893 research outputs found
Assentamentos rurais no entorno de unidades de conservação: o caso de assentados em transição agroecológica e a FLONA Ipanema em Iperó, SP, Brasil
Os Serviços Ecossistêmicos (SE) são os diversos bens e serviços providos pelos ecossistemas. Nos agroecossistemas, os agricultores são os principais gestores dos recursos naturais. Este trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar a relação existente entre os Assentamentos Rurais e a Floresta Nacional (FLONA) de Ipanema no município de Iperó – São Paulo – Brasil, através de uma avaliação da percepção dos agricultores sobre os SE.
Os agricultores entrevistados encontram-se todos em processo de transição agroecológica e pertencem aos assentamentos Ipanema e Horto Bela Vista próximos a FLONA. Como resultado, observou-se que os agricultores não perceberam SE relacionados à FLONA, nas quinze entrevistas realizadas, nenhuma menção aos SE da FLONA fora feitas. Fato inesperado visto que os assentamentos encontram-se dentro da zona de amortecimento da FLONA, sendo que o assentamento Ipanema possui área comum, em conflito, com a FLONA.The Ecosystem Services (ES) are the various goods and services provided by ecosystems.
In agroecosystems, farmers are the main managers of natural resources. This study aims to evaluate the relationship between the Rural Settlements and the National Forest (FLONA) of Ipanema in the city of Iperó - São Paulo - Brazil, through an evaluation of the perception of farmers on the ES. The farmers interviewed are all in agroecological transition process and belong to the settlements Ipanema and Horto Bela Vista near FLONA. As a result, it was observed that farmers did not realize ES related FLONA, in the fifteen interviews, no mention of ES from FLONA was made. Unexpected fact since the settlements are within the buffer zone of the National Forest, and the Ipanema settlement has common area, in conflict with the National Forest.Eje: A2: Paisajes, Territorios y AgroecologíaFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale
Assentamentos rurais no entorno de unidades de conservação: o caso de assentados em transição agroecológica e a FLONA Ipanema em Iperó, SP, Brasil
Os Serviços Ecossistêmicos (SE) são os diversos bens e serviços providos pelos ecossistemas. Nos agroecossistemas, os agricultores são os principais gestores dos recursos naturais. Este trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar a relação existente entre os Assentamentos Rurais e a Floresta Nacional (FLONA) de Ipanema no município de Iperó – São Paulo – Brasil, através de uma avaliação da percepção dos agricultores sobre os SE.
Os agricultores entrevistados encontram-se todos em processo de transição agroecológica e pertencem aos assentamentos Ipanema e Horto Bela Vista próximos a FLONA. Como resultado, observou-se que os agricultores não perceberam SE relacionados à FLONA, nas quinze entrevistas realizadas, nenhuma menção aos SE da FLONA fora feitas. Fato inesperado visto que os assentamentos encontram-se dentro da zona de amortecimento da FLONA, sendo que o assentamento Ipanema possui área comum, em conflito, com a FLONA.The Ecosystem Services (ES) are the various goods and services provided by ecosystems.
In agroecosystems, farmers are the main managers of natural resources. This study aims to evaluate the relationship between the Rural Settlements and the National Forest (FLONA) of Ipanema in the city of Iperó - São Paulo - Brazil, through an evaluation of the perception of farmers on the ES. The farmers interviewed are all in agroecological transition process and belong to the settlements Ipanema and Horto Bela Vista near FLONA. As a result, it was observed that farmers did not realize ES related FLONA, in the fifteen interviews, no mention of ES from FLONA was made. Unexpected fact since the settlements are within the buffer zone of the National Forest, and the Ipanema settlement has common area, in conflict with the National Forest.Eje: A2: Paisajes, Territorios y AgroecologíaFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale
A percepção dos agricultores sobre os serviços ecossistêmicos da agricultura
Os agricultores são os principais gestores dos recursos naturais, interagindo constantemente com os ecossistemas. Os bens e serviços providos pelos ecossistemas são denominados “Serviços Ecossistêmicos” (SE). Compreender como os agricultores percebem os SE é de grande importância. Este trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar a percepção dos agricultores sobre os SE, através de entrevistas semiestruturadas. As quais buscaram extrair os SE percebidos pelos agricultores e sua relação com variáveis socioeconômicas.
Os agricultores entrevistados encontram-se todos em processo de transição agroecológica e pertencem assentamentos rurais. Dentro dos resultados obtidos, observou-se uma maior percepção dos SE relacionados à produção. Sendo a escolaridade dos agricultores como sendo o fator mais relevante na percepção dos SE, reforçando a importância da educação rural.The farmers are the key managers of natural resources, constantly interacting with ecosystems. The goods and services provided by ecosystems are called "Ecosystem Services" (ES). Understanding how farmers perceive the ES is very important. This study aims to evaluate the perception of farmers on the ES, through semi-structured interviews.
Which sought to extract the ES perceived by farmers and their relationship with socioeconomic variables. The farmers interviewed are all in agroecological transition process and belong to rural settlements. Within the results, there was a greater sense of productionrelated ES. Being educational level of the farmers the most relevant factor in the perception of the ES, reinforcing the importance of rural education.Eje A4: Ambiente, Naturaleza y AgroecologíaFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale
A percepção dos agricultores sobre os serviços ecossistêmicos da agricultura
Os agricultores são os principais gestores dos recursos naturais, interagindo constantemente com os ecossistemas. Os bens e serviços providos pelos ecossistemas são denominados “Serviços Ecossistêmicos” (SE). Compreender como os agricultores percebem os SE é de grande importância. Este trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar a percepção dos agricultores sobre os SE, através de entrevistas semiestruturadas. As quais buscaram extrair os SE percebidos pelos agricultores e sua relação com variáveis socioeconômicas.
Os agricultores entrevistados encontram-se todos em processo de transição agroecológica e pertencem assentamentos rurais. Dentro dos resultados obtidos, observou-se uma maior percepção dos SE relacionados à produção. Sendo a escolaridade dos agricultores como sendo o fator mais relevante na percepção dos SE, reforçando a importância da educação rural.The farmers are the key managers of natural resources, constantly interacting with ecosystems. The goods and services provided by ecosystems are called "Ecosystem Services" (ES). Understanding how farmers perceive the ES is very important. This study aims to evaluate the perception of farmers on the ES, through semi-structured interviews.
Which sought to extract the ES perceived by farmers and their relationship with socioeconomic variables. The farmers interviewed are all in agroecological transition process and belong to rural settlements. Within the results, there was a greater sense of productionrelated ES. Being educational level of the farmers the most relevant factor in the perception of the ES, reinforcing the importance of rural education.Eje A4: Ambiente, Naturaleza y AgroecologíaFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale
Adequação Ambiental em Assentamentos do Estado de São Paulo e a Utilização de Sistemas Agroflorestais
This article aims to examine the situation on the environmentalsuitability of settlements in the state of São Paulo, and the potential ofusing agroforestry systems for rehabilitation and management of those areas.10 settlements were analyzed by means of semi-structured interviews withrepresentatives of the settlers, and analysis reports and data provided bythe State Department of Environment. The results demonstrate thatagroforestry has potential economic, ecological and social recovery ofPermanent Preservation Areas and Legal Reserves in settlements. However,for the practice may be more widespread, it takes greater technical andfinancial support for family farmers. The Department of Environment hasdemonstrates difficulty in monitoring these systems as they are being appliedwithout any monitoring of the environmental agency. Recent changes inthe Forest Code, which include the establishment of agroforestry systemsin protected areas and Rural Environmental Registry, may change thissituation, so further studies in this area should be conducted.O presente artigo objetiva analisar a situação relativa à adequação ambiental de assentamentos no estado de São Paulo e o potencial da utilização de sistemas agroflorestais para recuperação e manejo nessas áreas. Foram analisados dez assentamentos, por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com representantes dos assentados, além da análise de relatórios e dados disponibilizados pela Secretaria de Estado do Meio Ambiente. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que os sistemas agroflorestais têm potencial econômico, ecológico e social para recuperação de Áreas de Preservação Permanente e Reserva Legal em assentamentos. Entretanto, para que a prática possa ser mais difundida, é preciso maior apoio técnico e financeiro para os agricultores familiares. A Secretaria do Meio Ambiente demonstra dificuldade em monitorar esses sistemas, pois eles estão sendo aplicados sem que haja acompanhamento do órgão ambiental. As recentes mudanças no Código Florestal, que incluem a implantação de SAFs em áreas protegidas e o Cadastro Ambiental Rural, podem mudar esse panorama. Portanto mais estudos nessa área deverão ser realizados
Strategy for the development of agricultural machinery : importance of patent analysis
During the product development, patents help identify new project opportunities and, if well analyzed, can reveal technical strategies in terms of how countries, companies, and universities link patents and product development. In the context of the agricultural machinery sector there is a complexity in the integration of data from patents with the stages of development conceptions. In this context, the article aims to present how the information obtained from a patent bank can be used for the development of agricultural machinery. As a methodology, the Systematic Bibliographic Review was selected to identify and relate strategies that add value throughout the agricultural machinery project. As a result, research has shown that the use of patent information can assist in the development of agricultural machinery from technical data. In addition, patents are characterized as a valuable source of technological information, as it is inexpensive and capable of feeding a company in its own research activity and in the development of new products. It is concluded that the information from patents, suggested as strategies in the model of agricultural machinery development, allows for managerial and technical decisions aimed at improving products. Finally, the research contributed to fill the information gap between patents and the development of agricultural machinery, a diffusion of data that, if well connected, can promote a competitive differential in companies
An overview about multiple intelligences: a comparative study with business administration students of two private universities in southern Brazil
Experts claim for more studies on Theory of Multiple Intelligences in higher education classrooms. There is a lack of information on the characteristics of multiple intelligence in universities in developing countries, such as Brazil, as they can assist in the education of students in a wide variety of fields. This study aims to analyze and compare the types of multiple intelligences among bachelor students of Business Administration programs in private universities. We conducted a quantitative study based on survey with students from two private universities in the southern Brazil. The results indicated that the academic profile of both programs has similarity in the average frequency of most of the identified intelligences. The intelligences identified that showed statistically significant differences between academics are: logical-mathematical, interpersonal, musical and naturalistic. In general, the most developed multiple intelligences are: logical-mathematical, interpersonal, intrapersonal and bodily-kinesthetic. In addition, the least developed are: spatial, linguistic, musical and naturalistic
To characterize and compare the behavior of different soil substrates, Pfeiffer's Circular Chromatography technique (CPP) was employed. For this purpose, six different points were demarcated and georeferenced for sampling, respecting the limits of the Sorocaba campus (SP) of the Federal University of São Carlos - UFSCar, in order to obtain heterogeneous results in view of the different forms of use and occupation and different soil classifications. Following the sampling work, the samples were appropriately separated according to soil classification, which varies depending on the dynamics of flow and overlap along the western slope of the Córrego do Ipaneminha (Ipaneminha Stream) valley, where the campus is located. Subsequently, after sieving the substrates, chromatograms were generated, following the proposal by EMBRAPA. It was observed that these chromatograms differ in color, peak shape, plume shape, and integration between the zones along the flow, indicating differences in the composition of the collected samples, considering the environmental variables.Para caracterizar y comparar el comportamiento de diferentes sustratos de suelo, se empleó la técnica de Cromatografía Circular de Pfeiffer (CCP). Para ello, se demarcaron y georreferenciaron seis puntos distintos para la recolección, respetando los límites del campus de Sorocaba (SP) de la Universidad Federal de São Carlos – UFSCar, con el fin de obtener resultados heterogéneos considerando las diferentes formas de uso y ocupación y diferentes clasificaciones de suelos. Después del trabajo de recolección, se separaron las muestras adecuadamente según la clasificación del suelo, la cual varía en función de la dinámica de flujo y superposición a lo largo del escarpe occidental del valle del Córrego do Ipaneminha (Arroyo del Ipaneminha), donde se encuentra el campus. A continuación, luego de tamizar los sustratos, se generaron cromatogramas, siguiendo la propuesta de EMBRAPA. Se observó que estos cromatogramas difieren en color, forma de los picos, forma de las plumas e integración entre las zonas a lo largo del flujo, lo que indica diferencias en la composición de las muestras recolectadas, considerando las variables del entorno.Para caracterizar e comparar o comportamento de diferentes substratos de solo, foi utilizada a técnica da Cromatografia Circular de Pfeiffer. Para tanto, foram demarcados e georreferenciados seis pontos distintos para coleta, respeitando os limites do campus de Sorocaba (SP) da Universidade Federal de São Carlos – UFSCar, a fim de obter resultados heterogêneos tendo em vista as diferentes formas de uso e ocupação e diferentes classificações do solo. Posteriormente ao trabalho de coleta, as amostras foram devidamente separadas conforme a classificação do solo, esta, variando de acordo com a dinâmica de escoamento e sobreposição ao longo da escarpa oeste do vale do Córrego do Ipaneminha, onde o campus se localiza. Na sequência, após o peneiramento dos substratos, foram gerados os cromatogramas, seguindo o proposto pela EMBRAPA. Verificou-se que estes cromatogramas se diferenciam em cor, formato dos picos, formato das plumas e integração entre as zonas ao longo do corrimento, o que denota as dessemelhanças na composição das amostras coletadas, considerando as variáveis do ambiente
The proposition of factors for analysis of the maintenance of agricultural tractors from a systematic bibliographic review
The maintenance of agricultural tractors can be understood as the set of procedures that seek to keep the equipment in the best working conditions. However, carrying out adequate planning that can help optimize the maintenance of agricultural tractors is a complex task. The article consists of identifying and presenting a proposal of analysis factors for the maintenance of agricultural tractors, as well as their technical characteristics and modes of operation. In methodological terms, a Systematic Bibliographic Review was applied on maintenance and planning for agricultural tractors in two international databases. The research is classified as descriptive and comparative, of an exploratory nature. As a result, the study contributed to the information gap regarding the maintenance of agricultural tractors. In addition, we identified the main factors that must be analyzed to keep the equipment in the best operating conditions and that are responsible for increasing its useful life and avoiding future problems. The maintenance factor, which includes checking the level and oil change of the front axle, is characterized as the most important analysis procedure
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