1,235 research outputs found

    Admission Conditions and Graduates' Employability

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    We evaluate the information content of admission conditions for study programs’ quality by investigating its relationship with graduates’ employability. We find that study programs with larger numeri clausi are associated with a higher probability of finding a job. Additionally, compulsory admission exams seem to be informative about study programs’ quality. Namely, study programs requiring the Math exam appear to be linked with lower unemployment propensity. Cardoso et al. (2008), however, found that those programs face lower demand when compared to other studies. These paradoxical results suggest that students’ choices may be based on insufficient information on returns to higher education investment. That information failure indicates that a Government intervention may be due.higher education, unemployment propensity, fractional models

    Admission conditions and graduates' employability

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    We evaluate the information content of admission conditions for study programs’ quality by investigating its relationship with graduates’ employability. We find that study programs with larger numeri clausi are associated with a higher probability of finding a job. Additionally, compulsory admission exams seem to be informative about study programs’ quality. Namely, study programs requiring the Math exam appear to be linked with lower unemployment propensity. Cardoso et al. (2008), however, found that those programs face lower demand when compared to other studies. These paradoxical results suggest that students’ choices may be based on insufficient information on returns to higher education investment. That information failure indicates that a Government intervention may be due.Higher education; unemployment propensity; fractional models

    Demand for higher education programs: the impact of the Bologna process

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    The Bologna process aims at creating a European Higher Education Area where intercountry mobility of students and sta?, as well as workers holding a degree, is facilitated. While several aspects of the process deserve wide public support, the reduction of the length of the first cycle of studies to three years, in several continental European countries where it used to last for four or five years, is less consensual. The paper checks the extent of public confidence in the restructuring of higher education currently underway, by looking at its implications on the demand for academic programs. It exploits the fact that some programs have restructured under the Bologna process and others have not, in Portugal. Precise quantification of the demand for each academic program is facilitated by the rules of access to higher education, in a nation-wide competition, where candidates must list up to six preferences of institution and program. We use regression analysis applied to count data, estimating negative binomial models. Results indicate that the programs that restructured to follow the Bologna principles were subject to higher demand than comparable programs that did not restructure, as if Bologna were understood as a quality stamp. This positive impact was reinforced if the institution was a leader, i.e. the single one in the country that restructured the program. Still an additional increase in demand was experienced by large programs that restructured to offer an integrated master degree, thus conforming to Bologna principles while not reducing the program duration.education policy; European Higher Education Area; economic, social and cultural integration; count data.

    Demand for Higher Education Programs: The Impact of the Bologna Process

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    The Bologna process aims at creating a European Higher Education Area where inter-country mobility of students and staff, as well as workers holding a degree, is facilitated. While several aspects of the process deserve wide public support, the reduction of the length of the first cycle of studies to three years, in several continental European countries where it used to last for four or five years, is less consensual. The paper checks the extent of public confidence in the restructuring of higher education currently underway, by looking at its implications on the demand for academic programs in Portugal. Precise quantification of the demand for each academic program is facilitated by the rules of access to higher education, in a nation-wide competition, where candidates must list up to six preferences of institution and program. We use regression analysis applied to count data, estimating negative binomial models. Results indicate that the programs that restructured to follow the Bologna principles were subject to higher demand than comparable programs that did not restructure, as if Bologna were understood as a quality stamp. This positive impact was reinforced if the institution was a leader, i.e. the single one in the country that restructured that program. Still an additional increase in demand was experienced by large programs that restructured to offer an integrated master degree, thus conforming to Bologna principles while not reducing the program duration.education policy, European Higher Education Area, economic, social and cultural integration, count data

    Evaluating the Economic Impact of Tertiary Reserve Exchanges Between Iberian TSO: Essay on European Energy Market Integration

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    Para esse efeito, os dados fornecidos pela REN (Rede Elétrica Nacional, significa, National Electric Grid) foram analisados de maneira a identificar períodos onde ocorreram trocas de reserva entre TSOs e comparar os custos e lucros obtidos com os custos e lucros resultantes de suprir a mesma quantidade de energia terciária (a subir ou a descer) utilizando apenas as ofertas dos produtores Portugueses.Em adição à rentabilidade do BALIT, este trabalho expande o estudo de trocas de reserva transfronteiriças, analisando o lucro hipotético resultante de um sistema mais amplo de trocas de reserva terciária na Europa. Este lucro foi obtido analisando as ofertas transfronteiriças de energia terciária submetidas pelos variados TSOs Europeus (NGT, RTE, SwissGrid, Terna...) nesses mesmos períodos (2015 a 2017) e identificando períodos nos quais teria sido possível à REN lucrar ainda mais da importação ou exportação com outros TSOs que não a REE.This thesis's purpose is to analyze the profitability of the implementation of cross-border tertiary reserve exchange between Iberian Transmission System Operators - BALIT Project - from a Portuguese point of view. For that purpose, the data provided by REN (Rede Elétrica Nacional, meaning, National Electric Grid) was analyzed in order to track periods where reserve exchanges occurred between TSOs and compare the costs and profits obtained with the costs and profits of supplying the same tertiary energy quantity (upward or downward) using only the Portuguese energy suppliers' offers. In addition to the BALIT's profitability, this work expands the study of cross border balancing further by analyzing the hypothetic profit resulting from a broader tertiary reserve exchange system in Europe.This profit was obtained, analyzing the cross border tertiary energy exchange offers submitted by various European TSOs (NGT, RTE, SwissGrid, Terna...) in those same periods (2015 to 2017) and tracking periods where REN would have been able to further profit from Importing or Exporting to other TSOs besides REE

    Dois Johns Correm Juntos: Rabbit, Run de Updike e Paradise Lost de Milton

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    The aim of this paper is to highlight the traces of Milton’s epic poem, Paradise Lost, in Updike’s novel, Rabbit, Run, and how such traces manifest themselves as a reflection of Milton’s characters and their actions upon Updike’s protagonist, Harry Angstrom. Under this perspective, Angstrom’s search may be read in conjunction with Milton’s paradise within. Key-words: John Milton, John Updike, paradise.O objetivo deste artigo é trazer à luz os traços do poema épico de John Milton, Paradise Lost, no romance de John Updike, Rabbit, Run, e demonstrar como tais traços se manifestam como uma reflexão dos personagens miltonianos, bem como de suas ações, sobre o protagonista de Updike, Harry Angstrom. Nessa reflexão, a procura de Angstrom pode ser lida em conjunção com o paraíso interior de Milton. Palavras-chave: John Milton, John Updike, paraíso

    Equilibrium of longitudinal bunch distributions in storage rings with arbitrary impedance sources and generic filling patterns

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    A new self-consistent semi-analytical method for calculating the stationary beam-induced voltage in the presence of arbitrary filling patterns and impedance sources in storage rings is presented. The theory was developed in space-domain with resonator wake-functions and in frequency-domain with arbitrary impedance functions. The SIRIUS storage ring parameters were used to benchmark the results, demonstrating good agreement between the two approaches and with macroparticle tracking simulations. Additionally, a different approach to simulate the beam-loading compensation of active rf cavities was investigated in frequency-domain, proving to be a more generic description than the methods generally used. The impact of broadband impedance on the longitudinal equilibrium was straightforwardly evaluated with the frequency-domain framework, without intermediate steps such as fitting broadband resonators or convolving short-range wakes with bunch distributions. Finally, a simple study of Touschek lifetime improvement with a passive higher harmonic cavity is presented.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    The notion of language deviations in St. Augustine’s Ars pro fratrum mediocritate breuiata

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    The notion of linguistic correction (Latinitas) with which Augustine of Hippo introduced his Ars pro fratrum mediocritate breuiata seems central to the philosopher's grammatical discussion, not only because of the various examples that Augustine offers about the definitions of barbarism and soloecism at the end of this treatise, but also because the subject of correction (Latinitas) and, consequently, of the deviations of language (barbarismus and soloecismus), are also presented in other non-grammatical works: The confessions, De ordine and De doctrina Christiana. In this article, we propose to evaluate the conceptual outlines of the notions of barbarism and solecism in the work of Augustine, considering, on the one hand, the definitions present in the Ars breuiata, and, on the other, the way in which Augustine also presents them in his philosophical work. We propose that the normative orientation contained in the text of ars must be relativised by ethical questions that arise from the comments present in the Confessions, the De ordine and the De doctrina Christiana