66 research outputs found

    The set of stable primes for polynomial sequences with large Galois group

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    Let KK be a number field with ring of integers OK\mathcal O_K, and let {fk}kNOK[x]\{f_k\}_{k\in \mathbb N}\subseteq \mathcal O_K[x] be a sequence of monic polynomials such that for every nNn\in \mathbb N, the composition f(n)=f1f2fnf^{(n)}=f_1\circ f_2\circ\ldots\circ f_n is irreducible. In this paper we show that if the size of the Galois group of f(n)f^{(n)} is large enough (in a precise sense) as a function of nn, then the set of primes pOK\mathfrak p\subseteq\mathcal O_K such that every f(n)f^{(n)} is irreducible modulo p\mathfrak p has density zero. Moreover, we prove that the subset of polynomial sequences such that the Galois group of f(n)f^{(n)} is large enough has density 1, in an appropriate sense, within the set of all polynomial sequences.Comment: Comments are welcome

    An equivariant isomorphism theorem for mod p\mathfrak p reductions of arboreal Galois representations

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    Let ϕ\phi be a quadratic, monic polynomial with coefficients in OF,D[t]\mathcal O_{F,D}[t], where OF,D\mathcal O_{F,D} is a localization of a number ring OF\mathcal O_F. In this paper, we first prove that if ϕ\phi is non-square and non-isotrivial, then there exists an absolute, effective constant NϕN_\phi with the following property: for all primes pOF,D\mathfrak p\subseteq\mathcal O_{F,D} such that the reduced polynomial ϕp(OF,D/p)[t][x]\phi_\mathfrak p\in (\mathcal O_{F,D}/\mathfrak p)[t][x] is non-square and non-isotrivial, the squarefree Zsigmondy set of ϕp\phi_{\mathfrak p} is bounded by NϕN_\phi. Using this result, we prove that if ϕ\phi is non-isotrivial and geometrically stable then outside a finite, effective set of primes of OF,D\mathcal O_{F,D} the geometric part of the arboreal representation of ϕp\phi_{\mathfrak p} is isomorphic to that of ϕ\phi. As an application of our results we prove R. Jones' conjecture on the arboreal Galois representation attached to the polynomial x2+tx^2+t.Comment: Comments are welcome

    On Mertens-Ces\`aro Theorem for Number Fields

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    Let KK be a number field with ring of integers O\mathcal O. After introducing a suitable notion of density for subsets of O\mathcal O, generalizing that of natural density for subsets of Z\mathbb Z, we show that the density of the set of coprime mm-tuples of algebraic integers is 1/ζK(m){1/\zeta_K(m)}, where ζK\zeta_K is the Dedekind zeta function of KK.Comment: To appear in the Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Societ

    Irreducible compositions of degree two polynomials over finite fields have regular structure

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    Let qq be an odd prime power and DD be the set of monic irreducible polynomials in Fq[x]\mathbb F_q[x] which can be written as a composition of monic degree two polynomials. In this paper we prove that DD has a natural regular structure by showing that there exists a finite automaton having DD as accepted language. Our method is constructive.Comment: To appear in The Quarterly Journal of Mathematic

    Exceptional scatteredness in prime degree

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    Let qq be an odd prime power and nn be a positive integer. Let Fqn[x]\ell\in \mathbb F_{q^n}[x] be a qq-linearised tt-scattered polynomial of linearized degree rr. Let d=max{t,r}d=\max\{t,r\} be an odd prime number. In this paper we show that under these assumptions it follows that =x\ell=x. Our technique involves a Galois theoretical characterization of tt-scattered polynomials combined with the classification of transitive subgroups of the general linear group over the finite field Fq\mathbb F_q

    Constraining images of quadratic arboreal representations

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    In this paper, we prove several results on finitely generated dynamical Galois groups attached to quadratic polynomials. First we show that, over global fields, quadratic post-critically finite polynomials are precisely those having an arboreal representation whose image is topologically finitely generated. To obtain this result, we also prove the quadratic case of Hindes' conjecture on dynamical non-isotriviality. Next, we give two applications of this result. On the one hand, we prove that quadratic polynomials over global fields with abelian dynamical Galois group are necessarily post-critically finite, and we combine our results with local class field theory to classify quadratic pairs over Q\mathbb Q with abelian dynamical Galois group, improving on recent results of Andrews and Petsche. On the other hand we show that several infinite families of subgroups of the automorphism group of the infinite binary tree cannot appear as images of arboreal representations of quadratic polynomials over number fields, yielding unconditional evidence towards Jones' finite index conjecture.Comment: Sections 3 and 4 now swapped. Accepted for publication on IMR

    Number Theoretical Locally Recoverable Codes

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    In this paper we give constructions for infinite sequences of finite non-linear locally recoverable codes Ci=1NFqi\mathcal C\subseteq \prod\limits^N_{i=1}\mathbb F_{q_i} over a product of finite fields arising from basis expansions in algebraic number fields. The codes in our sequences have increasing length and size, constant rate, fixed locality, and minimum distance going to infinity

    On the logarithmic probability that a random integral ideal is A\mathscr A-free

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    This extends a theorem of Davenport and Erd\"os on sequences of rational integers to sequences of integral ideals in arbitrary number fields KK. More precisely, we introduce a logarithmic density for sets of integral ideals in KK and provide a formula for the logarithmic density of the set of so-called A\mathscr A-free ideals, i.e. integral ideals that are not multiples of any ideal from a fixed set A\mathscr A.Comment: 9 pages, to appear in S. Ferenczi, J. Ku{\l}aga-Przymus and M. Lema\'nczyk (eds.), Chowla's conjecture: from the Liouville function to the M\"obius function, Lecture Notes in Math., Springe