derive estimations of the residence times that do not anticipate the future of the Wiener process. To that effect, the new algorithm relies on a virtual particle, attached to each stochastic one, whose mean conditional behavior provides free-of-statistical-bias predictions of residence times. After consistency checks, this new algorithm is validated on two representative test cases: particle dispersion in a statistically uniform flow and particle dynamics in a non-uniform flow
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