555 research outputs found

    Dimensions of trust in different forms of science communication: the role of information sources and channels used to acquire science knowledge

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    This paper investigates the dimensions of trust and the role of information sources and channels in developing differentiated forms of science communication. The discussions from two public consultations carried out in Italy and Slovakia about controversial science-related topics were quali-quantitatively content analysed. The results show that scientific knowledge pervades diverse communication spheres, producing differentiated paths of trust in science. Each path is determined by topics (environment or health-related), information sources and channels preferred, and specific features of the multifaceted notion of trust. The contribution discusses cross-national commonalities and specificities and proposes implications for science communication

    Prognostic value and functional consequences of cell cycle inhibitor p27Kip1 loss in medulloblastoma

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    BACKGROUND: The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27(Kip1) functions during normal cerebellar development and has demonstrated tumor suppressor functions in mouse models of medulloblastoma. Because P27 loss is associated with increased proliferation, we assessed whether P27 absence in surgical medulloblastoma specimens correlated with response to therapy in pediatric patients enrolled in two large studies. Additionally, we examined the functional consequence of p27(Kip1) loss in the SmoA1 medulloblastoma model to distinguish whether p27(Kip1) reduces tumor initiation or slows tumor progression. FINDINGS: Analysis of 87 well-characterized patient samples identified a threshold of P27 staining at which significant P27 loss correlated with poor patient outcome. The same criteria, applied to a second test set of tissues from 141 patients showed no difference in survival between patients with minimal P27 staining and others, suggesting that P27 levels alone are not a sufficient prognostic indicator for identifying standard-risk patients that may fail standard therapy. These findings were in contrast to prior experiments completed using a mouse medulloblastoma model. Analysis of cerebellar tumor incidence in compound mutant mice carrying the activated Smoothened (SmoA1) allele that were heterozygous or nullizygous for p27(Kip1) revealed that p27(Kip1) loss did not alter the frequency of tumor initiation. Tumors haploinsufficient or nullizygous for p27(Kip1) were, however, more invasive and displayed a higher proliferative index, suggesting p27(Kip1) loss may contribute to SmoA1 medulloblastoma progression. CONCLUSIONS: These studies revealed P27 loss affects medulloblastoma progression rather than initiation and that this putative biomarker should not be used for stratifying children with medulloblastoma to risk-based therapeutic regimens

    The O-antigen flippase Wzk can substitute for MurJ in peptidoglycan synthesis in Helicobacter pylori and Escherichia coli

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    The peptidoglycan (PG) cell wall is an essential component of the cell envelope of most bacteria. Biogenesis of PG involves a lipid-linked disaccharide-pentapeptide intermediate called lipid II, which must be translocated across the cytoplasmic membrane after it is synthesized in the inner leaflet of this bilayer. Accordingly, it has been demonstrated that MurJ, the proposed lipid II flippase in Escherichia coli, is required for PG biogenesis, and thereby viability. In contrast, MurJ is not essential in Bacillus subtilis because this bacterium produces AmJ, an unrelated protein that is functionally redundant with MurJ. In this study, we investigated why MurJ is not essential in the prominent gastric pathogen, Helicobacter pylori. We found that in this bacterium, Wzk, the ABC (ATP-binding cassette) transporter that flips the lipid-linked O- or Lewis- antigen precursors across the inner membrane, is redundant with MurJ for cell viability. Heterologous expression of wzk in E. coli also suppresses the lethality caused by the loss of murJ. Furthermore, we show that this cross-species complementation is abolished when Wzk is inactivated by mutations that target a domain predicted to be required for ATPase activity. Our results suggest that Wzk can flip lipid II, implying that Wzk is the flippase with the most relaxed specificity for lipid-linked saccharides ever identified

    Kontribusi Kemandirian Belajar, Fasilitas, Dan Pola Asuh Orang Tua Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas X Ma Al Azhar Andong Boyolali

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    This research was conducted with the aim to, (1) learning independence, contribution to facilities and parenting patterns against the results of the learning of mathematics, (2) test the contribution of learning independence against the result of learning math, (3) test facilities contribute towards the results of the learning of mathematics, (4) test facilitiesparenting patterns contribute towards the results of the learning of mathematics. Type of this research is quantitative. The population of the entire grade X MA Al Azhar Andong. The technique of sampling method using propotional random sampling.Now using the method of data collection and documentation. Data analysis using multiple linear regression with the significance level of 5%. The research results obtained, (1) there is a contribution to the learning independence, contribution to facilities and parenting patterns towards the learning of mathematical results, (2) there is a contribution to the learning independence against the results of the learning of mathematics, (3) there is a contribution to the facilities toward mathematical learning outcomes, (4) there is a learning parenting patterns contribution against the results of the learning of mathematics. This research is expected to provide new knowledge about the factors that influence the result of learning mathematics

    Observation of Target Electron Momentum Effects in Single-Arm M\o ller Polarimetry

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    In 1992, L.G. Levchuk noted that the asymmetries measured in M\o ller scattering polarimeters could be significantly affected by the intrinsic momenta of the target electrons. This effect is largest in devices with very small acceptance or very high resolution in laboratory scattering angle. We use a high resolution polarimeter in the linac of the polarized SLAC Linear Collider to study this effect. We observe that the inclusion of the effect alters the measured beam polarization by -14% of itself and produces a result that is consistent with measurements from a Compton polarimeter. Additionally, the inclusion of the effect is necessary to correctly simulate the observed shape of the two-body elastic scattering peak.Comment: 29 pages, uuencoded gzip-compressed postscript (351 kb). Uncompressed postscript file (898 kb) available to DECNET users as SLC::USER_DISK_SLC1:[MORRIS]levpre.p


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    Tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) Terhadap Kontrol Diri Dalam Berperilaku Seksual Siswa  Kelas VIII di SMPN 6 Taliwang KSB Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019. Adapun jenis rancangan yang digunakan adalah eksperimen dan salah satu bentuk eksperimennya adalah eksperimental-semu atau quasi eksperimen. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMPN 6 Taliwang KSB yang mengalami masalah dalam kontrol diri dalam berperilaku seksusal yaitu 61 orang siswa dan sampel yang digunakan adalah 9 orang siswa. Dalam penelitian ini, metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode angket sebagai metode pokok. Untuk menganalisis data mengguanakan rumus t-test. Hasil penelitian yaitu: nilai t hitung sebesar 5,438 dan nilai t tabel pada taraf signifikansi 5% dengan db (N-1) = 8 sebesar 2,306. Dengan demikian nilai t hitung lebih besar dari pada nilai t tabel (5,438>2,306), sehingga dapat disimpulkan “signifikan”. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis Nol (H0) ditolak dan hipotesis alternatif (Ha) di terima. Maka kesimpulan analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah Ada Pengaruh Konseling Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) Terhadap Kontrol Diri Siswa  Kelas VIII di SMPN 6 Taliwang KSB Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019

    A Mechanism Misregulating p27 in Tumors Discovered in a Functional Genomic Screen

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    The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27KIP1 is a tumor suppressor gene in mice, and loss of p27 protein is a negative prognostic indicator in human cancers. Unlike other tumor suppressors, the p27 gene is rarely mutated in tumors. Therefore misregulation of p27, rather than loss of the gene, is responsible for tumor-associated decreases in p27 protein levels. We performed a functional genomic screen in p27+/− mice to identify genes that regulate p27 during lymphomagenesis. This study demonstrated that decreased p27 expression in tumors resulted from altered transcription of the p27 gene, and the retroviral tagging strategy enabled us to pinpoint relevant transcription factors. inhibitor of DNA binding 3 (Id3) was isolated and validated as a transcriptional repressor of p27. We further demonstrated that p27 was a downstream target of Id3 in src-family kinase Lck-driven thymic lymphomagenesis and that p27 was an essential regulator of Lck-dependent thymic maturation during normal T-cell development. Thus, we have identified and characterized transcriptional repression of p27 by Id3 as a new mechanism decreasing p27 protein in tumors

    Helicobacter pylori AddAB helicase-nuclease and RecA promote recombination-related DNA repair and survival during stomach colonization.

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    Helicobacter pylori colonization of the human stomach is characterized by profound disease-causing inflammation. Bacterial proteins that detoxify reactive oxygen species or recognize damaged DNA adducts promote infection, suggesting that H. pylori requires DNA damage-repair for successful in vivo colonization. The molecular mechanisms of repair remain unknown. We identified homologs of the AddAB class of helicase-nuclease enzymes, related to the Escherichia coli RecBCD enzyme, which, with RecA, is required for repair of DNA breaks and homologous recombination. H. pylori mutants lacking addA or addB genes lack detectable ATP-dependent nuclease activity, and the cloned H. pylori addAB genes restore both nuclease and helicase activities to an E. colirecBCD deletion mutant. H. pylori addAB and recA mutants have a reduced capacity for stomach colonization. These mutants are sensitive to DNA damaging agents and have reduced frequencies of apparent gene conversion between homologous genes encoding outer membrane proteins. Our results reveal requirements for double-strand break repair and recombination during both acute and chronic phases of H. pylori stomach infection

    Health mindset is associated with anxiety and depression in patients undergoing treatment for breast cancer

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/156141/2/tbj13765_am.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/156141/1/tbj13765.pd

    Proliferative reactive gliosis is compatible with glial metabolic support and neuronal function

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The response of mammalian glial cells to chronic degeneration and trauma is hypothesized to be incompatible with support of neuronal function in the central nervous system (CNS) and retina. To test this hypothesis, we developed an inducible model of proliferative reactive gliosis in the absence of degenerative stimuli by genetically inactivating the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor <it>p27<sup>Kip1 </sup></it>(<it>p27 </it>or <it>Cdkn1b</it>) in the adult mouse and determined the outcome on retinal structure and function.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>p27-deficient Müller glia reentered the cell cycle, underwent aberrant migration, and enhanced their expression of intermediate filament proteins, all of which are characteristics of Müller glia in a reactive state. Surprisingly, neuroglial interactions, retinal electrophysiology, and visual acuity were normal.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The benign outcome of proliferative reactive Müller gliosis suggests that reactive glia display context-dependent, graded and dynamic phenotypes and that reactivity in itself is not necessarily detrimental to neuronal function.</p